




SmartOS is extremely powerful. A lot of its power can be unleashed and understood by familiarising ourselves with some of the inherent unix commands underpinning its solid foundation. Thankfully the folks at Joyent have eased this learning curve for us considerably by pre-bundling some utilities in SmartOS. These utilities, leverage the power of Dtrace, ZFS, Zones, virtual networking (Crossbow) and other unix utilities and makes them accessible to us via easy to run scripts.

In this post we will cover some of these bundled scripts as well as other Illumos / Solaris derived commands that I have found extremely useful in administering and understanding the SmartOS operating system environment. I am going to write this from a semi layman’s perspective making the assumption you are new to this environment and we are therefore just going to touch briefly on each concept without going too far down the technical rabbit hole.


ZFS is an awesome enterprise grade, production proven and battle hardened file system. It ensures data integrity, resilience and consistency and prevents silent data corruption. SmartOS is built on top of ZFS and leverages some amazing features built into ZFS to give SmartOS some unique capabilities not available in other Virtual platforms. SmartOS uses local storage, this ensures that you have fastest IO to your disks and eliminates the network transport stack as a source of application latency. Some people dont like local storage and prefer SAN’s but I have seen too many horror’s unfold with shared SAN’s and know that this is a better approach. For instance most of the recent outages plaguing Amazon AWS has been due to shared storage issues. SmartOS creates a single pool called Zones where all your vm’s reside.

Q:  Are my disks and ZFS pool healthy?
A:  zpool status

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zpool status
pool: zones
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

zones ONLINE 0 0 0
raidz1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
c0t10d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
c0t11d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
c0t9d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
errors: No known data errors

Q:  Whats the RAW space on my zpool looking like?
A:  zpool list

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zpool list
zones   832G  67.9G   764G         -     8%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

Q:  Whats the USABLE space on my zfs volume looking like?
A:  zfs list zones

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zfs list zones
zones  60.9G   485G   518K  /zones

Q:  How do I switch on zfs compression for my entire SmartOS system and confirm its enabled?
A:  zfs set compression=on zones && zfs get compression zones

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zfs set compression=on zones && zfs get compression zones
zones  compression  on        local

Q:  What kind of data compression ratio am I getting?
A:  zfs get compressratio zones

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zfs get compressratio zones
zones  compressratio  1.46x  -

Q:  What is my current zfs arc size?
A:  kstat -p zfs:0:arcstats:size | cut -f2

[root@smartosn2 ~]# kstat -p zfs:0:arcstats:size | cut -f2

Q:  How can I watch my arc statistics in real-time?
A:  arcstat 1 10

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# arcstat 1 10
    time  read  miss  miss%  dmis  dm%  pmis  pm%  mmis  mm%  arcsz     c  
06:34:59     0     0      0     0    0     0    0     0    0    13G   13G  
06:35:00   966    45      4    45    4     0    0     3   42    13G   13G  
06:35:01  1.3K     8      0     8    0     0    0     0    0    13G   13G  
06:35:02  1.1K    18      1    18    1     0    0     0    0    13G   13G  
06:35:03   993    28      2    28    2     0    0     1    8    13G   13G  
06:35:04  1.9K    22      1    22    1     0    0     0    0    13G   13G  
06:35:05  1.2K    19      1    19    1     0    0     1  100    13G   13G  
06:35:06  1.1K    22      2    22    2     0    0     1   20    13G   13G  
06:35:07  1.3K     7      0     7    0     0    0     0    0    13G   13G  
06:35:08   677     4      0     4    0     0    0     0    0    13G   13G

Q:  How much space are snapshots using on a specific Virtual Machine?
A:  zfs list -o space zones/UUID-disk0

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zfs list -o space zones/0577f50a-f8ac-42fa-b68e-154ff58506b3-disk0
NAME                                              AVAIL   USED  USEDSNAP  USEDDS
zones/0577f50a-f8ac-42fa-b68e-154ff58506b3-disk0   485G  1.61G      285M   1.33G

Q:  How can I watch individual disk read and write operations?
A:  zpool iostat -v zones 10

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# zpool iostat -v zones 10
                capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool         alloc   free   read  write   read  write
-----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
zones         303G  2.95T     36    501   118K  9.41M
  raidz1      303G  2.95T     36    501   118K  9.41M
    c0t16d0      -      -     22    137  27.0K  1.92M
    c0t17d0      -      -     20    136  24.3K  1.91M
    c0t18d0      -      -     22    137  27.0K  1.92M
    c0t19d0      -      -     20    136  24.4K  1.91M
    c0t20d0      -      -     22    137  27.0K  1.92M
    c0t21d0      -      -     20    136  24.3K  1.91M
cache            -      -      -      -      -      -
  c2d0        112G     8M     17      4   287K   502K
-----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

Q:  How can I list specific VM attributes including disk Quotas?
A:  vmadm list -o uuid,type,ram,nics.0.ip,quota,alias | grep -v KVM

[root@smartosn2 ~]# vmadm list -o uuid,type,ram,nics.0.ip,quota,alias | grep -v KVM
UUID                                  TYPE  RAM      NICS.0.IP             QUOTA  ALIAS
43c2f02a-711d-4284-a7e5-f0e61b2b02f3  OS    512            20     dnsmasq
4dfccd80-ed37-4906-8957-061d19125219  OS    512             10     standard64
6dd16a1c-0bd7-4243-a1d7-7184032be567  OS    2048            40     fifo
17510b88-b8fe-44fc-ad72-4a6f011d3ee4  OS    3072            20     confl-jira-dev

Q:  How can I increase a Joyent branded VM’s disk space on the fly?
A:  vmadm update UUID quota=X

[root@smartosn2 ~]# vmadm update 43c2f02a-711d-4284-a7e5-f0e61b2b02f3 quota=150
Successfully updated 43c2f02a-711d-4284-a7e5-f0e61b2b02f3

Q:  How can I determine if any of my VM’s are being ZFS IO throttled? (d/s and del_t are very important)
A:  vfsstat -M -Z 5

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# vfsstat -M -Z 5
  r/s   w/s  Mr/s  Mw/s ractv wactv read_t writ_t  %r  %w   d/s  del_t zone
542.3   4.2   0.8   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.7   0   0   0.0    0.0 global (0)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 3b45ecfa (1)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 a04a5894 (2)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 befb49f3 (3)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 4c0ce8c9 (5)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 b90c54cd (6)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0  90.0  100.0 a07ba0ca (7)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 25f82695 (9)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 d4e5b942 (10)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0  29.3    9.7 633df8db (11)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   1.8    5.0 41a69306 (15)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 fifo (28)
  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0   0.0    0.0 3de9cab6 (29)

Q:  How can I determine how BUSY my disks are? (%w and %b are very important)
A:  iostat -xzn 5

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# iostat -xzn 5
                    extended device statistics              
    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
  212.2   13.0 3609.6 1228.8  0.1  0.1    0.4    0.4   3   6 c2d0
  132.6  352.6  368.3 5035.9  0.0  2.0    0.0    4.1   0  53 c0t16d0
  130.6  351.8  367.2 5040.3  0.0  2.1    0.0    4.3   0  55 c0t17d0
  129.2  356.0  356.3 5038.1  0.0  2.3    0.0    4.8   0  57 c0t18d0
  126.4  356.0  355.9 5031.0  0.0  2.2    0.0    4.6   0  55 c0t19d0
  130.6  352.8  377.6 5043.4  0.0  2.0    0.0    4.2   0  54 c0t20d0
  134.4  353.2  372.7 5033.1  0.0  2.1    0.0    4.3   0  56 c0t21d0

Q:  How can I see zfs file data raw page allocations?
A:  echo ::memstat | mdb -k

[root@smartosn2 ~]# echo ::memstat | mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                     692333              2704   19%
ZFS File Data             1125020              4394   30%
Anon                      1624164              6344   44%
Exec and libs                4558                17    0%
Page cache                  15350                59    0%
Free (cachelist)            12484                48    0%
Free (freelist)            217036               847    6%

Total                     3690945             14417
Physical                  3690944             14417

Q:  How can I determine if disk I/O is the source of a VM’s application latency?
A:  ziostat -Z 5

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# ziostat -Z 5
    r/s   kr/s   actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %b zone
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 global (0)
    0.8    1.9    0.0    0.0    2.5   0 3b45ecfa (1)
    1.0    0.5    0.0    0.0    6.4   0 a04a5894 (2)
    1.2    6.6    0.0    0.0    1.3   0 befb49f3 (3)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 4c0ce8c9 (5)
    1.0    0.5    0.0    2.1   11.6   0 b90c54cd (6)
    1.2    1.7    0.0    0.0    4.7   0 a07ba0ca (7)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 25f82695 (9)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 d4e5b942 (10)
    2.8   16.5    0.0    0.0    1.5   0 633df8db (11)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 41a69306 (15)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 fifo (28)
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0 3de9cab6 (29)
CPU and Memory

It is important to successfully diagnose if a problem or scaling issue you are experiencing is potentially CPU or Memory related.

Q:  How can I check cpu and core count?
A:  psrinfo -vp

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# psrinfo -vp
The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (0 12)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (2 14)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (4 16)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (6 18)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (8 20)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (10 22)
    x86 (GenuineIntel 206C2 family 6 model 44 step 2 clock 2400 MHz)
      Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU           E5645  @ 2.40GHz
The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (1 13)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (3 15)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (5 17)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (7 19)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (9 21)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (11 23)
    x86 (GenuineIntel 206C2 family 6 model 44 step 2 clock 2400 MHz)
      Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU           E5645  @ 2.40GHz

Q:  How do I look at my cpu statistics and check how balanced my core utilisation is?
A:  mpstat 1 5

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# mpstat 1 5
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    9   0   23  2663 1122 10297   94  497  913    0 22367    5  14   0  81
  1  491   0   22  2128 1025 2642   10  144  780    0  7103    5  11   0  84
  2    0   0   14  2723 1302 5165   50  310  972    0 10080    2  14   0  84
  3    0   0   32  2687 1291 3921   16  186  803    0  6525    2   9   0  89
  4  253   0    7   190   61 2245   29  141  759    0  6756    3   7   0  90
  5    0   0   19  1419  389 1959   19  127  665    0  2861    1  20   0  79
  6    0   0   37  2740 1329 4803   32  198  833    0 10305    2   9   0  89
  7   61   0   15   277   42 3240    8  145  701    0  8393    2   8   0  90
  8    0   0    5  2626 1223 2577   37  139  669    0  4020    1   9   0  90
  9    9   0  110  4771 4421 4185   45  379 1025    0  7759    2  12   0  86
 10    0   0  280  4538 2182 4362   41  188  894    0  9750    2   9   0  89
 11    1   0   11   150   39 2694    2  114  811    0  4371    2   9   0  89
 12 1309   0   19   577  406 2891   38  147  675    0  9025    3   9   0  88
 13   13   0   16   981  804 3342   12  119  729    0  7746    2   9   0  89
 14    1   0    6   659  277 2100   25  133  798    0  4311    1   7   0  92
 15    0   0    6   890  428 1470    6   94  736    0  2399    1   6   0  93
 16    0   0    5  2452 1191 3792   21  183  922    0  8583    1   7   0  92
 17    0   0   17   585  256 1709   16  145  838    0  3477    1   9   0  90
 18    0   0    5  2300 1115 3212   34  140  696    0  6565    1   7   0  92
 19    0   0   16   122   35  912    8   85  568    0  1873    1   5   0  94
 20    0   0   10  3959 1640 4985   52  190  798    0  6366    1  11   0  88
 21    0   0   20   182   53 3446    8  137  636    0  6862    2   9   0  89
 22    0   0    5    90   17 2609   31  109  670    0  4204    1   6   0  93
 23  160   0   45  5736 2823 4068    9  141  716    0  4063    2  10   0  88

Q:  How much memory does my system have?
A:  prtconf | head -3 | grep Mem

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# prtconf | head -3 | grep Mem
Memory size: 47184 Megabytes

Q:  How can I see my virtual memory statistics?
A:  vmstat

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# vmstat
 kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
 r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd lf rm s0   in   sy   cs us sy id
 0 0 0 26318348 1403084 304 2631 0 0 0 0 0 22  0 -1327 15 43058 171189 78397 2 5 93

Q:  How can I see process statistics for my system and Virtual machine Zones?
A:  prstat -Z

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# prstat -Z
 18934 root     2098M 2086M sleep   58    0 550:06:58 1.1% qemu-system-x86/6
  3095 root      553M  541M cpu12   59    0 297:38:25 0.6% qemu-system-x86/5
  4308 root     8288M 8276M sleep    1    0 294:55:12 0.6% qemu-system-x86/10
  3576 root     1066M 1054M sleep    9    0 202:31:31 0.4% qemu-system-x86/4
  3332 root      554M  542M cpu3    59    0 161:32:02 0.4% qemu-system-x86/5
  3820 root     1838M 1826M cpu3    59    0 177:06:17 0.3% qemu-system-x86/5
  4064 root     4151M 4139M sleep   59    0 173:47:37 0.3% qemu-system-x86/5
  2921 root       60M   42M sleep   57    0 107:22:27 0.3% beam.smp/29
   431 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20 181:10:13 0.2% zpool-zones/182
  3217 root      553M  541M sleep   59    0  94:06:46 0.2% qemu-system-x86/5
  4186 root     4181M 4170M sleep   59    0  45:10:47 0.1% qemu-system-x86/10
 41370 root       72M   59M sleep   51    0   3:42:33 0.0% beam.smp/29
  3003 root     3780K 1564K sleep   59    0  17:57:04 0.0% inet_gethost/1
  3698 root     1077M 1065M sleep    1    0  16:36:27 0.0% qemu-system-x86/6
 41391 root       50M   32M sleep   44    0   2:00:26 0.0% beam.smp/29
 41414 root       53M   38M sleep   56    0   1:43:15 0.0% beam.smp/29
 36531 root     3924K 1356K sleep   48    0   0:00:02 0.0% inet_gethost/1
 49738 root     1120M 1108M sleep   49    0   1:27:49 0.0% qemu-system-x86/4
ZONEID    NPROC  SWAP   RSS MEMORY      TIME  CPU ZONE                        
    15        2 2098M 2086M   4.4% 550:06:58 1.1% 41a69306-0ed6-40e9-a91e-05794421cb5b
     1        2  553M  541M   1.1% 297:38:25 0.6% 3b45ecfa-7c74-459e-8534-00d1f79a07ea
    11        2 8288M 8276M    18% 294:55:12 0.6% 633df8db-46ab-47b0-8c7a-b38f8b90e2d5
     0       88  555M  326M   0.5% 323:12:37 0.6% global                      
     5        2 1066M 1054M   2.2% 202:31:31 0.4% 4c0ce8c9-432e-48a4-80b3-579e3ff11cf0
     3        2  554M  542M   1.1% 161:32:02 0.4% befb49f3-8f9f-404a-9683-b64b94005423
     7        2 1838M 1826M   3.9% 177:06:17 0.3% a07ba0ca-bc6b-4703-95ba-4b395c68947a
     9        2 4151M 4139M   8.8% 173:47:37 0.3% 25f82695-85d0-446a-b017-5f00789e94e5
Total: 155 processes, 836 lwps, load averages: 1.58, 1.59, 1.73

Q:  How can I determine if my virtual machines are running out of memory?
A:  zonememstat

[root@smartosn2 ~]# zonememstat
                                 ZONE  RSS(MB)  CAP(MB)    NOVER  POUT(MB)
                               global      170        -        -         -
 1e0bdc72-3d06-4aaa-819c-062c26621c77     1057     2048        0         0
 dd889ecd-2fdc-4e04-be8c-27acde8c6808      556     1536        0         0
 6a1618dc-586c-4529-96d6-b957a893c52a      538     1536        0         0
 e3c4387c-4d54-4c40-811d-0423668e49c8     1052     2048        0         0
 0577f50a-f8ac-42fa-b68e-154ff58506b3     1089     2048        0         0
                                 fifo      280     2048        0         0
 17510b88-b8fe-44fc-ad72-4a6f011d3ee4     2555     3072        0         0

Q:  How do I see what is using SWAP?
A:  ps -eo pid,comm,vsz | sort -nk3

[root@smartosn2 ~]# ps -eo pid,comm,vsz | sort -nk3
    0 sched                                                                               0
    2 pageout                                                                             0
    3 fsflush                                                                             0
    4 kcfpoold                                                                            0
  421 zpool-zones                                                                         0
  PID COMMAND                                                                           VSZ
 3400 zsched                                                                              0
 3428 zsched                                                                              0
 3523 zsched                                                                              0
 3784 zsched                                                                              0
 3845 zsched                                                                              0
 6977 zsched                                                                              0
17010 zsched                                                                              0
 2630 /usr/lib/utmpd                                                                   1632
 7372 /usr/lib/utmpd                                                                   1632
17380 /usr/lib/utmpd                                                                   1632
   95 /usr/bin/ctrun                                                                   1772
 2945 /usr/bin/ctrun                                                                   1776
 7363 /usr/lib/pfexecd                                                                 1832
 2698 /usr/lib/vtdaemon                                                                1840
17367 /usr/sbin/cron                                                                   1852
. . .

Q:  How do I see where all my system memory is being allocated?
A:  echo ::memstat | mdb -k

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# echo ::memstat | mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                    4330552             16916   36%
ZFS File Data              445887              1741    4%
Anon                      6588558             25736   55%
Exec and libs                3697                14    0%
Page cache                 253315               989    2%
Free (cachelist)           179059               699    1%
Free (freelist)            275855              1077    2%

Total                    12076923             47175
Physical                 12076921             47175

Q:  How do I examine a specific VM’s zone to see what process is using RSS / memory?
A:  prstat -s rss -z 12

[root@smartosn2 ~]# prstat -s rss -z 12
  7499 root       49M   39M sleep   59    0   1:21:02 0.2% beam.smp/9
  7562 root       44M   34M sleep   55    0   0:29:32 0.1% beam.smp/9
  7517 root       36M   27M sleep   59    0   0:31:48 0.1% beam.smp/9
  7547 webservd   27M   17M sleep   43    0   0:00:05 0.0% httpd/8
  7548 webservd   27M   17M sleep   43    0   0:00:05 0.0% httpd/8
  7549 webservd   27M   17M sleep   43    0   0:00:05 0.0% httpd/8
  7550 webservd   27M   17M sleep   43    0   0:00:05 0.0% httpd/8
  7551 webservd   27M   17M sleep   43    0   0:00:05 0.0% httpd/8
  7071 root     9408K 8260K sleep   29    0   0:00:06 0.0% svc.configd/13
  7540 root       17M 7232K sleep   59    0   0:00:06 0.0% httpd/1
  7598 webservd   19M 5888K sleep   43    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7594 webservd   19M 5884K sleep   43    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7596 webservd   19M 5884K sleep   43    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7597 webservd   19M 5884K sleep   43    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7595 webservd   19M 5876K sleep   43    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7068 root     7076K 5284K sleep   59    0   0:00:03 0.0% svc.startd/12
  7195 root     6052K 3648K sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% nscd/27
  7365 root     4204K 2704K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% inetd/3
  7123 netadm   3976K 2696K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% ipmgmtd/3
  7420 root     4700K 2632K sleep   59    0   0:01:19 0.0% redis-server/3
  7542 webservd   16M 2380K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% httpd/1
  7373 root     3276K 2356K sleep   30    0   0:00:00 0.0% rsyslogd/5
  7408 root     4020K 1600K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
  7036 root     2136K 1552K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% init/1
Total: 45 processes, 164 lwps, load averages: 0.24, 0.24, 0.23

Q:  How do I see my interrupt statistics?
A:  intrstat

[root@smartosn2 ~]# intrstat
      device |      cpu0 %tim      cpu1 %tim      cpu2 %tim      cpu3 %tim
    e1000g#0 |         0  0.0         1  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0
      ehci#0 |         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0
      ehci#1 |         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0
       mpt#0 |         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0         0  0.0
       rge#0 |         0  0.0       239  0.2         0  0.0         0  0.0

Q:  How do I see what is using a specific interrupt?
A:  echo ::interrupts | mdb -k

[root@smartosn2 ~]# echo ::interrupts | mdb -k
IRQ  Vect IPL Bus    Trg Type   CPU Share APIC/INT# ISR(s) 
9    0x80 9   PCI    Lvl Fixed  1   1     0x0/0x9   acpi_wrapper_isr
18   0x81 9   PCI    Lvl Fixed  2   1     0x0/0x12  ehci_intr
23   0x82 9   PCI    Lvl Fixed  3   1     0x0/0x17  ehci_intr
24   0x60 6   PCI    Edg MSI    1   1     -         rge_intr
25   0x40 5   PCI    Edg MSI    3   1     -         mpt_intr
26   0x61 6   PCI    Edg MSI    1   1     -         e1000g_intr_pciexpress
32   0x20 2          Edg IPI    all 1     -         cmi_cmci_trap
160  0xa0 0          Edg IPI    all 0     -         poke_cpu
208  0xd0 14         Edg IPI    all 1     -         kcpc_hw_overflow_intr
209  0xd1 14         Edg IPI    all 1     -         cbe_fire
210  0xd3 14         Edg IPI    all 1     -         cbe_fire
240  0xe0 15         Edg IPI    all 1     -         xc_serv
241  0xe1 15         Edg IPI    all 1     -         apic_error_intr

Q:  Is there an easy way to get a complete overview of my SmartOS system?
A:  sysinfo

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# sysinfo
  "Live Image": "20120726T184637Z",
  "System Type": "SunOS",
  "Boot Time": "1344477862",
  "Manufacturer": "Intel Corporation",
  "Product": "S5520UR",
  "Serial Number": "............",
  "VM Capable": true,
  "CPU Type": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz",
  "CPU Virtualization": "vmx",
  "CPU Physical Cores": 2,
  "UUID": "92bc54eb-a652-11e0-a095-001e671d5838",
  "Hostname": "smartos-node-1",
  "CPU Total Cores": 24,
  "MiB of Memory": "47184",
  "Zpool": "zones",
  "Zpool Disks": "c0t16d0,c0t17d0,c0t18d0,c0t19d0,c0t20d0,c0t21d0,c2d0",
  "Zpool Profile": "raidz",
  "Zpool Size in GiB": 2719,
  "Disks": {
    "c0t16d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c0t17d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c0t18d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c0t19d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c0t20d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c0t21d0": {"Size in GB": 600},
    "c2d0": {"Size in GB": 120}
  "Boot Parameters": {
    "console": "text",
    "root_shadow": "$5$2XXXRnK3$NvLlm.1KYYYB0WjoP7xcIwGnllzzzzHnT.mDO7DpxYA",
    "smartos": "true"
  "Network Interfaces": {
    "igb0": {"MAC Address": "00:1e:67:1d:58:38", "ip4addr": "", "Link Status": "up", "NIC Names": ["admin"]},
    "igb1": {"MAC Address": "00:1e:67:1d:58:39", "ip4addr": "", "Link Status": "unknown", "NIC Names": []}
  "Virtual Network Interfaces": {

Q:  How do I see the status of the Network interfaces in my system?
A:  dladm show-phys

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# dladm show-phys 
LINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
igb0         Ethernet             up         1000   full      igb0
igb1         Ethernet             unknown    0      half      igb1

Q:  How do I see the MAC addresses of the Network interfaces in my system?
A:  dladm show-phys -m

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# dladm show-phys -m
LINK         SLOT     ADDRESS            INUSE CLIENT
igb0         primary  0:1e:67:1d:58:38   yes  igb0
igb1         primary  0:1e:67:1d:58:39   no   --

Q:  How do I list my systems Virtual Network interfaces and see which zone they belong to?
A:  dladm show-vnic

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# dladm show-vnic 
net0         igb0       0     b2:f2:42:c0:5e:15 fixed       0    3b45ecfa-7c74-459e-8534-00d1f79a07ea
net0         igb0       0     b2:56:3f:3:37:d   fixed       0    a04a5894-ac82-4b3d-b1b7-2fa1dcc7d0e3
net0         igb0       0     b2:7d:78:4:83:15  fixed       0    befb49f3-8f9f-404a-9683-b64b94005423
net0         igb0       0     b2:d1:cb:37:e4:6f fixed       0    4c0ce8c9-432e-48a4-80b3-579e3ff11cf0
net0         igb0       0     b2:be:3d:6f:22:e7 fixed       0    b90c54cd-bef6-4f2f-8701-e2c2a794dbe4
net0         igb0       0     b2:7f:9a:b2:85:3f fixed       0    a07ba0ca-bc6b-4703-95ba-4b395c68947a
net0         igb0       0     b2:6c:f1:e5:b9:c8 fixed       0    25f82695-85d0-446a-b017-5f00789e94e5
net0         igb0       0     b2:94:18:77:4f:b8 fixed       0    d4e5b942-7edd-41bd-8e2c-f11259adfe28
net0         igb0       0     b2:43:c0:92:82:1  fixed       0    633df8db-46ab-47b0-8c7a-b38f8b90e2d5
net0         igb0       0     b2:f5:69:fc:8:ca  fixed       0    41a69306-0ed6-40e9-a91e-05794421cb5b
net0         igb0       0     c2:d3:e4:57:55:ea fixed       0    fifo
net0         igb0       0     c2:81:e:6d:fb:66  fixed       0    3de9cab6-a810-492d-9b1d-836ccdcd7022

Q:  Where do I configure additional Network interfaces or vlans?
A:  /usbkey/config

[root@smartos-node-1 ~]# cat /usbkey/config



Q:  How do I watch my Network interface packet statistics in real-time? (first line entry is total packets)
A:  netstat -I igb0 1 6

    input   igb0      output	   input  (Total)    output
packets errs  packets errs  colls  packets errs  packets errs  colls 
763052430 0     1751855307 0     0      764740603 0     1753543480 0     0     
708     0     224     0     0      708     0     224     0     0     
628     0     158     0     0      628     0     158     0     0     
784     0     307     0     0      784     0     307     0     0     
780     0     316     0     0      780     0     316     0     0     
787     0     328     0     0      787     0     328     0     0

I hope you have found the above information useful.

Hopefully in the next article we can dive a bit deeper into Dtrace and some general scripting as well as snapshot creation and management etc.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


