JavaFX Mobile

这是一篇摘自Sun CEO的日志,讲述了一种新的脚本语言Java FX,运行它的手机看起来非常酷。

What is it?

It's a phone running Sun's new JavaFX Mobile software, a member of the JavaFX product family we announced this morning.

What's JavaFX? It's a software product from Sun that allows any consumer electronics manufacturer to accelerate the delivery of Java/Linux based devices, from phones to set tops and dashboards and everything else imaginable. Without fear of format lock-in or disintermediation from a competitor. JavaFX is a product (not simply a technology), built on Java Standard Edition (the Java platform running on your desktop computer), that unites billions of Java SE and Java Micro Edition devices (Java Micro Edition is what runs on most of the world's mobile handsets).

JavaFX provides a complete and fully open source platform for device manufacturers, content owners and service operators wanting to reach consumers with interactive content - and control their own destiny.

In the eyes of the consumer, devices are converging - where you want to watch a movie, play a game or connect with friends - or where an advertiser seeks to reach you - presents a less interesting question, today, than when. You can watch a movie in your living room, on a big flat panel display. But when you leave for work, you'd prefer to use your mobile to watch the last 15 minutes on the subway. On the way to work, an advertiser might want to reach you on a billboard or taxitop, or insert an ad into the video stream you're watching. And once at work, you might want to join a fan network or write a review (on your lunch break, of course). Consumers (like advertisers and operators) want the experience to be simple, secure and coherent. And device independent.

Sound familiar? It is - this was the original vision behind the Java platform - Write Once, Run Anywhere. For software. And with the convergence of media and application formats, and the rise of open source software (think about it - Linux and OpenSolaris are the ultimate in user generated content), the market seems ready. We can deliver a complete product, OS and all, that eliminates the risk of fragmentation among network clients, accelerates the availability of Java/Linux devices, fuels the free and open source developer community - and already has the mass and momentum to reach the global consumer.

JavaFX radically lowers the bar to building a Java technology enabled device - and radically lessens the expense and complexity of reaching consumers. Backed by a company with no agenda to disintermediate content owners, and every interest in propelling the open source community (every portion of the content Sun contributes to the JavaFX product and community will be via the GPL license, at the core of Java and GNU/Linux).

But that's not all we announced. Although the Java platform has been technically effective over the past decade, in opening markets and creating value, it's been the province of... well, folks who could sling Java code. Highly technical individuals who saw themselves as software developers - not web authors or creative professionals. And that changed, today, too.

JavaFX Script is a simple scripting language designed to bring the benefit of the Java platform to creative professionals and web authors - independent of the device or audience they target. JavaFX Script adds to the list of languages already supported in the Java Virtual Machine, from PHP and Ruby, to Javascript and JavaFX Script - and brings the power, security and extraordinary popularity of the Java platform to those at the forefront of convergence: those defining interactive content for consumers.

You can get more detail here, but the focal point of JavaFX Script isn't simply to enhance the Java platform - it's to amplify Java's role on the consumer internet, unify content and devices, and extend the reach and value of the billions of existing Java runtimes in the marketplace. All of which will be JavaFX Script enabled. The intent is simple: to stake the Java community's natural claim to lead the debate surrounding rich internet applications at the heart of Web 2.0.

With the rise of JavaFX, JavaFX Script, JavaDB, Glassfish and NetBeans - there should be no doubt where we're headed with Java. Everywhere.



用更酷的替换新的FreeMobile登录页面 这个小的扩展名(在BETA中...)用一个“classic”的页面替换了FreeMobile的新登录页面,用通常的方式登录/ mdp。 如果扩展失败,页面(通常)不会被修改。 新闻:您可以注册帐户,以便能够重新连接,而无需查找您的标识符。 如有问题,请刷新页面。如果它仍然卡住,禁用更新时间的扩展... 即将推出: - 复选框按时返回到未修改的页面 上次更改: v0.12.2&v0.12.3 - 更新要考虑Freemobile登录页面的一个小的变化 - 删除(仍然;))调试选项 v0.12.1 - 更好的错误管理 - 能够注册账户 - 在任何情况下都正确地考虑了页面(特别是当我们点击“断开连接”时) v0.11.1&v0.11.2 - 删除了调试选项:) - 小忘记纠正 v0.11 - 绕过另一个愚蠢的变化。 - 自学:如果图像不同,插件会要求您输入数字,并保存新的指纹。 v0.10 - 尝试自动完成...但它可能会改变更多:\ - 预防措施,以避免小数目的微小变化(这是一个耻辱,呵呵) V0.9 - 我们采取同样的方式,我们再次开始,FM决定添加空的元素,以确保“以自己的方式安全”,像以前一样有效:) V0.8 - FreeMobile的另一个无用的变化,在3分钟内绕过,压缩包括:) V0.7 - 修改了FreeMobile的一个小的修改脚本(更改名称,从“ident_digit”到“ident_digit2”...) V0.6 - 如果识别失败,则向用户请求数字 V0.5 - 更少的担心,如果错误 V0.4 - 修正加载图像之前启动javascript的问题 - 绕开未来的检测问题... :) 支持语言:Français




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