



                        a               b

                    c       d       _       h

                  e   f   _   g   _   _   j   _


                        a               b

                    c       d       _       h

                  e   _   _   g   _   _   j   _

h                                  *

                        a               b

                    c       d       _       0

                  e   _   _   g   _   _   j   _

Press any key to continue


using namespace std;

int Max(int x1,int x2)   //最大值函数
  return x1;
  return x2;

int Ming(int x,int n)   //冥函数
 int result = 1;
 for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
  result = result*x;
 return result;

void Disspace(int n)   //输出n个空格函数
 for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
  cout<<" ";

template<class T> class BiTree;

template<class T>
class BiTreeNode
 friend class BiTree<T>;
  BiTreeNode<T> *right;
  BiTreeNode<T> *left;
  T item;
  BiTreeNode(T item,BiTreeNode<T> *right = NULL,BiTreeNode<T> *left = NULL)
   this->item = item;
   this->right = right;
   this->left = left;

template<class T>
class BiTree
  BiTreeNode<T> *root;
  BiTreeNode<T> *current;
  BiTreeNode<T>* SearchParent(BiTreeNode<T>* &parent,BiTreeNode<T>* child);//
  BiTree(T x)
   BiTreeNode<T> *p = new BiTreeNode<T>(x);
   this->root = p;
   this->current = root;
  ~BiTree();  //
  BiTreeNode<T>* Root();  //return the root node of the BiTree 
  BiTreeNode<T>* Parent(); //return the parent node of the current node  
  BiTreeNode<T>* Brother(); // return the brother node of the current node 
  BiTreeNode<T>* Child();  //return the child node of the current node 

  void DeleteNode();  //delete the current node 
  void DeleteRoot(BiTreeNode<T> *cur);  //delete the root node 
  void SearchNode(T x,BiTreeNode<T> *pSearch);  //seach the item that values x and return the node
  void InsertNode(T x,int RorL = 0); //insert a node values x to the current node   /**/
  void ChangeNode(T x); // change the current node'value to x
  void PreOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode);   //preorder to visit the BiTree 
  void MidOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode);   //Midorder to visit the BiTree 
  void LastOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode);   //Lastorder to visit the BiTree 
  void LayOrder();    //Layorder to visit the BiTree 

  void Display();    //display the current node's value 
  void DisplayTotal();  //display the Bitree totally(tree model) 
  int CountLayer(BiTreeNode<T> *cNode);  //return the total layer of the tree 

template<class T>

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::DeleteRoot(BiTreeNode<T>* cur)
 if(cur != NULL)
  if((cur->left == NULL)&&(cur->right == NULL))
   BiTreeNode<T> *p;
   p = cur;
   delete p;

template<class T>
BiTreeNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Root()
 if(root != NULL)
  this->current = root;
  return this->root;  
  return NULL;

template<class T>
BiTreeNode<T>* BiTree<T>::SearchParent(BiTreeNode<T>* &parent,BiTreeNode<T>* child)
 if(parent == NULL)
  return NULL;
 if((parent->left == child)||(parent->right == child))
  current = parent;
  return parent;
  if((parent->left !=child)&&(parent->left != NULL))
  if((parent->right !=child)&&(parent->right != NULL))
  return current;

template<class T>
BiTreeNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Parent()
 if((current == NULL)||(current == root))
  return root;
  current = SearchParent(root,current);
  return current;

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::Display()
 cout<<current->item<<"  ";

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::InsertNode(T x,int RorL) //0 is to insert a node left to right
{           //1 is to insert a node only left
 if(current != NULL)      //2 is to insert a node only right
  if(((RorL == 0)||(RorL == 1))&&(current->left == NULL))
   BiTreeNode<T> *p = new BiTreeNode<T>(x);
   current->left = p;
   current = p;
  else if(((RorL == 0)||(RorL == 2))&&(current->right == NULL))
   BiTreeNode<T> *p = new BiTreeNode<T>(x);
   current->right = p;
   current = p;
   cout<<"can't insert a node.."<<endl;
  cout<<"can't insert a node.."<<endl;

template<class T>
BiTreeNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Brother()
 if(current == NULL)
  return NULL;
  BiTreeNode<T> *p;
  p = current;
  current = this->Parent();
  if((current->left == p)&&(current->right != NULL))
   current = current->right;
   return current;
  else if((current->right == p)&&(current->left != NULL))
   current = current->left;
   return current;
   return NULL;

template<class T>
BiTreeNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Child()
 if(current == NULL)
  return NULL;
  if(current->left != NULL)
   current = current->left;
   return current;
  else if(current->right != NULL)
   current = current->right;
   return current;

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::DeleteNode()
 BiTreeNode<T> *p1,*p2;
 if(current != NULL)
  if((current->left == NULL)&&(current->right == NULL))
   p1 = current;
   p2 = this->Parent();
   if(p2->left == p1)
    delete p1;
    p2->left = NULL;
   else if(p2->right == p1)
    delete p1;
    p2->right = NULL;


template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::SearchNode(T x,BiTreeNode<T> *pSearch)
 if(pSearch != NULL)
  if(pSearch->item == x)
   this->current = pSearch;
   if(pSearch->left != NULL)
   if(pSearch->right != NULL)

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::ChangeNode(T x)
 if(current != NULL)
  current->item = x;

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::PreOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode)
 if(pNode != NULL)
  cout<<pNode->item<<" ";

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::MidOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode)
 if(pNode != NULL)
  cout<<pNode->item<<" ";

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::LastOrder(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode)
 if(pNode != NULL)
  cout<<pNode->item<<" ";

template<class T>
int BiTree<T>::CountLayer(BiTreeNode<T> *cNode)
 if(cNode == NULL)
  return 0;
  return 1+Max(CountLayer(cNode->left),CountLayer(cNode->right));

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::LayOrder()
 deque<BiTreeNode<T>*> deque;
 BiTreeNode<T> *tmp;
  tmp = deque.front();
  cout<<tmp->item<<" ";
  if(tmp->left != NULL)
  if(tmp->right != NULL)

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::DisplayTotal()   

 deque<BiTreeNode<T>*> deque1;
 deque<T> deque2;
 BiTreeNode<T> *tmp;
 int Tl = 0;
 int Tr = 0;
 int i;
 int count = this->CountLayer(this->root);
 for(i = 1;i<=Ming(2,count)-1;i++)
  tmp = deque1.front();
  if(tmp->left != NULL)
   Tl = 0;
   BiTreeNode<T> *p = new BiTreeNode<T>('_');
   Tl = 1;
  if(tmp->right != NULL)
   Tr = 0;
   BiTreeNode<T> *p = new BiTreeNode<T>('_');
   Tr = 1;

 int temp = Ming(2,count+1);
 int temp1 = count;
 int dis;
 T tmp2;
 for(i = 1;i<=count;i++)
  if(i == 1)
   tmp2 = deque2.front();
   dis = temp - (Ming(2,i-2)-1)*Ming(2,temp1) - Ming(2,temp1)/2;
   for(int j = 1;j<=Ming(2,i-1);j++)
    tmp2 = deque2.front();







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