Android Activity Manifest 标签

Whether or not the activity can move from the task that started it to the task it has an affinity for when that task is next brought to the front.The default value is "false". 

Whether or not the state of the task that the activity is in will always be maintained by the system.This attribute is meaningful only for the root activity of a task; it's ignored for all other activities.The default value is "false".

Whether or not all activities will be removed from the task, except for the root activity, whenever it is re-launched from the home screen.This attribute is meaningful only for activities that start a new task (the root activity); it's ignored for all other activities in the task.The default value is "false". 

Lists configuration changes that the activity will handle itself. When a configuration change occurs at runtime, the activity is shut down and restarted by default, but declaring a configuration with this attribute will prevent the activity from being restarted. Instead, the activity remains running and its onConfigurationChanged() method is called.
Any or all of the following strings are valid values for this attribute. Multiple values are separated by '|' — for example, "locale|navigation|orientation".
The font scaling factor has changed — the user has selected a new global font size.
The screen orientation has changed — the user has rotated the device.
Note: If your application targets API level 13 or higher (as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes), then you should also declare the "screenSize" configuration, because it also changes when a device switches between portrait and landscape orientations.
The current available screen size has changed. This represents a change in the currently available size, relative to the current aspect ratio, so will change when the user switches between landscape and portrait. However, if your application targets API level 12 or lower, then your activity always handles this configuration change itself (this configuration change does not restart your activity, even when running on an Android 3.2 or higher device).Added in API level 13.

Whether or not the activity can be instantiated by the system.The default value is "true".

Whether or not the task initiated by this activity should be excluded from the list of recently used applications ("recent apps"). That is, when this activity is the root activity of a new task, this attribute determines whether the task should not appear in the list of recent apps.The default value is "false".

Whether or not the activity can be launched by components of other applications.(The same application or applications with the same user ID.)
You can also use a permission to limit the external entities that can invoke the activity.The default value is "true".

Whether or not an existing instance of the activity should be shut down (finished) whenever the user again launches its task (chooses the task on the home screen).
If this attribute and allowTaskReparenting are both "true", this attribute trumps the other. The affinity of the activity is ignored. The activity is not re-parented, but destroyed.The default value is "false".

Whether or not hardware-accelerated rendering should be enabled for this Activity. The default value is "false".

An icon representing the activity. The icon is displayed to users when a representation of the activity is required on-screen. For example, icons for activities that initiate tasks are displayed in the launcher window. The icon is often accompanied by a label (see the android:label attribute).It is also the default icon for all the activity's intent filters .

A user-readable label for the activity. The label is displayed on-screen when the activity must be represented to the user. It's often displayed along with the activity icon.It is also the default label for all the activity's intent filters.

An instruction on how the activity should be launched.There are four modes: 
The default mode is "standard".
An activity with the "standard" or "singleTop" launch mode can be instantiated multiple times. The instances can belong to any task and can be located anywhere in the activity stack. 
In contrast, "singleTask" and "singleInstance" activities can only begin a task. They are always at the root of the activity stack. Moreover, the device can hold only one instance of the activity at a time — only one such task.
The "standard" and "singleTop" modes differ from each other in just one respect: Every time there's a new intent for a "standard" activity, a new instance of the class is created to respond to that intent. Each instance handles a single intent. Similarly, a new instance of a "singleTop" activity may also be created to handle a new intent. However, if the target task already has an existing instance of the activity at the top of its stack, that instance will receive the new intent (in an onNewIntent() call); a new instance is not created. In other circumstances — for example, if an existing instance of the "singleTop" activity is in the target task, but not at the top of the stack, or if it's at the top of a stack, but not in the target task — a new instance would be created and pushed on the stack.
The "singleTask" and "singleInstance" modes also differ from each other in only one respect: A "singleTask" activity allows other activities to be part of its task. It's always at the root of its task, but other activities (necessarily "standard" and "singleTop" activities) can be launched into that task. A "singleInstance" activity, on the other hand, permits no other activities to be part of its task. It's the only activity in the task. If it starts another activity, that activity is assigned to a different task — as if FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK was in the intent.

Whether an instance of the activity can be launched into the process of the component that started it — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. The default value is "false".
Normally, a new instance of an activity is launched into the process of the application that defined it, so all instances of the activity run in the same process. However, if this flag is set to "true", instances of the activity can run in multiple processes, allowing the system to create instances wherever they are used (provided permissions allow it), something that is almost never necessary or desirable.

The name of the class that implements the activity, a subclass of Activity. Once you publish your application, you should not change this name (unless you've set android:exported="false") since your activities may be used by other applications.

Whether or not the activity should be removed from the activity stack and finished (its finish() method called) when the user navigates away from it and it's no longer visible on screen. The default value is "false".

The class name of the logical parent of the activity. The name here must match the class name given to the corresponding <activity> element's android:name attribute.
The system reads this attribute to determine which activity should be started when the use presses the Up button in the action bar. The system can also use this information to synthesize a back stack of activities with TaskStackBuilder.

To support API levels 4 - 16, you can also declare the parent activity with a <meta-data> element that specifies a value for "". For example:

    android:parentActivityName="com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity" >
    <!-- Parent activity meta-data to support API level 4+ -->
        android:value="" />

This attribute was introduced in API Level 16.

The name of a permission that clients must have to launch the activity or otherwise get it to respond to an intent. If a caller of startActivity() or startActivityForResult() has not been granted the specified permission, its intent will not be delivered to the activity.
If this attribute is not set, the permission set by the <application> element's permission attribute applies to the activity. If neither attribute is set, the activity is not protected by a permission.

The name of the process in which the activity should run. Normally, all components of an application run in a default process name created for the application and you do not need to use this attribute. But if necessary, you can override the default process name with this attribute, allowing you to spread your app components across multiple processes.
If the name assigned to this attribute begins with a colon (':'), a new process, private to the application, is created when it's needed and the activity runs in that process. If the process name begins with a lowercase character, the activity will run in a global process of that name, provided that it has permission to do so. This allows components in different applications to share a process, reducing resource usage.

Whether or not the activity can be killed and successfully restarted without having saved its state. The default value is "false".
Normally, before an activity is temporarily shut down to save resources, its onSaveInstanceState() method is called. This method stores the current state of the activity in a Bundle object, which is then passed to onCreate() when the activity is restarted. If this attribute is set to "true", onSaveInstanceState() may not be called and onCreate() will be passed null instead of the Bundle — just as it was when the activity started for the first time.

The task that the activity has an affinity for. Activities with the same affinity conceptually belong to the same task (to the same "application" from the user's perspective). The affinity of a task is determined by the affinity of its root activity.
The affinity determines two things — the task that the activity is re-parented to (see the allowTaskReparenting attribute) and the task that will house the activity when it is launched with the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag.

By default, all activities in an application have the same affinity. You can set this attribute to group them differently, and even place activities defined in different applications within the same task. To specify that the activity does not have an affinity for any task, set it to an empty string.

If this attribute is not set, the activity inherits the affinity set for the application (see the <application> element's taskAffinity attribute). The name of the default affinity for an application is the package name set by the <manifest> element.

How the main window of the activity interacts with the window containing the on-screen soft keyboard. The setting for this attribute affects two things:
The state of the soft keyboard — whether it is hidden or visible — when the activity becomes the focus of user attention.
The adjustment made to the activity's main window — whether it is resized smaller to make room for the soft keyboard or whether its contents pan to make the current focus visible when part of the window is covered by the soft keyboard.




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