Unit 7: Windows Forensics Analysis 7.1 Windows Forensics Analysis Forensic Analysis Tools for Wi...

>> Well-known forensic analysis tools commonly support various file systems used
in Linux UNIX, Windows, and MAC systems.

>>著名的取证分析工具通常支持Linux UNIX、Windows和MAC系统中使用的各种文件系统。

The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy, an Open Source forensic analysis tool we use the Linux UNIX
forensic analysis can be used to analyze Windows images.

侦探工具包和尸检,一个开源的法医分析工具,我们使用Linux UNIX法医分析可以用来分析Windows图像。

Commercial tools such as EnCase, FTK, OSForensics, ProDiscover,
and the Forensic Explore support more features to analyze Windows artifacts.

诸如EnCase、FTK、osforensic sics、ProDiscover和Forensic Explore等商业工具支持更多特性来分析Windows工件。

OSForensics provide a 30 day trial.


FTK had demo versions for FTK1.8 and the registry viewer that allowed you
to work small images less than 5000 files.


However, FTK does not support the demo versions anymore.


Although the demo versions of FTK and the registry viewer are still available
on untrusted websites, it is at your own risk to use them.


In this unit's lecture and demonstrations, I will go through some basic analysis features
from both FTK and EnCase Forensic.

在本单元的演讲和示范中,我将从FTK和EnCase Forensic两方面介绍一些基本的分析特性。

I encourage you to try the similar features supporting Open Source
or child versions of forensic analysis tools.


As we discussed earlier, you always start by creating a new case then add evidence items
to the case for the analysis to find clues.


Finally, you complete your report.


Forensic analysis tools commonly include the features
of deleted file recovery including data carving, MAC time analysis, index and live search,
e-mail analysis, hash analysis, graphs view, Internet and website analysis,
registry analysis, recycle bin shortcut and other Windows artifact analysis.


FTK is easy to use.


When you create a case and load evidence items, by default FTK will preprocess evidence
to categorize files by their types such as documents, graphics, e-mails, Xcodables,
Internet files, slack space, etcetera, all based on file status that can alert investigators
to problem files such as bad extensions, data conf files,
deleted files and e-mails, hash alerts.


For example, FTK will perform file -- a signature analysis to compare the file extension
with its signature.


If they do not match, the file will be put in the bad extension group.


Once the case is created, all the files and the directories are grouped
into different categories for analysis.


The overview tab provides a general view of a case and lets you narrow your search
to specific document types or to items by status or file extension.


By contrast, EnCase Forensic does not preprocess evidence.


Investigators will use EnCase evidence processor during the investigation
to explicitly perform process actions such as signature analysis, hash analysis,
Internet artifact search, etcetera.


Both FTK and EnCase Forensic will automatically recover deleted files and display both active
and deleted files along with their metadata information.

FTK和EnCase Forensic将自动恢复已删除的文件,并显示活动文件和已删除文件及其元数据信息。

EnCase use a tree table view where files are listed in the tree view in the top left pane
or metadata information, including file name and the path, file size, extension, MAC times,
hash values, and deleted time for recover deleted files are shown
in table view, the top right pane.


When you click on each file, its content is displayed in the view pane, the bottom one.
FTK uses explore tab to let you view files, metadata, and content information.



FTKs graphics tab and EnCase Forensic's gallery view tab allow a quick and easy way
to view images that are stored on a subject media.

FTKs图形选项卡和EnCase Forensic的图片库视图选项卡允许以一种快速简便的方式查看存储在主题媒体上的图像。

The shown images include both purposely stored images
and images inadvertently downloaded from the web.


Please be aware that the display is based on file extension which means
if a picture is renamed to dot text and a signature analysis has not yet been performed,
this picture will not be shown in EnCase's gallery view
since EnCase does not preprocess evidence.


Therefore, investigators should always perform signature analysis before graphics analysis.
Most EnCase and FTK support keyword search.



The live search approach, also known as raw search,
involves an item by item comparison with the search item.


The search item can be presented in a regular expression for pattern recognition.


Obviously, this process is powerful but time-consuming.


To perform an index search, on the other hand, evidence must be indexed first.


FTK includes indexing in its preprocessing list by default.


If you use EnCase, you will perform indexing through EnCase's evidence processor.


Since the indexing process takes time for large pieces of evidence, some investigators
prefer to perform this process only when they need


Once your evidence index is generated, index search allows
for fast searching based on keywords.


Both live and index searches include allocated and unallocated spaces.


Index search is faster but a live search is more flexible
because it can find patterns of alphanumerical characters.


Bookmark feature is supported by most of forensic analysis tools
to bookmark supporting evidences.


It provides investigators with organizing data for writing a report.


To create a bookmark of a file, a picture, or a portion of its content, simply highlight
and then right-click the content you are interested in then choose create bookmark.

要创建文件、图片或其内容的一部分的书签,只需突出显示并右键单击感兴趣的内容,然后选择create bookmark。

Many forensic analysis tools also support generating reports.


The report wizard, GUI, will guide you through steps
to include various information and the supporting data.


This software generated reports can be a starting point of your final forensic report.



EnCase Forensic Demo 1

>> Talking about forensic analysis tools, you cannot miss out EnCase Forensic.


It is one of the earliest and the most sophisticated forensic analysis tools on market.


I have showed you how to use EnCase to analyze file systems and disk use.


But today I want to start from beginning to create a case.


And show you some basic functions which EnCase support.


Now, unfortunately, EnCase never have any demo version or any free version.


But the license is not that expensive.


And I believe it is between 3,000 to 4,000 per license.


So let me open up the EnCase Forensic.


Depend on what is your memory power, and it may take a while.


Because my machine is a Windows.


It's a 32 bit.

So once open up, and then the first thing you need to look is on the left corner.


On the top corner it says EnCase Forensic training.


That means you have the license.


Because this one, I have a license to connect to the dongle, connect to the license server.


If you do not have license, and once you open up, it will say EnCase Forensic acquisition.


Because acquisition is free.


Let's look at EnCase's main interface here.


Now, if you created case, you can open the case.


Use open.

And also it lists some recent cases here just for,
provide you an easier way to connecting to that.


Certainly, you can going through the open connection tool, see this case as well.

当然,您也可以通过open connection工具查看这个案例。

If you want to create new case, then you click on new case.

如果要创建新案例,则单击new case。

It supports several templates with very subtle difference.


In this case we'll just use the default, basic.


And then we create a new case and provide a name.


Let's say EdX test, okay.


And then here, pretty much you can use the default.


It tells you where the case will be located.


All the information will be in a folder saved in the username root,
because our username student because I logged in as student.


And in the documents, EnCase, in a case folder.


So you will see in the case still is either EdX test.


And then the other things, way is the cache information.


And if you want to browsing it, it's fine, you can browsing it.


And then the backup, just use the default, all right.


You say click okay.


It says, allow backup location and the base case folder on the same drive.


Because sometimes we would prefer to have a backup location in other drives.


So in case one drive crashed, has issue, and then we, it will not affect the backup.


In this case it's in the same case I said okay.


And, again, backup location was the cache.


It's on the same drive.


You can say okay.


But it will preferable to put it into another partition.


It's done.


Actually, now it's case created.


I want you to compare this case creation with FTK later.


Because I will show you in FTK demoing another video.


FTK normally do lots of things during the case creation time.


So it takes a long time to create case.


But for EnCase it didn't do much.


So it's just immediately the case created.


We haven't even add evidence yet.


Now, we have an empty case right now.


First thing we need to add evidence, okay.


So you have various choices to add different type of evidence.


You can add local device.


And then you might use FastBloc.


We talk about that software, right, Bloc.


And then it lets you to choose which one, this is the whole drive.


Now, this is the C. The whole drive, including all the partitions and then the
mass boot record.


And then here is only C drive.


And here is the A. Now, if you notice, the blue triangle here.


This means currently we're not acquiring.


It's just previewing.


Previewing, okay.


In this case, okay, I'm going back.


I'm not doing anything on that.


Okay, so add evidence file.


Add evidence file, you can see it allowed you to add the E01, EX01.

添加证据文件,你可以看到它允许你添加E01, EX01。

Those are the EnCase evidence image.



When we create, use FTK imageer, remember if we, by default it has created a .001.

创建时,使用FTK imageer,记住,默认情况下它创建了。001。

And also vmdk.


And an L01, that's the EnCase logic volume.


So you can add those type of image through this button.


So here I have one EnCase image.


So I just say open.


Now, it's done.


So you have a case.


And then you have evidence.


Anything in EnCase, if this is bluish color, that's link you can click on it.


So if click on that, this image and all you can start analysis now.


All right.

Let me go back again.


It's, let's say, if I want to add one more evidence.


Currently, I add one evidence; right?


If I want to add one more evidence, I need to really going back to the first main interface.


I can add anything here.


Okay, so this is the one, once you already get inside, you can add evidence.


But to choose add evidence, you see same list here.


You see same list.


Early on we talk about add local device.


And I said I picked add evidence.


There's couple of other things I haven't talk about that here.


You can add a raw image.


And the raw image means that's the dd image.


And you can acquire smartphone.


Or, if you have a machine which is using crossover cable connected, you can even preview
or later acquire the crossover machine.


That machine use the crossover cable.


So let's add one more.


So now when you say add raw image, okay.


And then in this case, here in the name, you say right click new.


This is my desktop.


And I do have a dd image.


Now in dd image, you can name it .dd.


Name it .image.


Or whatever you like to call it.


Just meaningful one.


In this case I called it .image, okay.


Because that extension does not really matter.


But for EnCase or other image, then the extension really it's meaningful.


It's a meaningful extension.


But this case I said, okay, this is just dd, raw dd image.


And I open it.


So now it's included here.


You can add multiple images here.


But now I only add one.


I said okay.

So now, if you look at that, I have two image now.


One is the one, the EnCase image I added.


And one is the raw image I added.

To get into either one, because this is blue link.

You can click any one.

If you click on the disk image, then you go into the dd image.

And then if here is a green arrow, you can always going back, okay.

Or you can click home.

Then it will come going to the homepage, okay.

So because last time I always stopped here.

Remember we could add image, then we went to it.

Now in the homepage, you can even go into the previous one.

If you go into the tab here, that's evidence.

What if I, at this page I want to look into another evidence?

So I go to home.

And I say evidence.

So now I come into this, all the evidence page again.

So I can choose to look into the EnCase image now, okay.

So the case created image has been added.

We are on this pane now.

We can move onto the analysis phase.

This time let me just quickly going through a couple of things.

There are lots of rich functionalities I may not cover.

But, if you get chance to use it later on, they have a very,
very detailed user guide documentation for EnCase Forensic.

Step by step with screen shots to help you go through that.

So roughly, if we look at that, I'm on the evidence tab right now.

On the left side, on the left top corner, that is the tree view
of the files in this image, okay.

And, if I click on anything and then if, so currently is, currently on entry.

If you're currently on the entry, it will always show you what's beneath it.

So beneath of that is MD5 image.

So you see now on the right-hand side, there are three views in the table view.

It say, okay, show this is the Lab5 image.

If I do green select, this can choose what I see in this table.

So now, if I select this one, green select image, Lab5 image,
it will show me all the directory and subdirectories in this table view.

In this table view.

And if I do, change to I say only look at SMITH, PSMITH.

So then only show the content lay out flat to show you everything in this folder.

Okay, in this folder.

All right.

Now, what kind of information in the table columns?

You will see the name.


And logical size.

The category.

Now, those are the other thing information.

Say signature analysis means, if you analyze the file,
whether this is consistently with the extension or not.

Because currently the extension means, yeah, if you give my, you said it's a .GIF file.

Then I just say it's .GIF file.

After you're done with the signature analysis, it will tell you whether the extension match
with my analysis of your header or footer information.

So this is signature analysis, okay.

File type.

And whether it's protected or not.

And a time stamps.

Is picture or not.

MD5, SHA by default has not been created yet.

So for EnCase it's, the process is you want EnCase to do.

You have to expressly tell him to create hash.

Then it will create the list here, okay.

And, again, not all files has a hash directory.

It does not have hash.

Only files has hash.

And then what if the file, only the file content, right, has hash.

If the file is deleted, cannot locate it to the content, then cannot have hash either.

And descriptions.

There are lots of lots of more information.

When this is information?

Where is this image acquired?

So they are in a physical location.

If it's deleted or not.

All information list in this table columns.

Now, you can select, you can choose whether this column you want it or not.

And you can, you basically can choose from which you want to only show couple
of columns instead of that many or not.

This is basic, the interpretation, okay, for all, each files.

There's a timeline.

Timeline is the Mac timeline.

Now, if you look into that, this is, if you double click into that.

Okay, those are all the timeline.

Now you are kind of defining it to tell, now you're looking into which day?

What time?

Here you see those information.

So those are the timelines.

It's a graphic view, in graphic view, all right.

You, now, if you click even further, then you see the daytime and seconds.

You will see, oh, so many files actually has activities in this period of time, all right.

So that's the timeline information.

And then you can look at the legend to find out what does the green mean?

And what is that different color mean?

So this is the timeline information gathering here.

By the way, if I click here, you can see my, the left side,
the tree actually changed as well, okay.

It is match to it.

Now, I'm not sure whether I have picture here.

Oh, yeah, I do.

So this means all the pictures get review at the selected place.

I selected PSMITH.

And all the pictures, it showed up here.

It's full so conveniently you see all the pictures.

If this is a child pornography case and if you want to identify some non-decent pictures.
And it just everything, it's located here.

And you can highlight that and then check it.

So for later for bookmark and for other information.

If this picture is, caught your attention, you want to make notes on that, okay.

Let's go back to, so those are the three ones here.

And on the bottom there's other things, okay.

So click, if you click on each file, let's go back to the table, okay.

Click on any file.

And then it, on the bottom.

So this one I clicked this .GIF file.

And then on the bottom this tells you what is the meta data information here, okay.

And a lot of information show up on the table as well.

And you can see the report.

Talk about this file information.

And in hex view, in hex view.

In doc view, if this is document, okay.

And transcript is for PDF, okay.

And if this is a picture and a picture view.

All that information is located on the bottom pane.

All right, so we haven't done lots of other stuff yet.

I will stop here.

So this is just the introduction for understanding how do you create a case.

And then to add image.

Add evidence into it.

In the next video I will show you more detail about analysis.


EnCase Forensic Demo 2

>> In Encase Forensic Demo One, I showed you how to create a new case,
and we called the new case as EdX test.

And I also added two evidence files into that new case.

Now when I open EnCase again, you should see EdX test.

That case is under Recent Cases now.


All right.

Let me choose one -- the Case One I created earlier.

Let me click on that.

From this interface, you can look into many things.

You can add more evidence into it.

You can process evidence, which I will cover shortly, as EnCase --
to perform a lot of more actions.

And in Evidence, it will show you that the evidence I added in.

So I added the three evidence in this case.

If I click any of Evidence, it will bring me to that view, with the tree view
and then table view, a gallery view and then all each individual interpretations.

All right.

So first to analysis and how about deleted files?

EnCase actually automatically will recover a deleted file in a deleted folder
and include all together in this tree view, including the Recycled.

All right.

There is the Recycled file.

It's included that, the file into it in a recovered file.

So if you look at the recycle bin here, and you can see those are the recycled folder
and the files.

And then INFO2 file.

Now, I told you, I said INFO2 file is a binary file.

In another demo, I show you how to use IE history view to look in to interpret INFO2
or use refudy [phonetic] to interpret that.

But if you don't believe me, and you can use Text to find.

See, it's not much -- it is not really much readable in this binary file.

Now I also want to show you is the Print file.

So I have one print file here, SPOOL file.


I covered in the lecture if you print a file, there are two for one printing,
and you have a shadow file associated with that and then the spool file associated with

Shadow file contains information about the metadata
about this printer jobs in the past and all that.

The SPOOL file in common case, it is a user EMF picture to have that.

That's why it's called Picture, you see.

For the print page, it's saved as a picture.

So how do you find what kind of picture looks like, right?

And a couple ways you can do it.

One way is really manually carve out.

Okay, so if you look at the Hex view -- now by the way, you needn't know that,
because later I will tell you more easy way to how to carve this out.

But just for curiosity, okay, for any of those EMF files, if you look at the Hex view,
and you identify EMF keyword and then highlight 41 bytes -- okay.

So here you see you've identified this EMF keyword
and start one right before EMF and you highlight for 41.

So less 41, you see it here.


And then you decode it -- decode as a picture.

So this is basically the page you want to print.

Now, obviously in this case, it's confidential project.

That information is crucial, because people deleted -- when a person print that,
this file created, certainly when the printing job was done,
the .SPL and the shadow file will be deleted.

What if you can recover that?


So that is the print information you can retrieve.

But without using this manual, how can you do that, to recover?

And you can use a data carving.

We talk about data carving, and then in the Linux/Unix case,
we talk about use foremost to do data copy.

And certainly you can use foremost in here as well,
because it doesn't matter which file system.

It only look at -- allocate a space to look into the header for the information.

But for EnCase certainly has a data carving feature built into it.

So that's fun.

And other things, for example, we talk about the registry file.

Let me locate one, so for example in PSMITH.

And now I need to find -- big issue here is so many files, I am not able to really easily
to find which file based on name.

And one thing I always do is click on the Name -- see, my cursors click on the Name,
and I quickly type -- okay, hopefully it will bring me there.

Sometimes it do.

So it's NTUSER.DAT, right?


So I did just type NT.

Actually it brought me to here.


Now my favorite tool to analyze registry file is the data access's registry view, because
that, if you watched the demo I showed you in the
registry -- last week's demos, and then you -- probably
you loved to see that.

But in here, EnCase, now everything, if it's blue,
and then you can click that, click on that.

Because this is a registry file.


If you click on that, it will create -- it will generate the directory structures for

And then this is the key structure, key and a value structure -- NTUSER.DAT.

And then you can click through each one to analyze it.

So now you can, just like the tree view, okay?

It's not as convenient as an access.data, the interpretation, but it's also very useful.

This is similarly, you are looking through a registry file --
the tree structure getting to it.


All right.

So now let's go back to the original evidence.

Okay, again, if this is green arrow, then you can click previous page
and the next page, you know, all of that.

All right.

So we have talked about many actions.

But I said that those actions EnCase, you -- for investigator you have to explicitly
tell EnCase to do it, to perform those actions.

Those actions are included in this Process Evidence.

So it takes a while to bring it up.


So now once this is up -- because here I have all three images.

So I need to choose -- select which image I want to process, which image I want to process.

And now by the way you have seen here Acquire.

Like for example, for this device, okay, for my overview, my current windows,
this is a zero, that one, you can acquire also.

But I don't want to acquire, because it takes a long time, right?

If you want acquisition, you can do that.

Because if you are in a preview mode and then you change to acquisition,
then you own this image instead of preview it.

All right, going back to here, to process.

There are many processes here.

Recover Folder -- it will do.

So recover to read the folder.

If this is a dot here, it means it won't do it anyway, no matter what you -- it required.

File signature analysis -- this step is reading each file's header.

If there's a footer, then also footer image.

The header, look at the header information to make for extension.

Because if it's JPEG, JPEG has a specific header for JPEG.

If this is a DOCX, then document, then you have a specific document header.

So analyze the header versus the given extension.

Because extension can cheat.

You can modify extension easy.

If match, then it says match.

If it doesn't match, it tells you actually this is this type
of file instead of the extension told you.

Don't trust the extension.

So this is a file analysis.

And a thumbnail creation -- so it will create thumbnail.

Hash analysis -- it will generate hash.

Expanded compound files, for example, is a file and all that information.

And find email, find email -- it's what type of email you wanted to recover
and do you want to search lost or deleted.

So that information.

Search for keywords -- this is a raw search, because we talk about there are two types
of search.

One is the -- based on index, which you have to generate index and then to search.

This one is search based on regular expression.

So this is a raw search.

You can add a Keyword List, and you can right-click to new,
for new and add the keywords into that.

It can search it.

Now, the index text and metadata, that's the one -- if you need to create index, generate
index, and then search based on the index.

Generating index takes time.

It's takes -- it's time-consuming, and the reason why EnCase --
when you create case that's so quickly, because those actions, it has not been performed --
only it will perform one investigative request.


So here there's two types of search -- one is keyword search from raw data,
the regular expression, and one is for index search.

Now, other information.

We talked about data carving.

That's here.


Data carving -- which type of data do you carve out, you want to carve out?

If you only care about let's say printing, then EMF file, you want to carve out.

You can choose.

There's many, many of types here you can pick and choose from.

So that's data carving.

Do you want to carve out from an unallocated space and a file slack?

And then all the details you need to provide.

So data carving -- that's important.

IM Parser, so today it's parsing out IM message.

And a Windows Evidence Log Parser and a Windows Artifact Parser.

Remember we talked about Recycle Bin?

Search for deleted Recycle Bin File.

Search for MFT Transactions.

Search for Link -- the Link File shortcuts.

So that information is here.

And now certainly it includes the Linux/Unix in case this is a Linux/Unix image.


So for find internet artifacts -- this one because for this process, it's already done.

If I -- that's why you don't see it -- it gives you options.

Let me pick this one.

Hopefully that still work.


So this one I haven't processed anything yet.

So you can do find internet artifact.

It asks you do you want to search unallocated space for internet artifacts or not.

So those are the internet artifacts, like for example URLs visited
and then cookies download and all that.

Yeah, so here basically those are the actions --
those actions you have to tell EnCase say to perform that.

Each of that action, it's corresponding to one programming.

It is called EnScript.

E-N-S-C-R-I-P-T, EnScript.

EnScript is very similar to Java-looking.

It's kind of -- it's object-oriented language, but it has its own rich library.

You know that it will -- because it has to search in the deleted field and all that.

So this is so important in here.

Those are the action part for EnCase.

For EnCase.


So let me get out here -- let me to show -- see what else I need to show you.

So the other -- the rich -- so many rich functions I don't have time to cover one by one.

One more thing I want to talk about is in View.

So I have a tab here, right?

But you can bring in more tabs come through here.

Let me just search through it here.

Like for example, I can bring Evidence here.

Now I already have evidence.

If I brought Search here, okay, this is index search.

Remember when we're doing the Process Evidence, we can see index search included in Process

Many of those functions in Process Evidence are also spread along in other locations.

The Index search -- search allowed in here.

So once you create the index, and then you can search.

So this is basic index search, okay?

This is not regular expression search.

So let's say, if you look at me type -- I type along.

It already has information -- those are all because text.


Because it tells you how many queue, hits -- files it contain.

How many items and how many keywords it match for that.

Index search is very quick, but creating index takes time.


So now you've brought up the tag search, and I can close this search and the results,
many of other information -- like for example, see, I did not show you here,
because it's just too much to show.

If I do a condition search or the result will be matched,
to search the information over here.

This is -- I searched the file based on category or extension and then the results.

And here if I do some kind of search, the search result is here.

So that's the result.

Yeah, so other information and then what kind of file types that EnCase support.

I talk about EnScript, which all those actions carried on by this EnScript.

And then the condition filter, those are all EnScript, and you can create your own EnScript.

For those people who love to program Java, now you can program inside of EnCase, using
three or four lines, it's able to cover deleted
files and all that and even provide your GUI for inputs and all

All right.

It's just there's so many things to cover.

And then now previously I also showed you how to do a desk view to look at the disc
image layout.

Recover Folder -- so you see that in the evidence, process evidence.

It also shows up here.


So many -- it's just spread around.

EnCase is not as easy as FTK, in terms of using it.

But EnCase has rich, rich resources, and no other software can compare with EnCase.

Because I haven't seen any other program analysis tools allow you to have its own program
to programming it to bring up new information.

I haven't seen any other tools, then, can compare with EnCase.

All right?

So I will stop here.

And once again, for this EnCase -- for this tool, you can spend not only hours --
I think weeks and months to look into that, to get into that.

Even at this stage, I have used for, since 2003 I started to use EnCase.

I still cannot say I'm expertise or in this -- I just say I have some experience.

It is so rich functionality.

I really hope you enjoy it and hopefully, you'll get chance to use it.


FTK Demo

>> In this demo let's look at FTK's basic functions.

So when I open FTK and the first page is this one and then on temp,
that's the one I have already created before.

So, if you double-click on temp then that's the previous case,
you're getting into previous cases analyzed.

So if you click Case and certainly the first thing you need to do is Create Case,
create a new case and the case name.

It's again called EdX test and you can put the different descriptions,
what kind of case this involves and again this says where do you want to save the file?

Now in this case it's saved on the Desktop and I just leave it as is, database directory
and where do you want your database directory and all that.

Alright, so before I click okay and I want to show you detailed options.

One difference, a huge difference between EnCase and FTK is for FTK many
of the process information is doing ahead of time.

When I showed you EnCase, EnCase evidence process
for evidence process an investigator needs to check one and then EnCase will do one
so it creates a case for EnCase, is very.

They are quick because and it pushes all those processing time
to later whenever specifically you want it, Encase to do.

The FTK is different, FTK, you pick what you want to do.

For example hash, in EnCase you, it's in the evidence processing so when we open
up a new case no hash generates, is generated but in this case,
in FTK it says do you want to generate a hash?

What type of hash do you want to generate?

Do you want to do the signature analysis on that and flag bad extensions?

Do you want to do index?

And do you want to create thumbnails?

And do you want, it's a carving, in this case is not select.

You can select a carving as well.

So all that information can be done ahead of time, can be done ahead of time okay.

But all that, if you check, if you uncheck those things, again inside of that,
some of that you can do it for example if you want to index later, that's also fine

And so here I do okay and now I leave it as is and I say okay.

At this point it's still not done yet because I haven't added evidence.

Once you add evidence then it will take a while
because it will do index and all of that information.

Now adding evidence you can do as add and then you choose which evidence to add, okay.

For example, so I will not really do it because it takes a long time
so I will say take acquired image.

Acquired images can be EnCase, can be raw dd image
or very similarly in for, compare with EnCase.

So here it says where do you want to, want me to find the image?

Then that's, I say okay if that's the one I want to open it.

So now the evidence is here.

Past information I leave it at default.

Now a couple more things, settings come up.

Refinement option okay and this is the one that I showed you and then all that.

See, if you look at the evidence refinement, so al that features you can refine it
and index refinement, so all that, you can pick and choose,
sort of like configurations right, configurations.

And then after that, and then even then with your settings
and after that then you can click okay.

Okay, click okay.

It will take a long time for, even for, for a media-size image to process
because once it's done it's in good shape already.

So in this case I'm not doing it because it takes a long time
because I have already created one.

Let me see so I want to close it.

We close the case.

Okay, we want to close the case.

Once I close the case then I come back to here.

Now the temp1 one I have processed already.

So, this is the one I have already processed.

So back to previous case in the EdX test, if you add evidence and just leave all other
options as default you click okay, then it will take
a while okay, take minutes, maybe take a, in my image, small image probably take 5 to
10 minutes and up I got here.

So this is the one I added, the WinLabEnCase.E01.

So if you look at here now this is very similar to, very similar to EnCase interface so on
that, on the top view that's a tree view and then
that interpretation is on the right-hand side.

And also this arrangement you can change.

You can pull this to the different locations.

You can pull the other one so that arrangement it's free, you can pull along,
change but anyway similar to EnCase there's a tree view.

There's a list and so the log list isn't in here.

If I look at, so all the files if I click on the green click here then all the files
under this directory are listed including deleted files.

It shows you which file and all the table views and.

Now hashes are generated because this is all.

Remember I checked all the MD5, the SHA1 and the SHA2 56,
I checked it so whatever the files have hash, it's included here,
all the hashes already generated and all the processes done.

So I just need to look around that's it and then create time and access time
and a modification time and the size and the category.

It also did signature analysis as well so it did all that, where is the path?

The deleted file is included here as well.

If it deleted in a slack data everything is here.

Okay, if you select one of the files, one of the file, if you select then it shows on
top, natural view or hex view and that's the view
okay, so this is similar to EnCase.

File content, we look at.

Then you can look at a property.

The property is the metadata for that file, for metadata information.

Now the overview tab, that's very interesting okay.

It's already categorized everything for you so evidence group and file items.

If you check a file, originally I did not check.

If we check here then it will be in the checked file category.

I only have one category so everything is unchecked at this point.

And they also categorize for different extensions, 700 different extensions,
database or gif file, html, how many files fall into each category,
see jpeg 29, so everything is categorized.

And the file categorized and then there are archives so what kind, how many archives,
how many databases is zero and the document emails, how many emails in there?

And the folders, executables, slack spaces, so allocated space,
my unknown type that's the one I cannot identify the file type, those information.

And then file status, bad extension, so those are the ones, if say the extension says,
is categorized as some, now the extension says doc but actually it is a gif file so
this is, to get this result it's from the signature
analysis okay because it's all done front end so it's all
listed here.

The data carving file because I did not check right, I did not check the data carving file
so that's why it currently is zero.

Now we can do a data carving even though we did not choose to process it
because data carving is also a very time-consuming process.

So I look at here say additional analysis, now this one actually it's very similar
to previously, you see when we pre-checked right.

All the other stuff if you didn't want to do it ahead of time you can check here to
do it.

File signature analysis, what kind of hashes do you want to create?

And do you want to do an index because for index search you have to have an index.

So all those processes, if you choose don't want to do it in front end then you can do
it here.

Now this is the data carving, very similar to EnCase.

You can.

You can open up a carving option and say what file type you want to carve out.

If you want to carve out emf file then just data carving here.

Alright, so this is, there is much information you can check there but if you are not doing
in the front end then you will not have such an impressive list.

So because you waited for a while, for the file to create then it's all organized.

After data carving and then you can add that data carving into your analysis.

Decrypted zero and then deleted files so the list categorized all the deleted files
together even duplicated files and email attachments if it has any, it will
do that as well.

So encrypted files, it's all, it's categorized for you and email status.

So this overview tab which gives you a very, very good starting point to understand.

Now look at the email.

So emails, it's categorized for you as well and email attachments listing them zero
and the email related and this email reply and.

We don't have much here.

Let's look at email archives deleted items, so those are the deleted emails it recovered.

If I look into it, okay those are deleted emails.

Certainly it's interesting to a forensics investigator.

So if you click on email, now it's in the natural view.

The natural view is to look at this as an email so it's in the email view.

You can have a different set of views so this is clearly showing you
in the email format from where and then content.

You can look at that, each one, one by one so it's categorized for you.

And the drafts folders, if you have any case or other Pop3
and those are all categorized for you.

And then this is the email and then similar sets of email but categorized
by submitted date and delivered so it's all.

It's done a lot of work for you and the email addresses, senders so interestingly in all
that, using the same sets of information but categorized
all that for you, so that's the email.

Now graphics we have seen in EnCase.

It's just the graphics view.

Alright so I think currently I select some other stuff like if I select psmith [phonetic],
then graphic has more, depending on where do you, depending on what do you want to focus?

What do you want the graphics view to analyze?

So if you green select and then you go back to do not refresh,
yeah so the graphics, it showed you okay.

And again you clicked and it's a natural view because it's a picture and the content.

One difference is it seems here we have already done file analysis so even though,
if a picture is saved as a dot text since the file signature already analyzed,
it will show in this location.

And the bookmarks if you have created, if you created any bookmarks and search,
alright live search means a regular expression search, regular expression search.

Now I don't quite like the setting here because it's just, you.

Every time, you cannot even see that information but if you double-click or let's see
if I can move down a little bit so this layout sometimes is not very good.

So for regular expression and let me look at the pattern so that's a regular expression

Let's look at this couple of familiar ones like INFO2 okay.

So this is the regular expression, it's already created for you
so then you just only need to pick, alright MAC address.

What is the regular expression or VISA?

Those are already created for you.

And you can create your own.

You can create your own at say edit, okay.

Let's say edit and then you can edit this file and this has all the regular expressions
for built in and then you can add your own ones into it.

So once you select and it can add, it can search,
and now the search results will immediately show on the right-hand side.

It will highlight the key words which match for the regular expression.

For the index search certainly it's for index because we have already created an index
so everything, search should be very quick.

Alright, so if I again I say, if I say type in a word it will guess already, security.

Now again see this one, it's a layout, it's not very good.

Sometimes I can move it down, sometimes not.

Sometimes I pop this out and then will that give me more room?

So I just need to show here, okay there's not enough room to show.

I want to move down this list so I can show you more.

Yeah, so here, so this is the total hit and then I type in the words,
and then you can use multiple key words, use in or or.

Then you search and then the search result will show up here.

If you click on that the content will show on this, in this pane okay.

Volatile, that's the tab which allowed you to do a dump, not only a dump of this one,
a dump, to dump out volatile memory if we use aging,
put an aging into the remote system's memory and then the aging tool, and then here FTK
will contact the aging to dump out a remote system's memory.

Alright so since it's very interesting and impressive tools as well
and as I said both EnCase and FTK those are the two leading forensic analysis tools.

Now I still haven't covered lots of information yet and you can look into the tools
and also, always try right-click.

Right-click, it sometimes has many of the options as well.

You may not get the chance to play with those two but the study guide,
the user guide, both of the user, the guide.

The user guide you can download from, online.

If you have a chance, if you have the product I strongly recommend you to try both.

Alright, so I will simply stop here.



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Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit: Advanced Analysis Techniques for Windows 7 provides an overview of live and postmortem response collection and analysis methodologies for Windows 7. It considers the core investigative and analysis concepts that are critical to the work of professionals within the digital forensic analysis community, as well as the need for immediate response once an incident has been identified. Organized into eight chapters, the book discusses Volume Shadow Copies (VSCs) in the context of digital forensics and explains how analysts can access the wealth of information available in VSCs without interacting with the live system or purchasing expensive solutions. It also describes files and data structures that are new to Windows 7 (or Vista), Windows Registry Forensics, how the presence of malware within an image acquired from a Windows system can be detected, the idea of timeline analysis as applied to digital forensic analysis, and concepts and techniques that are often associated with dynamic malware analysis. Also included are several tools written in the Perl scripting language, accompanied by Windows executables. This book will prove useful to digital forensic analysts, incident responders, law enforcement officers, students, researchers, system administrators, hobbyists, or anyone with an interest in digital forensic analysis of Windows 7 systems. Timely 3e of a Syngress digital forensic bestseller Updated to cover Windows 7 systems, the newest Windows version New online companion website houses checklists, cheat sheets, free tools, and demos




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