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                             <li class = "first" >
                                 <p>2015-04-28 11:23:28</p>
                                 <p>妥投投递并签收,签收人:他人收 他人收</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span><i class = "mh-icon mh-icon-new" ></i></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-28 07:38:44</p>
                                 <p>深圳市南油速递营销部安排投递(投递员姓名:蔡远发<a href= "tel:18718860573" >18718860573</a>;联系电话:)</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-28 05:08:00</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-28 00:00:00</p>
                                 <p>离开中山市 发往深圳市(经转)</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-27 15:00:00</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-27 08:46:00</p>
                                 <p>离开泉州市 发往中山市</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>
                                 <p>2015-04-26 17:12:00</p>
                                 <p>泉州市速递物流分公司南区电子商务业务部已收件,(揽投员姓名:王晨光;联系电话:<a href= "tel:13774826403" >13774826403</a>)</p>
                                 <span class = "before" ></span><span class = "after" ></span></li>


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