Wait A Moment, JavaScript Does Support Multiple Inheritance!

... we are just doing it wrong!

Classical Inheritance? We Have Something Better!

The main limit about multiple inheritance in JavaScript is the presence of " instanceof " operator. In a prototypal based inheritance objects simply inherits from objects, and  class  keyword is almost meaningless.
// generic constructor
function B(){};

// remember the prototype
var B1proto = B.prototype;

// B instance
var b1 = new B;

// prototype reassignment
B.prototype = {

// remember new prototype
var B2proto = B.prototype;

// B instance
var b2 = new B;

alert(b2 instanceof B); // true
alert(b1 instanceof B); // false

Above snippet demonstrates how inheritance and instanceof are related to the current prototype, rather than the function/constructor itself.
In few words, the function is the implicit init method for the current prototype object. The relation, as we could spot with FireFox, is with the prototype and not the used constructor.
// FireFox exposes __proto__
// will be Object.getPrototypeOf
// in ECMAScript 3.1
b1.__proto__ == B1proto; // true
b2.__proto__ == B2proto; // true

Sure, And What About Multiple Inheritance?

... I am going there, wait another few seconds :D
Since the prototype is the relation, and not the constructor, and since a prototype is nothing but a common Object, we can add whatever method or property we want to this prototype object in order to obtain the hybrid one we are looking for.
function A(){};
A.prototype.name = "A instance";
A.prototype.getName = function(){
    return this.name;

function B(){};
B.prototype.name = "B instance";

function C(){};
// default name from B
C.prototype.name = B.prototype.name;
// getName from A
C.prototype.getName = A.prototype.getName;
// new method for C
C.prototype.setName = function(name){
    this.name = name;

var c = new C();
c.getName(); // B instance
c.getName(); // Andrea

In few words, we can add whatever we want to a prototype object creating exactly what multiple inheritance would create. We still have a problem with instanceof operator, don't we? Well, considering that " instance " concept is something more meaningful in classical inheritance, we could say that it is not possible to emulate multiple inheritance Python like with JavaScript, but we can inject whatever method/property from whatever constructor.prototype, something not possible with Java, PHP, C#, and others ... so are we missing something?

A Basic Object.implement Function Check

Due to the fact we could need to know if an hybrid instance is using this or that method, we could think about an abstract  implement  method able to tell us if a generic instance constructor prototype, is at least implementing another constructor prototype, considering latter one as an  interface . If this is true, we are sure that we can use that instance/object in that way and without problems ... isn't it?
Object.implement = function(o, constructor){
    // Another WebReflection Insane Snippet
    if(o instanceof constructor)
        // nothing to check
        // classical boring stuff
        return true;
    // let's check if things are OK
    var k, b = true,
        // take the instance constructor prototype
        po = o.constructor.prototype,
        // take the implemented prototype
        pc = constructor.prototype
    // for each property or method
    // in the implemented constructor
    for(k in pc)
        // check if the instance inherited prototype
        // has this method/property as well
        b = b && k in po; //* TOTHINK: */ && (typeof po[k] === typeof pc[k]); //*/
    // if there was nothing to check
    // we cannot say a word ... but ...
    // if instance has every method/property
    // present in the compared constructor
    // prototype, we could say this instance
    // implements this constructor
    return !!k && b;

Purist Classical OOP Developers are probably already rolling around the floor in pain and screaming  he's f#@*in idiot , but what is the meaning of implement in classical inheritance patterns?
Wikipedia - Interface

Interfaces are used to encode similarities which classes of various types share, but do not necessarily constitute a class relationship

In few words my latest snippet checks if an object contains every method/property defined in another object so, using first example, we could do:
// add noise and chaos with another constructor ...
function D(){};
D.prototype.notInObject = true;

// check Object.implement ...
Object.implement(c, A); // true
Object.implement(c, B); // true
Object.implement(c, C); // true
Object.implement(c, D); // false

Nothing new? Nothing true? Is it clear for everybody? 8-)




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