Dead Man's Island——2、The Island

We went to Scotland the next day,first by plane,then by train.Greta Ross travelled with us.
I looked out of the train window and saw fields and villages and mountains.'Mun is right,'I thought.'Scotland is a very beautiful place.'
'You're going to be my hunsband's secretary,'Greta Ross told my mother.He's a businessman,but he never leaves the island.He does all his work by telephone and letter and computer.He invests money in companies,all over the world.'
'Do many people live on the island?'I asked.
'Not many,'said Greta Ross.'You'll meet them soon.'
'Greta Ross is young,'I thought.'Is her husband young,too?How can a young man buy an island?Is he very rich?'
After the train,we went on Mr Ross's boat,which took us out to the island.The boatman was a young man.He had dark hair and was brown from the sun.
'This is Tony,'said Grata Ross.'He works for Mr Ross.'
'Hi,'said Tony.
Soon we were near the island.I could see the beaches and the cliffs.The boat slowed down.
'There are dangerous rocks around the island,'explained Tony.'A lot of them are under the water and you can't see them.I have to be careful.But the rocks keep othere boats away,and that pleases Mr Ross.'
'Why?'I asked.
Tony looked at Greta Ross but she wasn't listening.'Mr Ross doesn't like visitors to the island,'Tony said in a quiet voice.
Then Greta Ross looked at us and Tony said no more.
'Why doesn't Mr Ross like visitors?'I thought.'Has he something to hide?'
When we arrived on the island,my mother and I followed Greta up to the house.It was very big and there were trees all around it.
A woman was waiting inside the house.
'This is Mrs Duncan,Tony's mother,'said Greta.'She's the housekeeper and her husband is the gardene.Mrs Duncan will take you up to your rooms.I'm going to tell Mr Ross you've arrived.'
The housekeeper was a little woman with short hair.She went up the stairs,and my mother and I went after her.
My room was next to my mother's.I looked out of the window and saw the garden at the back of the house.A man was working in the garden,near some trees.'Is that Mr Duncan?'I thought.I looked between the trees and saw the sea.'It's a beautiful house and a beautiful island.'
That evening,we had dinner with Mr Ross and Mrs Duncan and Tony.We ate in the big kitchen.
'What happened to Mr Ross's last secretary?'asked my mother.
'She's in hospital,'replied Mrs Duncan.'She's going to be away all summer.'
'Isn't Mrs Ross lonely here?'I said.
'No,'said Mrs Duncan.'She likes painting a lot.She has a room upstairs and goes there to paint.She's very good.Sometimes she goes to different places on the island to paint pictures.'
We finished eating our meal.Soon after,Greta Ross came into the kitchen.
'Mr Ross wants to see you and your daughter now,Mrs Sanders,'she said Follow me,please.'
We followed her through the house and into a big room.This was Mr Ross's office and he was sitting behind a desk.
I was surprised.He was a young man,about thirty.He had a moustache,short dark hair,and he wore glasses.
Mr Ross was speaking into the telephone.'Who does he look like?'I thought.'Is it Tony Duncan?'
'Mr Ross is talkint to a business friend in New York,'said Greta.'Please,sit down.'
While we waited,I looked around the office.There were three telephones,a computer,and lots of books and papers.
There was a another door and I could see a samller room,next to the office.There was a smaller desk and another computer in there.
Mr Ross finished speaking on the phone,then looked carefully at my mother and me.For a few seconds he didn't speak,and just watched us.Then he said,'I'm pleased to meet you,Mrs Sanders.I need some help with my work.My secretary is in hospital,and there's a lot of work to do.Sometimes you'll have to work late at night,because of time difference in New York and Tokyo.Is that all right?'
'Yes,that's all right,'said my mother.
'Can you use a computer?'
'Good.'He looked at me.'Is this your daughter?'
'Yes,this is Carol,'said my mother.
'Hello,'I said.
'Creta says you like gardening.There's a big garden here,so you can help Mr Duncan.And there's a farm.Dan and Stella Parks live in the farmhouse and work on the farm.You can help them,too.We have some animals.Some sheep,a few cows and chickens.And there's a horse called Smoke.He's grey,like his name.Can you ride?'
'Yes,'I said.'I can ride a horse.'
'You can ride Smoke around the island,if you like.'
'I'd like that,'I said.'Thank you.'
'And we grow vegetable and fruit,'he said.'I work on the farm sometimes.I enjoy it.'
I smiled at him but he didn't smile back.
'Carol will enjoy working on the farm,'said my mother.'Won't you,Carol?'
'Yes,'I said.
'Mr Ross looks sad,'I thought.'But how did he get all his money?And why does he hide away on an island?'
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### 回答1: left4dead2authoringtools是指《求生之路2》的创作工具,它允许玩家自己设计、构建和共享游戏地图。这些工具可以让玩家有机会创造自己的游戏体验,给游戏带来新的挑战和乐趣。 left4dead2authoringtools包括地图编辑器、模型编辑器和脚本编辑器等功能。地图编辑器允许玩家创建游戏地图的布局、道具位置和敌人出现的位置。模型编辑器则提供了创建新模型、角色和物体的工具。脚本编辑器是用来自定义游戏逻辑和事件的工具,玩家可以通过编写脚本来创造新的故事情节和任务。 通过使用left4dead2authoringtools,玩家可以尽情发挥创造力,设计出独一无二的关卡和故事情节。他们可以设定自己的游戏规则、设置限制和挑战,让玩家们在新的游戏环境中感受到更多的刺激和挑战。此外,玩家还可以将自己的地图和模型分享给其他玩家,从而扩大游戏的乐趣和玩法。 总之,left4dead2authoringtools是一个强大的创作工具,它为《求生之路2》的玩家提供了自由创作和共享的平台,使游戏的乐趣变得更加丰富和多样化。无论是制作一个刺激的生存关卡还是一个扣人心弦的故事线,玩家可以通过这些工具将自己的创意变成现实,带给玩家们新的游戏体验。 ### 回答2: "left4dead2authoringtools"是指《求生之路2》的创作工具。 《求生之路2》是一款第一人称射击游戏,而"left4dead2authoringtools"是这款游戏的创作工具,它允许玩家自己创造新的地图、游戏模式以及其他内容。这个工具给予了玩家一个创作的空间,使他们能够发挥自己的想象力和创造力。 使用"left4dead2authoringtools",玩家可以自定义游戏中的地图布局、敌人的出现和行为模式,还可以添加新的武器、道具和音效等。这个工具还提供了一个集成的编辑器,使玩家能够轻松地创建和编辑地图,并可在游戏中进行实时预览。 这款创作工具的优势不仅在于允许玩家尝试新的游戏方式,还能鼓励玩家与其他玩家分享自己的创作成果。玩家可以将自己的创作作品发布到Steam创意工坊上,供其他玩家下载和体验。这样,游戏社区变得更加丰富多样,玩家们可以从其他玩家的创作中获得乐趣和灵感。 总之,"left4dead2authoringtools"提供了一个平台,让玩家能够成为游戏的创作者,通过创作和分享自己的作品,为《求生之路2》这款游戏增添更多的乐趣和内容。 ### 回答3: left4dead2 authoring tools可以直译为《求生之路2》创作工具。《求生之路2》是由Valve Corporation制作并发行的一款第一人称生存恐怖游戏。创作工具是指游戏开发者提供给玩家的软件,让玩家可以自行创作、制作和定制游戏中的关卡、角色、道具、故事等内容。 left4dead2 authoring tools允许玩家使用游戏自带的工具进行关卡的设计,让玩家可以创建自己的游戏体验。通过这些工具,玩家可以创建新的地图、设置角色的行为和外观、编辑游戏中的物品和武器等。除此之外,还可以通过这些创作工具制作新的游戏模式和挑战,让玩家可以尽情发挥创意和想象力。 left4dead2 authoring tools除了允许玩家进行单独创作外,还支持多人合作创作。这意味着玩家可以和朋友一起合作设计游戏内容,实现多人创作的乐趣和体验。这对于喜欢玩家创作内容的人来说,无疑是一个很好的功能,能够延长游戏的寿命和可玩性。 总之,left4dead2 authoring tools为《求生之路2》的玩家提供了强大的创作平台,让他们可以自主地设计和定制游戏内容,为游戏带来更多的乐趣和创新。这是一项令人期待的功能,为游戏的发展和玩家体验增添了更多的可能性。


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