

GoF(Gang of Four),GoF都是知名的软件工程师并且在面向对象编程和软件设计领域具有丰富的经验。他们于上世纪90年代一起在IBM的T.J.华生研究中心工作。这四人也即Erich Gamma、Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson和John Vlissides于1994年出版了一本《设计模式- 可复用的面向对象软件元素》。此后在软件工程领域影响深远,以致于软件工程师们大量讨论和使用书中所介绍的23种设计模式。



  • 创建型模式(Creational Patterns):这些模式主要关注对象创建机制,针对具体场景选择对应方式创建对象。包含有5种设计模式:

    • 单例模式(Singleton Pattern)
    • 工厂方法模式(Factory Method Pattern)
    • 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)
    • 建造者模式(Builder Pattern)
    • 原型模式(Prototype Pattern)
  • 结构型模式(Structural Patterns):这些模式主要关注对象的组合,通过单独的对象或类形成更大型的结构。包含7种设计模式:

    • 适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)
    • 桥接模式(Bridge Pattern)
    • 组合模式(Composite Pattern)
    • 装饰器模式(Decorator Pattern)
    • 外观模式(Facade Pattern)
    • 享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)
    • 代理模式(Proxy Pattern)
  • 行为型模式(Behavioral Patterns):这些模式关注的是对象间的通信,定义对象的交互方式及分配责任。包含11种设计模式:

    • 责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)
    • 命令模式(Command Pattern)
    • 解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern)
    • 迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)
    • 中介者模式(Mediator Pattern)
    • 备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)
    • 观察者模式(Observer Pattern)
    • 状态模式(State Pattern)
    • 策略模式(Strategy Pattern)
    • 模板方法模式(Template Method Pattern)
    • 访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)


单例模式(Singleton Pattern)


package singleton

import (

type singleton struct {
	// your singleton fields here

var (
	instance *singleton
	once     sync.Once

// GetInstance returns the singleton instance
func GetInstance() *singleton {
	once.Do(func() {
		instance = &singleton{}
	return instance

工厂方法模式(Factory Method Pattern)


package factory

type Product interface {
	GetName() string

type ProductA struct{}

func (p *ProductA) GetName() string {
	return "Product A"

type ProductB struct{}

func (p *ProductB) GetName() string {
	return "Product B"

type Factory interface {
	CreateProduct() Product

type FactoryA struct{}

func (f *FactoryA) CreateProduct() Product {
	return &ProductA{}

type FactoryB struct{}

func (f *FactoryB) CreateProduct() Product {
	return &ProductB{}

抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)


package abstract_factory

type AbstractFactory interface {
	CreateProductA() ProductA
	CreateProductB() ProductB

type ConcreteFactory1 struct{}

func (f *ConcreteFactory1) CreateProductA() ProductA {
	return &ConcreteProductA1{}

func (f *ConcreteFactory1) CreateProductB() ProductB {
	return &ConcreteProductB1{}

type ConcreteFactory2 struct{}

func (f *ConcreteFactory2) CreateProductA() ProductA {
	return &ConcreteProductA2{}

func (f *ConcreteFactory2) CreateProductB() ProductB {
	return &ConcreteProductB2{}

type ProductA interface {
	GetName() string

type ConcreteProductA1 struct{}

func (p *ConcreteProductA1) GetName() string {
	return "ConcreteProductA1"

type ConcreteProductA2 struct{}

func (p *ConcreteProductA2) GetName() string {
	return "ConcreteProductA2"

type ProductB interface {
	GetName() string

type ConcreteProductB1 struct{}

func (p *ConcreteProductB1) GetName() string {
	return "ConcreteProductB1"

type ConcreteProductB2 struct{}

func (p *ConcreteProductB2) GetName() string {
	return "ConcreteProductB2"

建造者模式(Builder Pattern)


package builder

type Product struct {
	Name    string
	Version int

type Builder interface {
	SetName(name string) Builder
	SetVersion(version int) Builder
	Build() *Product

type ConcreteBuilder struct {
	product *Product

func (b *ConcreteBuilder) SetName(name string) Builder {
	b.product.Name = name
	return b

func (b *ConcreteBuilder) SetVersion(version int) Builder {
	b.product.Version = version
	return b

func (b *ConcreteBuilder) Build() *Product {
	return b.product

原型模式(Prototype Pattern)


package prototype

type Prototype interface {
	Clone() Prototype
	GetName() string

type ConcretePrototype struct {
	name string

func (p *ConcretePrototype) Clone() Prototype {
	return &ConcretePrototype{name: p.name}

func (p *ConcretePrototype) GetName() string {
	return p.name

适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)


package adapter

type Adaptee interface {
	SpecificRequest() string

type ConcreteAdaptee struct{}

func (a *ConcreteAdaptee) SpecificRequest() string {
	return "adaptee method called"

type Target interface {
	Request() string

type Adapter struct {
	adaptee Adaptee

func (a *Adapter) Request() string {
	return a.adaptee.SpecificRequest()

桥接模式(Bridge Pattern)


package bridge

type Abstraction interface {
	Operation() string

type ConcreteAbstraction struct {
	implementation Implementation

func (a *ConcreteAbstraction) Operation() string {
	return a.implementation.OperationImplementation()

type Implementation interface {
	OperationImplementation() string

type ConcreteImplementationA struct{}

func (i *ConcreteImplementationA) OperationImplementation() string {
	return "ConcreteImplementationA"

type ConcreteImplementationB struct{}

func (i *ConcreteImplementationB) OperationImplementation() string {
	return "ConcreteImplementationB"

组合模式(Composite Pattern)


package composite

type Component interface {
	Operation() string

type Composite struct {
	components []Component

func (c *Composite) Add(component Component) {
	c.components = append(c.components, component)

func (c *Composite) Remove(component Component) {
	for i, comp := range c.components {
		if comp == component {
			c.components = append(c.components[:i], c.components[i+1:]...)

func (c *Composite) Operation() string {
	result := ""
	for _, component := range c.components {
		result += component.Operation() + "\n"
	return result

type Leaf struct{}

func (l *Leaf) Operation() string {
	return "Leaf operation"

装饰器模式(Decorator Pattern)


package decorator

type Component interface {
	Operation() string

type ConcreteComponent struct{}

func (c *ConcreteComponent) Operation() string {
	return "ConcreteComponent operation"

type Decorator interface {
	Operation() string

type ConcreteDecoratorA struct {
	component Component

func (d *ConcreteDecoratorA) Operation() string {
	return "ConcreteDecoratorA operation " + d.component.Operation()

type ConcreteDecoratorB struct {
	component Component

func (d *ConcreteDecoratorB) Operation() string {
	return "ConcreteDecoratorB operation " + d.component.Operation()

外观模式(Facade Pattern)


package facade

type SubsystemA interface {
	OperationA() string

type ConcreteSubsystemA struct{}

func (s *ConcreteSubsystemA) OperationA() string {
	return "SubsystemA operation"

type SubsystemB interface {
	OperationB() string

type ConcreteSubsystemB struct{}

func (s *ConcreteSubsystemB) OperationB() string {
	return "SubsystemB operation"

type Facade interface {
	Operation() string

type ConcreteFacade struct {
	subsystemA SubsystemA
	subsystemB SubsystemB

func (f *ConcreteFacade) Operation() string {
	result := "Facade operation:\n"
	result += f.subsystemA.OperationA() + "\n"
	result += f.subsystemB.OperationB()
	return result

享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)


package flyweight

type Flyweight interface {
	Operation() string

type ConcreteFlyweight struct {
	state string

func (f *ConcreteFlyweight) Operation() string {
	return "ConcreteFlyweight operation with state " + f.state

type FlyweightFactory struct {
	flyweights map[string]*ConcreteFlyweight

func (f *FlyweightFactory) GetFlyweight(state string) Flyweight {
	if flyweight, ok := f.flyweights[state]; ok {
		return flyweight
	} else {
		flyweight := &ConcreteFlyweight{state: state}
		f.flyweights[state] = flyweight
		return flyweight

代理模式(Proxy Pattern)


package proxy

type RealSubject struct{}

func (r *RealSubject) Operation() string {
	return "RealSubject operation"

type Proxy struct {
	realSubject *RealSubject

func (p *Proxy) Operation() string {
	if p.realSubject == nil {
		p.realSubject = &RealSubject{}
	return "Proxy operation: " + p.realSubject.Operation()

责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)


package chain_of_responsibility

type Handler interface {
	SetNext(handler Handler) Handler
	Handle(request string) string

type ConcreteHandlerA struct {
	nextHandler Handler

func (h *ConcreteHandlerA) SetNext(handler Handler) Handler {
	h.nextHandler = handler
	return handler

func (h *ConcreteHandlerA) Handle(request string) string {
	if request == "A" {
		return "ConcreteHandlerA handled request A"
	} else if h.nextHandler != nil {
		return h.nextHandler.Handle(request)
	} else {
		return "ConcreteHandlerA can't handle the request"

type ConcreteHandlerB struct {
	nextHandler Handler

func (h *ConcreteHandlerB) SetNext(handler Handler) Handler {
	h.nextHandler = handler
	return handler

func (h *ConcreteHandlerB) Handle(request string) string {
	if request == "B" {
		return "ConcreteHandlerB handled request B"
	} else if h.nextHandler != nil {
		return h.nextHandler.Handle(request)
	} else {
		return "ConcreteHandlerB can't handle the request"

命令模式(Command Pattern)


package command

type Command interface {
	Execute() string

type Receiver struct{}

func (r *Receiver) Action() string {
	return "Receiver action"

type ConcreteCommand struct {
	receiver *Receiver

func (c *ConcreteCommand) Execute() string {
	return "ConcreteCommand executing " + c.receiver.Action()

type Invoker struct {
	command Command

func (i *Invoker) SetCommand(command Command) {
	i.command = command

func (i *Invoker) ExecuteCommand() string {
	return i.command.Execute()

解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern)


package interpreter

type Context struct {
	input  string
	output string

type AbstractExpression interface {
	Interpret(context *Context) error

type TerminalExpression struct{}

func (t *TerminalExpression) Interpret(context *Context) error {
	context.output += "Terminal expression "
	return nil

type NonterminalExpression struct{}

func (n *NonterminalExpression) Interpret(context *Context) error {
	context.output += "Nonterminal expression "
	return nil

迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)


package iterator

type Aggregate interface {
	CreateIterator() Iterator

type ConcreteAggregate struct {
	items []string

func (c *ConcreteAggregate) CreateIterator() Iterator {
	return &ConcreteIterator{items: c.items}

type Iterator interface {
	Next() (string, bool)

type ConcreteIterator struct {
	index int
	items []string

func (c *ConcreteIterator) Next() (string, bool) {
	if c.index >= len(c.items) {
		return "", false
	item := c.items[c.index]
	return item, true

中介者模式(Mediator Pattern)


package mediator

type Mediator interface {
	Notify(component Component)

type ConcreteMediator struct {
	components []Component

func (m *ConcreteMediator) Notify(component Component) {
	for _, comp := range m.components {
		if comp != component {


type Component interface {
	Send() string
	Receive(message string)

type ConcreteComponentA struct {
	mediator Mediator

func (c *ConcreteComponentA) Send() string {
	return "ConcreteComponentA sending message"

func (c *ConcreteComponentA) Receive(message string) {

type ConcreteComponentB struct {
	mediator Mediator

func (c *ConcreteComponentB) Send() string {
	return "ConcreteComponentB sending message"

func (c *ConcreteComponentB) Receive(message string) {

备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)


package memento

type Memento struct {
	state string

func (m *Memento) GetState() string {
	return m.state

type Originator struct {
	state string

func (o *Originator) SetState(state string) {
	o.state = state

func (o *Originator) SaveState() *Memento {
	return &Memento{state: o.state}

func (o *Originator) RestoreState(m *Memento) {
	o.state = m.GetState()

type Caretaker struct {
	memento *Memento

func (c *Caretaker) SetMemento(m *Memento) {
	c.memento = m

func (c *Caretaker) GetMemento() *Memento {
	return c.memento

观察者模式(Observer Pattern)


package observer

type Subject interface {
	Attach(observer Observer)
	Detach(observer Observer)

type ConcreteSubject struct {
	observers []Observer
	state     string

func (s *ConcreteSubject) Attach(observer Observer) {
	s.observers = append(s.observers, observer)

func (s *ConcreteSubject) Detach(observer Observer) {
	for i, obs := range s.observers {
		if obs == observer {
			s.observers = append(s.observers[:i], s.observers[i+1:]...)

func (s *ConcreteSubject) Notify() {
	for _, obs := range s.observers {

type Observer interface {
	Update(subject Subject)

type ConcreteObserverA struct {
	state string

func (o *ConcreteObserverA) Update(subject Subject) {
	if subject.(*ConcreteSubject).state == "A" {
		o.state = "ConcreteObserverA updated"

type ConcreteObserverB struct {
	state string

func (o *ConcreteObserverB) Update(subject Subject) {
	if subject.(*ConcreteSubject).state == "B" {
		o.state = "ConcreteObserverB updated"

状态模式(State Pattern)


package state

type Context struct {
	state State

func (c *Context) SetState(state State) {
	c.state = state

func (c *Context) Request() string {
	return c.state.Handle()

type State interface {
	Handle() string

type ConcreteStateA struct{}

func (s *ConcreteStateA) Handle() string {
	return "ConcreteStateA handling"

type ConcreteStateB struct{}

func (s *ConcreteStateB) Handle() string {
	return "ConcreteStateB handling"

策略模式(Strategy Pattern)


package strategy

type Context struct {
	strategy Strategy

func (c *Context) SetStrategy(strategy Strategy) {
	c.strategy = strategy

func (c *Context) ExecuteStrategy() string {
	return c.strategy.Execute()

type Strategy interface {
	Execute() string

type ConcreteStrategyA struct{}

func (s *ConcreteStrategyA) Execute() string {
	return "ConcreteStrategyA executing"

type ConcreteStrategyB struct{}

func (s *ConcreteStrategyB) Execute() string {
	return "ConcreteStrategyB executing"

模板方法模式(Template Method Pattern)


package template_method

type AbstractClass interface {
	PrimitiveOperation1() string
	PrimitiveOperation2() string
	TemplateMethod() string

type ConcreteClass struct{}

func (c *ConcreteClass) PrimitiveOperation1() string {
	return "PrimitiveOperation1 implementation"

func (c *ConcreteClass) PrimitiveOperation2() string {
	return "PrimitiveOperation2 implementation"

func (c *ConcreteClass) TemplateMethod() string {
	result := c.PrimitiveOperation1()
	result += c.PrimitiveOperation2()
	return result

访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)


package visitor

type Element interface {
	Accept(visitor Visitor) string

type ConcreteElementA struct{}

func (e *ConcreteElementA) Accept(visitor Visitor) string {
	return visitor.VisitConcreteElementA(e)

type ConcreteElementB struct{}

func (e *ConcreteElementB) Accept(visitor Visitor) string {
	return visitor.VisitConcreteElementB(e)

type Visitor interface {
	VisitConcreteElementA(e *ConcreteElementA) string
	VisitConcreteElementB(e *ConcreteElementB) string

type ConcreteVisitor struct{}

func (v *ConcreteVisitor) VisitConcreteElementA(e *ConcreteElementA) string {
	return "ConcreteVisitor visiting ConcreteElementA"

func (v *ConcreteVisitor) VisitConcreteElementB(e *ConcreteElementB) string {
	return "ConcreteVisitor visiting ConcreteElementB"




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