P2P Trust Paper Reference

Privacy, Security, Trust and Incentives

Trust [includes P2P]

  • Au, R., Looi, M. and Ashley, P. Automated cross-organizational trust establishment on extranets. in Proceedings of the workshop on Information technology for virtual enterprises, IEEE Computer Society, Queensland, Australia, 2001, 3-11.
  • Bertino, E., Ferrari, E. and Squicciarini, A.C. Trust-X: a peer-to-peer framework for trust establishment. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 16 (7). 827-842.
  • Damiani, E., Vimercati, S.d.C.d., Paraboschi, S., Samarati, P. and Violante, F., A Reputation-based Approach for Choosing Reliable Resources in Peer-to-Peer Networks. in CCS'02, (Washington DC, USA, 2002).
  • Khedr, M. and Karmouch, A. Negotiating Context Information in Context-Aware Systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19 (6). 21-29.
  • Lin, C., Varadharajan, V., Wang, Y. and Pruthi, V., Enhancing grid security with trust management. in Services Computing, 2004. (SCC 2004). Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on, (2004), 303-310.
  • Mengshu, H., Xianliang, L., Xu, Z. and Chuan, Z. A trust model of p2p system based on confirmation theory. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 39 (1). 56-62.
  • Au, R., Looi, M. and Ashley, P. Automated cross-organisational trust establishment on extranets. in Proceedings of the workshop on Information technology for virtual enterprises, IEEE Computer Society, Queensland, Australia, 2001, 3-11.
  • Ting Yu; Winslett, M.; A unified scheme for resource protection in automated trust negotiation. Security and Privacy, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 Symposium on 11-14 May 2003 Page(s):110 - 122
  • Kagal, L.; Finin, T.; Joshi, A.; Trust-based security in pervasive computing environments. IEEE Computer Volume 34, Issue 12, Dec. 2001 Page(s):154 – 157
  • Seamons, K.E.; Winslett, M.; Ting Yu; Chan, T.; Child, E.; Halcrow, M.; Hess, A.; Holt, J.; Jacobson, J.; Jarvis, R.; Smith, B.; Sundelin, T.; Lina Yu; Trust Negotiation in Dynamic Coalitions. DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, 2003. Proceedings, Volume 2, 22-24 April 2003 Page(s):240 - 245 vol.2
  • Huu Tran; Hitchens, M.; Varadharajan, V.; Watters, P.; A Trust based Access Control Framework for P2P File-Sharing Systems. System Sciences, 2005. HICSS '05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on 03-06 Jan. 2005 Page(s):302c - 302c
  • Hua Wang; Yanchun Zhang; Jinli Cao; Varadharajan, V.; Achieving secure and flexible M-services through tickets. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 33, Issue 6, Nov. 2003 Page(s):697 – 708
  • Gummadi, A.; Yoon, J.P.; Modeling group trust for peer-to-peer access control. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2004. Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on 30 Aug.-3 Sept. 2004 Page(s):971 – 978
  • Seamons, K.E.; Chan, T.; Child, E.; Halcrow, M.; Hess, A.; Holt, J.; Jacobson, J.; Jarvis, R.; Patty, A.; Smith, B.; Sundelin, T.; Lina Yu; TrustBuilder: negotiating trust in dynamic coalitions. DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, 2003. Proceedings, Volume 2, 22-24 April 2003 Page(s):49 - 51 vol.2
  • Adam Hess, Jason Holt, Jared Jacobson, Kent E. Seamons, Content-triggered trust negotiation, Pages: 428 – 456.
  • Khambatti, M.; Partha Dasgupta; Ryu, K.D.; A role-based trust model for peer-to-peer communities and dynamic coalitions Information Assurance Workshop, 2004. Proceedings. Second IEEE International. 2004 Page(s):141 - 154
  • Song Ye; Makedon, F.; Ford, J.; Collaborative automated trust negotiation in peer-to-peer systems. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2004. Proceedings. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on 25-27 Aug. 2004 Page(s):108 - 115
  • Bearly, T.; Vijay Kumar; Expanding trust beyond reputation in peer-to-peer systems. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2004. Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on. 30 Aug.-3 Sept. 2004 Page(s):966 – 970
  • Aameek Singh; Ling Liu; TrustMe: anonymous management of trust relationships in decentralized P2P systems. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2003. (P2P 2003). Proceedings. Third International Conference on. 1-3 Sept. 2003 Page(s):142 – 149.
  • Wierzbicki, A.; Strzelecki, R.; Swierezewski, D.; Znojek, M.; Rhubarb: a tool for developing scalable and secure peer-to-peer applications. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2002. (P2P 2002). Proceedings. Second International Conference on 5-7 Sept. 2002 Page(s):144 – 151
  • Kangasharju, J.; Ross, K.W.; Turner, D.A.; Secure and resilient peer-to-peer e-mail design and implementation. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2003. (P2P 2003). Proceedings. Third International Conference on 1-3 Sept. 2003 Page(s):184 – 191.
  • Skogsrud, H.; Benatallah, B.; Casati, F.; Model-driven trust negotiation for Web services.Internet Computing, IEEE. Volume 7, Issue 6, Nov.-Dec. 2003 Page(s):45 – 52


Peer to Peer Systems

  • Einhorn, M.A. and Rosenblatt, B. Peer-to-Peer Networking and digital rights managmeent: How market tools can solve copyright problems. Policy Analysis (534).
  • Fenkam, P.; Dustdar, S.; Kirda, E.; Reif, G.; Gall, H.; Towards an access control system for mobile peer-to-peer collaborative environments. Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2002. WET ICE 2002. Proceedings. Eleventh IEEE International Workshops on 10-12 June 2002 Page(s):95 - 100
  • Ravi Sandhu, Xinwen Zhang, Access management for distributed systems: Peer-to-peer access control architecture using trusted computing technology. Proceedings of the tenth ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies. June 2005
  • Dailey Paulson, L.; P2P hacker tool poses escalating threat, IEEE Computer, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2004 Page(s):22 – 23.
  • Li Xiong; Ling Liu; PeerTrust: supporting reputation-based trust for peer-to-peer electronic communities. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. Volume 16, Issue 7, July 2004 Page(s):843 – 857.
  • Talia, D.; Trunflo, P.; Toward a synergy between P2P and grids. Internet Computing, IEEE. Volume 7, Issue 4, July-Aug. 2003 Page(s):96, 94 - 95
  • Bin Yu; Singh, M.P.; Sycara, K.; Developing trust in large-scale peer-to-peer systems. Multi-Agent Security and Survivability, 2004 IEEE First Symposium on. 30-31 Aug. 2004 Page(s):1 – 10.
  • Locasto, M.E.; Parekh, J.J.; Keromytis, A.D.; Stolfo, S.J.; Towards collaborative security and P2P intrusion detection. Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Information Assurance Workshop, 2005. Proceedings from the Sixth Annual IEEE. 15-17 June 2005 Page(s):333 - 339
  • Zhengqiang Liang; Weisong Shi; PET: A PErsonalized Trust Model with Reputation and Risk Evaluation for P2P Resource Sharing System Sciences, 2005. HICSS '05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 03-06 Jan. 2005 Page(s):201b - 201b.
  • Wang, Y.; Vassileva, J.; Trust and reputation model in peer-to-peer networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2003. (P2P 2003). Proceedings. Third International Conference on. 1-3 Sept. 2003 Page(s):150 - 157




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