提高 Mac OS X 速度的 52 个方法

This is what I came up with:

General System

1. Repair Disk Permissions
Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility. Select your Macintosh HD and select Verify Disk Permissions. If needed you can then Repair Disk Permissions.

2. Clear out login items
Its good to check that unwanted programs are not starting up when you login to your Mac. This can be done from System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items.

3. Clear out unwanted applications
Go through your applications folder and see if you can save yourself some disk space by removing any applications you no longer use.

4. Clear out unused system preferences
Check in your system preferences if there are any unused system preferences tabs that can be removed. If you do find something you don’t use you can either disable it within its menu or remove it from ‘~/Library/PreferencePanes’. You may have to reboot or do a force empty trash (see #38).

5. Clear Desktop
Its been reported numerous times that having a clear desktop can increase the speed of your Mac. So either put your junk in folders or delete it!

6. Empty Trash (if it wont empty see #38)
I’m always amazed when I’m looking on someone’s Mac and they haven’t ever emptied the trash! Check what’s in there then save yourself some space and empty it.

7. Turn off Universal Access (if not used)
Navigate to System Preferences > Universal Access and turn off anything you’re not using.

8. Turn off Bluetooth (if not used)
Navigate to System Preferences > Bluetooth.

9. Turn off speech recognition (if not used)
Navigate to System Preferences > Speech Recognition.

10. Turn off internet sharing (if not used)
Navigate to System Preferences > Sharing > Internet

11. Check there is plenty of disk space on the boot drive.
Your Mac uses some of your hard drive space as virtual memory when there is not enough actual memory available. Its good to always keep 10% of your hard drive free for such activity.

12. Remove Unwanted Language Packs
OS X contains hundreds of languages that you most likely wont use. Monolingual is a free program that can root out these languages and remove them saving you some extra disk space.

*Edit: Warning people have experienced problems with Monolingual so becareful what you remove. Only a reinstall will put the languages back so decide weather you really need the extra space by removing them.

13. Remove any desktop changing programs
Until recently I had a nice program that would put a different babe on my desktop each month. It looked great but once I started looking in activity monitor it was taking up lots of memory and processor time.

14. Check dock for unwanted apps.
Your dock should only contain your most used applications so take a look through to see if there is anything you can remove or uninstall.

15. Choose suitable applications for files
Be sensible when choosing what applications open by default - think do you really need Photoshop to open just to view an image when preview will work fine? Right click on a file then select Get Info.

16. Check Software Build
If you have an Intel Mac then check the build of the software is universal - it might be that the application is still running through Rosetta and that a universal update is available.

Eye Candy

17. Remove dock animation
Navigate to System Preferences > Dock then un-tick Animate Opening Applications.

18. Avoid animated desktops
Navigate to System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver then un-tick Change picture.


19. Remove unused widgets.
Each widget takes some memory and processor power even when you’re not using the dashboard so only enable the ones you use. Alternatively you can disable the dashboard - see #23.

20. Check to see how much processing power and memory each widget uses.
Some widgets are more intensive than others, if there is one that is particularly demanding see if there is one with similar functionality on the Apple website. To do this run Activity Monitor - Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor.

As you can see the widgets I have running are all using an acceptable amount of Real Memory.


Tinkertool is a utility that gives you access to additional settings within OS X.

21. Remove animation effects.
The animation effects are the eye candy that make OS X look nice but they are not really needed, you can turn them off from the Finder pane within Tinkertool.

Tinker Tool Finder

22. Disable Dock shadow.
From the Dock pane un-tick Enable Dock shadow.

23. Disable Dashboard.
If you don’t use the Dashboard you can deactivate it from the General pane.

24. Skip checksum verifications when opening DMG files.
This will speed up the loading of disk images when opening. This can be found in the Applications pane.

Tinker Tool Applications

25. Remove or deactivate unwanted login items from the Login Items pane.
You might already have done this in #2.

26. Reduce delay time for display of loading pages in Safari.
This should speed up your web browsing experience, found within the Safari Pane.


OynX is similar to Tinkertool however has many more options and preferences.You may have already done some of these in previous tips.


27. Un-tick Graphic Effects (Finder tab).
You may already have done this with Tinkertool #21.

28. Un-tick Animate ‘Opening applications’ and ‘When alert in background’ (Dock tab).

29. Disable Dashboard (Dashboard and Expose tab).
You may already have done this with Tinkertool #23.

30. Set Safari speed of web page display to fast (Safari Tab).
You may already have done this in #26.


31. Repair Disk Permissions.
You may already have done this in #1.

32. Run Maintenance Scripts.

33. Reset Spotlight Index (it may take over a day to rebuild the index afterwards).

34. Run complete system optimization.


35. Clear Internet Settings.

36. Clear User and Font Caches.

37. Clear unused logs.

38. Force Empty Trash


39. Check settings - The default settings should be fine here. Click Execute.


You can do some of the following by resetting Safari - click Safari > Reset Safari.

*Edit: Resetting Safari does not clear Favicons.

40. Clear Cache.
To speed up page loading Safari saves a copy of every page in its cache however if the cache gets too large it can actually slow down page loading so its best to empty it occasionally. To do so click Safari > Empty Cache.

41. Clear History.
Safari can remember every single site you have visited which can have a negative effect on its performance. You can empty it be selecting History > Clear History.

42. Clear AutoFill.
AutoFill is the data is saved in forms such as your username and password on websites. As with the cache and history the AutoFill can mount up over time. To empty select Safari > Preferences then select the AutoFill tab. From here you can go through the three AutoFill sections and clear out data that you no longer want stored.

AutoFill in Safari
43. Clear Favicons.
Favicons are the little icons you see to the left of the URL in the address bar. These can be cleared by emptying user folder/Library/Safari/Icons.


44. If you use Firefox then you can get specially optimized versions of the browser based on your processor architecture - either G4, G5 or intel.

45. Extensions
Firefox has some great extensions but they can slow down the browser so take a serious look to see weather you really need that extra toolbar!


46. Smart Playlists
These can slow down the operation of iTunes as they reload the contents of the list every time the program loads. If you have a a smart play list that does not change very often then you can either deactivate live updating (by clicking file > edit smart play list) or copy of the contents of the smart play list in to a regular play list.


47. HP Printer drivers can often cause problems and use a lot of processor power so check in the activity monitor for HP Communicator, if it seems to be constantly running at 80% - 100% then try uninstalling it. I had problems on my Mac Mini for my HP PSC 1110 all in one with the HP software on OS X 10.3 maxing out the CPU after printing. I had to remove the software and just use the basic drivers rather than the full suite.

48. Check Classic is not running if not being used. Classic can be disabled from within System Preference.


49. Run Software Update.
The latest updates sometimes provide speed increases as well as fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

50. Update other applications.
It’s always best to run the latest versions of your programs. Websites such as Mac Update and Version Tracker are good places to keep your applications up to date.

51. Add More RAM.
There is only so much you can do with software, the cheapest way to give you’re Mac a speed boost is to upgrade the memory.

52. Reboot your Mac.
After doing all this optimization it might be an idea to reboot your Mac. If your like me and use sleep mode for the majority of the time then a reboot once in a while often helps too!

1. 验证/修复磁盘权限
在 应用程序/实用程序/磁盘工具.app 选择你的系统所在宗卷进行验证,如果有问题则修复(其实也可以直接点“验证并修复磁盘权限”反正修复之前必会先验证的)。

2. 清除不需要的登录项目(就是登录的时候自动运行的程序)
系统预置 - 帐户 - 登录项目,自己看着办,把不需要登录项目减掉。
注意有一些程序即使去掉后还会自动再添加的,比如 Adobe Acrobat 的 AdobeResourceSynchronizer 等。

3. 清除不需要的应用程序

4. 清除不需要的预置面板

5. 清理桌面

6. 清倒废纸篓

7. 如果不需要,就关掉万能辅助

8. 如果不需要,关掉蓝牙

9. 关掉语音识别

10. 关闭 Internet 共享
系统预置-共享-Internet,现在用路由器的多, Internet 共享不用就关掉吧。

11. 为启动宗卷(就是系统所在宗卷)预留足够个空闲空间

12. 移除不需要的语言包
Monolingual 是个免费的移除语言包的好工具。一些你根本看不懂的语言包去掉就去掉吧,还能省空间。

13. 移除改变桌面效果的程序

14. 清理 Dock 上不许要的应用程序
在 Dock 上只需要保留经常使用的应用程序就够了。

15. 为文件关联合适的应用程序

16. 检查应用程序的架构
如果你使用 Intel-based Mac ,那么用 Universal Binary 版的应用程序将比通过 Rosetta 运行 PowerPC 架构要快。

17. 关掉 Dock 的特效

18. 关掉桌面背景动画
系统预置 - 桌面和屏幕保护程序,把每隔多久更改图片的功能关掉。

19. 关掉不用的 widgets
即使你没有激活 Dashboard ,所有打开中的 widget 都会占用内存和处理器时间。看活动监视器就知道了。如果你根本不用 Dashboard ,那么你甚至可以直接禁用 Dashboard 。

20. 检查每个 widget 占用了多少内存和处理器时间
用活动监视器检查一下,如果两个 widget 能实现差不多类似的功能,那么你应该选择比较省资源的那个。有一些功能集中的 widget 通常也需要更多的内存和处理器时间。

用 Tinkertool 来优化系统

21. 关闭特效
特效看起来很养眼,但它们并不是必需的。在 Tinkertool 的 Finder 面板里,关掉一些不必要的特效吧。

22. 关闭 Dock 阴影
其实系统默认就是关闭 Dock 阴影的哦。

23. 禁用 Dashboard
在 Tinkertool 的 General 面板里,可以直接禁用 Dashboard ,如果你不需要用它的话。

24. 当打开 dmg 文件时,跳过校验和验证
在 Tinkertool 的 Applications 面板里可以关闭 dmg 校验和验证,这会加速 dmg 文件的挂载。不过,没有通过校验和的文件便不能确定是否是破损的。

25. 移除或关闭不需要的登录项目
啊,我们在第2步的时候已经做过了,当然我们还可以在 Tinkertool 里确认一下是否移干净了。

26. 减少 Safari 中显示和加载页面的延时
在 Tinkertool 的 Safari 面板里,这个不会提高你的网速,但会让你觉得浏览网页变快了。

用 OnyX 来优化系统,它和 Tinkertool 功能类似,但拥有更多的选项

27. 关闭特效
在21步,我们已经用 Tinkertool 设置过了

28. 关掉“打开应用程序”和“应用程序提醒时”的 Dock 特效

29. 禁用 Dashboard
在 Tinkertool 里关掉过啦

30. 减少 Safari 中显示和加载页面的延时
在 Tinkertool 里设置过啦

31. 验证修复磁盘权限

32. 执行维护脚本

33. 重建 Spotlight 索引
Spotlight 搜索没有问题的时候别重建,因为重建需要花一定的时间,不划算。

34. 优化系统

35. 清理 Internet 设置
你的 cookies 一并清理掉的话,上论坛就需要重新输用户名和密码了哦

36. 清除用户缓存和字体缓存

37. 清理不需要的日志文件
大部分用户都没有分析日志的习惯,开发人员和 UNIX 用户会比较常用。

38. 强制清倒废纸篓

39. OnyX 的自动执行

40. 清理 Safari 缓存
为了加速页面读取,Safari会在缓存中保存每个页面的拷贝,但是当缓存太多的时候也会延缓页面读取,所以偶尔清理一下 Safari 缓存也不错。

41. 清理 Safari 历史纪录

42. 清理 Safari 的自动填表纪录

43. 清理 Safari 的网站图标

44. 如果你是 Friefox 用户,那么你应该可以找到专门为你的处理器优化的版本,效果明显哦

45. Firefox 的扩展
Firefox 功能强大广泛的扩展为 Firefox 带来了更好的浏览体验,不过太多的扩展也会拖慢 Firefox 的速度,包括启动速度和运行速度。不需要的扩展可以禁用或者干脆删了。

46. iTunes 的智能播放列表
每次 iTunes 启动,智能播放列表都需要重新读取内容。如果某些智能播放列表的内容并不常变动,可以关闭它的自动更新,或者把内容拷贝出来建成普通的列表。

47. 惠普打印机驱动经常引发问题并占用大量的处理器时间,所以请在活动监视器里留意惠普打印机实用程序,如果它经常占用 80% - 100% 的资源,那么就卸载它吧。有时候,使用基本驱动比完全套装的效果更好。

48. 如果没有使用,请注意 Classic 是否关闭

49. 运行”软件更新“

50. 更新其他应用程序
大多数情况下,软件总是新版的比较好。关注 MacUpdate 或 VersionTracker 或其他类似网站以及时获取更新软件的信息。

51. 添加内存

52. 重启计算机

原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/afatgoat/article/details/3740866






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