How to Open "File And Replace" Dialog Box ?

How to Open "File And Replace" Dialog Box ?

Posted by Eswaran Radhakrishnan in C# .NET

01-Aug-08 08:03 AM

    Hi all,
I have to open the "FileAndReplace" Dialog box in Windows application and I need to use the same funanlities in my windows form. If i click the replace button it shold be replace even if the text appers in textbox.
any help..
R. Eswaran.
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See this to Open Find And Replace

Sujit Patil replied to Eswaran Radhakrishnan

EggHeadCafe's human moderators scored this post for our messageboard contest.

01-Aug-08 08:14 AM

You have to create a new form as a find and replace functionality. And then you have to write code for all the functionality.

For that you have to use RichTextBox.

See this code with RichTextBox, this is form coding;


The find and replace form is supported with the frmReplace.cs class. The find class is defined in frmFind.cs but since it contains two subroutines (find and find next) which are also contained in the find and replace form, I will only discuss the code contained in the find and replace form.

The find and replace form supports four subroutines:

  • Find

  • Find Next

  • Replace

  • Replace All

The find subroutine is pretty straight forward, it will search the entire document for the first occurrence of the search term defined by the user on the form.  It will search in one of two ways: With or without matching the case of the search term.  Depending upon whether or not the user has checked the Match Case check box on the form, the application will search for the text using either the binary or text compare method. With the binary method, the search term must match exactly (including case), with the text compare method, the strings just need to match. The "StartPosition" integer value is set to the value returned by from the InStr call; InStr is passed the starting position of 1, the entire body of text contained in the rich text box control (as the article to search), the search term entered by the user, and the search compare method). InStr will return the index position of the found text if the text is in fact found, if nothing is found, it will return a zero. If the starting position value is zero, the user will be notified that the search term was not found, else, the application will highlight the found text in the document, pan to its location, and set the focus back to the main form (which in turn makes the highlighting visible to the user).

private void btnFind_Click( object sender, System. EventArgs e)


    int StartPosition;

     CompareMethod SearchType;

     if (chkMatchCase.Checked == true )


         SearchType = CompareMethod.Binary;




        SearchType = CompareMethod.Text;


     StartPosition = InStr(1, frmMain .rtbDoc.Text, txtSearchTerm.Text, SearchType);

     if (StartPosition == 0)


        MessageBox .Show( "String: " + txtSearchTerm.Text.ToString() + " not found" , "No Matches" ,

        MessageBoxButtons .OK,  MessageBoxIcon .Asterisk);

         return ;


    frmMain .rtbDoc.Select(StartPosition - 1, txtSearchTerm.Text.Length);

     frmMain .rtbDoc.ScrollToCaret();

     frmMain .Focus();



The find next function works in a manner consistent with the find function; the only difference is that it sets the start position to the current position of the selection starting point within the document so that the find next function will not start at the beginning of the document each time it searches:


private void btnFindNext_Click( object sender, System. EventArgs e)


    int StartPosition = frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionStart + 2;

     CompareMethod SearchType;

     if (chkMatchCase.Checked == true )


        SearchType = CompareMethod.Binary;




        SearchType = CompareMethod.Text;


     StartPosition = InStr(StartPosition, frmMain .rtbDoc.Text, txtSearchTerm.Text, SearchType);

     if (StartPosition == 0)


        MessageBox .Show( "String: " + txtSearchTerm.Text.ToString() + " not found" , "No Matches" ,

        MessageBoxButtons .OK,  MessageBoxIcon .Asterisk);

         return ;


     frmMain .rtbDoc.Select(StartPosition - 1, txtSearchTerm.Text.Length);

     frmMain .rtbDoc.ScrollToCaret();

     frmMain .Focus();



The replace subroutine is quite simple, it merely tests to see if any text is selected and, if it is, it replaces with the replacement text entered into the form by the user, it then moves to the next occurrence of the search term if one exists:


private void btnReplace_Click( object sender, System. EventArgs e)


    if ( frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectedText.Length != 0)


        frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectedText = txtReplacementText.Text;


     int StartPosition = frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionStart + 2;

     CompareMethod SearchType;

     if (chkMatchCase.Checked == true )


        SearchType = CompareMethod.Binary;




        SearchType = CompareMethod.Text;


     StartPosition = InStr(StartPosition, frmMain .rtbDoc.Text, txtSearchTerm.Text, SearchType);

     if (StartPosition == 0)


        MessageBox .Show( "String: '" + txtSearchTerm.Text.ToString() + "' not found" , "No Matches" ,

        MessageBoxButtons .OK, MessageBoxIcon .Asterisk);

         return ;


     frmMain .rtbDoc.Select(StartPosition - 1, txtSearchTerm.Text.Length);

     frmMain .rtbDoc.ScrollToCaret();

     frmMain .Focus();



The replace all function is a little different in that it uses a the replace method to replace every instance of the search term with the replacement term throughout the entire body of text:


private void btnReplaceAll_Click( object sender, System. EventArgs e)


    int currentPosition = frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionStart;

     int currentSelect = frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionLength;

     frmMain .rtbDoc.Rtf = Replace( frmMain .rtbDoc.Rtf, Trim(txtSearchTerm.Text), Trim


     frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionStart = currentPosition;

     frmMain .rtbDoc.SelectionLength = currentSelect;

     frmMain .Focus();


Again, the frmFind.cs class is the same as the replace class with the exception being that it does not support the replace and replace all methods.

See this for more details; =

Best Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hi Eswaran.

pravin kumar S replied to Eswaran Radhakrishnan

01-Aug-08 08:40 AM

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Binny ch replied to Eswaran Radhakrishnan

EggHeadCafe's human moderators scored this post for our messageboard contest.

01-Aug-08 09:47 AM

static public bool FindNext(string searchString, bool caseSensitive,
                  TextBox txtControl, bool useRegularExpression)

                  // track the current search string

                  CurrentSearchString = searchString;
                  Regex regularExpression = null ;


                  // get the length of the search string

                  int searchLength = searchString.Length;

                  // handle case sensitive strings separately

                  if (caseSensitive)
                        if (useRegularExpression)
// we are using regular expressions, create a RegularExpression object
                                    regularExpression = new Regex(searchString);
                              catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid Regular expression");
                                    return false ;

                              // Now match the regular expression

                              Match match = regularExpression.Match(txtControl.Text, _currentIndex);

                              // if we successfully matched, get the index location of the match inside
                              // the textbox control and the length of the match

                              if (match.Success)
                                    _currentIndex = match.Index;
                                    searchLength = match.Length;
                                    // no match

                                    _currentIndex = -1;

// not a regular expression search, just match the literal string
                              _currentIndex = txtControl.Text.IndexOf(searchString, _currentIndex);


// this section is for case-insensitive searches
                        if (useRegularExpression)
// set the ignore case option and Multiline option for regular expressions
                                 regularExpression = new Regex(searchString,
                                        RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
                              catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid Regular expression");
                                    return false ;

                              // Now match the regular expression
                              Match match = regularExpression.Match(txtControl.Text, _currentIndex);

                              // if we successfully matched, get the index location of the match inside
                              // the textbox control and the length of the match

                              if (match.Success)
                                    _currentIndex = match.Index;
                                    searchLength = match.Length;
// no match
                                    _currentIndex = -1;

// this search is for non-regular expressions case-insensitive
                              CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-us");

                              _currentIndex = culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(txtControl.Text, searchString,
                                  _currentIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);


                  // if we found a match, select it in the multiline text box
                  if (_currentIndex >= 0)

                        // (note: this should be refactored, but is shown in one place for the sake of the
                        // article.)

                        // select the matching text
                        txtControl.SelectionStart = txtControl.Text.IndexOf("/n", _currentIndex) + 2;
                        txtControl.SelectionLength = 0;
                        txtControl.SelectionStart = _currentIndex;
                        txtControl.SelectionLength = searchLength;
                        _currentIndex += searchLength;
// advance past selection
// scroll to selection
// no match, reached the end of the document
                        MessageBox.Show("Reached the end of the document.");
                        _currentIndex = 0;
                        return false ;

                  return true ;

will this help you...





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