How to Begin Running

this article copy from wiki how It is not very difficult to start a running program - even if you've never done any before or aren't very physically active at the moment. If you start properly, you will quickly discover for yourself the mental and physical benefits of running. Here are some easy ways to ease into a routine. step1
Plan to spend 20-30 minutes at a time three days each week. Space out the days to allow for recovery time between sessions. Anything more goes beyond fitness and into running for other purposes - something you may find yourself doing if bitten by the running bug.
  Obtain some good running shoes. Don't scrimp on price too much, but don't think you need a very expensive pair of ultra-runners at first. No beginning runner needs that kind of economic pressure on the road! If you're serious about this running thing, it's a good idea to have yourself fitted at a running store, as different shoes are designed for different types of feet. The right shoe for one person is the wrong shoe for another and will cause injury. A good running store can test you to make sure you get the right shoe (bring along a used pair so they can tell from the wear pattern as well). Your typical sporting goods store does not have the expertise to get you in the correct shoe.
Warm up before a run. When you are starting out as a runner, walk or lightly jog for 5 to 10 minutes first to warm up your muscles. As you gain experience, you can start with a slow jog as a warmup.
Consider stretching before a run (but definitely do so after). Although the benefits and/or drawbacks to stretching before a run are controversial, there is little argument about the benefits of stretching at the end of each workout. Stretch out each muscle group, holding each stretch for at least 15 - 20 seconds.
  • The most important muscles to stretch are your leg muscles. Stand a few feet from a wall and lean into the wall (moving one foot closer to the wall but leaving the other one a meter out) so that you feel your calf muscles being stretched. Do one side then the other.
  • Bend your knee and lift your foot till your foot is back up near your butt. Hold that foot with your hand and bring it real close to your butt. You should feel a stretch along the front of your thigh. Swap sides.
  • Standing near a table or a fence rail (at about hip height) try and put your foot up on the table or fence rail. Now try and straighten out your leg. You should feel a stretch along the back of your leg. Swap sides.
Learn the basics of good running technique. Keep your arms at waist level, relax your hands and shoulders, and maintain good posture. Do NOT pump your arms across your chest. Avoid bouncing and try to land softly in order to reduce stress on your knees and other joints.
Find your stride. Recent evidence has come to light that a toe-heel rather than a heel-toe strike is more efficient for running, especially for long distances. It also reduces stress and shock on your ankles and knees. Transitioning to a toe-strike can take time, however, as it requires muscles in your calves that have atrophied from heel-toe running. Do it slowly and always stretch after running.
Breathe. Breathe naturally or focus on a breathing technique. Some argue that the best breathing technique is inhaling oxygen through the nose, fully expanding the lungs, and exhaling through a widely opened mouth. Your nose is a good filter for air, especially while running outdoors, which prevents you from accidentally swallowing bugs. Exhaling through your mouth allows your body to get rid of more carbon dioxide and heat with less effort.
Enjoy yourself!Running is a great way to get fit or stay in shape while clearing your mind or taking time to think while your body goes through the natural, repetitive motions. Most who call themselves runners will agree that it's good for your body and your mind.


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