RETURNS @Tree Table(PID int,FID int ,Name VARCHAR(300)) as begin --DECLARE @ID VARCHAR(3) --SET @ID = '16' ;with rolDepList as ( select PID,FID,Name from tbDepList as b where exists(select PID from tbUserDep where DepID=b.PID and UserID = @ID) AND (CanUse = 1) union all select a.PID,a.FID,a.Name from tbDepList a join rolDepList b on a.pid=b.fid ) Insert @Tree select distinct(PID),FID,Name from rolDepList --'select distinct(PID),FID,Name from rolDepList Return end
select PID,FID,Name from dbo.GetRolDep(16)
DECLARE @ID VARCHAR(8) SET @ID = '16' ;with getDepList as ( select * from tbDepList where pid=@id union all select a.* from tbDepList a join getDepList b on a.pid=b.fid ) select * from getDepList