java解释样式表(配合jsoup使用过滤 expression等xss)

First steps using phloc-css 
Updated  Apr 13, 2014 by


phloc-css is a Java library for reading and writing CSS 2 and CSS 3 data structures. It has no logic for applying CSS onto HTML elements. This page shows some basic code examples that can be used to use the library. All snippets are free for any use.

Prerequisites: as phloc-css depends on phloc-commons, the following examples also do. Additionally SLF4J is required.

Usage with Maven

To build phloc-css from source, Maven 3.0.4 is required. Any version below does NOT work!

To use phloc-css for JDK 1.6 put the following to your pom.xml:


For JDK 1.5 use the following dependency (together with the above repository declaration):


Main classes

As phloc-css is mainly concerned about the grammatical structure of CSS, the main classes are for reading and writing CSS. Additionally it offers the possibility to traverse the elements in a CSS and make modifications on them.

Basic Classes

A complete stylesheet is represented as an instance of com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet. There is no difference between CSS 2.1 and CSS 3.0 instances. The class com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet contains all top-level rules that may be present in a CSS:

  • Import rules (@import) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSImportRule
  • Namespace rules (@namespace) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSNamespaceRule
  • Style rules (e.g. div{color:red;}) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSStyleRule
  • Page rules (@page) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSPageRule
  • Media rules (@media) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSMediaRule
  • Font face rules (@font-face) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSFontFaceRule
  • Keyframes rules (@keyframes) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSKeyframesRule
  • Viewport rules (@viewport) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSViewportRule
  • Supports rules (@supports) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSSupportsRule
  • Any other unknown rules (@foo) - com.phloc.css.decl.CSSUnknownRule

CSS reading

phloc-css contains two different possibilities to read CSS data:

  • Reading a complete CSS file can be achieved using com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReader. The result in this case will be an instance ofcom.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet.
  • Reading only a list of style information (as e.g. present in an HTML style element can be achieved usingcom.phloc.css.reader.CSSReaderDeclarationList. The result in this case will be an instance ofcom.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclarationList.

Both reading classes support the reading from either a, a, a or a String. The reason why is not supported directly is because internally the stream is passed twice - first to determine a potentially available charset and second to read the content with the correctly determined charset. That's why an IInputStreamProvider must be used, that creates 2 unique streams!

Recoverable Errors

phloc-css differentiates between recoverable errors and unrecoverable errors. An example for a recoverable error is e.g. an "@import" rule in the wrong place or a missing closing bracket within a style declaration. For recoverable errors a special handler interfacecom.phloc.css.reader.errorhandler.ICSSParseErrorHandler is present. You can pass an implementation of this error handler to the CSS reader (see above). The following implementations are present by default (all residing in package com.phloc.css.reader.errorhandler):

  • DoNothingCSSParseErrorHandler - silently ignoring all recoverable errors
  • LoggingCSSParseErrorHandler - logging all recoverable errors to an SLF4J logger
  • ThrowingCSSParseErrorHandler - throws a com.phloc.css.parser.ParseException in case of a recoverable error which is afterwards handled by the unrecoverable error handler (see below). This can be used to enforce handling only 100% valid CSS files. This is the default setting, if no error handler is specified during reading.
  • CollectingCSSParseErrorHandler - collects all recoverable errors into a list of com.phloc.css.reader.errorhandler.CSSErrorinstances for later evaluation.

Some error handlers can be nested so that a combination of a logging handler and a collecting handler can easily be achieved like:

new CollectingCSSParseErrorHandler (new LoggingCSSParseErrorHandler ())

DoNothingCSSParseErrorHandler and ThrowingCSSParseErrorHandler cannot be nested because it makes no sense.

Both CSSReader and CSSReaderDeclarationList (since 3.7.4) have the possibility to define a default recoverable error handler using the methodsetDefaultParseErrorHandler(ICSSParseErrorHandler). If a reading method is invoked without an explicit ICSSParseErrorHandler than this default error handler is used.

Unrecoverable Errors

In case of an unrecoverable error, the underlying parser engine of JavaCC throws a com.phloc.css.parser.ParseException. This exception contains all the necessary information on where the error occurred. In case of such an unrecoverable error, the result of the reading will always benull and the exception is not automatically propagated to the caller. To explicitly get notified when such a parse error occurs, the handler interface com.phloc.css.handler.ICSSParseExceptionHandler is available. The available implementations are (all residing in packagecom.phloc.css.handler):

  • DoNothingCSSParseExceptionHandler - silently ignore all unrecoverable errors
  • LoggingCSSParseExceptionHandler (since 3.7.4) - log all unrecoverable errors to an SLF4J logger

As there is at most one unrecoverable error per parse there is no collecting implementation of an ICSSParseExceptionHandler available. If it is desired to propagate the Exception to the caller you need to implement your own ICSSParseExceptionHandler subclass that throws an unchecked exception (one derived from RuntimeException). Example:

  final ICSSParseExceptionHandler aThrowingExceptionHandler = new ICSSParseExceptionHandler () {
    public void onException (final ParseException ex) {
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to parse CSS", ex);

Since version 3.7.4 both CSSReader and CSSReaderDeclarationList have the possibility to define a default unrecoverable error handler using the method setDefaultParseExceptionHandler(ICSSParseExceptionHandler). If a reading method is invoked without an explicitICSSParseExceptionHandler than this default exception handler is used.

Code Examples

Reading a CSS 3.0 file


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.phloc.commons.charset.CCharset;
import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet;
import com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReader;

 * This is example code to read a CSS declaration from a {@link File}.
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiReadCSS
  private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (WikiReadCSS.class);

   * Read a CSS 3.0 declaration from a file using UTF-8 encoding.
   * @param aFile
   *        The file to be read. May not be <code>null</code>.
   * @return <code>null</code> if the file has syntax errors.
  public static CascadingStyleSheet readCSS30 (final File aFile)
    // UTF-8 is the fallback if neither a BOM nor @charset rule is present
    final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS = CSSReader.readFromFile (aFile, CCharset.CHARSET_UTF_8_OBJ, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    if (aCSS == null)
      // Most probably a syntax error
      s_aLogger.warn ("Failed to read CSS - please see previous logging entries!");
      return null;
    return aCSS;

Writing a CSS 3.0 file


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.phloc.commons.charset.CCharset;
import com.phloc.commons.state.ESuccess;
import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet;
import com.phloc.css.writer.CSSWriter;
import com.phloc.css.writer.CSSWriterSettings;

 * This is example code to write a CSS declaration to a {@link File}.
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiWriteCSS
  private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (WikiWriteCSS.class);

   * Write a CSS 3.0 declaration to a file using UTF-8 encoding.
   * @param aCSS
   *        The CSS to be written to a file. May not be <code>null</code>.
   * @param aFile
   *        The file to be written. May not be <code>null</code>.
   * @return {@link ESuccess#SUCCESS} if everything went okay, and
   *         {@link ESuccess#FAILURE} if an error occurred
  public ESuccess writeCSS30 (final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS, final File aFile)
    // 1.param: version to write
    // 2.param: false== non-optimized output
    final CSSWriterSettings aSettings = new CSSWriterSettings (ECSSVersion.CSS30, false);
      final CSSWriter aWriter = new CSSWriter (aSettings);
      // Write the @charset rule: (optional)
      aWriter.setContentCharset ( ());
      // Write a nice file header
      aWriter.setHeaderText ("This file was generated by phloc-css\nGrab a copy at");
      // Convert the CSS to a String
      final String sCSSCode = aWriter.getCSSAsString (aCSS);
      // Finally write the String to a file
      return SimpleFileIO.writeFile (aFile, sCSSCode, CCharset.CHARSET_UTF_8_OBJ);
    catch (final Exception ex)
      s_aLogger.error ("Failed to write the CSS to a file", ex);
      return ESuccess.FAILURE;

Creating a @font-face rule from scratch

The following code creates a CSS @font-face rule that looks like this:

@font-face {
   font-family: "Your typeface";
   src: url("path/basename.eot");
   src: local("local font name"),
        url("path/basename.woff") format("woff"),
        url("path/basename.otf") format("opentype"),
        url("path/basename.svg#filename") format("svg");

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.phloc.commons.annotations.Nonempty;
import com.phloc.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclaration;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSExpression;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSExpressionMemberFunction;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSFontFaceRule;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet;
import com.phloc.css.decl.ECSSExpressionOperator;

 * This is example code to create a font-face rule from scratch
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiCreateFontFaceRule
  private static CSSExpressionMemberFunction _createFormatFct (@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sFormatName)
    return new CSSExpressionMemberFunction ("format", CSSExpression.createString (sFormatName));

   * Create a single font-face rule.
   * @param sTypefaceName
   *        The name of the font-face in CSS. May neither be <code>null</code>
   *        nor empty.
   * @param sLocalName
   *        The name of the local font to be used. May be <code>null</code>.
   * @param sPath
   *        The server-relative path, where the font files reside. May not be
   *        <code>null</code>.
   * @param sBasename
   *        the base name of the font-files (without extension). May neither be
   *        <code>null</code> nor empty
  public static CascadingStyleSheet createFontFace (@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sTypefaceName,
                                                    @Nullable final String sLocalName,
                                                    @Nonnull final String sPath,
                                                    @Nonnull final String sBasename) throws IOException
    final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS = new CascadingStyleSheet ();
    final CSSFontFaceRule aFFR = new CSSFontFaceRule ();

    // The font-family
    aFFR.addDeclaration (new CSSDeclaration ("font-family", CSSExpression.createString (sTypefaceName), false));

    // The special EOT file
    aFFR.addDeclaration (new CSSDeclaration ("src", CSSExpression.createURI (sPath + sBasename + ".eot"), false));

    // The generic rules
    final CSSExpression aExpr = new CSSExpression ();
    if (StringHelper.hasText (sLocalName))
      aExpr.addMember (new CSSExpressionMemberFunction ("local", CSSExpression.createString (sLocalName)))
           .addMember (ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA);
    aExpr.addURI (sPath + sBasename + ".woff")
         .addMember (_createFormatFct ("woff"))
         .addMember (ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA)
         .addURI (sPath + sBasename + ".otf")
         .addMember (_createFormatFct ("opentype"))
         .addMember (ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA)
         .addURI (sPath + sBasename + ".svg#" + sBasename)
         .addMember (_createFormatFct ("svg"));
    aFFR.addDeclaration (new CSSDeclaration ("src", aExpr, false));

    // Add the font-face rule to the main CSS
    aCSS.addRule (aFFR);
    return aCSS;

Read the CSS content of a HTML style attribute

The following examples reads the CSS content of "sStyle" as CSS 3.0 and creates a CSSDeclarationList from it:

import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclarationList;
import com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReaderDeclarationList;

 * Example how to read the content of a CSS style attribute.
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiReadFromHtml
  public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStyleAttribute ()
    final String sStyle = "color:red; background:fixed !important";
    final CSSDeclarationList aDeclList = CSSReaderDeclarationList.readFromString (sStyle, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    if (aDeclList == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to parse CSS: " + sStyle);
    return aDeclList;

Visiting all declarations contained in an HTML style attribute

Similar to the above example, but visiting all declarations and printing them on stdout. Two different approaches are shown: first all declarations are retrieved via the native API, and second a custom visitor is used to determine all declarations. The result of this method looks like this:

color: red (not important)
background: fixed (important)

The example code:

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclaration;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclarationList;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.CSSVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.DefaultCSSVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.ICSSVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReaderDeclarationList;
import com.phloc.css.writer.CSSWriterSettings;

 * Example how to read the content of a CSS style attribute, and visit all
 * contained declarations - with the API and with a visitor.
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiVisitFromHtml
  public static void readFromStyleAttributeWithAPI ()
    final String sStyle = "color:red; background:fixed !important";
    final CSSDeclarationList aDeclList = CSSReaderDeclarationList.readFromString (sStyle, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    if (aDeclList == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to parse CSS: " + sStyle);
    // For all contained declarations
    for (final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration : aDeclList.getAllDeclarations ())
      System.out.println (aDeclaration.getProperty () +
                          ": " +
                          aDeclaration.getExpression ().getAsCSSString (new CSSWriterSettings (ECSSVersion.CSS30), 0) +
                          (aDeclaration.isImportant () ? " (important)" : " (not important)"));

  public static void readFromStyleAttributeWithVisitor ()
    final String sStyle = "color:red; background:fixed !important";
    final CSSDeclarationList aDeclList = CSSReaderDeclarationList.readFromString (sStyle, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    if (aDeclList == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to parse CSS: " + sStyle);
    // Create a custom visitor
    final ICSSVisitor aVisitor = new DefaultCSSVisitor ()
      public void onDeclaration (@Nonnull final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration)
        System.out.println (aDeclaration.getProperty () +
                            ": " +
                            aDeclaration.getExpression ().getAsCSSString (new CSSWriterSettings (ECSSVersion.CSS30), 0) +
                            (aDeclaration.isImportant () ? " (important)" : " (not important)"));
    CSSVisitor.visitAllDeclarations (aDeclList, aVisitor);

Visit all URLs contained in a CSS

The following example reads a CSS from a String and than extracts all contained URLs. The output looks like this:

Import: foobar.css - source location reaches from [1/1] up to [1/21]
background - references: a.gif - source location reaches from [2/22] up to [2/31]
background-image - references: /my/folder/b.gif - source location reaches from [3/25] up to [3/47]

And here is the code:

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.phloc.commons.charset.CCharset;
import com.phloc.css.CSSSourceLocation;
import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclaration;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSExpressionMemberTermURI;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSImportRule;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet;
import com.phloc.css.decl.ICSSTopLevelRule;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.CSSVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.DefaultCSSUrlVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReader;

 * Example how to extract all URLs from a certain CSS file using an
 * ICSSUrlVisitor.
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiVisitUrls
  public static String getSourceLocationString (@Nonnull final CSSSourceLocation aSourceLoc)
    return "source location reaches from [" +
           aSourceLoc.getFirstTokenBeginLineNumber () +
           "/" +
           aSourceLoc.getFirstTokenBeginColumnNumber () +
           "] up to [" +
           aSourceLoc.getLastTokenEndLineNumber () +
           "/" +
           aSourceLoc.getLastTokenEndColumnNumber () +

  public void readFromStyleAttributeWithAPI ()
    final String sStyle = "@import 'foobar.css';\n"
                          + "div{background:fixed url(a.gif) !important;}\n"
                          + "span { background-image:url('/my/folder/b.gif');}";
    final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS = CSSReader.readFromString (sStyle, CCharset.CHARSET_UTF_8_OBJ, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    CSSVisitor.visitCSSUrl (aCSS, new DefaultCSSUrlVisitor ()
      // Called for each import
      public void onImport (@Nonnull final CSSImportRule aImportRule)
        System.out.println ("Import: " +
                            aImportRule.getLocationString () +
                            " - " +
                            getSourceLocationString (aImportRule.getSourceLocation ()));

      // Call for URLs outside of URLs
      public void onUrlDeclaration (@Nullable final ICSSTopLevelRule aTopLevelRule,
                                    @Nonnull final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration,
                                    @Nonnull final CSSExpressionMemberTermURI aURITerm)
        System.out.println (aDeclaration.getProperty () +
                            " - references: " +
                            aURITerm.getURIString () +
                            " - " +
                            getSourceLocationString (aURITerm.getSourceLocation ()));

Visit all URLs ( URLs) contained in a CSS

The following example reads a CSS from a String and than extracts all contained URLs with special focus on data URLs. This example works with phloc-css >= 3.5.7. The output looks like this:

Import: /folder/foobar.css
background - references data URL with 158 bytes of content
background-image - references regular URL: /my/folder/b.gif

And here is the code:

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.phloc.commons.charset.CCharset;
import com.phloc.css.ECSSVersion;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSDeclaration;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSExpressionMemberTermURI;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSImportRule;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CSSURI;
import com.phloc.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet;
import com.phloc.css.decl.ICSSTopLevelRule;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.CSSVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.DefaultCSSUrlVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.decl.visit.ICSSUrlVisitor;
import com.phloc.css.reader.CSSReader;
import com.phloc.css.utils.CSSDataURL;

 * Example how to extract all URLs from a certain CSS file using an
 * {@link ICSSUrlVisitor} and handle them as data URLs. This example works with
 * phloc-css >= 3.5.7
 * @author Philip Helger
public final class WikiVisitDataUrls
  public void readFromStyleAttributeWithAPI ()
    final String sStyle = "@import '/folder/foobar.css';\n"
                          + "div{background:fixed url() !important;}\n"
                          + "span { background-image:url('/my/folder/b.gif');}";
    final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS = CSSReader.readFromString (sStyle, CCharset.CHARSET_UTF_8_OBJ, ECSSVersion.CSS30);
    CSSVisitor.visitCSSUrl (aCSS, new DefaultCSSUrlVisitor ()
      // Called for each import
      public void onImport (@Nonnull final CSSImportRule aImportRule)
        System.out.println ("Import: " + aImportRule.getLocationString ());

      // Call for URLs outside of URLs
      public void onUrlDeclaration (@Nullable final ICSSTopLevelRule aTopLevelRule,
                                    @Nonnull final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration,
                                    @Nonnull final CSSExpressionMemberTermURI aURITerm)
        final CSSURI aURI = aURITerm.getURI ();

        if (aURI.isDataURL ())
          final CSSDataURL aDataURL = aURI.getAsDataURL ();
          System.out.println (aDeclaration.getProperty () +
                              " - references data URL with " +
                              aDataURL.getContentLength () +
                              " bytes of content");
          System.out.println (aDeclaration.getProperty () + " - references regular URL: " + aURI.getURI ());

Known shortcomings

The following list gives an overview of known shortcomings in phloc-css

  • Escaped characters (like \26) are not interpreted correctly.

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