

#ifndef  _TREE_NONRECUR_H_
#define  _TREE_NONRECUR_H_

typedef  struct stack_record* stack;
typedef  struct link_node* Node;
typedef  struct treenode* searchtree;

typedef  searchtree elementType;
typedef  int tree_data;

struct stack_record
	int size;
	Node node;

struct link_node
	elementType data;
	Node next;

struct treenode
	int push_flag;//入栈次数统计
	tree_data data;
	searchtree left;
	searchtree right;

searchtree Insert(tree_data x,searchtree t);
searchtree FindMin(searchtree t);
searchtree FindMax(searchtree t);
searchtree Find(tree_data x,searchtree t);
void MakeEmpty(searchtree t);
void pre_visit(searchtree t);
void mid_visit(searchtree t);
void post_visit(searchtree t);

void PushStack(elementType x,stack s);
elementType topAndpop(stack s);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "tree_nonrecur.h"

void PushStack(elementType x,stack s)
		Node ptr = (Node)malloc(sizeof(link_node));
		if(ptr == NULL)
			printf("in push stack ,Node alloc error\n");
		ptr->data = x;
		ptr->next = s->node;
		s->node = ptr;
		s->node = (Node)malloc(sizeof(link_node));
		if(s->node == NULL)
			printf("in push stack,s->node alloca error\n");

		s->node->data = x;
		s->node->next =NULL;

elementType topAndpop(stack s)
	if(s->size > 0)
		elementType x = s->node->data;
		Node ptr = NULL;
		ptr = s->node;
		s->node = s->node->next;
		ptr = NULL;
		return x;
		return NULL;

*    每一次比较前先保存该节点地址
searchtree Insert(tree_data x,searchtree t)
	static int i = 1;
		searchtree pt = t;
		printf("\n\nthe %d insert is %d\n",i++,x);
		searchtree ptr = NULL;
			ptr = pt;
			if(x > pt->data)
				printf("\t x:%d > pt->data:%d,so x:%d insert pt->data:%d's right tree\n",x,pt->data,x,pt->data);
				pt = pt->right;
			else if(x < pt->data)
				printf("\tx:%d < pt->data:%d,so x:%d insert pt->data:%d's left tree\n",x,pt->data,x,pt->data);
				pt = pt->left;

		if(pt == NULL)
			searchtree pt = (searchtree)malloc(sizeof(treenode));
			if(pt == NULL)
				printf("in Insert ,tree node alloca error\n");

			pt->data = x;
			pt->left = NULL;
			pt->right = NULL;
			pt->push_flag = 0;
			if(pt->data < ptr->data)
				ptr->left =pt;
				ptr->right = pt;
			printf("\tthe insert address is %p,the data is %d\n",pt,pt->data);
			return pt;
			return pt;

		t = (searchtree)malloc(sizeof(treenode));
		if(t == NULL)
			printf("in Insert,first tree node alloca error\n");

		t->data = x;
		t->left = NULL;
		t->right = NULL;
		t->push_flag = 0;
		printf("\n\nthe %d insert is %d,the insert address is %p\n",i++,x,t);

		return t;

searchtree FindMin(searchtree t)
		searchtree pt_min = t;
				pt_min = pt_min->left;

		return pt_min;
		printf("in FindMin,the t is empty\n");
		return NULL;


searchtree FindMax(searchtree t)
		searchtree pt_max = t;
				pt_max = pt_max->right;

		return pt_max;
		printf("in FindMax,the tree is empty\n");
		return NULL;

void pre_visit(searchtree t)
		stack s = (stack)malloc(sizeof(struct stack_record));
		if(s == NULL)
			printf("in FindMin,the stack alloc is error\n");
		s->node = NULL;
		s->size = 0;

		searchtree pt = t;
		static int i = 0;
			printf("the %d data is %d\n",++i,pt->data);
				printf("the stack size is %d,push pt->right:%p into stack\n",s->size,pt->right);
				pt = pt->left;
				pt = topAndpop(s);

void mid_visit(searchtree t)
		stack s = (stack)malloc(sizeof(struct stack_record));
		if(s == NULL)
			printf("in pre visit,the stack alloca error\n");
		s->node = NULL;
		s->size = 0;

		searchtree pt = t;
		int i = 0;

		while(pt || s->size)
				printf("push the pt->data :%d into stack,stack size is %d\n",pt->data,s->size);
				pt = pt->left;

			pt = topAndpop(s);
			printf("the %d data is %d\n",++i,pt->data);
			pt = pt->right;




//					如果该节点只进栈一次,可以继续进栈,如果该节点已经进栈两次,则打印输出,然后不停出栈,直到遇到只进栈一次的节点;
void post_visit(searchtree t)
		stack s = (stack)malloc(sizeof(struct stack_record));
		if(s == NULL)
			printf("the stack alloca error\n");
		s->node = NULL;
		s->size = 0;

		searchtree pt = t;
		int i = 0;
		while(pt || s->size)
				printf("push the pt->data :%d into stack,and pt->push_flag is %d,stack size is %d\n",pt->data,pt->push_flag,s->size);				
				pt = pt->left;


			pt = topAndpop(s);
					if(pt->push_flag == 2)
						printf("the %d data is :%d\n",++i,pt->data);
						pt = topAndpop(s);
						printf("push the pt->data :%d into stack,and pt->push_flag is %d,stack size is %d\n",pt->data,pt->push_flag,s->size);
						pt = pt->right;
					printf("the %d data is :%d\n",++i,pt->data);
					pt = topAndpop(s);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tree_nonrecur.h"

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
	int a[21] = {500,456,865,986,213,666,333,222,156,423,
	int init_flag = 0;
	int i = 0;
	searchtree head = NULL;
	searchtree t = NULL;
	while(i < 21)
			t = Insert(a[i],head);
			printf("the tree node address is %p,insert data is %d\n",t,t->data);
			head = t = Insert(a[i],t);
			printf("the tree head address is %p,the first data is %d\n",t,t->data);
			init_flag = 1;


	t = FindMin(head);
	printf("\n\nthe min data is %d\n",t->data);
	t = FindMax(head);
	printf("\n\nthe max data is %d\n",t->data);

	printf("\n\n\nin the pre visit:");
	printf("\n\n\nin the mid visit:");

	printf("\n\n\nin the post visit:");


        the insert address is 00264F88,the data is 456
the tree node address is 00264F88,insert data is 456

the 3 insert is 865
         x:865 > pt->data:500,so x:865 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        the insert address is 002622D0,the data is 865
the tree node address is 002622D0,insert data is 865

the 4 insert is 986
         x:986 > pt->data:500,so x:986 insert pt->data:500's right tree
         x:986 > pt->data:865,so x:986 insert pt->data:865's right tree
        the insert address is 00262320,the data is 986
the tree node address is 00262320,insert data is 986

the 5 insert is 213
        x:213 < pt->data:500,so x:213 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:213 < pt->data:456,so x:213 insert pt->data:456's left tree
        the insert address is 00262370,the data is 213
the tree node address is 00262370,insert data is 213

the 6 insert is 666
         x:666 > pt->data:500,so x:666 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        x:666 < pt->data:865,so x:666 insert pt->data:865's left tree
        the insert address is 002623C0,the data is 666
the tree node address is 002623C0,insert data is 666

the 7 insert is 333
        x:333 < pt->data:500,so x:333 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:333 < pt->data:456,so x:333 insert pt->data:456's left tree
         x:333 > pt->data:213,so x:333 insert pt->data:213's right tree
        the insert address is 00262410,the data is 333
the tree node address is 00262410,insert data is 333

the 8 insert is 222
        x:222 < pt->data:500,so x:222 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:222 < pt->data:456,so x:222 insert pt->data:456's left tree
         x:222 > pt->data:213,so x:222 insert pt->data:213's right tree
        x:222 < pt->data:333,so x:222 insert pt->data:333's left tree
        the insert address is 00262460,the data is 222
the tree node address is 00262460,insert data is 222

the 9 insert is 156
        x:156 < pt->data:500,so x:156 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:156 < pt->data:456,so x:156 insert pt->data:456's left tree
        x:156 < pt->data:213,so x:156 insert pt->data:213's left tree
        the insert address is 002624B0,the data is 156
the tree node address is 002624B0,insert data is 156

the 10 insert is 423
        x:423 < pt->data:500,so x:423 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:423 < pt->data:456,so x:423 insert pt->data:456's left tree
         x:423 > pt->data:213,so x:423 insert pt->data:213's right tree
         x:423 > pt->data:333,so x:423 insert pt->data:333's right tree
        the insert address is 00264FD8,the data is 423
the tree node address is 00264FD8,insert data is 423

the 11 insert is 856
         x:856 > pt->data:500,so x:856 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        x:856 < pt->data:865,so x:856 insert pt->data:865's left tree
         x:856 > pt->data:666,so x:856 insert pt->data:666's right tree
        the insert address is 00265028,the data is 856
the tree node address is 00265028,insert data is 856

the 12 insert is 899
         x:899 > pt->data:500,so x:899 insert pt->data:500's right tree
         x:899 > pt->data:865,so x:899 insert pt->data:865's right tree
        x:899 < pt->data:986,so x:899 insert pt->data:986's left tree
        the insert address is 00265078,the data is 899
the tree node address is 00265078,insert data is 899

the 13 insert is 966
         x:966 > pt->data:500,so x:966 insert pt->data:500's right tree
         x:966 > pt->data:865,so x:966 insert pt->data:865's right tree
        x:966 < pt->data:986,so x:966 insert pt->data:986's left tree
         x:966 > pt->data:899,so x:966 insert pt->data:899's right tree
        the insert address is 002650C8,the data is 966
the tree node address is 002650C8,insert data is 966

the 14 insert is 776
         x:776 > pt->data:500,so x:776 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        x:776 < pt->data:865,so x:776 insert pt->data:865's left tree
         x:776 > pt->data:666,so x:776 insert pt->data:666's right tree
        x:776 < pt->data:856,so x:776 insert pt->data:856's left tree
        the insert address is 00265118,the data is 776
the tree node address is 00265118,insert data is 776

the 15 insert is 772
         x:772 > pt->data:500,so x:772 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        x:772 < pt->data:865,so x:772 insert pt->data:865's left tree
         x:772 > pt->data:666,so x:772 insert pt->data:666's right tree
        x:772 < pt->data:856,so x:772 insert pt->data:856's left tree
        x:772 < pt->data:776,so x:772 insert pt->data:776's left tree
        the insert address is 00265168,the data is 772
the tree node address is 00265168,insert data is 772

the 16 insert is 399
        x:399 < pt->data:500,so x:399 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:399 < pt->data:456,so x:399 insert pt->data:456's left tree
         x:399 > pt->data:213,so x:399 insert pt->data:213's right tree
         x:399 > pt->data:333,so x:399 insert pt->data:333's right tree
        x:399 < pt->data:423,so x:399 insert pt->data:423's left tree
        the insert address is 002651B8,the data is 399
the tree node address is 002651B8,insert data is 399

the 17 insert is 469
        x:469 < pt->data:500,so x:469 insert pt->data:500's left tree
         x:469 > pt->data:456,so x:469 insert pt->data:456's right tree
        the insert address is 00265208,the data is 469
the tree node address is 00265208,insert data is 469

the 18 insert is 586
         x:586 > pt->data:500,so x:586 insert pt->data:500's right tree
        x:586 < pt->data:865,so x:586 insert pt->data:865's left tree
        x:586 < pt->data:666,so x:586 insert pt->data:666's left tree
        the insert address is 00265258,the data is 586
the tree node address is 00265258,insert data is 586

the 19 insert is 398
        x:398 < pt->data:500,so x:398 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:398 < pt->data:456,so x:398 insert pt->data:456's left tree
         x:398 > pt->data:213,so x:398 insert pt->data:213's right tree
         x:398 > pt->data:333,so x:398 insert pt->data:333's right tree
        x:398 < pt->data:423,so x:398 insert pt->data:423's left tree
        x:398 < pt->data:399,so x:398 insert pt->data:399's left tree
        the insert address is 002652A8,the data is 398
the tree node address is 002652A8,insert data is 398

the 20 insert is 11
        x:11 < pt->data:500,so x:11 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:11 < pt->data:456,so x:11 insert pt->data:456's left tree
        x:11 < pt->data:213,so x:11 insert pt->data:213's left tree
        x:11 < pt->data:156,so x:11 insert pt->data:156's left tree
        the insert address is 002652F8,the data is 11
the tree node address is 002652F8,insert data is 11

the 21 insert is 12
        x:12 < pt->data:500,so x:12 insert pt->data:500's left tree
        x:12 < pt->data:456,so x:12 insert pt->data:456's left tree
        x:12 < pt->data:213,so x:12 insert pt->data:213's left tree
        x:12 < pt->data:156,so x:12 insert pt->data:156's left tree
         x:12 > pt->data:11,so x:12 insert pt->data:11's right tree
        the insert address is 00265348,the data is 12
the tree node address is 00265348,insert data is 12

the min data is 11

the max data is 986

in the pre visit:the 1 data is 500
the stack size is 1,push pt->right:002622D0 into stack
the 2 data is 456
the stack size is 2,push pt->right:00265208 into stack
the 3 data is 213
the stack size is 3,push pt->right:00262410 into stack
the 4 data is 156
the 5 data is 11
the stack size is 4,push pt->right:00265348 into stack
the 6 data is 12
the 7 data is 333
the stack size is 3,push pt->right:00264FD8 into stack
the 8 data is 222
the 9 data is 423
the 10 data is 399
the 11 data is 398
the 12 data is 469
the 13 data is 865
the stack size is 1,push pt->right:00262320 into stack
the 14 data is 666
the stack size is 2,push pt->right:00265028 into stack
the 15 data is 586
the 16 data is 856
the 17 data is 776
the 18 data is 772
the 19 data is 986
the 20 data is 899
the stack size is 1,push pt->right:002650C8 into stack
the 21 data is 966

in the mid visit:push the pt->data :500 into stack,stack size is 1
push the pt->data :456 into stack,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :213 into stack,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :156 into stack,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :11 into stack,stack size is 5
the 1 data is 11
push the pt->data :12 into stack,stack size is 5
the 2 data is 12
the 3 data is 156
the 4 data is 213
push the pt->data :333 into stack,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :222 into stack,stack size is 4
the 5 data is 222
the 6 data is 333
push the pt->data :423 into stack,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :399 into stack,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :398 into stack,stack size is 5
the 7 data is 398
the 8 data is 399
the 9 data is 423
the 10 data is 456
push the pt->data :469 into stack,stack size is 2
the 11 data is 469
the 12 data is 500
push the pt->data :865 into stack,stack size is 1
push the pt->data :666 into stack,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :586 into stack,stack size is 3
the 13 data is 586
the 14 data is 666
push the pt->data :856 into stack,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :776 into stack,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :772 into stack,stack size is 4
the 15 data is 772
the 16 data is 776
the 17 data is 856
the 18 data is 865
push the pt->data :986 into stack,stack size is 1
push the pt->data :899 into stack,stack size is 2
the 19 data is 899
push the pt->data :966 into stack,stack size is 2
the 20 data is 966
the 21 data is 986

in the post visit:push the pt->data :500 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack
 size is 1
push the pt->data :456 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :213 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :156 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :11 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 5
push the pt->data :11 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 5
push the pt->data :12 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 6
the 1 data is :12
the 2 data is :11
the 3 data is :156
push the pt->data :213 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :333 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :222 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 5
the 4 data is :222
push the pt->data :333 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :423 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 5
push the pt->data :399 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 6
push the pt->data :398 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 7
the 5 data is :398
the 6 data is :399
the 7 data is :423
the 8 data is :333
the 9 data is :213
push the pt->data :456 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :469 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 3
the 10 data is :469
the 11 data is :456
push the pt->data :500 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 1
push the pt->data :865 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :666 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :586 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 4
the 12 data is :586
push the pt->data :666 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :856 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :776 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 5
push the pt->data :772 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 6
the 13 data is :772
the 14 data is :776
the 15 data is :856
the 16 data is :666
push the pt->data :865 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 2
push the pt->data :986 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 3
push the pt->data :899 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :899 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 2,stack size is 4
push the pt->data :966 into stack,and pt->push_flag is 1,stack size is 5
the 17 data is :966
the 18 data is :899
the 19 data is :986
the 20 data is :865
the 21 data is :500
请按任意键继续. . .





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