What's New in Dxperience 7.3.6

What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v7.3.6

Release Notes

This DXperience update introduces several important behavior changes:

  • If you're using our Xmas Skin, since v7.3.6 it is included into the BonusSkins assembly.
  • ASPxScheduler and XtraScheduler - The FetchAppointments event's handler type was changed from TimeIntervalEventHandler to FetchAppointmentsEventHandler.
  • ASPxScheduler and XtraScheduler - The FetchAppointments event's arguments type was changed from TimeIntervalEventArgs to FetchAppointmentsEventArgs.

New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
  • S18928 - ASPxSpinEdit - introduce the MaxLength property
  • S19006 - HtmlCommandCellPrepared - A new event for command/service rows
ASPxperience Suite
  • S18989 - Make the GetWindowContentIFrameElement method public
ASPxScheduler Suite
  • S18734 - Add the AppointmentSelectionChanged client-side event
DXperience Suite
  • S18931 - ProjectConverter should not convert references to DevExpress.CodeRush.* and DevExpress.DXCore.*
eXpress Persistent Objects
  • S19038 - Documentation - Session.LockingOption property - in the latest version, the property can be changed after the session is connected
  • S19059 - Documentation - Key attribute - add a note that key properties must not be changed once an object is saved
  • CS59249 - Documentation: Describe the Criteria and CriteriaParameters properties
XtraBars Suite
  • S19063 - RibbonControl - make the StatusBar property public
XtraLayout Suite
  • S18958 - Paddings must not include a group border width when GroupBorderVisible = False and OptionsView.EnableIndentsInGroupsWithoutBorders = True
XtraPivotGrid Suite
  • AS12595 - Add the GetHigherLevelFields and GetHigherLevelFieldValue methods to the PivotCustomDrawFieldValueEventArgs class
XtraScheduler Suite
  • S90376 - Double-clicking on a day in the Month View should create an all-day appointment

Resolved Issues

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
  • B20938 - JavaScript errors with 2 gridviews having a PopupEditForm
  • B19553 - ASPxButton - a trial message is shown when this control is included into the site
  • B19378 - ASPxComboBox: encode html doesn't work
  • B19761 - ASPxEdit's value is outdated if the editor is used in the EditITemTemplate Container and the value is accessed within the RowUpdating event
  • B19473 - ASPxGridView - CSS style is not applied to the HyperLinkColumn's default editor
  • B19548 - ASPxGridView - CustomColumnGroup, CustomColumnSort - e.ListSourceIndex1 and e.ListSourceIndex2 parameters passed to these event handlers are always the same
  • B91475 - ASPxGridView - Editor validation, set via the ValidationSettings property, is not invoked on pressing the Update button during row editing
  • B19236 - ASPxGridView - Header is shifted when there are several detail levels
  • Q93484 - ASPxGridView - Paging doesn't work if the SEOFriendly property is set to Enabled
  • B19502 - ASPxGridView - setting the FocusedRowIndex does not force the control to switch to the required page
  • B19477 - ASPxGridView - SettingsCookies - column widths are not saved if the StoreColumnsWidth property is true
  • B20937 - ASPxGridView - The Select button does not work if the ButtonType property is set to Button
  • B20933 - ASPxGridView - When rows are selected using select check boxes; and then sorting or paging is applied, row selection is mixed up
  • B90930 - ASPxGridView design mode appearance
  • B19514 - ASPxGridView export to PDF: invalid multi line header layout
  • B91480 - ASPxGridView fails when the end-user is trying to invoke editing if the LinqDataSource contains a TimeStamp field
  • B90164 - AspxGridView header row isn't rendered correctly in a div container when ShowVerticalScrollBar is set
  • Q93194 - ASPxGridView ignores XPO's DisplayName attribute
  • Q93998 - ASPxPopupControl's - Java Script error when invoking the PopupControl after the PopupEditForm
  • B20507 - Column Headers rendered at the center of Grid rows, rather than at the top
  • B90735 - Error when selecting a theme in ASPxGridView (VS2008)
  • Q93572 - FocusedRowChanged event is raised on clicking the current row
  • B91004 - Gridlines set to none don't work when the ShowVerticalScrollBar option is set to True
  • B90988 - Invalid argument in ASPxDateEdit
  • B90320 - Invalid argument in ASPxDateEdit in
  • B19732 - Java Script error when using CustomizationWindow and PopupEditForm
  • B19209 - mshtml.dll crashes IE6 during sorting
  • B91473 - Object cannot be cast from dbnull to other types
  • B90941 - Popup Control does not work after opening and editing a popup editor on the Gridview
  • B90742 - SaveClientLayout doesn't preserve column width values
  • AB16999 - Scrollbars are displayed incorrectly
  • B90597 - Some IE6 versions crush during css links management
  • B91387 - The CellStyle.HorizontalAlign property's value set via code doesn't persist after page reloading
  • B19543 - Validation - RequiredField - trim the editor's text before applying validation criteria
ASPxperience Suite
  • B91081 - ASPxCallbackPanel JavaScript Error
  • B91573 - ASPxDataView - SEOFriendly paging works slower when clicking a numeric hyperlink rather than its surrounding TD
  • B90959 - ASPxPageControl - If the EnableClientSideAPI property is true, hovering over tab pages makes them jump
  • B90900 - BlackGlass theme causes a problem with Popups (Same as B19221)
  • Q93655 - Rendering problems when aspxnavbar is placed in a usercontrol
  • B91018 - A wrong column title is displayed when the pivot grid's data is exported in PDF
  • B91661 - An error when trying to export a collapsed Pivot Grid
  • B19815 - OLAP - Filter Popup doesn't support large lists
  • B91448 - Server Error occurs when displaying a large amount of data
  • Q92272 - Variation is calculated incorrectly (returns null) if the last value is null
ASPxScheduler Suite
  • B19650 - Data Binding - Incorrect FetchAppointments event behavior
  • B19798 - Incorrect values are passed as parameters into datasource queries in certain scenarios
  • B91102 - Localization results in an exception on view switching because of an incorrect datetime format preprocessing
DXperience Suite
  • B90923 - Can't import Xmas skin in the skin editor
  • B91399 - Custom skin - The BackColor property cannot be set to Transparent (Common - GroupPanel element)
  • B91469 - Errors while rebuilding assemblies with provided build scripts
  • B90804 - TabbedControlGroup is too slow even using BeginUpdate / EndUpdate
eXpress Persistent Objects
  • B19544 - The order of criteria affects OperatorCriteria's behavior
Installation for .NET
  • B90993 - ProjectConverter does not show entire text when the "Large Fonts" display setting is used in Windows
  • B90915 - Wrong DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler and DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler.Design source folder
XtraBars Suite
  • Q93160 - "Error creating window handle" exception is thrown when a DockManager is being disposed
  • B91241 - BarListItem: Enabled property does not work
  • Q19661 - Ribbon MDI Merging: the GridControl's Group Panel isn't displayed
  • B19446 - RibbonControl catches a keyboard input
  • B19737 - The AllowDelete property works incorrectly
  • B90677 - The UnMerge method does not clear the ItemLinks collection
XtraCharts Suite
  • B91700 - Doughnut 3D View - When a label is positioned inside a pie and there are some series points with null values, it crashes
  • B91466 - Sometimes the numerical argument scale error occurs
  • B19520 - WebChartControl - It's impossible to get absolute X and Y coordinates of the mouse position inside the ObjectHotTracked event handler
  • B19513 - WebChartControl - Provide the e.AdditionalObject (SeriesPoint), when SeriesLabel is clicked
XtraEditors Library
  • B91092 - DateEdit with VistaEditTime: incorrect selection of the next year's date
  • B91183 - DxValidationProvider - ValidationRuleBase.ErrorText cannot be localized
  • B90919 - GridlookupEditor returns null when the ShowAutoFilterRow = true
  • B91108 - PreviewKeyDown not fired
  • B91529 - Smart Tags are not displayed (design time)
  • B19585 - VS2008 - standard editors rather than DevExpress are created when you drag a field from a Data Source window onto a form
  • B91534 - When clicking Today on DateEdit with Vista Edit Time set to true, time is set to 00:00
  • B90967 - ZoomTrackBarControl raises "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." exception
XtraGrid Suite
  • B91613 - "An item with the same key has already been added" exception is thrown when a cell is clicked
  • B19521 - A custom editor cannot be shown within the grid
  • B90812 - Cells are selected incorrectly when the view is grouped
  • Q93425 - it's impossible to specify the appearance settings of individual preview rows by handling the CustomDrawRowPreview event
  • B91268 - LayoutView - the card caption's text is rendered incorrectly when it contains ampersand characters
  • B91009 - LayoutView and columns of nullable types in the table designer
  • Q92123 - Master-detail records not updated in the layout view
  • Q19592 - Xmas skin - the horizontal scrollbar is painted incorrectly
XtraLayout Suite
  • B90386 - A form is automatically resized, when a Field is dragged from [Data Source Window] onto a Layout Control and docked to a form
  • B91125 - An editor's validation cannot be canceled
  • B19243 - Controls contained within the Layout Control don't use the parent skin.
  • B90696 - DataLayout control crashes when importing two Splitter controls at design time
  • B91093 - Hot-track highlighting cannot be turn off
  • B19735 - LabelControl - text is rendered incorrectly when GDI+ painting mechanism is enabled
  • B91030 - XtraLayout exception when customizing via Remote Desktop
  • B90882 - Collapsed menu links don't work after clicking on them
  • B19783 - Collapsed NavPane - The current group displaying ControlContainer is unexpectedly collapsed when clicking the container
  • B91168 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised when trying to display a group that contains hidden links
  • B91077 - The XtraNavBar control is wrongly painted when the XmasSkin is used
XtraPivotGrid Suite
  • B91061 - An error that occurs when making a copy of a field at runtime
  • B19530 - NullReferenceException when linking PivotGrid with ChartControl
  • B19782 - PivotGrid doesn't recreate fields if the OptionsLayout.Columns.RemoveOldColumns property is set to true
  • Q93294 - Prefilter is not saved/restored from the layout
  • B91374 - The pivot grid isn't updated, when its data is filtered against hidden columns
XtraPrinting Library
  • B19346 - ASPxGridViewExporter - RenderBrick - the e.BrickStyle.TextAlignment property is not taken into account in the resulting document
  • B70023 - ASPxPivotGridExporter - Timeout when generating large reports
  • B19303 - Export to XLS - The ShowGridLines option doesn't work as expected
  • B18983 - Printing - Only the first document page is printed when printing from the Print dialog
  • B90640 - Printing - Print dialog doesn't get focus when displayed
XtraReports Suite
  • B91013 - Design Time - Moving several selected controls via the Ctrl+Direction Key sometimes works incorrectly
  • B18776 - End-User Designer - Default printer settings are queried even if the XtraReport.DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing property doesn't refer to the default printer
  • B19533 - End-User Designer - It's impossible to hide the Printing Warning tooltip even if the ReportStringId.Msg_WarningControlsAreOverlapped and ReportStringId.Msg_WarningControlsAreOutOfMargin are empty
  • B19532 - End-User Designer - The NullReference exception is raised, when the Image property is removed from the FilterControlProperties event handler
  • B19795 - Field List - Correctly process duplicated captions
  • B91154 - Page Builder - CanGrow doesn't work for a control which is embedded into another control
  • B19572 - Page Builder - If the XRLabel.AnchorVertical property is set to Top, a label grows but doesn't push down controls below it
  • B90897 - Page Builder - Shrink and Grow feature works incorrectly if a band contains an XRSubreport control
  • B91231 - Page Builder - When using the DetailReportBand and subreport container, CanGrow doesn't work for a control, which is embedded into another control
  • B90803 - VS 2008 - IDE freezes when you use Ctrl+Tab to switch from any window to an XtraReport's design view
  • B19550 - Web - An exception is raised when running a web project with XtraReports under the medium trust permission level
  • B19579 - Web - If an image specified by the XRPictureBox.ImageUrl property isn't found, a report isn't generated at all
  • B19785 - Web - Image height and width are set to 0, if the XRPictureBox.ImageUrl property is set to either a relative path, or to the HttpHandler result
  • B90901 - Web - XRPictureBox.ImageUrl property does not work when manually sending a report to a stream as PDF
  • B91054 - XRCrossBandLine - A line becomes invisible if its width is set to 1 report unit
  • B91055 - XRCrossBandLine - Its height isn't increased, if it is anchored to both sides of a band, and another control inside this band is growing
  • B91090 - XRCrossBandLine, XRCrossBandBox - Incorrect output in inherited reports
  • B91095 - XRPictureBox - There is no way to remove an image after it has been set
  • B90926 - XRRichText - Visual Studio designer hangs when setting the TextAlignment to right if an in-place editor is open
  • B91153 - XRSubreport - A rectangle is visible when the Visible property is set to False
  • B19765 - XRTableCell - The CanGrow and CanShrink properties are disabled when selecting several cells simultaneously
XtraScheduler Suite
  • B91390 - Enabling managed debugging assistants causes the AsynchronousThreadAbort error
  • B19749 - If an appointment's AllDay property is True, sometimes its EndDate is one day higher than the last selected date
  • B91554 - Regional settings (Culture) not applied properly
  • B19671 - The AllowAppointmentConflicts event isn't raised when creating a new appointment
  • B91163 - WorkWeekView's MenuCaption and DisplayName properties have no effect on popup menus
XtraTreeList Suite
  • B19752 - After some nodes are deleted using the DeleteSelectedNodes method, the TreeList always focuses the first node
  • B91040 - ExpandAll corrupts a tree structure and removes columns
  • Q93010 - GetStateImage doesn't work well with the keyboard
  • B91007 - MultiSelection problem
  • B19817 - Odd and even rows use inconsistent colors in Office2007 and Xmas skins
  • B91400 - Scrollbar is shown up when it shouldn't
  • B91001 - TreeList catches mouse events
  • Q93022 - Treelist column doesn't display the XPO property, if the property references another XPO
  • B90879 - TreeList Print - Gridlines not properly rendered when exporting to PDF and Excel
XtraVerticalGrid Suite
  • B91126 - A hidden vertical grid cannot be exported
  • B90945 - Band View - Row-header panel and record widths are no longer persisted
  • B90950 - Problem with the RecordWidth of a vertical grid
  • B91096 - Vertical Grid Error in DesignMode when starting Debug
  • 0
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