



Default implementation is useless

This is mostly a surprise because Python’s defaults tend to be fairly useful. However, in this case, having a default for __repr__ which would act like:

return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__)

would have been too dangerous (for example, too easy to get into infinite recursion if objects reference each other). So Python cops out. Note that there is one default which is true: if __repr__ is defined, and __str__ is not, the object will behave as though __str__=__repr__.

This means, in simple terms: almost every object you implement should have a functional __repr__that’s usable for understanding the object. Implementing __str__ is optional: do that if you need a “pretty print” functionality (for example, used by a report generator).

The goal of __repr__ is to be unambiguous

Let me come right out and say it — I do not believe in debuggers. I don’t really know how to use any debugger, and have never used one seriously. Furthermore, I believe that the big fault in debuggers is their basic nature — most failures I debug happened a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. This means that I do believe, with religious fervor, in logging. Logging is the lifeblood of any decent fire-and-forget server system. Python makes it easy to log: with maybe some project specific wrappers, all you need is a

log(INFO, "I am in the weird function and a is", a, "and", b, "is", b, "but I got a null C — using default", default_c)

But you have to do the last step — make sure every object you implement has a useful repr, so code like that can just work. This is why the “eval” thing comes up: if you have enough information soeval(repr(c))==c, that means you know everything there is to know about c. If that’s easy enough, at least in a fuzzy way, do it. If not, make sure you have enough information about c anyway. I usually use an eval-like format: "MyClass(this=%r,that=%r)" % (self.this,self.that). It does not mean that you can actually construct MyClass, or that those are the right constructor arguments — but it is a useful form to express “this is everything you need to know about this instance”.

Note: I used %r above, not %s. You always want to use repr() [or %r formatting character, equivalently] inside __repr__ implementation, or you’re defeating the goal of repr. You want to be able to differentiate MyClass(3) and MyClass("3").

The goal of __str__ is to be readable

Specifically, it is not intended to be unambiguous — notice that str(3)==str(“3″). Likewise, if you implement an IP abstraction, having the str of it look like is just fine. When implementing a date/time abstraction, the str can be “2010/4/12 15:35:22″, etc. The goal is to represent it in a way that a user, not a programmer, would want to read it. Chop off useless digits, pretend to be some other class — as long is it supports readability, it is an improvement.

Container’s __str__ uses contained objects’ __repr__

This seems surprising, doesn’t it? It is a little, but how readable would

[moshe is, 3, hello
world, this is a list, oh I don't know, containing just 4 elements]

be? Not very. Specifically, the strings in a container would find it way too easy to disturb its string representation. In the face of ambiguity, remember, Python resists the temptation to guess. If you want the above behavior when you’re printing a list, just

print "["+", ".join(l)+"]"

(you can probably also figure out what to do about dictionaries.


Implement __repr__ for any class you implement. This should be second nature. Implement __str__if you think it would be useful to have a string version which errs on the side of more readability in favor of more ambiguity.

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Wow, this answer is really good  –    Casebash   Apr 13 '10 at 2:08
+1 for taking time to explain for others and also for the blog post!  –    Jeffrey Jose   Apr 14 '10 at 1:34
You had me until you said you don't believe in debuggers. I don't know what scars you have from gdb or Eclipse but the debugger in Visual Studio is magical. Hell, I have even debugged Assembler programs in Visual Studio. If you have used the VS debugger and don't like it - you're not holding it correctly. (And you can even write/debug Python applications in VS).  –    Nathan Adams   Aug 7 '12 at 4:41
As long as messages are classed correctly, I encourage logging as if there's going to be a critical failure at any time. However, you won't always have the logging you need, especially if you're just trying to understand someone else's project, and especially if the flow isn't clear. You're also not necessarily going to be able to pollute the code in production, or even see the code (if it's a compiled language). Logging and debugging are complimentary components in the toolbag of a successful engineer. Embrace every technique you can, to solve the problem at hand with brutal efficiency.  –    Dustin Oprea   Sep 17 '12 at 2:46
Also, you should never, ever, ever use eval().  –    darkfeline   Jun 4 at 7:03
show 4 more comments

Unless you specifically act to ensure otherwise, most classes don't have helpful results for either:

>>> class Sic(object): pass
>>> print str(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x8b7d0>
>>> print repr(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x8b7d0>

As you see -- no difference, and no info beyond the class and object's id. If you only override one of the two...:

>>> class Sic(object): 
...   def __repr__(object): return 'foo'
>>> print str(Sic())
>>> print repr(Sic())
>>> class Sic(object):
...   def __str__(object): return 'foo'
>>> print str(Sic())
>>> print repr(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x2617f0>

as you see, if you override __repr__, that's ALSO used for __str__, but not vice versa.

Other crucial tidbits to know: __str__ on a built-on container uses the __repr__, NOT the__str__, for the items it contains. And, despite the words on the subject found in typical docs, hardly anybody bothers making the __repr__ of objects be a string that eval may use to build an equal object (it's just too hard, AND not knowing how the relevant module was actually imported makes it actually flat out impossible).

So, my advice: focus on making __str__ reasonably human-readable, and __repr__ as unambiguous as you possibly can, even if that interferes with the fuzzy unattainable goal of making__repr__'s returned value acceptable as input to __eval__!

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In my unit tests I always check that eval(repr(foo)) evaluates to an object equal to foo. You're right that it won't work outside of my test cases since I don't know how the module is imported, but this at least ensures that it works in some predictable context. I think this a good way of evaluating if the result of__repr__ is explicit enough. Doing this in a unit test also helps ensure that __repr__ follows changes to the class.  –    Series8217   Nov 15 '11 at 19:58
Hats off to plain and simple answer !  –    Yugal Jindle   Mar 28 '12 at 5:55

__repr__: representation of python object usually eval will convert it back to that object

__str__: is whatever you think is that object in text form


>>> s="""w'o"w"""
>>> repr(s)
>>> str(s)
>>> eval(str(s))==s
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
>>> eval(repr(s))==s
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Also __str__ defaults to __repr__ if no __str__ is implemented.  –    Jason R. Coombs   Sep 17 '09 at 17:14
+1 because simple and you mention, that str is for translating the object to str, like int converts it to int.  –  Joschua   Jul 1 '10 at 14:50
Excellent example!  –    Sergey   Jan 2 '12 at 1:44

My rule of thumb: __repr__ is for developers, __str__ is for customers.

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In all honesty, eval(repr(obj)) is never used. If you find yourself using it, you should stop, becauseeval is dangerous, and strings are a very inefficient way to serialize your objects (use pickleinstead).

Therefore, I would recommend setting __repr__ = __str__. The reason is that str(list) callsrepr on the elements (I consider this to be one of the biggest design flaws of Python that was not addressed by Python 3). An actual repr will probably not be very helpful as the output of print [your, objects].

To qualify this, in my experience, the most useful use case of the repr function is to put a string inside another string (using string formatting). This way, you don't have to worry about escaping quotes or anything. But note that there is no eval happening here.

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From http://pyref.infogami.com/%5F%5Fstr%5F%5F by effbot:

__str__ "computes the "informal" string representation of an object. This differs from __repr__ in that it does not have to be a valid Python expression: a more convenient or concise representation may be used instead."

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基于C++&OPENCV 的全景图像拼接 C++是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它是由Bjarne Stroustrup于1979年在新泽西州美利山贝尔实验室开始设计开发的。C++是C语言的扩展,旨在提供更强大的编程能力,包括面向对象编程和泛型编程的支持。C++支持数据封装、继承和多态等面向对象编程的特性和泛型编程的模板,以及丰富的标准库,提供了大量的数据结构和算法,极大地提高了开发效率。12 C++是一种静态类型的、编译式的、通用的、大小写敏感的编程语言,它综合了高级语言和低级语言的特点。C++的语法与C语言非常相似,但增加了许多面向对象编程的特性,如类、对象、封装、继承和多态等。这使得C++既保持了C语言的低级特性,如直接访问硬件的能力,又提供了高级语言的特性,如数据封装和代码重用。13 C++的应用领域非常广泛,包括但不限于教育、系统开发、游戏开发、嵌入式系统、工业和商业应用、科研和高性能计算等领域。在教育领域,C++因其结构化和面向对象的特性,常被选为计算机科学和工程专业的入门编程语言。在系统开发领域,C++因其高效性和灵活性,经常被作为开发语言。游戏开发领域中,C++由于其高效性和广泛应用,在开发高性能游戏和游戏引擎中扮演着重要角色。在嵌入式系统领域,C++的高效和灵活性使其成为理想选择。此外,C++还广泛应用于桌面应用、Web浏览器、操作系统、编译器、媒体应用程序、数据库引擎、医疗工程和机器人等领域。16 学习C++的关键是理解其核心概念和编程风格,而不是过于深入技术细节。C++支持多种编程风格,每种风格都能有效地保证运行时间效率和空间效率。因此,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的程序员,都可以通过C++来设计和实现新系统或维护旧系统。3


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