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原创 雷电4接口介绍及调试过程


2024-04-18 18:00:45 677

原创 DDR4 眼图测试方法

DDR4 的速度要求以新的方式定义和测量关键的 AC 时序参数(例如数据输入有效窗口的时序和电压)。示波器配备的探测分析工具与自动一致性测试相结合,可以确保测试结果的可重复性和可靠性。设计人员若想缩短学习时间,尽快掌握新一代测试与测量协议的知识,那么最好考虑与积极参与 JEDEC 标准委员会工作的测试工具厂商合作。通过密切的协作和沟通,设计人员可以找到更新、更好的一致性测试解决方案。这对于新发布的技术尤其重要,因为其规范和测量方法仍然处于讨论过程中。

2023-09-23 18:33:38 2396

原创 LPDDR4详解


2022-09-15 14:28:35 9110 2

原创 DDR工作原理-DQ和DQS信号的处理

DDR=Double Data Rate双倍速率同步动态随机存储器。严格的说DDR应该叫DDR SDRAM,人们习惯称为DDR,其中,SDRAM 是Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory的缩写,即同步动态随机存取存储器。本文首先介绍了DDR工作原理及结构图,其次阐述了DDR DQS信号的处理,具体的跟随小编一起来了解一下。DDR的基本原理有很多文章都在探讨DDR的原理,但似乎也不得要领,甚至还带出一些错误的观点。首先我们看看一张DDR正规的时序图。从中可以发现它多了

2022-09-06 16:46:36 20564

原创 PE格式文件重定位的理解

PE文件基址重定位(Base Relocation),程序编译时每个模块有一个优先加载地址ImageBase,这个值是连接器给出的,因此连接器生成的指令中的地址是在假设模块被加载到ImageBase前提之下生成的,那么一旦程序没有将模块加载到ImageBase时,那么程序中 的指令地址就需要重新定位,例如:假设一个可执行文件,基址是0x400000,在这个image偏移0x1234处是一个指针,指向一个字符串,字符串始于实际地址0x404002处,所以指针应该是0x404002,加载文件时,由于种种原因,加

2022-04-28 09:34:18 601

原创 高速信号编码之8B/10B


2022-04-18 16:22:38 493 2

原创 一文看懂P2P原理及UDP穿透

Peer-To-Peer缩写P2P中文称之为对等联网。用途于交流,比如QQ,MSN等等。文件传输、分布式数据计算等等。这里我们主要是是简单讲解一下UDP实现NAT的穿透(俗称打洞)当然TCP与之相似,可以以此类推。NAT最开始出现在路由器上。详细的大家可以在网上查下资料NAT的全称是Network Address Translator中文称之为网络地址转换NAT分为两大类,NAT和NAPT(Network Address Port Translator)这个不用说了,端口地址转换。用于实例

2022-01-15 09:54:54 2103

原创 Hi3516CV500/Hi3516AV300/Hi3516DV300 SDK编译

需要注意使用的系统版本为ubuntu14.04,使用其他版本会导致各种错误!准备文件拿到SDK后解压得到以下文件:需要用到的是SDK和toolchain在Hi3516C V500R001C02SPC011\01.software\board目录下有Hi3516CV500_SDK_V2.0.1.1.tgz这个文件就是SDK在toolchain目录下有一个arm-himix200-linux.tgz就是工具链上传到虚拟机执行解压:tar -zxvf Hi3516C...

2021-12-22 16:29:14 1489

原创 Linux笔记

Ubuntu虚拟机找不到网卡:sudo service network-manager stopsudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.statesudo service network-manager startsudo vim /etc/NetWorkManager/NetworkManager.conf,将其中的managed=false改为managed=truesudo service network-manager res

2021-12-20 16:51:15 477

原创 嵌入式ARM64 移植ubuntu系统

平台:orangepi4 rockchip rk3399 LPDDR4 4G eMMC 16G系统:ubuntu 20.04下载ubuntu-baseubuntu-base是一个基础的Ubuntu系统,可以理解为最小的Ubuntu系统,本文适用所有arm/aarch64,这里我使用的是ubuntu2020.04版本wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/releases/20.04/release/ubuntu-base-20.04.3-bas

2021-12-13 17:28:34 5307 10

原创 UEFI Specification 第二章 概述

UEFI支持通过加载UEFI驱动和UEFI应用程序映象来扩展平台固件。当UEFI驱动程序和UEFI应用程序加载时,它们可以访问所有UEFI定义的运行时和引导服务。UEFI允许将OS加载程序和平台固件的引导菜单整合到一个单一的平台固件菜单中。这些平台固件菜单允许从UEFI引导服务支持的任何引导介质的任何分区选择任何UEFI OS加载器。UEFI OS加载器可以支持多个选项,这些选项可以出现在用户界面上。也可以包括旧的启动选项,比如在平台固件启动菜单中从A:或C:驱动器启动。UEFI支持从包含.

2021-12-09 11:24:17 3364

原创 UEFI Specification 第一章 引言(基于UEFI_Spec_2_9_2021_03_18)

统一可扩展固件接口(UEFI)规范描述了操作系统和平台固件之间的接口。UEFI之前是可扩展固件接口规范1.10 (EFI)。因此,一些代码和某些协议名称保留了EFI名称。除非另有说明,本规范中的EFI名称可能被认为是UEFI的一部分。接口采用数据表的形式,其中包含与平台相关的信息,以及OS加载器和OS可用的引导和运行时服务调用。它们共同提供了一个引导操作系统的标准环境。本规范是作为一个纯粹的接口规范设计的。因此,该规范定义了平台固件必须实现的接口和结构集。类似地,该规范定义了操作系统在引导时可能使用的一

2021-12-09 10:33:55 2497

原创 嵌入式ARM64 Linux内核FIT uimage方式启动

FIT简介device tree在ARM架构中普及之后,u-boot也马上跟进、大力支持,毕竟,美好的Unify kernel的理想,需要bootloader的成全。为了支持基于device tree的unify kernel,u-boot需要一种新的Image格式,这种格式需要具备如下能力:1.Image中需要包含多个dtb文2. 可以方便的选择使用哪个dtb文件boot kernel综合上面的需求,u-boot推出了全新的image格式----FIT uImage,其中FIT是flat.

2021-12-07 19:19:44 4267

原创 uboot 2021.10源码分析(启动流程)

uboot版本:2021.10平台:armv8 rk3399 eMMC 16G LPDDR4 4G本文主要基于uboot的执行流程进行分析而忽略了相关细节,从uboot的基本框架结构着手,新的uboot框架是有三部分组成的:TPL SPL uboot,而且编译后产生的镜像也是有三部分构成,所以也可以认为是三个独立的程序,只不过合在了一个代码框架里面了。1. 编译过程编译过程主要是通过CONFIG_TPL_BUILDCONFIG_SPL_BUILD这两个宏来指定,三个阶段开关打开情况:...

2021-12-06 17:37:15 5389 3

原创 嵌入式ARM64 使用buildroot构建最小系统


2021-12-06 11:34:18 3621

原创 嵌入式ARM64 Linux内核编译及根文件系统构建

这篇文章主要讲三个方面内容:编译最新的linux内核使用busybox构建根文件系统运行系统使用的系统环境是Ubuntu20.041. 编译linux内核安装arm64交叉编译器:sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu下载内核源码:wget -c https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.15.6.tar.xz解压源码:tar -xJf linux-

2021-12-06 10:05:15 7426 5

原创 编译Linux内核及最小文件系统并运行(Linux+busybox+roootfs+qemu)

开发环境:ubuntu 14.04linux源码版本:linux-4.9.229busybox源码版本:busybox-1.30.0qemu-system-x86_64版本:2.0.0本文教你完成下列过程:1.下载linux并编译linux内核源码2.编译busybox3.制作一个最小的根文件系统4.qemu启动你编译好的内核和根文件系统linux源码下载地址:https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/

2021-11-29 12:38:10 1114

原创 嵌入式ARM64 uboot 2022.01 移植

​主要介绍移植最新的bootloader到RK3399,我使用的是orangepi4主板。RK3399的uboot采用的方案有两种:瑞芯微原厂提供的idbloader.bin方案和uboot TPL/SPL方案idbloader.bin方案是基于rkbin项目,这段代码是不开源的,对于我们想研究齐原理部分不是很方便,本文不做讨论,idbloader.bin方案移植可以参考uboot编译移植瑞芯微还提供了一种采用U-BootTPL/SPL 模式的开源uboot方案,参考官方移植,本文就是参考官..

2021-11-22 16:08:28 5554 1

原创 ACPI Specification 第四章 ACPI硬件规范

第四章 ACPI硬件规范... 24.1 Hardware-Reduced ACPI 34.1.1 Hardware-Reduced事件... GPIO提示事件或中断提示事件...基于中断的唤醒事件... 44.2 Fixed Hardware编程模型... 44.3通用硬件编程模型... 44.4图例... 64.5寄存器位符号... 74.6 ACPI硬件型号... 74.6.1硬件预留位... 114.6.2硬件忽略位..

2021-09-09 16:13:31 4529 1

原创 ACPI Specification 第三章 ACPI概念

目录第三章 ACPI 概念... 23.1系统电源管理... 33.2电源状态... 33.2.1电源按钮... 43.2.2平台电源管理特点...移动电脑...台式电脑...多处理器和服务器pc. 53.3设备电源管理... 63.3.1设备电源管理模式... 63.3.2电源管理标准... 73.3.3设备电源状态... 73.3.4设备电源状态定义... 73.4控制设备电源... 83.

2021-09-08 11:40:16 7029 1

原创 ACPI Specification 第二章 条款的定义

目录2.1 ACPI通用术语2.2全局系统状态定义2.3设备电源状态定义2.3.1设备性能状态2.4睡眠和软化状态的定义2.5处理器电源状态定义2.6设备和处理器性能状态定义本规范使用本节定义的一组特定术语。本节分为三个部分:一般ACPI术语按字母顺序定义和呈现。定义了ACPI全局系统状态(工作、休眠、软关闭和机械关闭)。全局系统状态应用于整个系统,并且对用户可见。定义ACPI设备电源状态。设备电源状态是特定设备的状态;因此,它们通常对用户是不可见的。例如,一些设

2021-09-08 09:26:08 1402

原创 ACPI Specification 第一章 介绍

开发高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)规范是为了建立工业通用接口,以支持设备和整个系统的健壮的操作系统(OS)导向的主板设备配置和电源管理。ACPI是面向操作系统的配置和电源管理(OSPM)中的关键元素。ACPI将现有的pre-ACPI电源管理BIOS代码集合、高级电源管理(APM)应用程序编程接口(api、PNPBIOS api、多处理器规范(MPS)表等演化为定义良好的电源管理和配置接口规范。ACPI提供了从现有(遗留)硬件有序过渡到ACPI硬件的方法,它允许ACPI和遗留机制同时存在于单个机器中,并根

2021-09-07 18:37:37 3001

原创 ACPI Specification 概述(基于ACPI_Spec_6_4_Jan22)

概述本章提供了高级配置和电源接口ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)的概述。为了更容易理解ACPI,本节重点讨论关于ACPI的广泛和一般的陈述,而不是讨论每个可能的异常或关于ACPI的细节。ACPI规范的其余部分提供了关于ACPI内部工作的更多细节,建议使用ACPI的开发人员阅读。ACPI的历史ACPI是在20世纪90年代中期由Intel, Microsoft*, Toshiba*, HP*和Phoen...

2021-09-07 17:22:40 2561

转载 嵌入式和单片机,两者的区别

大家好,我是张巧龙,凡是从事信息技术相关工作的童鞋,一定都听说过嵌入式和单片机。大家都知道,这两个名词,和硬件系统有着非常密切的关系。但是,如果要问具体什么是嵌入式,什么是单片机,它们之间究竟有什么区别,我相信大部分人并不能解释清楚。▉ 1. 什么是嵌入式首先,我们来看看什么是嵌入式。嵌入式,一般是指嵌入式系统,英文叫作:embedded system。嵌入式开发,其实就是对嵌入式系统的开发。IEEE(美国电气和电子工程师协会)对嵌入式系统的定义是:“用于控制、监视或

2021-08-17 17:09:24 3179 2

原创 编译openwrt遇到的问题 wctables.h

Warning: adding UNDEFINED entry for af_ZA GEN extra/locale/lt_defines.h HOSTCC extra/locale/gen_wctypeextra/locale/gen_wctype.c: In function 'main':extra/locale/gen_wctype.c:684:2: warning: #war...

2019-08-18 18:52:47 1086

原创 edk2-vUDK2018编译

编译Nt32Pkg打开VS2013命令行 进入工程目录 D:\work\doc\bios\edk2-vUDK2018运行edksetup.bat --nt32 运行 build -a X64 -p Nt32Pkg\Nt32Pkg.dsc -t VS2013build -a X64 -p OvmfPkg\OvmfPkgX64.dsc -t VS2013 -b RELEASEbuild...

2019-07-10 17:41:38 1869

原创 BIOS工程师需要掌握的知识

素 质 要 求 强烈的责任心和敬业精神项目的BIOS工作,与独立的软件工作有一个重要的区别就是,BIOS工作配合硬件、电源、Layout、测试、EMI、测试等部分紧密工作,如果由于BIOS的Delay,那么可能造成这个项目的严重Delay,这样不但拖住产品上市,而且拖住整个项目的资源,造成资源的严重浪费。所以,BIOS工程师必须有十分强烈的时间观念,这种的较强的时间观念不仅仅表现在整个项目...

2019-06-15 15:27:47 23112 19

CCG Host Processor Interface 001-97863-0P-V Apr 2021

This document describes the Host Processor Interface (HPI) implemented by Cypress’ CCG USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery (PD) controllers. This includes description of HPI Transport, Protocol, Registers and PD Message Handling. CCG devices are commonly used in PD port controller applications in systems like Notebook and Desktop computers, tablets, mobiles etc. In such cases, the system design typically includes a Host Processor or Embedded Controller (EC) that is responsible for the system polic


The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0

The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0












This Design Guide provides motherboard implementation recommendations for the Kaby Lake platform, based on the Kaby Lake processor. This document includes design guides for Kaby Lake (KBL) U and Kaby Lake Y platforms.The Kaby Lake processors will enable the next generation of 2-in-1s and Ultrabook.


Windows Internals, Part 1 7th

Windows Internals, Seventh Edition is intended for advanced computer professionals (developers,security researchers, and system administrators) who want to understand how the core components of theMicrosoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems work internally. With thisknowledge, developers can better comprehend the rationale behind design choices when buildingapplications specific to the Windows platform. Such knowledge can also help developers debug complexproblems.


ASR1601 datasheet V5.pdf

ASR1601是一款高性价比的片上系统(SOC)设备,集成了应用程序处理子系统,通信子系统,音频编解码器和嵌入式pSRAM,以支持单芯片4G LTE功能电话解决方案以及GSM解决方案。 该通信子系统集成了LTE CAT1,GSM调制解调器基带和RF收发器,覆盖450MHz〜2.7GHz频段,可在全球范围内漫游。 该应用子系统运行在Cortex-R5处理器上,该处理器具有集成的多媒体组件,包括摄像头系统,ISP,视频播放/编码,显示控制器和音频编解码器。此外,还提供了广泛的接口和连接外围设备集,可与摄像头,显示器, MMC / sd卡,传感器,wifi,FM收音机,蓝牙等。



统一可扩展固件接口(UEFI)规范描述了操作系统和平台固件之间的接口。UEFI之前是可扩展固件接口规范1.10 (EFI)。因此,一些代码和某些协议名称保留了EFI名称。除非另有说明,本规范中的EFI名称可能被认为是UEFI的一部分。 接口采用数据表的形式,其中包含与平台相关的信息,以及OS加载器和OS可用的引导和运行时服务调用。它们共同提供了一个引导操作系统的标准环境。本规范是作为一个纯粹的接口规范设计的。因此,该规范定义了平台固件必须实现的接口和结构集。类似地,该规范定义了操作系统在引导时可能使用的一组接口和结构。固件开发人员如何选择实现所需的元素,或者操作系统开发人员如何选择利用这些接口和结构,这是留给开发人员的实现决策。 该规范的目的是定义一种方法,使操作系统和平台固件仅通信支持操作系统引导过程所必需的信息。这是通过平台和固件提供给操作系统的软件可见接口的正式和完整的抽象规范来实现的。 使用这一正式定义,旨在运行在与受支持的处理器规范兼容的平台上的收缩包装操作系统将能够在各种系统设计上启动,而无需进一步的平台或操作系统定制。该定义还允许平台创新引入新特性和功能,以增强平台的能力,而不需要按照操作系统的引导顺序编写新代码。 此外,抽象规范开辟了一条替代遗留设备和固件代码的路径。新的设备类型和相关代码可以通过相同定义的抽象接口提供同等的功能,同样不会影响OS引导支持代码。 该规范适用于从移动系统到服务器的所有硬件平台。该规范提供了一组核心服务以及一组协议接口。协议接口的选择可以随着时间的推移而发展,并针对不同的平台市场细分进行优化。与此同时,该规范允许oem提供最大限度的可扩展性和定制能力,以实现差异化。在这方面,UEFI的目的是定义一个从传统的“PC-AT”风格的引导世界到一个没有遗留api的环境的进化路径。



此文章由丹心静居下载整理,虽然是 16.2 版本的,只要你掌握了设计流程和方法,学 会 16.3 到 16.6 版本的不再是难事(想学精通,需要自己加倍努力),只是个别界面有些区别 而已,所以很值得推荐给大家学习一下,文内有实例操作,操作截图,截图清晰,容易理解, 让你不再为学习 Cadence 软件发愁。






ACPI的历史ACPI是在20世纪90年代中期由Intel, Microsoft*, Toshiba*, HP*和Phoenix*合作开发的。在开发ACPI之前,操作系统主要使用BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)接口进行电源管理、设备发现和配置。电源管理的方法是利用操作系统调用系统BIOS的能力来进行电源管理。BIOS还用于根据探测输入/输出(I/O)来发现系统设备和加载驱动程序,并尝试将正确的驱动程序匹配到正确的设备(即插即用)。设备的位置也可以在BIOS中硬编码,因为平台本身是不可枚举的。这些解决方案在三个关键方面存在问题。首先,操作系统应用程序的行为可能会受到bios配置的电源管理设置的负面影响,导致系统在演示期间或其他不方便的时间进入睡眠状态。第二,电源管理接口是每个系统的专有接口。这要求开发人员了解如何为每个单独的系统配置电源管理。最后,各种设备的默认设置也可能相互冲突,导致设备崩溃、行为不稳定或变得无法发现。



This document defines the LPDDR4 standard, including features, functionalities, AC and DC characteristics, packages, and ball/signal assignments. The purpose of this specification is to define the minimum set of requirements for a JEDEC compliant 16 bit per channel SDRAM device with either one or two channels. LPDDR4 dual channel device density ranges from 4 Gb through 32 Gb and single channel density ranges from 2 Gb through 16 Gb. This document was created using aspects of the following standards: DDR2 (JESD79-2), DDR3 (JESD79-3), DDR4 (JESD79-4), LPDDR (JESD209), LPDDR2 (JESD209-2) and LPDDR3 (JESD209-3).


Hi3516EV300 专业型HD IP Camera SoC用户指南.pdf

Hi3516EV300 作为新一代行业专用 HD IP 摄像机 SOC,集成新一代 ISP 以及业界最新 的 H.265 视频压缩编码器,同时采用先进低功耗工艺和低功耗架构设计,使得 Hi3516EV300 在低码率、高画质、低功耗等方面引领行业水平。集成 POR、RTC、 Audio Codec,为客户极大的降低了 ebom 成本。且与海思 DVR/NVR 芯片相似的接口 设计,能方便支撑客户产品开发和量产。


Hi3518EV300 消费类 Camera SoC 用户指南.pdf

Hi3518EV300 作为新一代消费类 Camera SOC,集成新一代 ISP 以及业界最新的 H265 视频压缩编码器,在低码率、高画质等方面领先业界,同时人形检测,支持人脸和异 常声音检测等智能应用;采用先进低功耗工艺和低功耗架构设计,使得 Hi3518EV300 在低功耗上引领行业水平。集成 POR、RTC、Audio Codec,为客户极大的降低了 ebom 成本。



This Design Guide provides motherboard implementation recommendations for the Kaby Lake platform, based on the Kaby Lake processor. This document includes design guides for Kaby Lake (KBL) U and Kaby Lake Y platforms. The Kaby Lake processors will enable the next generation of 2-in-1s and Ultrabook. The Kaby Lake platform consists of KBL U and KBL Y 1-Chip Platform Series, KBL H 2- Chip Platform Series and KBL S 2-Chip Platform Series. The Kaby Lake U platform consists of a Kaby Lake U processor plus a Kaby Lake Platform Controller Hub (PCH) in the same Multi Chip Package (MCP). Kaby Lake PCH, also known as KBL PCH, refers to the PCH portion of the Kaby Lake processor. Similarly the Kaby Lake Y platform consists of a Kaby Lake Y processor plus a Kaby Lake PCH in the same Multi Chip Package (MCP). The Kaby Lake H and S 2-Chip platform consists of KBL processor package with Kaby Lake PCH package.



The BD99950MUV is a high-efficiency, synchronous Narrow VDC system voltage regulator and battery charger controller. It has two charge pumps which separately drive N-channel MOSFETs for automatic system power source selection. Charge voltage, charge current, AC adapter current and minimum system voltage can be programmed through SMBus. With a small inductor, PWM switching frequency can also be programmed by SMBus up to 1.2MHz



The RT5077A is a highly-Integrated multi-channel power management solutions to meet the performance, efficiency and feature requirements for INTEL GLK platform. This device provides 2 step-down controllers, 4 step-down converters, 1 LDO and 1 load switch in one package.



The RT5077A is a highly-Integrated multi-channel power management solutions to meet the performance, efficiency and feature requirements for INTEL GLK platform. This device provides 2 step-down controllers, 4 step-down converters, 1 LDO and 1 load switch in one package.



对 DDR2 SDRAM的访问是基于突发模式的; 读写时,选定一个起始地址,并按照事先编程设定的突发长度(4或8)和突发顺序来依次读写.访问操作开始 一个激活命令, 后面紧跟的就是读或者写命令。和激活命令同步送达的地址位包含了所要存取的簇和行 (BA0, BA1 选定簇; A0-A13 选定行). 和读或写命令 同步送达的地址位包含了突发存取的起始列地址 ,并决定是否发布自动预充电命令。 在进行常用的操作之前, 要先对 DDR2 SDRAM 进行初始化. 下面的几小节介绍初始化的详细信息,寄存器的定义,命令的描述和芯片的操作。






在本规范中,假设视听内容是通过基于 HDMI 的有线显示链路传输的。在 HDCP 系统中,两 个或多个 HDCP 设备通过 HDCP 保护接口相互连接。视听内容从上游内容控制功能流向最上 游 HDCP 发射机的 HDCP 系统。从那里,由 HDCP 系统加密的视听内容(称为 HDCP 内容)在 HDCP 保护的接口上流经一个树形的 HDCP 接收器拓扑。本规范描述了一种内容保护机 制:(1)HDCP 接收器的身份验证到其直接的上游连接(即:(2)由数字内容保护有限责任公司(LLC) 决定的 HDCP 接收器的撤销无效,和(3)HDCP 加密视听内容在 HDCP 保护接口之间的 HDCP 发射器


w25q64fw_revk 07012016 sfdp.pdf

w25q64fw_revk 07012016 sfdp.pdf


Unicode码表(Version 13.0).pdf

You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to thes


Hi3519AV100 4K Smart Camera SoC 用户指南.pdf

Hi3519AV100 是一颗面向监控 IP 摄像机、运动相机、全景相机、后视镜等多个产品领域推出的高性能、低功耗的 4K Smart Camera SoC。该芯片支持H.265/H.264 编解码,编码/解码性能高达 4K*2K@60fps/1080p@240fps;该芯片集成了海思第四代 ISP,支持 WDR、多级降噪、六轴防抖及多种图像增强和矫正算法,为客户提供专业级的图像质量。同时,该芯片还支持 4K RAW 数据输出,可用于影片后期编辑。该芯片采用先进的 12nm 低功耗工艺和低功耗架构设计,简化客户产品的散热设计,有利于客户打造节能环保的智能摄像机产品。


GY-521 MPU6050模块 三维角度传感器6DOF三轴加速度计电子陀螺仪 33.zip

MotionInterface™ is becoming a “must-have” function being adopted by smartphone and tablet manufacturers due to the enormous value it adds to the end user experience. In smartphones, it finds use in applications such as gesture commands for applications and phone control, enhanced gaming, augmented


Hi3516DV300 专业型 Smart IP Camera SoC 用户指南.pdf(2019-09-15)

Hi3516DV300 作为新一代行业专用 Smart HD IP 摄像机 SOC,集成新一代 ISP、业界 最新的 H.265 视频压缩编码器,同时集成高性能 NNIE 引擎,使得 Hi3516DV300 在低 码率、高画质、智能处理和分析、低功耗等方面引领行业水平。集成 POR、RTC、 Audio Codec 以及待机唤醒电路,为客户极大的降低了 ebom 成本。且与海思 DVR/NVR 芯片相似的接口设计,能方便支撑客户产品开发和量产。



3516C v300的SDK,大小2个多G,网盘链接, 大家需要可以下载,欢迎大家进行交流。。。。。


USB4 Specification.zip(USB4.0原版资源合集)

This chapter presents an overview of Universal Serial Bus 4 (USB4™) architecture and key concepts. USB4 is similar to earlier versions of USB in that it is a cable bus supporting data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. However, USB4 also allows a host computer to setup data exchange between compatible peripherals. The attached peripherals share bandwidth as configured by the host computer. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation. When configured over a USB Type-C® connector interface, USB4 functionally replaces USB 3.2 while retaining USB 2.0 bus operating in parallel. Enhanced SuperSpeed USB, as defined in USB 3.2, remains the fundamental architecture for USB data transfer on a USB4 Fabric. The difference with USB4 versus USB 3.2 is that USB4 is a connection -oriented, tunneling architecture designed to combine multiple protocols onto a single physical interface, so that the total speed and performance of the USB4 Fabric can be dynamically shared. USB4 allows for USB data transfers to operate in parallel with other independent protocols specific to display, load/store and host-to-host interfaces. Additionally, USB4 extends performance beyond the 20 Gbps (Gen 2 x 2) of USB 3.2 to 40 Gbps (Gen 3 x 2) over the same dual-lane, dual-simplex architecture. This specification introduces the concept of protocol tunneling to USB bus architecture. Besides tunneling Enhanced SuperSpeed USB (USB3), display tunneling based on DisplayPort (DP) protocol and load/store tunneling based on PCI Express (PCIe) are defined. These protocol tunnels operate independently over the USB4 transport and physical layers. Additionally, USB4 allocates packets for bus configuration and management, and packe ts can be allocated specifically for host-to-host data connections.


USB4 1.0 with errata through 20200504 - REDLINE.pdf

Adopters of the USB4™ specification have signed the USB4 Adopters Agreement, which provides them access to a royalty-free reasonable and nondiscriminatory (RAND) license from the Promoters and other Adopters to certain intellectual property contained in products that are compliant with the USB4 specification. Adopters can demonstrate compliance with the specification through the testing program as defined by the USB Implementers Forum (USB -IF). Products that demonstrate compliance with the specification will be granted certain rights to use the USB-IF logos as defined in the logo license.



The RT3602AC is an IMVP8 compliant CPU power controller which includes three voltage rails : a 2/1 phase synchronous Buck controller, the MAIN VR, a single phase synchronous Buck controller, the auxiliary VR, and a single phase synchronous Buck controller, the VCCSA VR. The RT3602AC adopts G-NAVPTM(Green Native AVP) which is Richtek's proprietary topology derived from finite DC gain of EA amplifier with current mode control, making it easy to set the droop to meet all Intel CPU requirements of AVP (Adaptive Voltage Positioning). Based on the GNAVPTM topology, the RT3602AC also features a quick response mechanism for optimized AVP performance during load transient. The RT3602AC supports mode transition function with various operating states. A serial VID (SVID) interface is built in the RT3602AC to communicate with Intel IMVP8 compliant CPU. The RT3602AC supports VID on-the-fly function with three different slew rates : Fast, Slow and Decay. By utilizing the G-NAVPTM topology, the operating frequency of the RT3602AC varies with VID, load and input voltage to further enhance the efficiency even in CCM. Moreover, the GNAVPTM with CCRCOT (Constant Current Ripple COT) technology provides superior output voltage ripple over the entire input/output range. The built-in high accuracy DAC converts the SVID code ranging from 0.25V to 1.52V with 5mV per step. The RT3602AC integrates a high accuracy ADC for platform setting functions, such as quick response trigger level. Besides, the setting function also supposes this two rails address exchange. The RT3602AC provides VR ready output signals. It also features complete fault protection functions including over-voltage (OV), negative voltage (NV), over-current (OC) and under-voltage lockout (UVLO). The RT3602AC is available in the WQFN- 52L 6x6 small foot print package.


LVDS Owners Manual.pdf

LVDS用户手册第四版 National Semiconductor’s LVDS Owner’s Manual, frst published in spring 1997, has been the industry’s “go-to design guide” over the last decade. Te owner’s manual helped LVDS grow from the original IEEE 1596.3-1996 Standard for Low-Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) for Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) into the workhorse technology it is today. LVDS is now pervasive in communications networks and used extensively in applications such as laptop computers, ofce imaging, industrial vision, test and measurement, medical, and automotive. It provides an attractive solution - a small-swing differential signal for fast data transfers at signifcantly reduced power and with excellent noise immunity. Along with the applications, LVDS continued to evolve over the last decade to meet specifc requirements such as Bus LVDS and Multipoint LVDS. For example, the latest LVDS products are capable of data rates in excess of 3 Gbps while still maintaining the low power and noise immunity characteristics. Today, many applications require even faster data rates and longer transmission paths. Terefore, designers should consider technologies such as Current-Mode Logic (CML) and signal conditioning for both LVDS and CML. Tat is why this new Fourth Edition includes practical design techniques for these technologies as well as LVPECL and LVCMOS. Tis owner’s manual provides useful and current information. It begins with a brief overview of the three most common high-speed interface technologies (LVDS (with variants B-LVDS and M-LVDS), CML, and LVPECL) a review of their respective characteristics, and a section on selecting the optimal technology for an application. Te manual then covers relevant topics such as level translation, jitter, signal conditioning, and suggested design approaches. Tis practical information will help you select the right solution for today’s interface design issues.


eDP 1.3协议规范.pdf

This standard defines requirements and options of a standardized display panel interface for embedded display applications. It is based on the VESA DisplayPort Standard Version 1.3 and includes implementation options recommended for consideration by the system integrator.


eDP 1.4 Electrical Performance and Characterization Software.pdf

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. eDP 1.4 electrical performance and characterization (EP&C) software for Infniium Series oscilloscopes (see Table 2) provides you with a fast and easy way to verify and debug your eDP interface designs for embedded systems. The eDP 1.4 electrical test software is designed to be uniquely flexible to handle the wide variety of confgurations that are possible in embedded systems and pose characterization challenges. It offers the standard tests that are recommended as well as other informative tests, so it functions equally well as a validation tool. It displays the measurement data results in a flexible report format, and the report also provides a margin analysis that shows how closely your device passed or failed each test.



The IT66351 is a HDMI2.0 3 IN to 1 OUT re-timer switch which supports maximum signaling rate up to 6Gbps/channel. It is compliant to the latest HDMI2.0b specification and backward compatible to the HDMI1.4 and DVI specifications. With 6Gbps/channel capability, the IT66351 can support ultra-high resolution content streams, such as 4Kx2K@50/60Hz video formats. With the re-timer structure, the IT66351 can support superior performance for long cable application. All 3 input ports and 1 output port support HDMI2.0 data rate up to 18Gb/s.



This Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Specification describes an interface between the operating system (OS) and the platform firmware. UEFI was preceded by the Extensible Firmware Interface Specification 1.10 (EFI). As a result, some code and certain protocol names retain the EFI designation. Unless otherwise noted, EFI designations in this specification may be assumed to be part of UEFI. The interface is in the form of data tables that contain platform-related information, and boot and runtime service calls that are available to the OS loader and the OS. Together, these provide a standard environment for booting an OS. This specification is designed as a pure interface specification. As such, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that platform firmware must implement. Similarly, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that the OS may use in booting. How either the firmware developer chooses to implement the required elements or the OS developer chooses to make use of those interfaces and structures is an implementation decision left for the developer. The intent of this specification is to define a way for the OS and platform firmware to communicate only information necessary to support the OS boot process. This is accomplished through a formal and complete abstract specification of the software-visible interface presented to the OS by the platform and firmware. Using this formal definition, a shrink-wrap OS intended to run on platforms compatible with supported processor specifications will be able to boot on a variety of system designs without further platform or OS customization. The definition will also allow for platform innovation to introduce new features and functionality that enhance platform capability without requiring new code to be written in the OS boot sequence. Furthermore, an abstract specification opens a route to replace legacy devices and firmware code over time. New device types and associated code can provide equivalent functionality through the same defined abstract interface, again without impact on the OS boot support code. The specification is applicable to a full range of hardware platforms from mobile systems to servers. The specification provides a core set of services along with a selection of protocol interfaces. The selection of protocol interfaces can evolve over time to be optimized for various platform market segments. At the same time, the specification allows maximum extensibility and customization abilities for OEMs to allow differentiation. In this, the purpose of UEFI is to define an evolutionary path from the traditional “PC-AT”- style boot world into a legacy-API free environment.



本参考手册面向应用开发人员,提供有关使用 STM32F405xx/07xx、 STM32F415xx/17xx、 STM32F42xxx 和 STM32F43xxx 微控制器存储器与外设的完整信息。 STM32F405xx/07xx、 STM32F415xx/17xx、 STM32F42xxx 和 STM32F43xxx 构成一个微 控制器系列,各产品具有不同的存储器大小、封装和外设。 有关订购信息以及器件的机械与电气特性,请参见数据手册。 有关 ARM Cortex™-M4F 内核的信息,请参见《Cortex™-M4F 技术参考手册》


ACPI 6.3 协议规范(英文版)---ACPI_6_3_May16.rar

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification was developed to establish industry common interfaces enabling robust operating system (OS)-directed motherboard device configuration and power management of both devices and entire systems. ACPI is the key element in Operating System-directed configuration and Power Management (OSPM). ACPI evolved the existing pre-ACPI collection of power management BIOS code, Advanced Power Management (APM) application programming interfaces (APIs, PNPBIOS APIs, Multiprocessor Specification (MPS) tables and so on into a well-defined power management and configuration interface specification. ACPI provides the means for an orderly transition from existing (legacy) hardware to ACPI hardware, and it allows for both ACPI and legacy mechanisms to exist in a single machine and to be used as needed. Further, system architectures being built at the time of the original ACPI specification’s inception, stretched the limits of historical “Plug and Play” interfaces. ACPI evolved existing motherboard configuration interfaces to support advanced architectures in a more robust, and potentially more efficient manner. The interfaces and OSPM concepts defined within this specification are suitable to all classes of computers including (but not limited to) desktop, mobile, workstation, and server machines. From a power management perspective, OSPM/ACPI promotes the concept that systems should conserve energy by transitioning unused devices into lower power states including placing the entire system in a low-power state (sleeping state) when possible. This document describes ACPI hardware interfaces, ACPI software interfaces and ACPI data structures that, when implemented, enable support for robust OS-directed configuration and power management (OSPM)


UEFI 2.8协议规范(英文)---UEFI_Spec_2_8_final.pdf

This Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (hereafter known as UEFI) Specification describes an interface between the operating system (OS) and the platform firmware. UEFI was preceded by the Extensible Firmware Interface Specification 1.10 (EFI). As a result, some code and certain protocol names retain the EFI designation. Unless otherwise noted, EFI designations in this specification may be assumed to be part of UEFI. The interface is in the form of data tables that contain platform-related information, and boot and runtime service calls that are available to the OS loader and the OS. Together, these provide a standard environment for booting an OS. This specification is designed as a pure interface specification. As such, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that platform firmware must implement. Similarly, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that the OS may use in booting. How either the firmware developer chooses to implement the required elements or the OS developer chooses to make use of those interfaces and structures is an implementation decision left for the developer. The intent of this specification is to define a way for the OS and platform firmware to communicate only information necessary to support the OS boot process. This is accomplished through a formal and complete abstract specification of the software-visible interface presented to the OS by the platform and firmware. Using this formal definition, a shrink-wrap OS intended to run on platforms compatible with supported processor specifications will be able to boot on a variety of system designs without further platform or OS customization. The definition will also allow for platform innovation to introduce new features and functionality that enhance platform capability without requiring new code to be written in the OS boot sequence. Furthermore, an abstract specification opens a route to replace legacy devices and firmware code over time. New device types and associated code can provide equivalent functionality through the same defined abstract interface, again without impact on the OS boot support code. The specification is applicable to a full range of hardware platforms from mobile systems to servers. The specification provides a core set of services along with a selection of protocol interfaces. The selection of protocol interfaces can evolve over time to be optimized for various platform market segments. At the same time, the specification allows maximum extensibility and customization abilities for OEMs to allow differentiation. In this, the purpose of UEFI is to define an evolutionary path from the traditional “PC-AT”- style boot world into a legacy-API free environment.



USB内核与PHY之间的接口规范,用于对USB PHY的操作接口,USB技术规发可供参考!USB技术规发可供参考!


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