Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide Release 12.2(Patching Utilities)

本文档介绍了如何使用Oracle Patch Application Assistant (PAA) 和adop工具进行Oracle E-Business Suite的维护,包括环境设置、补丁解压、审查readme文件以及运行助手工具。adop用于在线应用补丁,它根据系统需求自动执行一系列任务,如文件备份、文件复制和数据库更新。adop接受多种参数,并可通过输入文件或默认文件传递配置。此外,还提到了AD Merge Patch工具,用于合并多个补丁为单一补丁,简化应用过程。


Oracle Patch Application Assistant

For patches that have manual steps, the patch readme file instructs you to use Oracle Patch Application Assistant (PAA) by running the script. For merged patches, PAA automatically merges the contents of the individual patch readme files.

The Oracle Patch Application Assistant Interface

The Patch Application Assistant is started from the command line, and collects your input in a graphical user interface.

Running Oracle Patch Application Assistant

The following is a summary of the steps you use to run Patch Application Assistant. For a complete description of all the steps, see Creating Customized Instructions for Patching Using PAA.

Step 1: Set the environment

You must set the environment to apply the configuration parameters that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities.

Step 2: Unzip the patch

Download the patch into the patch top directory ($PATCH_TOP) and unzip it.

Step 3: Review the information in the readme file

In the directory where you unzipped the patch, you will find a README.txt file and a README.html file. Review either of these files for information about the patch and for instructions on using Oracle Patch Application Assistant to generate customized instructions for your system.

Step 4: Run Oracle Patch Application Assistant

Run PAA ( to generate customized instructions for your system. Follow the steps in the customized instructions to complete the patching process.

The adop Utility

You use the adop (AD Online Patching) utility to apply patches to the Oracle E-Business Suite file system or database. You can either allow adop to prompt for the information required to apply a patch, or enter the information without being prompted. Whichever method you choose, adop will then perform the tasks required to apply the patch:

  • Reads patch metadata to determine patch dependencies and requirements

  • Uploads patch information from a prior patch session to the database (if applicable)

  • Reads and validate the patch driver file and reads the product driver files

  • Compares version numbers of object modules from the product libraries and version numbers of the existing files against the patch files

  • Backs up all existing files that will be changed by the patch

  • Copies files

  • Archive files in libraries

  • Relinks executables

  • Generates forms, reports, messages, graphics, and Java archive (JAR) files

  • Compiles JSP files and invalid database objects

  • Updates database objects

  • Runs AutoConfig to update configuration files if any template files are introduced or updated by the patch

  • Saves patch information to the database

Be aware of the following important points about adop:

  • The adop utility always runs from the run edition file system. It automatically sets its environment correctly, regardless of the edition it is run from. Editions are described in more detail later.

  • If a patch contains no new updates to files or database objects in your system, adop takes no action.

  • If adop detects a previously failed patching session, it will attempt to recover that session.

adop Parameters

Run from the command line, adop accepts many parameters. Some are required, while others are optional. Some parameters override other parameters, and some have a higher order of precedence over others. All the parameters must be entered in name=value pairs.

adop Parameters
Parameter Purpose Values Comments
phase Used to tell adop which phases it is to run.
  • prepare

  • apply

  • finalize

  • cutover

  • cleanup

  • fs_clone

  • abort


You can use a comma-separated list to specify multiple phases. For example, 'phase=prepare,apply'

Note: Neither the abort nor fs_clone phases can be specified with any other phase.

If you supply a phase other than those listed, a usage statement will be printed and adop will exit.
loglevel Used to specify the amount of information logged and displayed as adop performs its operations.






  • STATEMENT is only used for debugging.

  • PROCEDURE is only used for debugging high level procedures.

  • EVENT is used to display informational messages in normal processing. This is the default value.

  • WARNING is used to indicate an internal error that is handled by the system and does not affect processing.

  • ERROR indicates an action failed and will need to be reviewed by the user, but the system was able to continue processing.

  • UNEXPECTED indicates an unrecoverable error that halts processing and requires user intervention before processing can continue.

cleanup_mode Provides cleanup processing control.
  • quick

  • standard

  • full

cleanup_mode=quick performs minimum cleanup, which includes removal of crossedition triggers and obsolete seed data.
cleanup_mode=standard does the same as quick mode, and also removes (drops) obsolete editioned code objects (covered objects). This is the default.
cleanup_mode=full does the same as standard mode, and also drops obsolete columns and old editions.
finalize_mode Used to specify whether the finalize or cutover phases should be performed in full mode or quick mode.
  • full

  • standard


finalize_mode=full gathers statistics to help improve performance. Finalize will take about one hour longer if this mode is specified.
finalize_mode=quick does not gather statistics, and therefore completes more quickly. This is the default.
input_file Used to specify the name of the input_file supplied to adop. User-specified. Must be an absolute file path.
maxworkers Used to override the default formula calculation for the number of workers. User-specified. For example, if the default calculation gives 30 workers, but the desired number of workers is 50, adop can be run by specifying workers=50 maxworkers=60 
maxworkers should always be set to greater than the desired number of workers, so the default value is overridden.
patches Used to specify the patches adop is to apply. User-specified.
Patches can be specified in two ways:
  • <Patch Number>:

    For example, to apply patch number 123456 you would specify 'patches=123456'.

  • <Patch Directory>: <Patch Driver File>:

    For example, to apply the Korean language translation for patch 123456 you would specify 'patches=123456_KO:u123456.drv'. Note that patch directory is relative to the $PATCH_TOP.

You can use a comma-separated list to specify that multiple patches are to be applied in the same patching operation. The numbered-only and containing-a-colon categories of patch can be mixed.
For example, you would specify patch number 111 and the Korean language version of patch 222 as 'patches=111,222_KO:u222.drv'.
flags Specifies whether adop should quit on any driver action failure when applying a patch. autoskip/noautoskip Default is 'noautoskip' (quit). You can force processing to continue by specifying flags=autoskip on the command line or in the input file.
prompt Specifies whether adop prompts the user whether to continue after warnings. yes/no Default is 'yes' (prompt the user). Set prompt=no to enable fully non-interactive mode, in which adop will continue past warning messages without user confirmation.
options Used to specify various options to adop. See the "adop Options" section later in this chapter. option-specific Refer to individual options.
cm_wait Can be used when running cutover to specify how long to wait for existing concurrent processes to finish running before shutting down the Internal Concurrent Manager. User-specified integer representing number of minutes to wait. By default, adop will wait indefinitely for in-progress concurrent requests to finish.
workers Used to specify the number of parallel workers to be employed. User-specified integer. If you omit the 'workers' argument, a suitable number of workers will be be chosen automatically.
If you specify more workers than the machine can handle, adop will exit with an error.
defaultsfile Used to specify the path to the custom adop defaults file. User-specified (but has a default value - see next column). Must be an absolute file path. Defaults to $TWO_TASK if not specified by user.
patchtop Used to specify the location where the patches are unloaded. User-specified (but has a default value - see next column). Must be an absolute file path. Defaults to $APPL_TOP_NE/EBSapps/patch if not specified by user.
merge Used to merge multiple patches. You can merge the unified driver files into a single driver file that is passed to adop. yes/no If merge is set to the default of 'no', then the patches are applied sequentially in the order listed. You can set the merge parameter to 'yes' in order to merge a base patch with any required corrective patches, so that the corrected merge patch is applied as a single operation.
abandon Specify whether to abandon a previous failed attempt to apply a patch. Use this mode if you want to continue with the online patching actions even though a patch apply has failed.

Note: If there was an error in the previous run, and 'abandon' is not set to 'yes', the same parameters will be re-used that were used in the failed run.

yes/no Default value is 'no'. You cannot set the abandon parameter to 'yes' if the restart parameter is also set to 'yes'.
restart Specify if the previous failed patch apply should be restarted. This allows you to retry applying the previous patch from where it left off. This is useful if you were able to correct the cause of the error and want patch application to continue executing. yes/no Default value is 'no'. You cannot set the restart parameter to 'yes' if the abandon parameter is also set to 'yes'.
action Used to specify whether to perform database actions. db
This parameter is used internally by adop. Do not set itr unless explicitly directed by documentation or Oracle Support.
autoskip Controls whether failed jobs are automatically skipped during patching. If the value is set to 'yes', failed jobs are skipped and a report of the skipped jobs is generated at the end of the patch apply. If the value is set to 'no', failed jobs will cause the patch to exit with error. yes/no Default value is 'no'. A report, ADZDPATCHSTAT.sql, in the finalize phase gives the status of the patches that were applied in a particular session: SUCCESS, SKIPPED and SUCCESS, or SKIPPED and FAILED.
skipsyncerror Enables the user to specify that any synchronization errors in the prepare phase are expected to be fixed automatically in the synchronization that takes place with subsequent patches. yes/no Default value is 'no'. Set the value to 'yes' in order to work around synchronization failures that may occur when patches that failed to apply correc




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