How to Identify Industrial Value of Ore

Let us take the silicon calcium apatite for example, this type amount of this ore is less , which is characterized gangue minerals consisting of silicate and carbonate minerals, phosphorus-containing minerals are fine-grained apatite coarse phosphorus Greystone. Due to the presence of carbonate minerals than siliceous apatite ore,it is more difficult to choose. Apatite and carbonate minerals belong to the same type of cationic, which is available with the anionic collector to make it float the two similar Flotability. Apatite and carbonate minerals separation is more difficult.

Ore flotation of this type is generally used effective inhibitors of the carbonate, or increasing the amount of sodium carbonate in order to obtain a better indicator. Take the Henan Hongxing Machinery phosphate rock as example: this mine company is a large-scale mining joint ventures. Commission phosphorus plant production capacity is large, high degree of mechanization, and the production of history is long, having some production experience.

Mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is   more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are impact crusher, compound crusher, single stage hammer crusher, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.
The crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors. Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact crusher, roll crusher, compound crusher. Jaw crusher (jaw crusher), having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact crusher can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio, cubic particles advantages of material was broken; PF-II series impact crusher machine, suitable for crushing hard materials, such as cement crusher, with a production capacity of the material advantages of small particle size.

The nature of the ore mine metamorphosed sedimentary phosphate rock deposits in the case of a former Sinian marine. Phosphate rock in phosphorus-containing crystalline schist composed of mica schist, marble, manganese layer, quartz schist. The industrial value of ore types can be divided into fine-grained phosphate rock, the manganese phosphate rock layer and the mica phosphorus rock three, which fine-grained phosphate rock 80% of the total reserves. Fine-grained phosphate rock crystal fine-grained, mud, composed of the mineral apatite, calcite and dolomite, quartz, muscovite second. The manganese phosphate rock layer containing mud, soft and sticky, the constituent minerals to speak phosphonate phosphonate limestone pyrolusite, quartz, muscovite psilomelane, kaolin, etc., followed by. Mica phosphate rock crystal coarse particles, the hardness of the softer, optional. The constituent minerals mainly apatite, muscovite, quartz, limonite, hematite second.


### 回答1: STM32 USART ORE指的是STM32微控制器中USART模块中出现的“Overrun Error(ORE)”,也叫“溢出错误”。USART模块是一种通信接口,用于在微控制器与外部设备之间进行串行通讯。如果在接收数据时,接收缓冲区已经满了,但是继续接收数据,就会导致信息的溢出,即“Overrun Error”。 在STM32的USART模块中,当接收缓冲区满时,接收到的新数据会被丢弃,同时会触发ORE错误。如果发生ORE错误,需要及时处理错误,否则可能会导致通讯异常或数据丢失。 解决ORE错误的方法可以采取以下措施: 1. 增加接收缓冲区的大小,避免缓冲区溢出。 2. 在接收数据之前检查接收缓冲区的状态,避免数据溢出。 3. 设置接收数据的超时时间,当超过设定时间仍未接收到新数据时,自动清除接收缓冲区,避免数据溢出。 总之,STM32 USART ORE是USART模块中常见的错误,需要注意避免和及时处理。 ### 回答2: STM32是意法半导体公司生产的一种微控制器,具有出色的性能和可靠的稳定性,被广泛应用于各种嵌入式系统中。USART是STM32中一种强大的通信接口,可以实现高速的串行通信,实现实时数据传输功能。ORE是USART通信中的一种错误标志,表示发生了数据溢出,即接收缓冲区已满,而有新的数据进来无法存储。导致ORE错误的原因是接收速率过快,导致MCU无法及时处理接收到的数据,从而造成接收缓冲区溢出。在发生ORE错误时,需要对接收缓冲区进行清空操作,以避免数据丢失,同时调整接收速率,避免再次发生这种错误。除了ORE错误外,USART通信中还有其他的错误标志,如PE(奇偶校验错误)、FE(帧错误)、NE(噪声错误)等,需要在实际应用中进行仔细调试和处理,以保证通信的可靠性和稳定性。 ### 回答3: STM32 USART是由ST公司推出的一种串行通信接口,可以实现高效的串行数据传输。它适用于各种各样的应用场景,包括通信、控制、监测等。 USART接口支持多种通信协议,例如异步串行通信协议(UART)、同步串行通信协议(SPI、I2C等),并且还拥有很多优良的特性,例如快速的数据传输速度、多种数据格式的支持、多种工作模式的选择、多个收发数据缓冲器的支持等等。 在STM32 USART中,ORE(Overrun Error)指的是串口缓存器接收到了下一段数据,但接收缓存器还未处理完前一段数据的情况。这就会导致后续的数据覆盖缓存区,造成丢失数据的问题。 为了解决这个问题,可以采用一些措施: 1. 设计合适的通信协议,确保数据帧长度和数据帧停歇时间足够长,以避免ORE现象的发生。 2. 增加USART接收缓冲器的容量,减少ORE现象的造成。 3. 在接收ISR中处理ORE错误,及时清除接收缓冲器中的多余数据,以确保数据的准确性。 总之,STM32 USART是一个功能强大、灵活多变的串口通信接口,它可以通过一些方法避免ORE现象的发生,从而更好地完成数据的传输和处理。




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