
/* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc.


 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

 * You may obtain a copy of the License at




 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

 * limitations under the License.


// These node, element, and document classes implement a subset of the methods

// provided by NSXML.  While NSXML behavior is mimicked as much as possible,

// there are important differences.


// The biggest difference is that, since this is based on libxml2, there

// is no retain model for the underlying node data.  Rather than copy every

// node obtained from a parse tree (which would have a substantial memory

// impact), we rely on weak references, and it is up to the code that

// created a document to retain it for as long as any

// references rely on nodes inside that document tree.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// libxml includes require that the target Header Search Paths contain


//   /usr/include/libxml2


// and Other Linker Flags contain


//   -lxml2

#import <libxml/tree.h>

#import <libxml/parser.h>

#import <libxml/xmlstring.h>

#import <libxml/xpath.h>

#import <libxml/xpathInternals.h>


  // we need NSInteger for the 10.4 SDK, or we're using target namespace macros

  #import "GDataDefines.h"


#undef _EXTERN



#define _EXTERN

#define _INITIALIZE_AS(x) =x


#define _EXTERN extern

#define _INITIALIZE_AS(x)


// when no namespace dictionary is supplied for XPath, the default namespace

// for the evaluated tree is registered with the prefix _def_ns

_EXTERNconstchar* kGDataXMLXPathDefaultNamespacePrefix_INITIALIZE_AS("_def_ns");

// Nomenclature for method names:


// Node = GData node

// XMLNode = xmlNodePtr


// So, for example:

//  + (id)nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

@class NSArray,NSDictionary,NSError,NSString,NSURL;

@class GDataXMLElement,GDataXMLDocument;

enum {

  GDataXMLInvalidKind =0,














typedefNSUInteger GDataXMLNodeKind;

@interface GDataXMLNode :NSObject {


  // NSXMLNodes can have a namespace URI or prefix even if not part

  // of a tree; xmlNodes cannot.  When we create nodes apart from

  // a tree, we'll store the dangling prefix or URI in the xmlNode's name,

  // like

  //   "prefix:name"

  // or

  //   "{http://uri}:name"


  // We will fix up the node's namespace and name (and those of any children)

  // later when adding the node to a tree with addChild: or addAttribute:.

  // See fixUpNamespacesForNode:.

  xmlNodePtr xmlNode_;// may also be an xmlAttrPtr or xmlNsPtr

  BOOL shouldFreeXMLNode_;// if yes, xmlNode_ will be free'd in dealloc

  // cached values

 NSString *cachedName_;

 NSArray *cachedChildren_;

 NSArray *cachedAttributes_;


+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name;

+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)attributeURI stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)namespaceWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)textWithStringValue:(NSString *)value;

// 直接读标签间的String  <age>24</age>

- (NSString *)stringValue;

- (void)setStringValue:(NSString *)str;

- (NSUInteger)childCount;

- (NSArray *)children;

- (GDataXMLNode *)childAtIndex:(unsigned)index;

- (NSString *)localName;

//标签名<age>  这个age就是name

- (NSString *)name;

- (NSString *)prefix;

- (NSString *)URI;

- (GDataXMLNodeKind)kind;

- (NSString *)XMLString;

+ (NSString *)localNameForName:(NSString *)name;

+ (NSString *)prefixForName:(NSString *)name;

// This is the preferred entry point for nodesForXPath.  This takes an explicit

// namespace dictionary (keys are prefixes, values are URIs).

- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces error:(NSError **)error;

// This implementation of nodesForXPath registers namespaces only from the

// document's root node.  _def_ns may be used as a prefix for the default

// namespace, though there's no guarantee that the default namespace will

// be consistenly the same namespace in server responses.

- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error;

// access to the underlying libxml node; be sure to release the cached values

// if you change the underlying tree at all

- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNode;

- (void)releaseCachedValues;


@interface GDataXMLElement :GDataXMLNode

- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str error:(NSError **)error;

- (NSArray *)namespaces;

- (void)setNamespaces:(NSArray *)namespaces;

- (void)addNamespace:(GDataXMLNode *)aNamespace;

- (void)addChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child;

- (void)removeChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child;

- (NSArray *)elementsForName:(NSString *)name;

- (NSArray *)elementsForLocalName:(NSString *)localName URI:(NSString *)URI;

- (NSArray *)attributes;

// 读标签里面的属性<name value="wusj"/>

- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForName:(NSString *)name;

- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForLocalName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)attributeURI;

- (void)addAttribute:(GDataXMLNode *)attribute;

- (NSString *)resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI;


@interface GDataXMLDocument :NSObject {


  xmlDoc* xmlDoc_;// strong; always free'd in dealloc


- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str options:(unsignedint)mask error:(NSError **)error;

- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data options:(unsignedint)mask error:(NSError **)error;

- (id)initWithRootElement:(GDataXMLElement *)element;

- (GDataXMLElement *)rootElement;

- (NSData *)XMLData;

- (void)setVersion:(NSString *)version;

- (void)setCharacterEncoding:(NSString *)encoding;

// This is the preferred entry point for nodesForXPath.  This takes an explicit

// namespace dictionary (keys are prefixes, values are URIs).

- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces error:(NSError **)error;

// This implementation of nodesForXPath registers namespaces only from the

// document's root node.  _def_ns may be used as a prefix for the default

// namespace, though there's no guarantee that the default namespace will

// be consistenly the same namespace in server responses.

- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error;

- (NSString *)description;



/* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc.


 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

 * You may obtain a copy of the License at




 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

 * limitations under the License.



#import "GDataXMLNode.h"

@class NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSString, NSURL;

@class GDataXMLElement, GDataXMLDocument;

staticconstint kGDataXMLParseOptions = (XML_PARSE_NOCDATA | XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS);

// dictionary key callbacks for string cache

staticconstvoid *StringCacheKeyRetainCallBack(CFAllocatorRef allocator,constvoid *str);

staticvoid StringCacheKeyReleaseCallBack(CFAllocatorRef allocator,constvoid *str);

static CFStringRef StringCacheKeyCopyDescriptionCallBack(constvoid *str);

static Boolean StringCacheKeyEqualCallBack(constvoid *str1,constvoid *str2);

static CFHashCode StringCacheKeyHashCallBack(constvoid *str);

// isEqual: has the fatal flaw that it doesn't deal well with the received

// being nil. We'll use this utility instead.

// Static copy of AreEqualOrBothNil from GDataObject.m, so that using

// GDataXMLNode does not require pulling in all of GData.

staticBOOL AreEqualOrBothNilPrivate(id obj1,id obj2) {

 if (obj1 == obj2) {

    return YES;


 if (obj1 && obj2) {

   return [obj1 isEqual:obj2];


  return NO;


// convert NSString* to xmlChar*


// the "Get" part implies that ownership remains with str

static xmlChar* GDataGetXMLString(NSString *str) {

  xmlChar* result = (xmlChar *)[str UTF8String];

 return result;


// Make a fake qualified name we use as local name internally in libxml

// data structures when there's no actual namespace node available to point to

// from an element or attribute node


// Returns an autoreleased NSString*

static NSString *GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(NSString *theURI, NSString *name) {

  NSString *localName = [GDataXMLNode localNameForName:name];

  NSString *fakeQName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}:%@",

                         theURI, localName];

 return fakeQName;


// libxml2 offers xmlSplitQName2, but that searches forwards. Since we may

// be searching for a whole URI shoved in as a prefix, like

//   {http://foo}:name

// we'll search for the prefix in backwards from the end of the qualified name


// returns a copy of qname as the local name if there's no prefix

static xmlChar *SplitQNameReverse(const xmlChar *qname, xmlChar **prefix) {

  // search backwards for a colon

 int qnameLen = xmlStrlen(qname);

 for (int idx = qnameLen -1; idx >=0; idx--) {

   if (qname[idx] ==':') {

      // found the prefix; copy the prefix, if requested

     if (prefix !=NULL) {

       if (idx >0) {

          *prefix = xmlStrsub(qname,0, idx);

        }else {

          *prefix =NULL;



     if (idx < qnameLen -1) {

        // return a copy of the local name

        xmlChar *localName = xmlStrsub(qname, idx +1, qnameLen - idx -1);

       return localName;

      }else {





  // no colon found, so the qualified name is the local name

  xmlChar *qnameCopy = xmlStrdup(qname);

 return qnameCopy;


@interface GDataXMLNode (PrivateMethods)

// consuming a node implies it will later be freed when the instance is

// dealloc'd; borrowing it implies that ownership and disposal remain the

// job of the supplier of the node

+ (id)nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

- (id)initConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

+ (id)nodeBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

- (id)initBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

// getters of the underlying node

- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNode;

- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNodeCopy;

// search for an underlying attribute

- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForXMLNode:(xmlAttrPtr)theXMLNode;

// return an NSString for an xmlChar*, using our strings cache in the

// document

- (NSString *)stringFromXMLString:(const xmlChar *)chars;

// setter/getter of the dealloc flag for the underlying node

- (BOOL)shouldFreeXMLNode;

- (void)setShouldFreeXMLNode:(BOOL)flag;


@interface GDataXMLElement (PrivateMethods)

+ (void)fixUpNamespacesForNode:(xmlNodePtr)nodeToFix



@implementation GDataXMLNode

+ (void)load {



// Note on convenience methods for making stand-alone element and

// attribute nodes:


// Since we're making a node from scratch, we don't

// have any namespace info.  So the namespace prefix, if

// any, will just be slammed into the node name.

// We'll rely on the -addChild method below to remove

// the namespace prefix and replace it with a proper ns

// pointer.

+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name {

  xmlNodePtr theNewNode = xmlNewNode(NULL,// namespace


 if (theNewNode) {

    // succeeded

   return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:theNewNode];


  return nil;


+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value {

  xmlNodePtr theNewNode = xmlNewNode(NULL,// namespace


 if (theNewNode) {

    xmlNodePtr textNode = xmlNewText(GDataGetXMLString(value));

   if (textNode) {

      xmlNodePtr temp = xmlAddChild(theNewNode, textNode);

     if (temp) {

        // succeeded

       return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:theNewNode];



    // failed; free the node and any children



  return nil;


+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)theURI {

  // since we don't know a prefix yet, shove in the whole URI; we'll look for

  // a proper namespace ptr later when addChild calls fixUpNamespacesForNode

  NSString *fakeQName = GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(theURI, name);

  xmlNodePtr theNewNode = xmlNewNode(NULL,// namespace


 if (theNewNode) {

     return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:theNewNode];


  return nil;


+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value {

  xmlChar *xmlName = GDataGetXMLString(name);

  xmlChar *xmlValue = GDataGetXMLString(value);

  xmlAttrPtr theNewAttr = xmlNewProp(NULL,// parent node for the attr

                                     xmlName, xmlValue);

 if (theNewAttr) {

   return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr) theNewAttr];


  return nil;


+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)attributeURI stringValue:(NSString *)value {

  // since we don't know a prefix yet, shove in the whole URI; we'll look for

  // a proper namespace ptr later when addChild calls fixUpNamespacesForNode

  NSString *fakeQName = GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(attributeURI, name);

  xmlChar *xmlName = GDataGetXMLString(fakeQName);

  xmlChar *xmlValue = GDataGetXMLString(value);

  xmlAttrPtr theNewAttr = xmlNewProp(NULL,// parent node for the attr

                                     xmlName, xmlValue);

 if (theNewAttr) {

   return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr) theNewAttr];


  return nil;


+ (id)textWithStringValue:(NSString *)value {

  xmlNodePtr theNewText = xmlNewText(GDataGetXMLString(value));

 if (theNewText) {

   return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:theNewText];


  return nil;


+ (id)namespaceWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value {

  xmlChar *href = GDataGetXMLString(value);

  xmlChar *prefix;

 if ([name length] >0) {

    prefix = GDataGetXMLString(name);

  }else {

    // default namespace is represented by a nil prefix

    prefix =nil;


  xmlNsPtr theNewNs = xmlNewNs(NULL,// parent node

                               href, prefix);

 if (theNewNs) {

   return [self nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr) theNewNs];


  return nil;


+ (id)nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode {

  Class theClass;

 if (theXMLNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

    theClass = [GDataXMLElement class];

  }else {

    theClass = [GDataXMLNode class];


 return [[[theClass alloc] initConsumingXMLNode:theXMLNode] autorelease];


- (id)initConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode {

 self = [super init];

 if (self) {

    xmlNode_ = theXMLNode;

    shouldFreeXMLNode_ =YES;


  return self;


+ (id)nodeBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode {

  Class theClass;

 if (theXMLNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

    theClass = [GDataXMLElement class];

  }else {

    theClass = [GDataXMLNode class];


 return [[[theClass alloc] initBorrowingXMLNode:theXMLNode] autorelease];


- (id)initBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode {

 self = [super init];

 if (self) {

    xmlNode_ = theXMLNode;

    shouldFreeXMLNode_ =NO;


  return self;


- (void)releaseCachedValues {

  [cachedName_ release];

  cachedName_ =nil;

  [cachedChildren_ release];

  cachedChildren_ =nil;

  [cachedAttributes_ release];

  cachedAttributes_ =nil;


// convert xmlChar* to NSString*


// returns an autoreleased NSString*, from the current node's document strings

// cache if possible

- (NSString *)stringFromXMLString:(const xmlChar *)chars {


  NSCAssert(chars != NULL,@"GDataXMLNode sees an unexpected empty string");


 if (chars ==NULL)returnnil;

  CFMutableDictionaryRef cacheDict =NULL;

  NSString *result =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL

    && (xmlNode_->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE

        || xmlNode_->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE

        || xmlNode_->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) {

    // there is no xmlDocPtr in XML_NAMESPACE_DECL nodes,

    // so we can't cache the text of those

    // look for a strings cache in the document


    // the cache is in the document's user-defined _private field

   if (xmlNode_->doc !=NULL) {

      cacheDict = xmlNode_->doc->_private;

     if (cacheDict) {

        // this document has a strings cache

        result = (NSString *) CFDictionaryGetValue(cacheDict, chars);

       if (result) {

          // we found the xmlChar string in the cache; return the previously

          // allocated NSString, rather than allocate a new one

         return result;





  // allocate a new NSString for this xmlChar*

  result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(constchar *) chars];

 if (cacheDict) {

    // save the string in the document's string cache

    CFDictionarySetValue(cacheDict, chars, result);


 return result;


- (void)dealloc {

 if (xmlNode_ && shouldFreeXMLNode_) {



  [self releaseCachedValues];

  [super dealloc];


#pragma mark -

- (void)setStringValue:(NSString *)str {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL && str !=nil) {

   if (xmlNode_->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) {

      // for a namespace node, the value is the namespace URI

      xmlNsPtr nsNode = (xmlNsPtr)xmlNode_;

     if (nsNode->href !=NULL) xmlFree((char *)nsNode->href);

      nsNode->href = xmlStrdup(GDataGetXMLString(str));

    }else {

      // attribute or element node

      // do we need to call xmlEncodeSpecialChars?

      xmlNodeSetContent(xmlNode_, GDataGetXMLString(str));




- (NSString *)stringValue {

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   if (xmlNode_->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) {

      // for a namespace node, the value is the namespace URI

      xmlNsPtr nsNode = (xmlNsPtr)xmlNode_;

      str = [self stringFromXMLString:(nsNode->href)];

    }else {

      // attribute or element node

      xmlChar* chars = xmlNodeGetContent(xmlNode_);

     if (chars) {

        str = [self stringFromXMLString:chars];





 return str;


- (NSString *)XMLString {

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    xmlBufferPtr buff = xmlBufferCreate();

   if (buff) {

      xmlDocPtr doc =NULL;

     int level =0;

     int format =0;

     int result = xmlNodeDump(buff, doc, xmlNode_, level, format);

     if (result > -1) {

        str = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(xmlBufferContent(buff))


                                      encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];





  // remove leading and trailing whitespace

  NSCharacterSet *ws = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];

  NSString *trimmed = [str stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:ws];

 return trimmed;


- (NSString *)localName {

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    str = [self stringFromXMLString:(xmlNode_->name)];

    // if this is part of a detached subtree, str may have a prefix in it

    str = [[self class] localNameForName:str];


 return str;


- (NSString *)prefix {

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    // the default namespace's prefix is an empty string, though libxml

    // represents it as NULL for ns->prefix

    str =@"";

   if (xmlNode_->ns !=NULL && xmlNode_->ns->prefix != NULL) {

      str = [self stringFromXMLString:(xmlNode_->ns->prefix)];



 return str;


- (NSString *)URI {

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   if (xmlNode_->ns !=NULL && xmlNode_->ns->href != NULL) {

      str = [self stringFromXMLString:(xmlNode_->ns->href)];



 return str;


- (NSString *)qualifiedName {

  // internal utility

  NSString *str =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   if (xmlNode_->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) {

      // name of a namespace node

      xmlNsPtr nsNode = (xmlNsPtr)xmlNode_;

      // null is the default namespace; one is the loneliest number

     if (nsNode->prefix ==NULL) {

        str =@"";


     else {

        str = [self stringFromXMLString:(nsNode->prefix)];


    }elseif (xmlNode_->ns !=NULL && xmlNode_->ns->prefix !=NULL) {

      // name of a non-namespace node

      // has a prefix

     char *qname;

     if (asprintf(&qname,"%s:%s", (constchar *)xmlNode_->ns->prefix,

                   xmlNode_->name) != -1) {

        str = [self stringFromXMLString:(const xmlChar *)qname];



    }else {

      // lacks a prefix

      str = [self stringFromXMLString:(xmlNode_->name)];



 return str;


- (NSString *)name {

 if (cachedName_ !=nil) {

   return cachedName_;


  NSString *str = [self qualifiedName];

  cachedName_ = [str retain];

 return str;


+ (NSString *)localNameForName:(NSString *)name {

 if (name !=nil) {

    NSRange range = [name rangeOfString:@":"];

   if (range.location != NSNotFound) {

      // found a colon

     if (range.location +1 < [name length]) {

        NSString *localName = [name substringFromIndex:(range.location +1)];

       return localName;




 return name;


+ (NSString *)prefixForName:(NSString *)name {

 if (name !=nil) {

    NSRange range = [name rangeOfString:@":"];

   if (range.location != NSNotFound) {

      NSString *prefix = [name substringToIndex:(range.location)];

     return prefix;



  return nil;


- (NSUInteger)childCount {

 if (cachedChildren_ !=nil) {

   return [cachedChildren_ count];


 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   unsignedint count =0;

    xmlNodePtr currChild = xmlNode_->children;

   while (currChild !=NULL) {


      currChild = currChild->next;


   return count;


  return 0;


- (NSArray *)children {

 if (cachedChildren_ !=nil) {

   return cachedChildren_;


  NSMutableArray *array =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    xmlNodePtr currChild = xmlNode_->children;

   while (currChild !=NULL) {

      GDataXMLNode *node = [GDataXMLNode nodeBorrowingXMLNode:currChild];

     if (array ==nil) {

        array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:node];

      }else {

        [array addObject:node];


      currChild = currChild->next;


    cachedChildren_ = [array retain];


 return array;


- (GDataXMLNode *)childAtIndex:(unsigned)index {

  NSArray *children = [self children];

 if ([children count] > index) {

   return [children objectAtIndex:index];


  return nil;


- (GDataXMLNodeKind)kind {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    xmlElementType nodeType = xmlNode_->type;

   switch (nodeType) {

     case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:        return GDataXMLElementKind;

     case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:      return GDataXMLAttributeKind;

     case XML_TEXT_NODE:           return GDataXMLTextKind;

     case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE:  return GDataXMLTextKind;

     case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE:     return GDataXMLEntityDeclarationKind;

     case XML_ENTITY_NODE:         return GDataXMLEntityDeclarationKind;

     case XML_PI_NODE:             return GDataXMLProcessingInstructionKind;

     case XML_COMMENT_NODE:        return GDataXMLCommentKind;

     case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:       return GDataXMLDocumentKind;

     case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:  return GDataXMLDocumentKind;

     case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE:  return GDataXMLDocumentKind;

     case XML_NOTATION_NODE:       return GDataXMLNotationDeclarationKind;

     case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:  return GDataXMLDocumentKind;

     case XML_DTD_NODE:            return GDataXMLDTDKind;

     case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:        return GDataXMLElementDeclarationKind;

     case XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL:      return GDataXMLAttributeDeclarationKind;

     case XML_ENTITY_DECL:         return GDataXMLEntityDeclarationKind;

     case XML_NAMESPACE_DECL:      return GDataXMLNamespaceKind;

     case XML_XINCLUDE_START:      return GDataXMLProcessingInstructionKind;

     case XML_XINCLUDE_END:        return GDataXMLProcessingInstructionKind;

     case XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE:  return GDataXMLDocumentKind;



 return GDataXMLInvalidKind;


- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error {

  // call through with no explicit namespace dictionary; that will register the

  // root node's namespaces

 return [self nodesForXPath:xpath namespaces:nil error:error];


- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath

                namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces

                     error:(NSError **)error {

  NSMutableArray *array =nil;

  // xmlXPathNewContext requires a doc for its context, but if our elements

  // are created from GDataXMLElement's initWithXMLString there may not be

  // a document. (We may later decide that we want to stuff the doc used

  // there into a GDataXMLDocument and retain it, but we don't do that now.)


  // We'll temporarily make a document to use for the xpath context.

  xmlDocPtr tempDoc =NULL;

  xmlNodePtr topParent =NULL;

 if (xmlNode_->doc ==NULL) {

    tempDoc = xmlNewDoc(NULL);

   if (tempDoc) {

      // find the topmost node of the current tree to make the root of

      // our temporary document

      topParent = xmlNode_;

     while (topParent->parent !=NULL) {

        topParent = topParent->parent;


      xmlDocSetRootElement(tempDoc, topParent);



 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL && xmlNode_->doc !=NULL) {

    xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(xmlNode_->doc);

   if (xpathCtx) {

      // anchor at our current node

      xpathCtx->node = xmlNode_;

      // if a namespace dictionary was provided, register its contents

     if (namespaces) {

        // the dictionary keys are prefixes; the values are URIs

       for (NSString *prefixin namespaces) {

          NSString *uri = [namespaces objectForKey:prefix];

          xmlChar *prefixChars = (xmlChar *) [prefix UTF8String];

          xmlChar *uriChars = (xmlChar *) [uri UTF8String];

         int result = xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpathCtx, prefixChars, uriChars);

         if (result !=0) {


            NSCAssert1(result == 0,@"GDataXMLNode XPath namespace %@ issue",





      }else {

        // no namespace dictionary was provided


        // register the namespaces of this node, if it's an element, or of

        // this node's root element, if it's a document

        xmlNodePtr nsNodePtr = xmlNode_;

       if (xmlNode_->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {

          nsNodePtr = xmlDocGetRootElement((xmlDocPtr) xmlNode_);


        // step through the namespaces, if any, and register each with the

        // xpath context

       if (nsNodePtr !=NULL) {

         for (xmlNsPtr nsPtr = nsNodePtr->ns; nsPtr !=NULL; nsPtr = nsPtr->next) {

            // default namespace is nil in the tree, but there's no way to

            // register a default namespace, so we'll register a fake one,

           // _def_ns

           const xmlChar* prefix = nsPtr->prefix;

           if (prefix ==NULL) {

              prefix = (xmlChar*) kGDataXMLXPathDefaultNamespacePrefix;


           int result = xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpathCtx, prefix, nsPtr->href);

           if (result !=0) {


              NSCAssert1(result == 0,@"GDataXMLNode XPath namespace %@ issue",







      // now evaluate the path

      xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj;

      xpathObj = xmlXPathEval(GDataGetXMLString(xpath), xpathCtx);

     if (xpathObj) {

        // we have some result from the search

        array = [NSMutableArray array];

        xmlNodeSetPtr nodeSet = xpathObj->nodesetval;

       if (nodeSet) {

          // add each node in the result set to our array

         for (int index =0; index < nodeSet->nodeNr; index++) {

            xmlNodePtr currNode = nodeSet->nodeTab[index];

            GDataXMLNode *node = [GDataXMLNode nodeBorrowingXMLNode:currNode];

           if (node) {

              [array addObject:node];








   if (array ==nil) {

      // provide an error


      // TODO(grobbins) obtain better xpath and libxml errors

     constchar *msg = xpathCtx->lastError.str1;

      NSDictionary *userInfo =nil;

     if (msg) {

        userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:msg]



      *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@""





 if (tempDoc !=NULL) {





 return array;


- (NSString *)description {

 int nodeType = (xmlNode_ ? (int)xmlNode_->type : -1);

  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %p: {type:%d name:%@ xml:\"%@\"}",

          [self class],self, nodeType, [self name], [self XMLString]];


- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {

  xmlNodePtr nodeCopy = [self XMLNodeCopy];

 if (nodeCopy !=NULL) {

   return [[[self class] alloc] initConsumingXMLNode:nodeCopy];


  return nil;


- (BOOL)isEqual:(GDataXMLNode *)other {

 if (self == other)returnYES;

 if (![other isKindOfClass:[GDataXMLNode class]])returnNO;

 return [self XMLNode] == [other XMLNode]

  || ([self kind] == [other kind]

      && AreEqualOrBothNilPrivate([self name], [other name])

      && [[self children] count] == [[other children] count]);


- (NSUInteger)hash {

 return (NSUInteger) (void *) [GDataXMLNode class];


- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector {

 return [super methodSignatureForSelector:selector];


#pragma mark -

- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNodeCopy {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    // Note: libxml will create a new copy of namespace nodes (xmlNs records)

    // and attach them to this copy in order to keep namespaces within this

    // node subtree copy value.

    xmlNodePtr nodeCopy = xmlCopyNode(xmlNode_,1);// 1 = recursive

   return nodeCopy;


  return NULL;


- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNode {

 return xmlNode_;


- (BOOL)shouldFreeXMLNode {

 return shouldFreeXMLNode_;


- (void)setShouldFreeXMLNode:(BOOL)flag {

  shouldFreeXMLNode_ = flag;



@implementation GDataXMLElement

- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str error:(NSError **)error {

 self = [super init];

 if (self) {

   constchar *utf8Str = [str UTF8String];

    // NOTE: We are assuming a string length that fits into an int

    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory(utf8Str, (int)strlen(utf8Str),NULL,// URL

                                 NULL,// encoding


   if (doc ==NULL) {

     if (error) {

        // TODO(grobbins) use xmlSetGenericErrorFunc to capture error


    }else {

      // copy the root node from the doc

      xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);

     if (root) {

        xmlNode_ = xmlCopyNode(root,1);// 1: recursive




   if (xmlNode_ ==NULL) {

      // failure

     if (error) {

        *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@""




      [self release];

      return nil;



  return self;


- (NSArray *)namespaces {

  NSMutableArray *array =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL && xmlNode_->nsDef !=NULL) {

    xmlNsPtr currNS = xmlNode_->nsDef;

   while (currNS !=NULL) {

      // add this prefix/URI to the list, unless it's the implicit xml prefix

     if (!xmlStrEqual(currNS->prefix, (const xmlChar *)"xml")) {

        GDataXMLNode *node = [GDataXMLNode nodeBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr) currNS];

       if (array ==nil) {

          array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:node];

        }else {

          [array addObject:node];



      currNS = currNS->next;



 return array;


- (void)setNamespaces:(NSArray *)namespaces {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    [self releaseCachedValues];

    // remove previous namespaces

   if (xmlNode_->nsDef) {


      xmlNode_->nsDef =NULL;


    // add a namespace for each object in the array

    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [namespaces objectEnumerator];

    GDataXMLNode *namespace;

   while ((namespace = [enumerator nextObject]) !=nil) {

      xmlNsPtr ns = (xmlNsPtr) [namespace XMLNode];

     if (ns) {

        (void)xmlNewNs(xmlNode_, ns->href, ns->prefix);



    // we may need to fix this node's own name; the graft point is where

    // the namespace search starts, so that points to this node too

    [[self class] fixUpNamespacesForNode:xmlNode_




- (void)addNamespace:(GDataXMLNode *)aNamespace {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

    [self releaseCachedValues];

    xmlNsPtr ns = (xmlNsPtr) [aNamespace XMLNode];

   if (ns) {

      (void)xmlNewNs(xmlNode_, ns->href, ns->prefix);

      // we may need to fix this node's own name; the graft point is where

      // the namespace search starts, so that points to this node too

      [[self class] fixUpNamespacesForNode:xmlNode_





- (void)addChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child {

  if ([childkind] ==GDataXMLAttributeKind) {




 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {


   xmlNodePtr childNodeCopy = [childXMLNodeCopy];

   if (childNodeCopy) {

     xmlNodePtr resultNode =xmlAddChild(xmlNode_, childNodeCopy);

     if (resultNode ==NULL) {

        // failed to add


      }else {

        // added this child subtree successfully; see if it has

        // previously-unresolved namespace prefixes that can now be fixed up







- (void)removeChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child {

  // this is safe for attributes too

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {


   xmlNodePtr node = [childXMLNode];


    // if the child node was borrowing its xmlNodePtr, then we need to

    // explicitly free it, since there is probably no owning object that will

    // free it on dealloc

   if (![childshouldFreeXMLNode]) {





- (NSArray *)elementsForName:(NSString *)name {

 NSString *desiredName = name;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   NSString *prefix = [[selfclass]prefixForName:desiredName];

   if (prefix) {

     xmlChar* desiredPrefix =GDataGetXMLString(prefix);

     xmlNsPtr foundNS =xmlSearchNs(xmlNode_->doc,xmlNode_, desiredPrefix);

     if (foundNS) {

        // we found a namespace; fall back on elementsForLocalName:URI:

        // to get the elements

       NSString *desiredURI = [selfstringFromXMLString:(foundNS->href)];

       NSString *localName = [[selfclass]localNameForName:desiredName];

       NSArray *nsArray = [selfelementsForLocalName:localNameURI:desiredURI];

       return nsArray;



    // no namespace found for the node's prefix; try an exact match

    // for the name argument, including any prefix

   NSMutableArray *array =nil;

    // walk our list of cached child nodes

   NSArray *children = [selfchildren];

   for (GDataXMLNode *childin children) {

     xmlNodePtr currNode = [childXMLNode];

      // find all children which are elements with the desired name

     if (currNode->type ==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

       NSString *qName = [childname];

       if ([qNameisEqual:name]) {

         if (array ==nil) {

            array = [NSMutableArrayarrayWithObject:child];

          }else {






   return array;


  return nil;


- (NSArray *)elementsForLocalName:(NSString *)localName URI:(NSString *)URI {

  NSMutableArray *array =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL &&xmlNode_->children !=NULL) {

   xmlChar* desiredNSHref =GDataGetXMLString(URI);

   xmlChar* requestedLocalName =GDataGetXMLString(localName);

   xmlChar* expectedLocalName = requestedLocalName;

    // resolve the URI at the parent level, since usually children won't

    // have their own namespace definitions, and we don't want to try to

    // resolve it once for every child

   xmlNsPtr foundParentNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlNode_->doc,xmlNode_, desiredNSHref);

   if (foundParentNS ==NULL) {

     NSString *fakeQName =GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(URI, localName);

      expectedLocalName =GDataGetXMLString(fakeQName);


   NSArray *children = [selfchildren];

   for (GDataXMLNode *childin children) {

     xmlNodePtr currChildPtr = [childXMLNode];

      // find all children which are elements with the desired name and

      // namespace, or with the prefixed name and a null namespace

     if (currChildPtr->type ==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

        // normally, we can assume the resolution done for the parent will apply

        // to the child, as most children do not define their own namespaces

       xmlNsPtr childLocalNS = foundParentNS;

       xmlChar* childDesiredLocalName = expectedLocalName;

       if (currChildPtr->nsDef !=NULL) {

          // this child has its own namespace definitons; do a fresh resolve

          // of the namespace starting from the child, and see if it differs

          // from the resolve done starting from the parent.  If the resolve

          // finds a different namespace, then override the desired local

          // name just for this child.

          childLocalNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlNode_->doc, currChildPtr, desiredNSHref);

         if (childLocalNS != foundParentNS) {

            // this child does indeed have a different namespace resolution

            // result than was found for its parent

           if (childLocalNS ==NULL) {

              // no namespace found

             NSString *fakeQName =GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(URI, localName);

              childDesiredLocalName =GDataGetXMLString(fakeQName);

            }else {

              // a namespace was found; use the original local name requested,

              // not a faked one expected from resolving the parent

              childDesiredLocalName = requestedLocalName;




        // check if this child's namespace and local name are what we're

        // seeking

       if (currChildPtr->ns == childLocalNS

            && currChildPtr->name !=NULL

            &&xmlStrEqual(currChildPtr->name, childDesiredLocalName)) {

         if (array ==nil) {

            array = [NSMutableArrayarrayWithObject:child];

          }else {






    // we return nil, not an empty array, according to docs


 return array;


- (NSArray *)attributes {

  if (cachedAttributes_ !=nil) {



  NSMutableArray *array =nil;

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL &&xmlNode_->properties !=NULL) {

    xmlAttrPtr prop =xmlNode_->properties;

   while (prop !=NULL) {

     GDataXMLNode *node = [GDataXMLNodenodeBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr) prop];

     if (array ==nil) {

        array = [NSMutableArrayarrayWithObject:node];

      }else {



      prop = prop->next;


    cachedAttributes_ = [arrayretain];


 return array;


- (void)addAttribute:(GDataXMLNode *)attribute {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {


   xmlAttrPtr attrPtr = (xmlAttrPtr) [attributeXMLNode];

   if (attrPtr) {

      // ignore this if an attribute with the name is already present,

      // similar to NSXMLNode's addAttribute

     xmlAttrPtr oldAttr;

     if (attrPtr->ns ==NULL) {

        oldAttr =xmlHasProp(xmlNode_, attrPtr->name);

      }else {

        oldAttr =xmlHasNsProp(xmlNode_, attrPtr->name, attrPtr->ns->href);


     if (oldAttr ==NULL) {

       xmlNsPtr newPropNS =NULL;

        // if this attribute has a namespace, search for a matching namespace

        // on the node we're adding to

       if (attrPtr->ns !=NULL) {

          newPropNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlNode_->doc,xmlNode_, attrPtr->ns->href);

         if (newPropNS ==NULL) {

            // make a new namespace on the parent node, and use that for the

            // new attribute

            newPropNS =xmlNewNs(xmlNode_, attrPtr->ns->href, attrPtr->ns->prefix);



        // copy the attribute onto this node

       xmlChar *value =xmlNodeGetContent((xmlNodePtr) attrPtr);

       xmlAttrPtr newProp =xmlNewNsProp(xmlNode_, newPropNS, attrPtr->name, value);

       if (newProp !=NULL) {

          // we made the property, so clean up the property's namespace




       if (value !=NULL) {







- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForXMLNode:(xmlAttrPtr)theXMLNode {

  // search the cached attributes list for the GDataXMLNode with

  // the underlying xmlAttrPtr

 NSArray *attributes = [selfattributes];

 for (GDataXMLNode *attrin attributes) {

   if (theXMLNode == (xmlAttrPtr) [attrXMLNode]) {

     return attr;



  return nil;


- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForName:(NSString *)name {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   xmlAttrPtr attrPtr =xmlHasProp(xmlNode_,GDataGetXMLString(name));

   if (attrPtr ==NULL) {

      // can we guarantee that xmlAttrPtrs always have the ns ptr and never

      // a namespace as part of the actual attribute name?

      // split the name and its prefix, if any

     xmlNsPtr ns =NULL;

     NSString *prefix = [[selfclass]prefixForName:name];

     if (prefix) {

        // find the namespace for this prefix, and search on its URI to find

        // the xmlNsPtr

        name = [[selfclass]localNameForName:name];

        ns =xmlSearchNs(xmlNode_->doc,xmlNode_,GDataGetXMLString(prefix));


     constxmlChar* nsURI = ((ns !=NULL) ? ns->href :NULL);

      attrPtr =xmlHasNsProp(xmlNode_,GDataGetXMLString(name), nsURI);


   if (attrPtr) {

     GDataXMLNode *attr = [selfattributeForXMLNode:attrPtr];

     return attr;



  return nil;


- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForLocalName:(NSString *)localName

                                    URI:(NSString *)attributeURI {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   constxmlChar* name =GDataGetXMLString(localName);

   constxmlChar* nsURI =GDataGetXMLString(attributeURI);

   xmlAttrPtr attrPtr =xmlHasNsProp(xmlNode_, name, nsURI);

   if (attrPtr ==NULL) {

      // if the attribute is in a tree lacking the proper namespace,

      // the local name may include the full URI as a prefix

     NSString *fakeQName =GDataFakeQNameForURIAndName(attributeURI, localName);

     constxmlChar* xmlFakeQName =GDataGetXMLString(fakeQName);

      attrPtr =xmlHasProp(xmlNode_, xmlFakeQName);


   if (attrPtr) {

     GDataXMLNode *attr = [selfattributeForXMLNode:attrPtr];

     return attr;



  return nil;


- (NSString *)resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI {

 if (xmlNode_ !=NULL) {

   xmlChar* desiredNSHref =GDataGetXMLString(namespaceURI);

   xmlNsPtr foundNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlNode_->doc,xmlNode_, desiredNSHref);

   if (foundNS) {

      // we found the namespace

     if (foundNS->prefix !=NULL) {

       NSString *prefix = [selfstringFromXMLString:(foundNS->prefix)];

       return prefix;

      }else {

        // empty prefix is default namespace





  return nil;


#pragma mark Namespace fixup routines

+ (void)deleteNamespacePtr:(xmlNsPtr)namespaceToDelete

               fromXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)node {

  // utilty routine to remove a namespace pointer from an element's

  // namespace definition list.  This is just removing the nsPtr

  // from the singly-linked list, the node's namespace definitions.

 xmlNsPtr currNS = node->nsDef;

 xmlNsPtr prevNS =NULL;

 while (currNS !=NULL) {

   xmlNsPtr nextNS = currNS->next;

   if (namespaceToDelete == currNS) {

      // found it; delete it from the head of the node's ns definition list

      // or from the next field of the previous namespace

     if (prevNS !=NULL) prevNS->next = nextNS;

     else node->nsDef = nextNS;




    prevNS = currNS;

    currNS = nextNS;



+ (void)fixQualifiedNamesForNode:(xmlNodePtr)nodeToFix

              graftingToTreeNode:(xmlNodePtr)graftPointNode {

  // Replace prefix-in-name with proper namespace pointers


  // This is an inner routine for fixUpNamespacesForNode:


  // see if this node's name lacks a namespace and is qualified, and if so,

  // see if we can resolve the prefix against the parent


  // The prefix may either be normal, "gd:foo", or a URI

  // "{}:foo"

 if (nodeToFix->ns ==NULL) {

   xmlNsPtr foundNS =NULL;

   xmlChar* prefix =NULL;

   xmlChar* localName =SplitQNameReverse(nodeToFix->name, &prefix);

   if (localName !=NULL) {

     if (prefix !=NULL) {

        // if the prefix is wrapped by { and } then it's a URI

       int prefixLen =xmlStrlen(prefix);

       if (prefixLen >2

            && prefix[0] =='{'

            && prefix[prefixLen -1] =='}') {

          // search for the namespace by URI

         xmlChar* uri =xmlStrsub(prefix,1, prefixLen -2);

         if (uri !=NULL) {

            foundNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(graftPointNode->doc, graftPointNode, uri);





     if (foundNS ==NULL) {

        // search for the namespace by prefix, even if the prefix is nil

        // (nil prefix means to search for the default namespace)

        foundNS =xmlSearchNs(graftPointNode->doc, graftPointNode, prefix);


     if (foundNS !=NULL) {

        // we found a namespace, so fix the ns pointer and the local name

       xmlSetNs(nodeToFix, foundNS);

       xmlNodeSetName(nodeToFix, localName);


     if (prefix !=NULL) {


        prefix =NULL;






+ (void)fixDuplicateNamespacesForNode:(xmlNodePtr)nodeToFix


             namespaceSubstitutionMap:(NSMutableDictionary *)nsMap {

  // Duplicate namespace removal


  // This is an inner routine for fixUpNamespacesForNode:


  // If any of this node's namespaces are already defined at the graft point

  // level, add that namespace to the map of namespace substitutions

  // so it will be replaced in the children below the nodeToFix, and

  // delete the namespace record

 if (nodeToFix->type ==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

    // step through the namespaces defined on this node

   xmlNsPtr definedNS = nodeToFix->nsDef;

   while (definedNS !=NULL) {

      // see if this namespace is already defined higher in the tree,

      // with both the same URI and the same prefix; if so, add a mapping for

     // it

     xmlNsPtr foundNS =xmlSearchNsByHref(graftPointNode->doc, graftPointNode,


     if (foundNS !=NULL

          && foundNS != definedNS

          &&xmlStrEqual(definedNS->prefix, foundNS->prefix)) {

        // store a mapping from this defined nsPtr to the one found higher

        // in the tree



        // remove this namespace from the ns definition list of this node;

        // all child elements and attributes referencing this namespace

        // now have a dangling pointer and must be updated (that is done later

        // in this method)


        // before we delete this namespace, move our pointer to the

        // next one

       xmlNsPtr nsToDelete = definedNS;

        definedNS = definedNS->next;


      }else {

        // this namespace wasn't a duplicate; move to the next

        definedNS = definedNS->next;




  // if this node's namespace is one we deleted, update it to point

  // to someplace better

 if (nodeToFix->ns !=NULL) {

   NSValue *currNS = [NSValuevalueWithPointer:nodeToFix->ns];

   NSValue *replacementNS = [nsMapobjectForKey:currNS];

   if (replacementNS !=nil) {

     xmlNsPtr replaceNSPtr = [replacementNSpointerValue];

     xmlSetNs(nodeToFix, replaceNSPtr);




+ (void)fixUpNamespacesForNode:(xmlNodePtr)nodeToFix


      namespaceSubstitutionMap:(NSMutableDictionary *)nsMap {

  // This is the inner routine for fixUpNamespacesForNode:graftingToTreeNode:


  // This routine fixes two issues:


  // Because we can create nodes with qualified names before adding

  // them to the tree that declares the namespace for the prefix,

  // we need to set the node namespaces after adding them to the tree.


  // Because libxml adds namespaces to nodes when it copies them,

  // we want to remove redundant namespaces after adding them to

  // a tree.


  // If only the Mac's libxml had xmlDOMWrapReconcileNamespaces, it could do

  // namespace cleanup for us

  // We only care about fixing names of elements and attributes

 if (nodeToFix->type !=XML_ELEMENT_NODE

      && nodeToFix->type !=XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE)return;

  // Do the fixes






 if (nodeToFix->type ==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

    // when fixing element nodes, recurse for each child element and

    // for each attribute

   xmlNodePtr currChild = nodeToFix->children;

   while (currChild !=NULL) {




      currChild = currChild->next;


   xmlAttrPtr currProp = nodeToFix->properties;

   while (currProp !=NULL) {




      currProp = currProp->next;




+ (void)fixUpNamespacesForNode:(xmlNodePtr)nodeToFix

            graftingToTreeNode:(xmlNodePtr)graftPointNode {

  // allocate the namespace map that will be passed

  // down on recursive calls

  NSMutableDictionary *nsMap = [NSMutableDictionarydictionary];






@interface GDataXMLDocument (PrivateMethods)

- (void)addStringsCacheToDoc;


@implementation GDataXMLDocument

- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str options:(unsignedint)mask error:(NSError **)error {

  NSData *data = [strdataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

 GDataXMLDocument *doc = [selfinitWithData:dataoptions:mask error:error];

 return doc;


- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data options:(unsignedint)mask error:(NSError **)error {

 self = [superinit];

 if (self) {

   constchar *baseURL =NULL;

   constchar *encoding =NULL;

    // NOTE: We are assuming [data length] fits into an int.

   xmlDoc_ =xmlReadMemory([databytes], (int)[datalength], baseURL, encoding,

                            kGDataXMLParseOptions);// TODO(grobbins) map option values

   if (xmlDoc_ ==NULL) {

     if (error) {

       *error = [NSErrorerrorWithDomain:@""



        // TODO(grobbins) use xmlSetGenericErrorFunc to capture error



      return nil;

    }else {

     if (error) *error =NULL;




  return self;


- (id)initWithRootElement:(GDataXMLElement *)element {

 self = [superinit];

 if (self) {

   xmlDoc_ =xmlNewDoc(NULL);

    (void)xmlDocSetRootElement(xmlDoc_, [elementXMLNodeCopy]);



  return self;


- (void)addStringsCacheToDoc {

  // utility routine for init methods


 NSCAssert(xmlDoc_ !=NULL &&xmlDoc_->_private ==NULL,

            @"GDataXMLDocument cache creation problem");


  // add a strings cache as private data for the document


  // we'll use plain C pointers (xmlChar*) as the keys, and NSStrings

  // as the values

 CFIndex capacity =0; // no limit

  CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks keyCallBacks = {

    0,// version







  CFMutableDictionaryRef dict =CFDictionaryCreateMutable(

    kCFAllocatorDefault, capacity,

    &keyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

  // we'll use the user-defined _private field for our cache

 xmlDoc_->_private = dict;


- (NSString *)description {

  return [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%@ %p", [selfclass],self];


- (void)dealloc {

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

    // release the strings cache


    // since it's a CF object, were anyone to use this in a GC environment,

    // this would need to be released in a finalize method, too

   if (xmlDoc_->_private !=NULL) {







#pragma mark -

- (GDataXMLElement *)rootElement {

 GDataXMLElement *element =nil;

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

    xmlNodePtr rootNode =xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlDoc_);

   if (rootNode) {

      element = [GDataXMLElementnodeBorrowingXMLNode:rootNode];



 return element;


- (NSData *)XMLData {

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

   xmlChar *buffer =NULL;

   int bufferSize =0;

   xmlDocDumpMemory(xmlDoc_, &buffer, &bufferSize);

   if (buffer) {

     NSData *data = [NSDatadataWithBytes:buffer



     return data;



  return nil;


- (void)setVersion:(NSString *)version {

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

   if (xmlDoc_->version !=NULL) {

      // version is a const char* so we must cast

     xmlFree((char *)xmlDoc_->version);

     xmlDoc_->version =NULL;


   if (version !=nil) {

     xmlDoc_->version =xmlStrdup(GDataGetXMLString(version));




- (void)setCharacterEncoding:(NSString *)encoding {

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

   if (xmlDoc_->encoding !=NULL) {

      // version is a const char* so we must cast

     xmlFree((char *)xmlDoc_->encoding);

     xmlDoc_->encoding =NULL;


   if (encoding !=nil) {

     xmlDoc_->encoding =xmlStrdup(GDataGetXMLString(encoding));




- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error {

  return [selfnodesForXPath:xpathnamespaces:nilerror:error];


- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath

                namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces

                     error:(NSError **)error {

 if (xmlDoc_ !=NULL) {

    GDataXMLNode *docNode = [GDataXMLElementnodeBorrowingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)xmlDoc_];

   NSArray *array = [docNodenodesForXPath:xpath



   return array;


  return nil;




// Dictionary key callbacks for our C-string to NSString cache dictionary


staticconstvoid *StringCacheKeyRetainCallBack(CFAllocatorRef allocator,constvoid *str) {

  // copy the key

 xmlChar* key =xmlStrdup(str);

 return key;


staticvoid StringCacheKeyReleaseCallBack(CFAllocatorRef allocator,constvoid *str) {

  // free the key

 char *chars = (char *)str;

 xmlFree((char *) chars);


staticCFStringRef StringCacheKeyCopyDescriptionCallBack(constvoid *str) {

  // make a CFString from the key

  CFStringRef cfStr =CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,

                                                (constchar *)str,


 return cfStr;


staticBoolean StringCacheKeyEqualCallBack(constvoid *str1, constvoid *str2) {

  // compare the key strings

 if (str1 == str2)return true;

 int result =xmlStrcmp(str1, str2);

 return (result ==0);


staticCFHashCode StringCacheKeyHashCallBack(constvoid *str) {

  // dhb hash, per

 CFHashCode hash =5381;

 int c;

 constchar *chars = (constchar *)str;

 while ((c = *chars++) !=0) {

    hash = ((hash <<5) + hash) + c;


 return hash;


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