groupcache源码分析(五)-- byteview



// A ByteView holds an immutable view of bytes.
// Internally it wraps either a []byte or a string,
// but that detail is invisible to callers.
// A ByteView is meant to be used as a value type, not
// a pointer (like a time.Time).
type ByteView struct {
	// If b is non-nil, b is used, else s is used.
	b []byte
	s string


// 返回长度
func (v ByteView) Len() int

// 按[]byte返回一个拷贝
func (v ByteView) ByteSlice() []byte

// 按string返回一个拷贝
func (v ByteView) String() string 

// 返回第i个byte
func (v ByteView) At(i int) byte

// 返回ByteView的某个片断,不拷贝
func (v ByteView) Slice(from, to int) ByteView

// 返回ByteView的从某个位置开始的片断,不拷贝
func (v ByteView) SliceFrom(from int) ByteView

// 将ByteView按[]byte拷贝出来
func (v ByteView) Copy(dest []byte) int

// 判断2个ByteView是否相等
func (v ByteView) Equal(b2 ByteView) bool

// 判断ByteView是否和string相等
func (v ByteView) EqualString(s string) bool

// 判断ByteView是否和[]byte相等
func (v ByteView) EqualBytes(b2 []byte) bool

// 对ByteView创建一个io.ReadSeeker
func (v ByteView) Reader() io.ReadSeeker

// 读取从off开始的后面的数据,其实下面调用的SliceFrom,这是封装成了io.Reader的一个ReadAt方法的形式
func (v ByteView) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)

func (v ByteView) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)


// Len returns the view's length.
func (v ByteView) Len() int {
    if v.b != nil {
        return len(v.b)
    return len(v.s)

// ByteSlice returns a copy of the data as a byte slice.
func (v ByteView) ByteSlice() []byte {
    if v.b != nil {
        return cloneBytes(v.b)
    return []byte(v.s)

// String returns the data as a string, making a copy if necessary.
func (v ByteView) String() string {
    if v.b != nil {
        return string(v.b)
    return v.s

// At returns the byte at index i.
func (v ByteView) At(i int) byte {
    if v.b != nil {
        return v.b[i]
    return v.s[i]

// Slice slices the view between the provided from and to indices.
func (v ByteView) Slice(from, to int) ByteView {
    if v.b != nil {
        return ByteView{b: v.b[from:to]}
    return ByteView{s: v.s[from:to]}

// SliceFrom slices the view from the provided index until the end.
func (v ByteView) SliceFrom(from int) ByteView {
    if v.b != nil {
        return ByteView{b: v.b[from:]}
    return ByteView{s: v.s[from:]}

// Copy copies b into dest and returns the number of bytes copied.
func (v ByteView) Copy(dest []byte) int {
    if v.b != nil {
        return copy(dest, v.b)
    return copy(dest, v.s)

// Equal returns whether the bytes in b are the same as the bytes in
// b2.
func (v ByteView) Equal(b2 ByteView) bool {
    if b2.b == nil {
        return v.EqualString(b2.s)
    return v.EqualBytes(b2.b)

// EqualString returns whether the bytes in b are the same as the bytes
// in s.
func (v ByteView) EqualString(s string) bool {
    if v.b == nil {
        return v.s == s
    l := v.Len()
    if len(s) != l {
        return false
    for i, bi := range v.b {
        if bi != s[i] {
            return false
    return true

// EqualBytes returns whether the bytes in b are the same as the bytes
// in b2.
func (v ByteView) EqualBytes(b2 []byte) bool {
    if v.b != nil {
        return bytes.Equal(v.b, b2)
    l := v.Len()
    if len(b2) != l {
        return false
    for i, bi := range b2 {
        if bi != v.s[i] {
            return false
    return true

// Reader returns an io.ReadSeeker for the bytes in v.
// 实现了io.ReadSeeker等接口】
func (v ByteView) Reader() io.ReadSeeker {
    if v.b != nil {
        return bytes.NewReader(v.b)
    return strings.NewReader(v.s)

// ReadAt implements io.ReaderAt on the bytes in v.
func (v ByteView) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
    if off < 0 {
        return 0, errors.New("view: invalid offset")
    if off >= int64(v.Len()) {
        return 0, io.EOF
    n = v.SliceFrom(int(off)).Copy(p)
    if n < len(p) {
        err = io.EOF

// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo on the bytes in v.
func (v ByteView) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
    var m int
    if v.b != nil {
        m, err = w.Write(v.b)
    } else {
        m, err = io.WriteString(w, v.s)
    if err == nil && m < v.Len() {
        err = io.ErrShortWrite
    n = int64(m)
func TestByteView(t *testing.T) {
	for _, s := range []string{"", "x", "yy"} {
		for _, v := range []ByteView{of([]byte(s)), of(s)} {
			name := fmt.Sprintf("string %q, view %+v", s, v)
			if v.Len() != len(s) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Len = %d; want %d", name, v.Len(), len(s))
			if v.String() != s {
				t.Errorf("%s: String = %q; want %q", name, v.String(), s)
			var longDest [3]byte
			if n := v.Copy(longDest[:]); n != len(s) {
				t.Errorf("%s: long Copy = %d; want %d", name, n, len(s))
			var shortDest [1]byte
			if n := v.Copy(shortDest[:]); n != min(len(s), 1) {
				t.Errorf("%s: short Copy = %d; want %d", name, n, min(len(s), 1))
			if got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(v.Reader()); err != nil || string(got) != s {
				t.Errorf("%s: Reader = %q, %v; want %q", name, got, err, s)
			if got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.NewSectionReader(v, 0, int64(len(s)))); err != nil || string(got) != s {
				t.Errorf("%s: SectionReader of ReaderAt = %q, %v; want %q", name, got, err, s)
			var dest bytes.Buffer
			if _, err := v.WriteTo(&dest); err != nil || !bytes.Equal(dest.Bytes(), []byte(s)) {
				t.Errorf("%s: WriteTo = %q, %v; want %q", name, dest.Bytes(), err, s)

// of returns a byte view of the []byte or string in x.
func of(x interface{}) ByteView {
	if bytes, ok := x.([]byte); ok {
		return ByteView{b: bytes}
	return ByteView{s: x.(string)}





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