

1. 既不回头,何必不忘羰俏拊担涡胧难裕袢罩种郑扑藓郏飨蜗Γ涯奥?
Leaving me without looking back
Why still keeping the passing day
Ending love with bending to fate
Why still making the solemn swear
You and me today is a dream flowing away
You and me tomorrow will be on the separate way

2. 天涯海角,矢志不渝
The end of the world, the endless love

3. 吃到老,玩到老。没想到,我已经这么老了。
Eating together till we are old, playing together till we are old.  I didn't know I had already been old.

4. 我不会死的
I’ve not got to die.

5. 我要是愛上一個女孩就會愛她一生一世,她要走也走不了!
If I love a girl, I will love her with whole my life and she can never go away.

6. 無論是生是死,我們永遠都要在一起!
Whatever live or die, we are always being together.

7. 我不能再欠惡女的情,因為我是還不了的!但對於你,我願意付出我的生命,無論你走到哪裡,我都會跟你在一起。
I cannot owe her more as I can never pay off.  But for you, I would pour out all my life.  Wherever you are, I will always be with you.

8. 我李逍遙愛你趙靈兒,一生一世
I, Li Xiaoyao, love you, Zhao Ling’er, with whole my life.

9. 喜歡,十年前, 就喜歡
I do (love him), from ten years ago

10. 留下来的人是最痛苦的
The person left alive bears the deepest pain.

11. 如果给我选择的话,跟自己心爱的人,过着简单的生活。
I would have a simple life with my love if I had a chance to choose.

12. 最痛的伤口,从外面是看不到的。
The deepest hurt never appears outside.

13. 只要有道理我听得懂,不过要慢慢跟我说。
I can understand it as you tell me with patience.

14. 难怪南蛮妈妈说,爱情会让人变成疯子。
That’s why mum says that love drives people crazy.

15. 风要到什么地方,都需要一点时间的,但思想却一想就到了,环游世界,没有什么地方去不到,没有什么事情做不到。
Wind takes time to get somewhere.  For your thinking, it does not need.

16. 发财以后死老婆,这才是男人最大的幸运。
It is lucky for man when he makes a pile his wife is gone.

17. 只要一息尚存,一切可以从头开始。
Life is there and hope is there.

18. 时光不回头,当下最重要。
Today is the most important since yesterday never comes back.

19. 爱情这东西,又无聊又费时的。对我来说,美食比美男更重要。
How boring and time-wasting the love is.  I prefer beautiful food to beautiful man.

20. 一杯愁绪,几段情缘,莫过与君酒当歌
Cups of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you.

21. 落花有意随流水,流水无心恋落花。
Flowers are flying down with wishing to follow streams
Streams are flowing away without stopping to keep flowers.





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