Change Mine Business Philosophy for the Environment

After recycling the tailing, the recovery processing plant tailings grade can be reduced by 1.7% , the tailings magnetic iron distribution rate reduced by 17.22%, so that the tailings magnetic iron distribution rate reduced to less than 13% magnetic iron ,The recycling rate rise by 5%. In this way, we can guarantee the processing plant magnetic iron recovery rate  achieve the 96 percent  standards of ministerial . Economic benefits estimate of recycling Tailings technology measures : according to the tailings recycling technology measures preliminary study results,  this technology  was promoted in many  mining company processing plant, to recycle the tailings which produced in all the re-election recovery plants .the expected  tailing grade can be reduced by 1% metal, recovery of the processing plant is about 3 percent, according to the processing plant, the ore amount is 14 million tons , 25.5 percent of the ore grade, the recoverable amount of metal is 107 100 t, equivalent to grade iron ore concentrate of 67% is 160 000 t. Tailings recovery concentrate processing costs is100 yuan / t, grade how 67% of iron ore concentrate market price of 275 yuan / t , the total annual benefit is 28 million yuan, net of investment is 17.52 million yuan,the  net benefits is1048 million. From that, we know that the resulting magnetic separation plant tailings re-election recovery of economic benefit is very significant, the magnetic separation plant also pay attention to the improving of  the magnetic iron recycling rete, reduce tailings grade is an effective way to reduce metal loss. Magnetic separation plant is also very great important in the choice of magnetic separators, the other processing equipment should  also be  under the done of a reasonable choice. Iron ore is a medium-sized black mining enterprises, its affiliated deposits are contact metasomatic silicon analogy rock magnetite bed, which is one of the few rich iron ores of high grade, and are associated with copper, cobalt and other useful group. In recent years, with the gradual development of the mine and the technological advances in the production of the main producing crystalline iron powder, through co-operation with relevant research institutes and their unremitting efforts to strengthen the copper-cobalt mixed copper-cobalt concentrate separation of research, to produce copper concentrate, cobalt concentrate qualified; full recovery of mining low-grade magnetite ore in the mountains of waste slag. Practice has proved that these practices to improve the value of the mining bed, Jingjing kinds of mining production, improve the effects of mine development and operation of the protection of the ecological environment, making the change to mine more ore, waste rock changed mine.   

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