Magnetic Separator Development in China

 BK Series Permanent Magnet Drum Separator BKY , BKC, BKJ, BKW, BKFφ5 models developed by the Beijing Mining Research Institute are respectively applied to pre-selected, roughing, Featured, tailings re-election and anti-froth magnetic separation to obtain better technical indicators, and played an important role for the magnetic separation plant to increase production and economic benefits.  in recent years , the developed successfully maximum specifications CTB, is φ1 200 mm x4, 500 mm wet permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, magnetic corners is 127. Magnetic induction points constituency tube table the 180 ~~ 350 mT treatment capacity of 200-320 t / h (dry ore), pulp processing capacity is 600 to 700 m3 / h. The permanent magnetic separator header application of new materials design developed by the Institute of BX new magnetic system poles (8-pole, l2), magnetic corners (1400-155) large, the magnetic flux density (180 a 750 mT) rinse water high, tailings overflow port high these characteristics, which is suitable for magnetic separation plant selected iron, non-ferrous metal ore concentrator strong magnetic iron minerals, blast furnace gas mud, sulfuric acid residue, industrial waste such as recycling of magnetic materials.
The recently Chinese successful development of the separation column, the composite flashing selection of machines and magnetic screening machines and other weak magnetic field the magnetic re-election equipment is introduced in the 3. 5.7. Dry weak magnetic field magnetic separator includes two types of dry type, lump ores includes the magnetic separator and dry cylinder separator. Lump ores dry permanent magnetic separator collectively referred to as the magnetic pulley magnetic drum, in essence,  there is a difference between these two. Lump ores dry permanent magnetic separator magnetic drum and the permanent magnet drum water magnetic separator magnetic drum are basically the same structure, only the former magnetic wrap angle is larger than the latter. Magnetic system in the work itself does not move, but the simplified rotating around the magnetic system, the declination of the magnetic system free to adjust the ore in the Simplified magnetic roll phenomenon, so the magnetic mineral unloading easy , the separation indexes is good, the quality of equipment is lighter. Magnetic pulley magnetic system is 360. Angle, magnetic field empty area without magnetic roll, magnetic minerals  easily enter into the magnetic pulley and belt,as a  result,  the failure is frequent,even result tearing up the belt, and the sorting indicators are not good.


Sand washer :
Ore beneficiation :


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