Under The Moon——2、Visit to Australia

On Friday,after three weeks in space,Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani.Kiah phoned Adai and Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in Australia.The next morning they took an aeroplane to Sydney.A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak's office,some kilometres north of Sydney.
'Wait for us here,'Kiah said to the taxi driver.
Kiah and Rilla walked to the gate.About the guards stood in front of the gate.Across the road,a train waited.
'Rilla OM-45,'Rilla said.'To see Commander Zadak at four-thirty.'
'Let me call the Commander's office,'the guard said.
Kiah and Rilla waited.It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.
The guard came back.'I'm sorry,'he said.'The Commander can't see you.'
'But I talked to the Commander yesterday,'Rilla said.
'He wanted to see us at four-thirty.'
'The Commander is leaving on the train in three minutes,'the guard said.
'Can we wait and see him here?'Kiah asked.
'No!'the guard shouted.'Get out of here!'
Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi.
'Where's the driver?'Kiah asked.
'Look!He's sitting under the tree,'Rilla said.
Just then,Commander Zadak came out of the gate.He was a very tall,big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hiar.Two guards marched in front of him,and two guards marched behind him.They all carried guns.
'There he is!'Rilla cried.'Commander!'And she began to ran along the road to him.
'Commander Zadak did not stop.A guard opened the door of the train and the Commander got in.Slowly,the train began to mover.'
Kiah ran to the taxi and jumped in.Then he drove the taxi fast down the road.The taxi driver saw him and ran after him.The train began to mover faster.Suddenly,Kiah drove the taxi off the road.He drove in front of the train and stopped.
The train came nearer.And then the trian stopped,very near the taxi,and some guards jumped off.Kiah opened the door and got out of the taxi.
'Put up your hands!'the guard shouted.
Two of the guards began to hit Kiah.
'Stop that!'someone shouted.'Bring him over here!'It was Commander Zadak.
Kiah stood in front of the Commander.Just then,Rilla arrived.
'Oh,it's you!'Commander Zadak said.He did not smile.'Rilla ,your father's going to be angry.'
'We want to talk to you,Commander,'Rilla said.'It's very important.'
'Very well.I'm listening.'
Kiah began to talk.'Two years ago,Adai told you about the holes in the AOL.Now they're worse.The AOL is breaking up over Europe.Please look at these numbers and this satellite picture.'
He gave his book to Commander Zadak and the Commander looked at the numbers.
'It's important,Commander,'Kiah said.'In ten years Earth in going to die.'
'You stopped my train because of this?'Commander Zadak asked.'Two years ago Adai talked to me about the AOL.Then he talked to Earth Commander,and what happened?Where is Adai now?Is the Moon colony helping the AOL?'
'We know about Adai,Commander,'Rilla said.'But someone needs to talk to Earth Commander again.
'I'm going to talk to Gog about rain,I can tell you that.Earth needs rain:there was no rain last winter.Half of Australia has no water and my tress here are drying.Without rain,many people are going to die.Is Gog going to understand that?I don't know!'
Commander Zadak began to walk back to his train.'Move that taxi!'he called to his guards.
Some guards moved the taxi back to the road and then they jumped on to the train again.The train began to move.
'OK,'the taxi driver shouted.'What are you going to do next?Diver my taxi into the river?'
Kiah smiled.He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.
The taxi driver looked at the money.'OK,OK,'he said.'Where now?Back to the airport?'




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