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2009年03月26日 下午 09:40









CRYSTL32v461116.EXE3252kSegate Crystal Reports Pro 水晶报表控件



RandomDLLBase.zip4K小而简单的实用程序,可以生成 ActiveX 基地址 。



fldrvw20.zip119KFolderView ActiveX Control 2.0准确地模拟了Windows中Explorer左面板的性能,可以显示Shell中Namespace的全部文件和文件夹。在前期版本的基础上修复了错误并增添了许多新特性。包括自动更新、具体浏览、完整关联菜单、以及可以在文件和文件夹中执行shell命令等。



filevw20.zip127KFileView ActiveX Control 2.0准确地模拟了Windows中Explorer右面板的性能,可以显示Shell中Namespace的全部文件和文件夹。在前期版本的基础上修复了错误并增添了许多新特性。包括自动更新、具体浏览、完整关联菜单、以及可以在文件和文件夹中执行shell命令等。






UnZipper.zip76K用ActiveX 控件设计操作ZIP压缩档案,它与压缩的 PKZip 和 InfoZip 标准兼容。



TransFX.zip67K制作幻灯片的ActiveX 控件,可以制作专业的图片演示或屏幕保护程序。



TimeLed.zip13K简单的ActiveX 控件显示一只带液晶的图形钟。









Shcmbbox1.zip112K类似Windows Explorer的ShComboBox ActiveX 控件 v1.0,它有许多属性、方法和功能强大的事件信息。



Roman.zip8K这个 activeX 控件可以把十进制数字与罗马数字相互转换。







pictuner.zip45KPicTuner 是调整位图图象对比度,亮度和颜色平衡的ActiveX控件 。它能够支持*.jpg, *.bmp, *.dib等文件格式。如果您正在努力寻找一些包括基本图形图像处理功能的方法的话,那么它就是您所需要的,不要再寻寻觅觅了。



PicOpener.zip112KPicOpener 是允许你读取超过 50 个格式的图象文件,并且转换他们到 BMP 位图格式的ActiveX控件.









label3d.zip30K创建3D 标签的ActiveX。能设置的属性就跟2D 标签加上两个颜色属性及阴影设置。它使用了属性页。



ImgInfo.zip12KImgInfo 是ActiveX控件,可读取BMP,GIF,JPG 和 PNG 文件格式,显示相关信息。






filevw21.zip99KFileView ActiveX 控件允许你在应用程序中增加一个象Windows Explorer一样的listview,并显示所有的文件夹及文件。


1,animate.zipThis ActiveX DLL (Source Included) shows how to create animated dialogs in VB5. 2,MetricConversionDLL.zip34 Metric conversion routines in a VB5 DLL. Callible directly or just call the nice front end.3,ControlP.zipWith help of this OCX you can call 39 control panels in windows!4,RemBuilderplus.zipActiveX that allows the ability to add comment blocks with ease.5,VertMenu.zipThis is a free active ocx with full source code for a vertical menu with the look and feel of Outlook 97. 6,dm10e.zipDevMailer adds SMTP email sending abilities to your VB, ASP, VBA, Delphi, or Perl program in just seconds! Features 7,HideAway.zipAn alignable tool bar which can be hidden. Also includes smooth scrolling for hiding/unhiding.8,tlsGUI.zipTILISOFT GUI ActiveX Controls - ImageLabel, ScrollPanel, SplitPanel, Brief9,recordsetEng.zipThis application shows how a DLLActiveX queries a Database and returns the recordset to the Standard EXE application.10,THtml.ZipShow Page Title for file selected with ".HTM" or ".ASP" extension11,Fancy_Button.zipFancy Button12,TransFX.zipTransitionFX is an ActiveX control that allows you to make professional quality slide shows, picture presentations or screen savers13,Roman.zipThis activeX control convert Decimal numbers to Roman numerals and back 14,pgBar.zipCarrick Progress Bar 1.0 - replacement for standard progress bar with customizable colors and styles15,JPGMaker.zipJPGMaker is an ActiveX control designed to compress bitmap images and save them in JPG format16,pictuner.zipPicTuner is an ActiveX control designed to adjust contrast, brightness and color balance of bitmap images. It supports the following file formats: *.jpg, *.bmp, *.dib. 17,Hyperlink.zipHyperlink ActiveX control allows you to include hypertext links on your forms18,shortcut.zipShortcut is an ActiveX control designed to create shortcuts to programs and documents and place them on windows desktop.19,PicOpener.zipPicOpener is an ActiveX control that allows you to read image files in over 50 formats and convert them to BMP bitmaps20,PicConverter.zipRead over 50 and write 15 image file formats.21,labelblink.zipBlinks The Caption In A Label Box22,UnZipper.zipActiveX control designed to easily manipulate ZIP archives from within your application. 23,gurhancoolbuttonocx.zipGurhanCoolButton is a free ActiveX Control that Acts as a Flat Button. Background Pictures and Icons can be added with ease24,pktextline.zipTextbox with modern design25,DirScanner.zipDirScanner is a free ActiveX control designed to scan directory/drive and save results to a file26,activeEjecutor.zipThis control launches a program and waits until it has finished or27,REGASP.zipDLL which provides access to the Windows 2000 registry through Active Server Pages (ASP) code. 28,ColorProgressBar.zipReplaces the standard progress bar with one that is on the order of O(n^2) times faster, with color options, and directional options.29,MDITaskBarDemo.zipThis zip file contains all the code and procedures necessary to create and implement an MDI TaskBar control. 30,AnimatedAgent.zipTwo VBScripts which allow the users to INSTANTLY create MS Agent EMAIL and MS AGENT Web pages or add MS Agent to web pages31,label3d.zipThis ActiveX Control creates a 3D Label. 32,Shcmbbox1.zipShComboBox ActiveX Control v1.0 behaves exactly like the Combo box in Windows Explorer showing all the folders and even files in the Shell's namespace33,fldrvw21.zipFolderView ActiveX Control 2.1 allows you to add a Windows Explorer-like treeview in your application.34,controlcenterlefttrans.zipControl that centers text right, left or in the middle.35,BetaDBToolBar.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar) for Add, Edit, Delete, etc...36,CodeDll.zipMiniCalculator DLL that allows input keys/Calculation results directly into a TextBox, ComboBox, etc.37,hyperlink082800.zipThis Hyperlink ActiveX Control will allow you to insert an Hyperlink which will be very useful if you want to give a link to your website from your program. 38,DropdownCalculator.zipNice Drop-Down ActiveX Control Calculator. It is like a combo box, but it will drop down a calculator, which you can use for calculation39,ColorPicker1.zipIt is a color picker control, which is almost similar to those you find in MS Office 2000 applications.40,PowerPrint.zipEasiest way to print. This Will Print Left Align, Right Align, Center Align. OCX. Full demonstration easy to use.41,fb.zipFolder Browser lets you select the directories the easy and elegant way.42,TimeLed.zipThis simple ActiveX control shows a graphic clock with led simulation43,MouseHook.zipThis control provides a nice, elegant way of reacting to the movement of the mouse wheel and other mouse functionality44,rscomm.zipSerial Comm control that provides the ability to send and receive 5 bit baudot with its built in ASCII to baudo and baudo to ASCII converter. Also can tx and rx any baudrate 45 to 115k!45,Mouse.zipVery useful mouse events, such as MouseMove, MousePosition, ClickRightButton, ClickLeftButton and etc.46,cdwriter.zipThis is a relatively simple cd writer code, comes with a freeware ocx. 47,converter.zipThis example project shows you how to use my binary.ocx. 48,autoreg.zipAuto easy, fast super Register/Unregister ocx/dll files at the same time!49,EasterEgg.zipthis is an EasterEgg OCX that you can drop on to your about form. 50,imgedit.zipImgEdit is an image-processing tool. It allows you to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation. 51,xshow.zipA control to create screensavers and/or slideshows. Choose from more than 120 transition effects between bitmap images.52,mp3enc.zipMP3 encoder. Source code for OCX not included.53,opendialog.zipAn extended Dialog Box like VB dialog style, with New, open, Recent files and preview. 54,SJIni.zipShareware OCX for manipulating INI files. Fast, easy, effective way to manipulate INI files.55,SoundSource.zipBrainFusion Presents The Dancer.Ocx Which is capable of reading The Sound Peak Form Sound Card When Mp3 or Wav File Is Played 56,SysUSATimeZONE.zipGet's Time From Anywhere In USA. Just By Typing In The State Abbreviation. 57,adbevel.zipVisual Basic now has a bevel control like Delphi. 58,RebootPlus.zipHere Is Another OCX File That Logs Off, Shutdown, Restart, Displays Device Manage, And Display Properties.59,RetCal10.zipThis Activex control creates retail calendars on the fly. very useful if you are in the retail, accounting, merchandising industries. Very cool check it out60,SysErrorOCX.zipOCX file that handles Database Errors. Contents Of This File Include.SysError.OCX 61,Appearence.zipSystem OCX allows you to change certain system display settings. 62,textbox1.zipSyntax highlighting text editor ... not based on the RTF box... supports drawing of external graphics on the text area...useful for html editors etc63,Player.zipA multimedia ocx to replace mediaplayer ocx64,Audio.zipThis ActiveX Control will play all kinds of MPEG-Layer3(MP3) files with ease of use. 65,HLiteDemo.zipHlite.Ocx When Placed On A Form And Called From A Textbox When It Has Focus It Will Highlight The Text Very Usefull In Data Entry Application66,SysBacUpDemo.zipThis Is A Demo Application Using A Ocx File To Backup Files. 67,OCXButton1.zipAn ActiveX control (OCX) for creating Buttons with attributes unavailable in the intrinsic CommandButton control of VB68,transferTV.zipTransfers values from one treeview to another recursively.69,createctrl.zipA float button control70,SysPCase.zipThis Is An OCX File That Will Allow a user to start typing and when textbox loses focus the OCX will make all text that user typed in into Proper Text Format71,SysErrorLogWriter.zipHere is an OCX file that will log all errors when placed under an event On Error Goto72,Pbar.zipThis is an OCX that has the nice Progress Bar that has the Percent in the middle It's nice and easy to use73,metawizardv101.zipMeta Wizard a small Meta Tag creation tool that takes advantage of the system toolbar and ontop properties. With this tool you can easily create Meta Tags74,Counter.zipFormatted number, long number counter, Thousand seperator75,barcode128.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar), to Add, Edit, Delete, etc...76,SwitchOCX.zipActiveX control.77,djmeter.zipA control (with VB Source) that is an implementation of a progress bar78,BtnGraphic.zipAn OCX someone made that allows you to easily create command buttons on forms, that act like an IE coolbar 79,HSoft11.zipThis is an OCX someone wrote that acts and looks almost identical to the IE3 toolbar80,MsgScroll.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that scrolls text81,mtymse.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that controls every aspect of the mouse82,progbar.zipUses a picture box to emulate a progress bar83,axcool.zipA toolbar control someone wrote84,axgrid.zipA Grid control someone wrote85,axpanel.zipA Panel, 3D Fram, Progress meter control someone wrote.86,browsef.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a folder.87,browsfil.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a file..88,colbrwse.zipA colour select control.89,colorsel.zipA drop down colour select control.90,FileOps.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to easily copy, rename, put in trash, move files on your computer91,formmenu.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to add menus to any place on a form you like92,hlitactx2.zipA VB5/6 control that shows you how to do code to see if the mouse is over a control on the screen. This one will highlight itself when the mouse id over it93,progbar2.zipA VB5/6 control that is a progress bar. Very good, allows lots of 94,spinedit.zipA spin control95,tilepuz.zipA control that simulates the tiled puzzle game96,urllabel2.zipA label control, but when you click on it, it starts up the default browser to a specified URL97,crdsrc.zipA whole deck of cards in a control, usfull for using in your own program98,ode.zipA control that spins numbers around99,TaskBar_v0_5.zipA control that creates a task bar, onto which you can add other controls100,vbalilsc.zipA pure VB control, that is a replacment for the image list control101,DBControl.zipA control that has many usefull database functions within it, like add field, add column, compact, restore, create primary key etc..102,OvalButton.zipA control that is an oval command button103,VBocx002.zipDas Scroll Wheel kann als Scrollbar oder einfach nur zur graphischen Versch?nerung verwendet werden 104,VBocx003o.zipDiese Leuchtdiode l?sst sich rund oder viereckig anzeigen, und erzeugt dadurch einen grafisch aufmachenderen Eindruck!!!105,VBocx004o.zipBlendet einen Text von wei? nach schwarz ein!106,VBocx005o.zipWie hier sichtbar, zeigt diese OCX-Datei nur Ziffern an. Der Counter oben besteht aus 2, die Uhrzeit unten aus 6 LED-Ziffern. Bei der Uhr werden desweiteren 2 Labels als Trennung verwendet.107,VBocx006o.zipEine Progressbar, der einfach anzusteuernd die Farbe und den Text ausgibt.108,vbocx008o.zipEinfach zu bedienen, sieht gut aus, und lockert das Bild der Benutzeroberfl?che etwas auf! 109,VBocx007o.zipEin einfach zu bedienendes OCX, um dateien von Servern hoch oder runterzuladen!110,VBocx001.zipVerschlüsseler werden meist zum Schutz von Daten angewandt.111,SuperPack.zipSuper Fill is an OCX designed to extend VB Fill Style property. You can create user patterns andprocess the scan-lines coordinate returned from the control. This is a shareware control by Fabio Guerrazzi.112,supDraw.zipAnother control by Fabio Guerrazzi. Shareware.113,LEDBULB.zipThis OCX will represent strings in the form of led bulbs. By H.M.IMTHIAZ RAFIQ.114,delaunay.zipPerforms constrained triangulation, curve level and 3d mesh.115,Wolf.zipAnother ocx make example.116,OCXRegCode.zipThis will register your ocx.Comes with the complete source. Made by Neil Cuttriss.117,DDCalc.zipThis OCX Control is simple enough not to describe its use.118,Flash3D.zipThis shows you how to use the macromedia flash/shockwave ocx. Also demonstrates 3D animation in a vector based environment with Flash119,EnhPrint.zipOCX which creates a EMF-metafile dc class, which can be used by the vb programmer to create, print and/or preview a metafile120,hoverbutton.zipThis is an enhancement of the standard command button.121,scbox10.zipThis ActiveX control lets you add a shadow that falls behind a control.122,getfile.zipControl consisting of a text box and a button. User clicks the button, dialog shown 123,ftpActiveX.zipThis control shows how to use the Inet control for downloading files, uploading files, listing directories, renaming files, deleting files, creating directories and more!!124,TextBoxControl.zipThis text box control allows you to limit input based on datatype or numeric range. Validation occurs within the lost focus event.125,systray.zipAdd icons to the system tray with ease. The caption and icon can be set. 126,asRuler.zipThis is a basic Custom Contrl, which displayes a ruler.127,playing_card.zipSimple to use playing card activeX control with additional container with auto arrange function. 128,XPlayer.zipThis control functions much like windows media player and supports the following file formats: Dat, Avi, Mp3, Wav, Mpg & Wma files.129,DBImage.zipThis one is component that allows you to populate image data from a ADO field to the component just like you would populate a text field with text data from a text field.130,ellipctl.zipMake an elliptical ActiveX picture control




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