iOS extracts: The Illusion of Motion

extracts from 《Beginning iPhone Games Development》

iOS extracts: The Illusion of Motion

To create the illusion of motion on a screen, movies and TV use still frames presented inquick succession, one after the other, within a short lapse of time. This is the origin ofthe termframes per secondused in video performance. In games programming, thedisplay logic is ideally performed at least 30 times per second, to give the illusion ofsmoothly moving images on the screen.

On the iPhone, a class calledNSTimer, provided by Foundation framework, lets youschedule a method to be called repeatedly, several times per second. We will now writea method to modify the ball's position over time, to make it bounce around the screen,usingNSTimer.


NOTE:There is a new way to create a timer in iPhone SDK 3.1, calledCADisplayLink, whichis more appropriate for games.CADisplayLinksynchronizes with the iPhone display, which isguaranteed to refresh 60 times per second. We will continue this game example usingNSTimer,but switch the code to useCADisplayLinkat the end of the chapter. 

Go back to Xcode and open  IVBrickerViewController.h  in the editor panel. Add the codein bold in Listing 3–9.

Listing 3–9. Add the ivar ballMovement to the view controller's interface.

@interface IVBrickerViewController : UIViewController {
        UILabel *scoreLabel;

int score;UIImageView *ball;CGPoint ballMovement;

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *scoreLabel;@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIImageView *ball;
- (void)initializeTimer;
- (void)animateBall:(NSTimer *)theTimer;

This code adds another instance variable to the view controller, calledballMovement,which holds the number of pixels that the ball will move per frame.CGPointis a Cstructure provided by the Core Graphics framework. It has X and Y attributes, which letus specify different rates of movement vertically and horizontally. We also declare thesignature for the methods initializeTimerand animateBall:.

Next, open the fileIVBrickerViewController.m. Remove the comments around theviewDidLoadmethod, and then apply the changes shown in bold in Listing 3–10. Notethe code for the methodsinitializeTimerand animateBall:.

Listing 3–10. Here are the implementations of the viewDidLoad, initializeTimer, and animateBall: methods in theview controller.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    ballMovement = CGPointMake(4,4);
    [self initializeTimer];


- (void)initializeTimer {
    float theInterval = 1.0/30.0;
    [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:theInterval target:self
        selector:@selector(animateBall:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];


- (void)animateBall:(NSTimer *)theTimer { = CGPointMake(,;
    if( > 300 || < 20)
        ballMovement.x = -ballMovement.x;
    if( > 440 || < 40)
        ballMovement.y = -ballMovement.y;


This implements theviewDidLoad,initializeTimer, andanimateBall:methods in theview controller.viewDidLoadsets an initial value to theballMovementinstance variable,of 4 pixels vertically by 4 pixels horizontally. Next, it calls theinitializeTimermethod.TheinitializeTimermethod creates anNSTimerinstance, initializing it to call theanimateBall:method 30 times per second.

The animateBall:method begins by taking the ball center coordinates and adjusting itby the values of the correspondingballMovementcoordinates. This effectively moves theball by 4 pixels vertically and horizontally every frame. The remaining lines of code inanimateBall:check whether the ball has reached any of the four edges of the screen. Ifit has, the code reverses the direction of ball movement by changing the value of thecoordinate from 4 to -4 and vice versa. For example, if the ball is moving left to right andit reaches the right edge, the ball “bounces” off the edge and starts moving to the left.

You may notice the current code withinanimateBall:does not make use of theNSTimerobject that is passed in as a parameter. This object will come in handy later on in thechapter. For example, we will add code to stop the timer when the player loses a life andwhen the game is over.

Save your work. Now build and run the project, and behold the greatness of iPhoneanimated 2D graphics on the simulator.

Now that we have some motion going on, let's add some user interaction. 

NOTE:In this simple example, I am putting game state and game logic code in the viewcontroller. When designing large games with a lot of enemies, obstacles, and many other gameelements to keep track of, it is more organized to create several classes to contain a model ofwhat is happening on the screen and to separate the game logic code from game model code.The view controller's job then becomes simpler, as it just needs to send input events to the gamelogic and update the view according to the game model. Separating model code, view code, andcontroller code is called the Model-View-Controller design pattern. 

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基于微信小程序的家政服务预约系统采用PHP语言和微信小程序技术,数据库采用Mysql,运行软件为微信开发者工具。本系统实现了管理员和客户、员工三个角色的功能。管理员的功能为客户管理、员工管理、家政服务管理、服务预约管理、员工风采管理、客户需求管理、接单管理等。客户的功能为查看家政服务进行预约和发布自己的需求以及管理预约信息和接单信息等。员工可以查看预约信息和进行接单。本系统实现了网上预约家政服务的流程化管理,可以帮助工作人员的管理工作和帮助客户查询家政服务的相关信息,改变了客户找家政服务的方式,提高了预约家政服务的效率。 本系统是针对网上预约家政服务开发的工作管理系统,包括到所有的工作内容。可以使网上预约家政服务的工作合理化和流程化。本系统包括手机端设计和电脑端设计,有界面和数据库。本系统的使用角色分为管理员和客户、员工三个身份。管理员可以管理系统里的所有信息。员工可以发布服务信息和查询客户的需求进行接单。客户可以发布需求和预约家政服务以及管理预约信息、接单信息。 本功能可以实现家政服务信息的查询和删除,管理员添加家政服务信息功能填写正确的信息就可以实现家政服务信息的添加,点击家政服务信息管理功能可以看到基于微信小程序的家政服务预约系统里所有家政服务的信息,在添加家政服务信息的界面里需要填写标题信息,当信息填写不正确就会造成家政服务信息添加失败。员工风采信息可以使客户更好的了解员工。员工风采信息管理的流程为,管理员点击员工风采信息管理功能,查看员工风采信息,点击员工风采信息添加功能,输入员工风采信息然后点击提交按钮就可以完成员工风采信息的添加。客户需求信息关系着客户的家政服务预约,管理员可以查询和修改客户需求信息,还可以查看客户需求的添加时间。接单信息属于本系统里的核心数据,管理员可以对接单的信息进行查询。本功能设计的目的可以使家政服务进行及时的安排。管理员可以查询员工信息,可以进行修改删除。 客户可以查看自己的预约和修改自己的资料并发布需求以及管理接单信息等。 在首页里可以看到管理员添加和管理的信息,客户可以在首页里进行家政服务的预约和公司介绍信息的了解。 员工可以查询客户需求进行接单以及管理家政服务信息和留言信息、收藏信息等。
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