Ubuntu Beginer


Ubuntu version


uname -a

uname -r


Ubuntu rpm / VMware / root / java / vi / putty / jboss




1. install ssh server in Linux;

    $sudo apt-get install ssh

2. use NAT network connection;




rpm -ivh package.ix86.rpm

rpm -ql packagename

rpm -e packagename

rpm -Uvh package.ix86.rpm


install VMware-tools


cp -a /media/cdrom/VMwareTools* /tmp/

cd /tmp/

tar -vxzf VMwareTools*.gz

cd vmware-tools-distrib/

sudo ./vmware-install.pl


mount a ext disk


1. shutdown the running Linux;

2. right-click on the Linux OS -> Virtual Machine Settings;

3. In "Hardware" tab, click "Add" -> Add a hard disk -> Create a new virtual disk -> SCSI(recommended) -> set the size -> OK;

4. as a result, a new disk named - Hard Disk 2 will display in Linux OS settings.


login as root:

# fdisk -l ## list all partitions information

# fdisk /dev/sdb ## begin to make partition of new disk

m ## usage

p ## print the current disk partition table

n ## create a new partition

p ## select primary partition

1 ## the partition No.

p ## print the up to date partition information table

w ## write the new partition to disk

# mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 ## format the new partition using ext3

# fdisk -l ## list information

# mkdir /data1   ## make new directory for mount - /data1

# mount /dev/sdb1 /data1 ## mount sdb1 on /data1

# df -h   ## reboot system to check the disk information

Move data:

du -hs /usr ##check the folder size

1. move all data in /usr to /data1 (we can use $sudo mv /usr/* /data1/)

2. clear /usr directory:

# rm -r /usr

3. create /usr directory again:

# mkdir /usr

4. umount /dev/sdb1 from /data1, and mount it on /usr:

# umount /dev/sdb1 /data1

# mount /dev/sdb1 /usr

4、# vi /etc/fstab ## modify /etc/fstab, let system mount the new disk on boost automatically.

add below line in the end(separate by Tab):

        /dev/sdb1                /usr                     ext3     defaults         1 2

4. OK, reboot system, check the disk information. you will find the extension disk has been mounted to system.

# df -h

              File System           Volumn   Used Avaliable Used% Mount point

              /dev/sda2              3.6G    1.3G   2.4G     35%  /

              udev                   125M    124K   125M     1%   /dev

              /dev/sdb1              4.0G    2.3G   1.6G     60%  /usr


Create root user in Ubuntu:


$ sudo sh

Asran's Password: ******


(now you are in root session)




If you want to be able to login as root, you need to define a password for root:

$ sudo passwd

Asran's Password:

Enter new UNIX password: *****

Retype new UNIX password: *****

change current user pwd:


$sudo password username ## root can change any use's password without regex restrictions.



upgrade to vim

$ sudo apt-get install vim




$sh jdk-6u16-linux-i586.bin

vim .profile

set JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH in personnal environment


export JAVA_HOME


export PATH






./run.sh -b -&

./shutdown -S




Install .deb .bin


*.deb: $sudo dpkg -i *.deb

*.bin: $sh *.bin


Install Mysql / SVN




1. Install svn client:

$sudo apt-get install subversion

2. checkout:

[workspace]$svn checkout http://opensvn.csie.org/asran --username asran.deng

prompt for password:******

3. update:

[workspace]$svn update

4. add new file:

[workdirectory]$svn add hello.c

5. remove:

[workdirectory]$svn delete hello.cgi

5. commit(if there are new files, then need add them first):

[workdirectory]$svn commit

6. create a new project:

$svn mkdir --parents -m "" http://opensvn.csie.org/asran/c++

then checkout that project.




1. $sudo apt-get install mysql-server

2. $sudo aptitude install libmysqlclient15-dev  ## install develop libraries for developer

compile: cc -o mysql.cgi mysql.c -lmysqlclient



chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file


mode : permission configuration,format : [ugoa...][[+-=][rwxX]...][,...]

u - the file owner

g - the same group of file owner

o - others

a - all of three

+ grant - revoke = only set (privileges)

r readable, w writable, x executable, X unknow yet?

-c : if the file privilege really be changed, then display the modification action

-f : if the file privilege can't be changed, then also display nothing

-v : show verbose

-R : subdirectory recursively

--help : help information

--version : display version


$chmod ugo+r file1.txt (everyone can read it)

equivalent with: $chmod a+r file1.txt

$chmod ug+w,o-w file1.txt file2.txt (owner and owner group can write file1.txt and file2.txt, others can't write)

$chmod u+x ex1.py (owner can execute ex1.py)

$chmod -R a+r * (everyone can read the files in current directory and its subdirectories)

$chmod 777 file

syntax: chmod abc file

a - user

b - group

c - other

r=4 w=2 x=1

rwx: 4+2+1=7

rw-: 4+2=6

r-x: 4+1=7


chmod a=rwx file = chmod 777 file

chmod ug=rwx,o=x file = chmod 771 file

chmod 4755 filename ## as root privilege

sudo chmod 600 ***

sudo chmod 644 ***

sudo chmod 700 ***

sudo chmod 666 ***

sudo chmod 777 ***





locate is great for searching the entire file system

$locate xorg.conf

$locate -r '/xorg.conf$' (regular expression)

$locate -i 'monthly report' (insensitive)

$locate -b Desktop (hide sub-directories & files)

$sudo updatedb (update index)


which finds where a command lives

$which mysql

$which svn


find the source, man page, and other associated directories

$whereis firefox


$find everything

$find / -name game

$find /home -user joe

$find /usr -name *stat

$find /var/spool -mtime +60

$find . -type f -perm -u=x, -o=r -exec rm -i {} \;

$find / -name foo 2>/dev/null  ## redirect the error message.

$find -print0 ## separate file pathname with NUL.

$find . -name foo\*bar ## This will search from the current directory down for foo*bar (that is, any filename that begins with foo and ends with bar).

$find / -type f -mtime -7 | xargs tar -rf weekly_incremental.tar

$gzip weekly_incremental.tar

## will find any regular files (i.e., not directories or other special files) with the criteria "-type f", and only those modified seven or fewer days ago ("-mtime -7")

## Using the tar option "-c" is dangerous here;  xargs may invoke tar several times if there are many files found and each "-c" will cause tar to over-write the previous invocation.  The "-r" option appends files to an archive.  Other options such as those that would permit filenames containing spaces would be useful in a "production quality" backup script.

$find / -name core | xargs /bin/rm -f

$find / -name core -exec /bin/rm -f '{}' \; # same thing

$find / -name core -delete                  # same if using Gnu find

$find / -mmin -10 ## locate files modified less than 10 minutes ago.

$ls -l | wc -l ## count the files

$find / -name core | wc -l


$grep '_IO_FILE' /usr/include/*.h ## full-text search



Compression / Extraction



# zip -r archive_name.zip directory_to_compress

# unzip archive_name.zip


gzip filename.ext

gunzip filename.gz


# tar -cvf archive_name.tar directory_to_compress

# tar -xvf archive_name.tar

# tar -xvf archive_name.tar -C /tmp/extract_here/


# tar -zcvf archive_name.tar.gz directory_to_compress

# tar -zxvf archive_name.tar.gz

# tar -zxvf archive_name.tar.gz -C /tmp/extract_here/

# tar -xzvf foo.tgz


# tar -jcvf archive_name.tar.bz2 directory_to_compress

# tar -jxvf archive_name.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/extract_here/

$*** -tf zipfilename ## list content of compress file





:set showmode

hjkl -------move cursor

x  ---------- remove character

dd ---------- delete whole line

Y/yy ---------- copy one line

nY ------------ copy n line

yG ------------ copy to the end of file

yw ------------ copy to the end of word(inline)

y$ ------------ copy to the end of line (inline)

P ------------- paste above/before

p ------------- paste below/after


J  ---------- join two lines

u  ---------- undo

Ctrl-R ---------- redo

U ------------undo whole line

a -------------append

o -------------insert new line under current row

O -------------insert new line above current row

3x ------------cut 3 characters from cursor

ZZ -------------write and exit

:q! ------------exit without saving

:e! ------------reload file content



:set number

:set nonumber

:set ts=2 --------- display tab as 2 size(or add [:set ts=2] in ~/.vimrc, if not existing, just create one)

:syntax on/off ------ highlight key words


gg ------------- go header

G -------------- go bottom

nG ------------- go n-th line below

9k ------------ go 9 lines above

H -------------- header

M --------------- middle

L --------------Last

Ctrl-G ----------tell where am i

Ctrl-U ---------- move up

Ctrl-D ---------- move down





zz -------------- bring the current row to the middle of screen

zt -------------- to top

zb -------------- to bottom



n ------------next

N ------------opposite direction search



Apache Web Server (cgi / perl / php)




$sudo aptitude install apache2 ### install Apache HTTP Server

$sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


ServerName localhost / ServerName yourserverip /

$sudo apache2ctl restart



$mkdir /home/asran/www/cgi-bin

$sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-avaliable/default

comment out the original cgi settings


    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/asran/www/cgi-bin/

    <Directory "/home/asran/www/cgi-bin">

        Options ExecCGI

        AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl



$cc -o test.cgi test.c

$cp test.cgi /home/asran/www/cgi-bin/

open browser: http://serverip/cgi-bin/test.cgi



$mkdir /home/asran/www

$sudo vim /etc/apache2/conf.d

change /var/www -> /home/asran/www/


$sudo apache2ctl restart


if prompt to download php file, then

$sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

$sudo apache2ctl restart




package management (dpkg / apt-get / aptitude)


package management



$sudo dpkg -l |grep apache2  ## list all installed package

$sudo dpkg -L packagename ## list the files which installed by specified package

$sudo dpkg -i *.deb        ## install a local package

$sudo dpkg -r packagename ## uninstall the specified package(not recommand)

$sudo dpkg -S filename  ## find the current file belongs to which package



$sudo apt-get install packagename1 packagename2 packagename3

$sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename1 packagename2 packagename3

$sudo apt-get update ## update the local repository index

$sudo apt-get upgrade packagename  ## upgrade package

$sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ## upgrade Ubuntu Server Edition system

$sudo do-release-upgrade ## upgrade OS

$sudo do-release-upgrade -d ## upgrade OS to a development version





$sudo runlevel

$telinit n

change Ubuntu to run in text-mode by default:

create new file:

$sudo vim /etc/inittab


remove the gdm service from /etc/tc3.d/ directory:

$ls /etc/rc3.d/

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  13 2009-09-06 14:50 S30gdm -> ../init.d/gdm

## $sudo ln -s ../init.d/gdm S30gdm

$sudo reboot






ftp>open asran99.zymichost.com



ftp>get file.txt

ftp>put file2.txt

ftp>delete file3.txt








$passwd [username]


Install goole pinyin


$sudo aptitude install git-core

$git clone git://github.com/tchaikov/scim-googlepinyin.git

$cd scim-googlepinyin.git


$aptitude install autotools-dev libgtk2.0-dev libscim-dev libtool automake



$sudo make install


launch scim:

scim -f socket -c socket -d


IBus has been started! If you can not use IBus, please add below lines in $HOME/.bashrc, and relogin your desktop.

  export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus

  export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus

  export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus


Install LDAP in Ubuntu9.10


tar zxvf db-5.1.19.tar.tar

cd build_unix/


sudo make

sudo make install

vim /home/asran/.profile

sudo apt-get install libdb-dev


gunzip -c openldap-2.4.23.tgz | tar xvfB -

sudo ./configure

sudo make depend

sudo make

sudo make test

sudo make install


sudo vim /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf


sudo /usr/local/libexec/slapd






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


