【文件格式-TIFF】Tiff Tag List (标签列表)

Tags in Numerical Order  
Code             Name Short description Source of tag Note
Dec Hex  
25400FE NewSubfileTypeA general indication of the kind of data contained in this subfile.BaselineReq'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7.

Usage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
25500FF SubfileTypeA general indication of the kind of data contained in this subfile.Baseline 
2560100 ImageWidthThe number of columns in the image, i.e., the number of pixels per row.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Provide actual pixel count.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. See Appendix B. Image width in pixels.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2570101 ImageLengthThe number of rows of pixels in the image.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Provide actual pixel count.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Image length in pixels.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2580102 BitsPerSampleNumber of bits per component.Baseline

Listed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines

2590103 CompressionCompression scheme used on the image data.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags. Sample values: 1=uncompressed and 4=CCITT Group 4.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines
2620106 PhotometricInterpretationThe color space of the image data.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags. Sample values: 1=black is zero and 2=RGB. Document also states "RGB is assumed to be sRGB; if RGB, an ICC profile should be present in the 34675 tag."

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

Mandatory for GeoTIFF_1_0.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines
2630107 ThreshholdingFor black and white TIFF files that represent shades of gray, the technique used to convert from gray to black and white pixels.BaselineUsage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.
2640108 CellWidthThe width of the dithering or halftoning matrix used to create a dithered or halftoned bilevel file.Baseline 
2650109 CellLengthThe length of the dithering or halftoning matrix used to create a dithered or halftoned bilevel file.BaselineUsage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.
266010A FillOrderThe logical order of bits within a byte.Baseline 
269010D DocumentNameThe name of the document from which this image was scanned.ExtendedListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Provide collection identifier and filename.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Provide microfilm reel number or normalized LCCN. 

Also used by HD Photo.
270010E ImageDescriptionA string that describes the subject of the image.BaselineAlso used by HD Photo
271010F MakeThe scanner manufacturer.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile

Also used by HD Photo.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
2720110 ModelThe scanner model name or number.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Provide "model name, model number, serial number." 

Also used by HD Photo.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
2730111 StripOffsetsFor each strip, the byte offset of that strip.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1 (Files outside of these classes may use tiles and tags 322, 323, 324, and 325; Comments welcome.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for stripped images.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2740112 OrientationThe orientation of the image with respect to the rows and columns.BaselineReq'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
2770115 SamplesPerPixelThe number of components per pixel.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags. Sample values: 8 8 8.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes R and Y.1

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines
2780116 RowsPerStripThe number of rows per strip.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1 (Files outside of these classes may use tiles and tags 322, 323, 324, and 325; Comments welcome.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for stripped images.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2790117 StripByteCountsFor each strip, the number of bytes in the strip after compression.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1 (Files outside of these classes may use tiles and tags 322, 323, 324, and 325; Comments welcome.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for stripped images.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2800118 MinSampleValueThe minimum component value used.Baseline 
2810119 MaxSampleValueThe maximum component value used.Baseline 
282011A XResolutionThe number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Provide actual pixel count or pixels per inch.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Xresolution is a Rational; ImageWidth (Tag 256) is the numerator and the length of the source (measured in the units specified in ResolutionUnit (Tag 296)) is the denominator.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines
283011B YResolutionThe number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direction.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Provide actual pixel count or pixels per inch.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Yresolution is a Rational; ImageLength (Tag 257) is the numerator and the width of the source (measured in the units specified in ResolutionUnit (Tag 296)) is the denominator.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.

Required by DLF benchmark guidelines
284011C PlanarConfigurationHow the components of each pixel are stored.BaselineMandatory for TIFF/EP.
285011D PageNameThe name of the page from which this image was scanned.ExtendedAlso used by HD Photo
286011E XPositionX position of the image.Extended 
287011F YPositionY position of the image.Extended 
2880120 FreeOffsetsFor each string of contiguous unused bytes in a TIFF file, the byte offset of the string.Baseline 
2890121 FreeByteCountsFor each string of contiguous unused bytes in a TIFF file, the number of bytes in the string.Baseline 
2900122 GrayResponseUnitThe precision of the information contained in the GrayResponseCurve.Baseline 
2910123 GrayResponseCurveFor grayscale data, the optical density of each possible pixel value.Baseline 
2920124 T4OptionsOptions for Group 3 Fax compressionExtended 
2930125 T6OptionsOptions for Group 4 Fax compressionExtended 
2960128 ResolutionUnitThe unit of measurement for XResolution and YResolution.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Code 1 for actual pixel count or 2 for pixels per inch.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Value 2 for inches is preferred.

Mandatory for TIFF 6.0 classes B, G, P, R, and Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD.
2970129 PageNumberThe page number of the page from which this image was scanned.ExtendedAlso used by HD Photo
301012D TransferFunctionDescribes a transfer function for the image in tabular style.Extended 
3050131 SoftwareName and version number of the software package(s) used to create the image.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags. Document states "Acceptable to include only capture software; preferred to list both capture and post-capture processing software (if applicable), separated by ";".

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Include version. 

Also used by HD Photo.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
3060132 DateTimeDate and time of image creation.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. Datetime when scanned.

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile

Also used by HD Photo.

Usage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
315013B ArtistPerson who created the image.BaselineListed in LoC Baseline Tags. Document states "Insitution name followed (if applicable) by ";" and name of scanning contractor.

Req'd in LC RFP97-6 Section C.4.7. "Library of Congress."

Req'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Provide "institution name; scanning contractor."

Also used by HD Photo
316013C HostComputerThe computer and/or operating system in use at the time of image creation.BaselineAlso used by HD Photo
317013D PredictorA mathematical operator that is applied to the image data before an encoding scheme is applied.Extended 
318013E WhitePointThe chromaticity of the white point of the image.Extended 
319013F PrimaryChromaticitiesThe chromaticities of the primaries of the image.Extended 
3200140 ColorMapA color map for palette color images.BaselineMandatory for TIFF 6.0 class P.1
3210141 HalftoneHintsConveys to the halftone function the range of gray levels within a colorimetrically-specified image that should retain tonal detail.Extended 
3220142 TileWidthThe tile width in pixels. This is the number of columns in each tile.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF 6.0 files that use tiles. (Files that use strips employ tags 273, 278, and 279.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for tiled images.
3230143 TileLengthThe tile length (height) in pixels. This is the number of rows in each tile.ExtendedReferenced in JHOVE TIFF module for files that use tiles. (Files that use strips employ tags 273, 278, and 279.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for tiled images.
3240144 TileOffsetsFor each tile, the byte offset of that tile, as compressed and stored on disk.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF 6.0 files that use tiles. (Files that use strips employ tags 273, 278, and 279.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for tiled images.
3250145 TileByteCountsFor each tile, the number of (compressed) bytes in that tile.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF 6.0 files that use tiles. (Files that use strips employ tags 273, 278, and 279.)

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for tiled images.
3260146 BadFaxLinesUsed in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the number of 'bad' scan lines encountered by the facsimile device.Extended 
3270147 CleanFaxDataUsed in the TIFF-F standard, indicates if 'bad' lines encountered during reception are stored in the data, or if 'bad' lines have been replaced by the receiver.Extended 
3280148 ConsecutiveBadFaxLinesUsed in the TIFF-F standard, denotes the maximum number of consecutive 'bad' scanlines received.Extended 
330014A SubIFDsOffset to child IFDs.Extended 
332014C InkSetThe set of inks used in a separated (PhotometricInterpretation=5) image.Extended 
333014D InkNamesThe name of each ink used in a separated image.Extended 
334014E NumberOfInksThe number of inks.Extended 
3360150 DotRangeThe component values that correspond to a 0% dot and 100% dot.ExtendedUsage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.
3370151 TargetPrinterA description of the printing environment for which this separation is intended.Extended 
3380152 ExtraSamplesDescription of extra components.Baseline 
3390153 SampleFormatSpecifies how to interpret each data sample in a pixel.Extended 
3400154 SMinSampleValueSpecifies the minimum sample value.Extended 
3410155 SMaxSampleValueSpecifies the maximum sample value.Extended 
3420156 TransferRangeExpands the range of the TransferFunction.Extended 
3430157 ClipPathMirrors the essentials of PostScript's path creation functionality.ExtendedUsage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.
3440158 XClipPathUnitsThe number of units that span the width of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates.ExtendedUsage rule in JHOVE TIFF module.
3450159 YClipPathUnitsThe number of units that span the height of the image, in terms of integer ClipPath coordinates.Extended 
346015A IndexedAims to broaden the support for indexed images to include support for any color space.Extended 
347015B JPEGTablesJPEG quantization and/or Huffman tables.Extended 
351015F OPIProxyOPI-related.Extended 
4000190 GlobalParametersIFDUsed in the TIFF-FX standard to point to an IFD containing tags that are globally applicable to the complete TIFF file.Extended 
4010191 ProfileTypeUsed in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the type of data stored in this file or IFD.Extended 
4020192 FaxProfileUsed in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the 'profile' that applies to this file.Extended 
4030193 CodingMethodsUsed in the TIFF-FX standard, indicates which coding methods are used in the file.Extended 
4040194 VersionYearUsed in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the year of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field.Extended 
4050195 ModeNumberUsed in the TIFF-FX standard, denotes the mode of the standard specified by the FaxProfile field.Extended 
43301B1 DecodeUsed in the TIFF-F and TIFF-FX standards, holds information about the ITULAB (PhotometricInterpretation = 10) encoding.Extended 
43401B2 DefaultImageColorDefined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, is the default color needed in areas where no image is available.Extended 
5120200 JPEGProcOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5130201 JPEGInterchangeFormatOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5140202 JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5150203 JPEGRestartIntervalOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5170205 JPEGLosslessPredictorsOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5180206 JPEGPointTransformsOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5190207 JPEGQTablesOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5200208 JPEGDCTablesOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5210209 JPEGACTablesOld-style JPEG compression field. TechNote2 invalidates this part of the specification.Extended 
5290211 YCbCrCoefficientsThe transformation from RGB to YCbCr image data.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF/EP YCbCr images.
5300212 YCbCrSubSamplingSpecifies the subsampling factors used for the chrominance components of a YCbCr image.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF/EP YCbCr images.
5310213 YCbCrPositioningSpecifies the positioning of subsampled chrominance components relative to luminance samples.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF/EP YCbCr images.
5320214 ReferenceBlackWhiteSpecifies a pair of headroom and footroom image data values (codes) for each pixel component.ExtendedMandatory for TIFF 6.0 class Y.1

Mandatory for TIFF/EP YCbCr images.
559022F StripRowCountsDefined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to replace RowsPerStrip for IFDs with variable-sized strips.Extended 
70002BC XMPXML packet containing XMP metadataExtendedAlso used by HD Photo
182464746 Image.RatingRatings tag used by WindowsExif private IFD 
182494749 Image.RatingPercentRatings tag used by Windows, value as percentExif private IFD 
32781800D ImageIDOPI-related.Extended 
3293280A4 Wang AnnotationAnnotation data, as used in 'Imaging for Windows'.Private 
33421828D CFARepeatPatternDimFor camera raw files from sensors with CFA overlay.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 23

Exif private IFD

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for CFA files.
33422828E CFAPatternFor camera raw files from sensors with CFA overlay.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 23

Exif private IFD

Mandatory in TIFF/EP for CFA files.
33423828F BatteryLevelEncodes camera battery level at time of image capture.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 45

Exif private IFD

334328298 CopyrightCopyright notice.BaselineAlso used by HD Photo.

Mandatory for TIFF/EP
33434829A ExposureTimeExposure time, given in seconds.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 38
33437829D FNumberThe F number.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 39
3344582A5 MD FileTagSpecifies the pixel data format encoding in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3344682A6 MD ScalePixelSpecifies a scale factor in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3344782A7 MD ColorTableUsed to specify the conversion from 16bit to 8bit in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3344882A8 MD LabNameName of the lab that scanned this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3344982A9 MD SampleInfoInformation about the sample, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3345082AA MD PrepDateDate the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3345182AB MD PrepTimeTime the sample was prepared, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
3345282AC MD FileUnitsUnits for data in this file, as used in the Molecular Dynamics GEL file format.Private 
33550830E ModelPixelScaleTagUsed in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.Private 
3372383BB IPTC/NAAIPTC-NAA (International Press Telecommunications Council-Newspaper Association of America) metadata.TIFF/EP spec, p. 33Tag name and values defined by IPTC-NAA Info Interchange Model & Digital Newsphoto Parameter Record.

Called IPTS at AWare Web site.
33918847E INGR Packet Data TagIntergraph Application specific storage.Private 
33919847F INGR Flag RegistersIntergraph Application specific flags.Private 
339208480 IrasB Transformation MatrixOriginally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but likely understood by IrasB only.Private 
339228482 ModelTiepointTagOriginally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but now used in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.PrivateIn GeoTIFF_1_0, either this tag or 34264 must be defined, but not both
34016  SiteSite where image created.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.3 
34017  ColorSequenceSequence of colors if other than CMYK.TIFF/IT spec, BP and BL only2
34018  IT8HeaderCertain inherited headers.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.3Obsolete
34019  RasterPaddingType of raster padding used, if any.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.6 
34020  BitsPerRunLengthNumber of bits for short run length encoding.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.6For LW only2
34021  BitsPerExtendedRunLengthNumber of bits for long run length encoding.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.6For LW only2
34022  ColorTableColor value in a color pallette.TIFF/IT spec, BP and BL only2
34023  ImageColorIndicatorIndicates if image (foreground) color or transparency is specified.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.9For MP, BP, and BL only2
34024  BackgroundColorIndicatorBackground color specification.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.9For BP and BL only2
34025  ImageColorValueSpecifies image (foreground) color.TIFF/IT spec, MP, BP, and BL only2
34026  BackgroundColorValueSpecifies background color.TIFF/IT spec, BP and BL only2
34027  PixelIntensityRangeSpecifies data values for 0 percent and 100 percent pixel intensity.TIFF/IT spec, MP only2
34028  TransparencyIndicatorSpecifies if transparency is used in HC file.TIFF/IT spec, HC only2
34029  ColorCharacterizationSpecifies ASCII table or other reference per ISO 12641 and ISO 12642.TIFF/IT spec, 
34030  HCUsageIndicates the type of information in an HC file.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.6For HC only2
34031  TrapIndicatorIndicates whether or not trapping has been applied to the file.TIFF/IT spec, 7.2.6 
34032  CMYKEquivalentSpecifies CMYK equivalent for specific separations.TIFF/IT spec, 
34033  ReservedFor future TIFF/IT useTIFF/IT spec 
34034  ReservedFor future TIFF/IT useTIFF/IT spec 
34035  ReservedFor future TIFF/IT useTIFF/IT spec 
3426485D8 ModelTransformationTagUsed in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.PrivateIn GeoTIFF_1_0, either this tag or 33922 must be defined, but not both
343778649 PhotoshopCollection of Photoshop 'Image Resource Blocks'.Private 
346658769 Exif IFDA pointer to the Exif IFD.PrivateAlso used by HD Photo.

For Exif, mandatory in primary TIFF IFD, if present.
346758773 InterColorProfileICC profile data.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 47

Exif private IFD

Also called ICC Profile.

Also used by HD Photo
3473287AC ImageLayerDefined in the Mixed Raster Content part of RFC 2301, used to denote the particular function of this Image in the mixed raster scheme.Extended 
3473587AF GeoKeyDirectoryTagUsed in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.PrivateMandatory in GeoTIFF_1_0
3473687B0 GeoDoubleParamsTagUsed in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.Private 
3473787B1 GeoAsciiParamsTagUsed in interchangeable GeoTIFF_1_0 files.Private 
348508822 ExposureProgramThe class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 41
348528824 SpectralSensitivityIndicates the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 48
348538825 GPSInfoA pointer to the Exif-related GPS Info IFD.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 34

Exif private IFD

Also called GPS IFD.
348558827 ISOSpeedRatingsIndicates the ISO Speed and ISO Latitude of the camera or input device as specified in ISO 12232.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 47
348568828 OECFIndicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 48
348578829 InterlaceIndicates the field number of multifield images.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 22

Exif private IFD

34858882A TimeZoneOffsetEncodes time zone of camera clock relative to GMT.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 38

Exif private IFD

34859882B SelfTimeModeNumber of seconds image capture was delayed from button press.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 45

Exif private IFD

348648830 SensitivityTypeThe SensitivityType tag indicates PhotographicSensitivity tag, which one of the parameters of ISO 12232. Although it is an optional tag, it should be recorded when a PhotographicSensitivity tag is recorded. Value = 4, 5, 6, or 7 may be used in case that the values of plural parameters are the same.Exif private IFD 
348658831 StandardOutputSensitivityThis tag indicates the standard output sensitivity value of a camera or input device defined in ISO 12232. When recording this tag, the PhotographicSensitivity and SensitivityType tags shall also be recorded.Exif private IFD 
348668832 RecommendedExposureIndexThis tag indicates the recommended exposure index value of a camera or input device defined in ISO 12232. When recording this tag, the PhotographicSensitivity and SensitivityType tags shall also be recorded.Exif private IFD 
348678833 ISOSpeedThis tag indicates the ISO speed value of a camera or input device that is defined in ISO 12232. When recording this tag, the PhotographicSensitivity and SensitivityType tags shall also be recorded.Exif private IFD 
348688834 ISOSpeedLatitudeyyyThis tag indicates the ISO speed latitude yyy value of a camera or input device that is defined in ISO 12232. However, this tag shall not be recorded without ISOSpeed and ISOSpeedLatitudezzz.Exif private IFD 
348698835 ISOSpeedLatitudezzzThis tag indicates the ISO speed latitude zzz value of a camera or input device that is defined in ISO 12232. However, this tag shall not be recorded without ISOSpeed and ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy.Exif private IFD 
34908885C HylaFAX FaxRecvParamsUsed by HylaFAX.Private 
34909885D HylaFAX FaxSubAddressUsed by HylaFAX.Private 
34910885E HylaFAX FaxRecvTimeUsed by HylaFAX.Private 
368649000 ExifVersionThe version of the supported Exif standard.Exif Private IFDMandatory in the Exif IFD.
368679003 DateTimeOriginalThe date and time when the original image data was generated.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 37
Mandatory for TIFF/EP.
368689004 DateTimeDigitizedThe date and time when the image was stored as digital data.Exif Private IFD 
371219101 ComponentsConfigurationSpecific to compressed data; specifies the channels and complements PhotometricInterpretationExif Private IFD 
371229102 CompressedBitsPerPixelSpecific to compressed data; states the compressed bits per pixel.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 27
373779201 ShutterSpeedValueShutter speed.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 39
373789202 ApertureValueThe lens aperture.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 39
373799203 BrightnessValueThe value of brightness.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 40
373809204 ExposureBiasValueThe exposure bias.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 40
373819205 MaxApertureValueThe smallest F number of the lens.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 40
373829206 SubjectDistanceThe distance to the subject, given in meters.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 44
373839207 MeteringModeThe metering mode.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 41
373849208 LightSourceThe kind of light source.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 46
373859209 FlashIndicates the status of flash when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 42
37386920A FocalLengthThe actual focal length of the lens, in mm.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 44
37387920B FlashEnergyAmount of flash energy (BCPS).

TIFF/EP spec, p. 43

Exif Private IFD

37388920C SpatialFrequencyResponseSFR of the camera.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 49

Exif Private IFD

37389920D NoiseNoise measurement values.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 49

Exif Private IFD

37390920E FocalPlaneXResolutionNumber of pixels per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit (37392) in ImageWidth direction for main image.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 18

Exif Private IFD

37391920F FocalPlaneYResolutionNumber of pixels per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit (37392) in ImageLength direction for main image.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 19

Exif Private IFD

373929210 FocalPlaneResolutionUnitUnit of measurement for FocalPlaneXResolution(37390) and FocalPlaneYResolution(37391).

TIFF/EP spec, p. 19

Exif Private IFD

373939211 ImageNumberNumber assigned to an image, e.g., in a chained image burst.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 32

Exif Private IFD

373949212 SecurityClassificationSecurity classification assigned to the image.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 33

Exif Private IFD

373959213 ImageHistoryRecord of what has been done to the image.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 33

Exif Private IFD

373969214 SubjectLocationIndicates the location and area of the main subject in the overall scene.Exif Private IFD

TIFF/EP spec, p. 45
Called SubjectArea (from Exif spec) at AWare Web site
373979215 ExposureIndexEncodes the camera exposure index setting when image was captured.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 47

Exif Private IFD

373989216 TIFF/EPStandardIDFor current spec, tag value equals 1 0 0 0.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 16

Exif Private IFD

Mandatory in TIFF/EP.
373999217 SensingMethodType of image sensor.

TIFF/EP spec, p. 22

Exif Private IFD

Mandatory in TIFF/EP.
37500927C MakerNoteManufacturer specific information.Exif Private IFD 
375109286 UserCommentKeywords or comments on the image; complements ImageDescription.Exif Private IFD 
375209290 SubsecTimetag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTime tag.Exif Private IFD 
375219291 SubsecTimeOriginaltag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTimeOriginal tag.Exif Private IFD 
375229292 SubsecTimeDigitizedtag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTimeDigitized tag.Exif Private IFD 
37724935C ImageSourceDataUsed by Adobe Photoshop.Private 
400919c9b XPTitleTitle tag used by Windows, encoded in UCS2Exif Private IFD 
400929c9c XPCommentComment tag used by Windows, encoded in UCS2Exif Private IFD 
400939c9d XPAuthorAuthor tag used by Windows, encoded in UCS2Exif Private IFD 
400949c9e XPKeywordsKeywords tag used by Windows, encoded in UCS2Exif Private IFD 
400959c9f XPSubjectSubject tag used by Windows, encoded in UCS2Exif Private IFD 
40960A000 FlashpixVersionThe Flashpix format version supported by a FPXR file.Exif Private IFDMandatory in the Exif IFD
40961A001 ColorSpaceThe color space information tag is always recorded as the color space specifier.Exif Private IFDMandatory in the Exif IFD
40962A002 PixelXDimensionSpecific to compressed data; the valid width of the meaningful image.Exif Private IFD 
40963A003 PixelYDimensionSpecific to compressed data; the valid height of the meaningful image.Exif Private IFD 
40964A004 RelatedSoundFileUsed to record the name of an audio file related to the image data.Exif Private IFD 
40965A005 Interoperability IFDA pointer to the Exif-related Interoperability IFD.Private 
41483A20B FlashEnergyIndicates the strobe energy at the time the image is captured, as measured in Beam Candle Power SecondsExif Private IFD 
41484A20C SpatialFrequencyResponseRecords the camera or input device spatial frequency table and SFR values in the direction of image width, image height, and diagonal direction, as specified in ISO 12233.Exif Private IFD 
41486A20E FocalPlaneXResolutionIndicates the number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane.Exif Private IFD 
41487A20F FocalPlaneYResolutionIndicates the number of pixels in the image height (Y) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane.Exif Private IFD 
41488A210 FocalPlaneResolutionUnitIndicates the unit for measuring FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution.Exif Private IFD 
41492A214 SubjectLocationIndicates the location of the main subject in the scene.Exif Private IFD 
41493A215 ExposureIndexIndicates the exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the image is captured.Exif Private IFD 
41495A217 SensingMethodIndicates the image sensor type on the camera or input device.Exif Private IFD 
41728A300 FileSourceIndicates the image source.Exif Private IFDReq'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Values: "microfilm," "microfiche," or "print."
41729A301 SceneTypeIndicates the type of scene.Exif Private IFD 
41730A302 CFAPatternIndicates the color filter array (CFA) geometric pattern of the image sensor when a one-chip color area sensor is used.Exif Private IFD 
41985A401 CustomRenderedIndicates the use of special processing on image data, such as rendering geared to output.Exif Private IFD 
41986A402 ExposureModeIndicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41987A403 WhiteBalanceIndicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41988A404 DigitalZoomRatioIndicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41989A405 FocalLengthIn35mmFilmIndicates the equivalent focal length assuming a 35mm film camera, in mm.Exif Private IFD 
41990A406 SceneCaptureTypeIndicates the type of scene that was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41991A407 GainControlIndicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment.Exif Private IFD 
41992A408 ContrastIndicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41993A409 SaturationIndicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41994A40A SharpnessIndicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.Exif Private IFD 
41995A40B DeviceSettingDescriptionThis tag indicates information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular camera model.Exif Private IFD 
41996A40C SubjectDistanceRangeIndicates the distance to the subject.Exif Private IFD 
42016A420 ImageUniqueIDIndicates an identifier assigned uniquely to each image.Exif Private IFDReq'd in LC NDNP TIFF profile. Microfilm reel sequence number. If from paper: "issue date-edition-page sequence."
42032a430 CameraOwnerNameCamera owner name as ASCII string.Exif Private IFD 
42033a431 BodySerialNumberCamera body serial number as ASCII string.Exif Private IFD 
42034a432 LensSpecificationThis tag notes minimum focal length, maximum focal length, minimum F number in the minimum focal length, and minimum F number in the maximum focal length, which are specification information for the lens that was used in photography. When the minimum F number is unknown, the notation is 0/0.Exif Private IFD 
42035a433 LensMakeLens manufacturer name as ASCII string.Exif Private IFD 
42036a434 LensModelLens model name and number as ASCII string.Exif Private IFD 
42037a434 LensSerialNumberLens serial number as ASCII string.Exif Private IFD 
42112A480 GDAL_METADATAUsed by the GDAL library, holds an XML list of name=value 'metadata' values about the image as a whole, and about specific samples.Private 
42113A481 GDAL_NODATAUsed by the GDAL library, contains an ASCII encoded nodata or background pixel value.Private 
48129BC01 PixelFormatA 128-bit Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that identifies the image pixel format.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 17 
48130BC02 TransformationSpecifies the transformation to be applied when decoding the image to present the desired representation.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 23 
48131BC03 UncompressedSpecifies that image data is uncompressed.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 23 
48132BC04 ImageTypeSpecifies the image type of each individual frame in a multi-frame file.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 27 
48256BC80 ImageWidthSpecifies the number of columns in the transformed photo, or the number of pixels per scan line.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 21 
48257BC81 ImageHeightSpecifies the number of pixels or scan lines in the transformed photo.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 21 
48258BC82 WidthResolutionSpecifies the horizontal resolution of a transformed image expressed in pixels per inch.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 21 
48259BC83 HeightResolutionSpecifies the vertical resolution of a transformed image expressed in pixels per inch.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 21 
48320BCC0 ImageOffsetSpecifies the byte offset pointer to the beginning of the photo data, relative to the beginning of the file.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 22 
48321BCC1 ImageByteCountSpecifies the size of the photo in bytes.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 22 
48322BCC2 AlphaOffsetSpecifies the byte offset pointer the beginning of the planar alpha channel data, relative to the beginning of the file.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 22 
48323BCC3 AlphaByteCountSpecifies the size of the alpha channel data in bytes.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 23 
48324BCC4 ImageDataDiscardSignifies the level of data that has been discarded from the image as a result of a compressed domain transcode to reduce the file size.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 25 
48325BCC5 AlphaDataDiscardSignifies the level of data that has been discarded from the planar alpha channel as a result of a compressed domain transcode to reduce the file size.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 26 
48132BC04 ImageTypeSpecifies the image type of each individual frame in a multi-frame file.HD Photo Feature Spec, p. 27 
50215C427 Oce Scanjob DescriptionUsed in the Oce scanning process.Private 
50216C428 Oce Application SelectorUsed in the Oce scanning process.Private 
50217C429 Oce Identification NumberUsed in the Oce scanning process.Private 
50218C42A Oce ImageLogic CharacteristicsUsed in the Oce scanning process.Private 
50341c4a5 PrintImageMatchingDescription needed.Exif Private IFD 
50706C612 DNGVersionEncodes DNG four-tier version number; for version, the tag contains the bytes 1, 1, 0, 0. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 17

Exif Private IFD

50707C613 DNGBackwardVersionDefines oldest version of spec with which file is compatible. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 17

Exif Private IFD

50708C614 UniqueCameraModelUnique, non-localized nbame for camera model. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 18

Exif Private IFD

50709C615 LocalizedCameraModelSimilar to 50708, with localized camera name. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 19

Exif Private IFD

50710C616 CFAPlaneColorMapping between values in the CFAPattern tag and the plane numbers in LinearRaw space. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 19

Exif Private IFD

Required for non-RGB CFA images.
50711C617 CFALayoutSpatial layout of the CFA. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 20

Exif Private IFD

50712C618 LinearizationTableLookup table that maps stored values to linear values. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 21

Exif Private IFD

50713C619 BlackLevelRepeatDimRepeat pattern size for BlackLevel tag. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 21

Exif Private IFD

50714C61A BlackLevelSpecifies the zero light encoding level.Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 22

Exif Private IFD

50715C61B BlackLevelDeltaHSpecifies the difference between zero light encoding level for each column and the baseline zero light encoding level. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 22

Exif Private IFD

50716C61C BlackLevelDeltaVSpecifies the difference between zero light encoding level for each row and the baseline zero light encoding level. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 23

Exif Private IFD

50717C61D WhiteLevelSpecifies the fully saturated encoding level for the raw sample values. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 24

Exif Private IFD

50718C61E DefaultScaleFor cameras with non-square pixels, specifies the default scale factors for each direction to convert the image to square pixels. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 24

Exif Private IFD

50719C61F DefaultCropOriginSpecifies the origin of the final image area, ignoring the extra pixels at edges used to prevent interpolation artifacts. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 25

Exif Private IFD

50720C620 DefaultCropSizeSpecifies size of final image area in raw image coordinates. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 26

Exif Private IFD

50721C621 ColorMatrix1Defines a transformation matrix that converts XYZ values to reference camera native color space values, under the first calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 27

Exif Private IFD

50722C622 ColorMatrix2Defines a transformation matrix that converts XYZ values to reference camera native color space values, under the second calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 28

Exif Private IFD

50723C623 CameraCalibration1Defines a calibration matrix that transforms reference camera native space values to individual camera native space values under the first calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 28

Exif Private IFD

50724C624 CameraCalibration2Defines a calibration matrix that transforms reference camera native space values to individual camera native space values under the second calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 29

Exif Private IFD

50725C625 ReductionMatrix1Defines a dimensionality reduction matrix for use as the first stage in converting color camera native space values to XYZ values, under the first calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 30

Exif Private IFD

50726C626 ReductionMatrix2Defines a dimensionality reduction matrix for use as the first stage in converting color camera native space values to XYZ values, under the second calibration illuminant. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 30

Exif Private IFD

50727C627 AnalogBalancePertaining to white balance, defines the gain, either analog or digital, that has been applied to the stored raw values. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 31

Exif Private IFD

50728C628 AsShotNeutralSpecifies the selected white balance at the time of capture, encoded as the coordinates of a perfectly neutral color in linear reference space values. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 31

Exif Private IFD

50729C629 AsShotWhiteXYSpecifies the selected white balance at the time of capture, encoded as x-y chromaticity coordinates. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 32

Exif Private IFD

50730C62A BaselineExposureSpecifies in EV units how much to move the zero point for exposure compensation. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 32

Exif Private IFD

50731C62B BaselineNoiseSpecifies the relative noise of the camera model at a baseline ISO value of 100, compared to reference camera model. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 33

Exif Private IFD

50732C62C BaselineSharpnessSpecifies the relative amount of sharpening required for this camera model, compared to reference camera model. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 33

Exif Private IFD

50733C62D BayerGreenSplitFor CFA images, specifies, in arbitrary units, how closely the values of the green pixels in the blue/green rows track the values of the green pixels in the red/green rows. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 34

Exif Private IFD

50734C62E LinearResponseLimitSpecifies the fraction of the encoding range above which the response may become significantly non-linear. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 34

Exif Private IFD

50735C62F CameraSerialNumberSerial number of camera. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 35

Exif Private IFD

50736C630 LensInfoInformation about the lens. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 35

Exif Private IFD

50737C631 ChromaBlurRadiusNormally for non-CFA images, provides a hint about how much chroma blur ought to be applied. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 36

Exif Private IFD

50738C632 AntiAliasStrengthProvides a hint about the strength of the camera's anti-aliasing filter. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 36

Exif Private IFD

50739  ShadowScaleUsed by Adobe Camera Raw to control sensitivity of its shadows slider. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 37

Exif Private IFD

50740C634 DNGPrivateDataProvides a way for camera manufacturers to store private data in DNG files for use by their own raw convertors. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 37

Exif Private IFD

50741C635 MakerNoteSafetyLets the DNG reader know whether the Exif MakerNote tag is safe to preserve. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 38

Exif Private IFD

50778C65A CalibrationIlluminant1Illuminant used for first set of calibration tags. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 26

Exif Private IFD

50779C65B CalibrationIlluminant2Illuminant used for second set of calibration tags. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 27

Exif Private IFD

50780C65C BestQualityScaleSpecifies the amount by which the values of the DefaultScale tag need to be multiplied to achieve best quality image size. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 25

Exif Private IFD

50781  RawDataUniqueIDContains a 16-byte unique identifier for the raw image file in the DNG file. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 39

Exif Private IFD

50784C660 Alias Layer MetadataAlias Sketchbook Pro layer usage description.Private 
50827  OriginalRawFileNameName of original file if the DNG file results from conversion from a non-DNG raw file. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 39

Exif Private IFD

50828  OriginalRawFileDataIf the DNG file was converted from a non-DNG raw file, then this tag contains the original raw data. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 40

Exif Private IFD

50829  ActiveAreaDefines the active (non-masked) pixels of the sensor. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 41

Exif Private IFD

50830  MaskedAreasList of non-overlapping rectangle coordinates of fully masked pixels, which can optimally be used by DNG readers to measure the black encoding level. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 42

Exif Private IFD

50831  AsShotICCProfileContains ICC profile that, in conjunction with the AsShotPreProfileMatrix tag, specifies a default color rendering from camera color space coordinates (linear reference values) into the ICC profile connection space. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 42

Exif Private IFD

50832  AsShotPreProfileMatrixSpecifies a matrix that should be applied to the camera color space coordinates before processing the values through the ICC profile specified in the AsShotICCProfile tag. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 43

Exif Private IFD

50833  CurrentICCProfileThe CurrentICCProfile and CurrentPreProfileMatrix tags have the same purpose and usage as
the AsShotICCProfile and AsShotPreProfileMatrix tag pair, except they are for use by raw file
editors rather than camera manufacturers. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 44

Exif Private IFD

50834  CurrentPreProfileMatrixThe CurrentICCProfile and CurrentPreProfileMatrix tags have the same purpose and usage as
the AsShotICCProfile and AsShotPreProfileMatrix tag pair, except they are for use by raw file
editors rather than camera manufacturers. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 44

Exif Private IFD

50879C6BF ColorimetricReferenceThe DNG color model documents a transform between camera colors and CIE XYZ values. This tag describes the colorimetric reference for the CIE XYZ values. 0 = The XYZ values are scene-referred. 1 = The XYZ values are output-referred, using the ICC profile perceptual dynamic range. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 45

Exif Private IFD

50931C6F3 CameraCalibrationSignatureA UTF-8 encoded string associated with the CameraCalibration1 and CameraCalibration2 tags. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 46

Exif Private IFD

50932C6F4 ProfileCalibrationSignatureA UTF-8 encoded string associated with the camera profile tags. Used in IFD 0 or CameraProfile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 46

Exif Private IFD

50933C6F5 ExtraCameraProfilesA list of file offsets to extra Camera Profile IFDs. The format of a camera profile begins with a 16-bit byte order mark (MM or II) followed by a 16-bit "magic" number equal to 0x4352 (CR), a 32-bit IFD offset, and then a standard TIFF format IFD. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 47

50934C6F6 AsShotProfileNameA UTF-8 encoded string containing the name of the "as shot" camera profile, if any. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 47

Exif Private IFD

50935C6F7 NoiseReductionAppliedIndicates how much noise reduction has been applied to the raw data on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0. A 0.0 value indicates that no noise reduction has been applied. A 1.0 value indicates that the "ideal" amount of noise reduction has been applied, i.e. that the DNG reader should not apply additional noise reduction by default. A value of 0/0 indicates that this parameter is unknown. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 48

Exif Private IFD

50936C6F8 ProfileNameA UTF-8 encoded string containing the name of the camera profile. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 48

Exif Private IFD

50937C6F9 ProfileHueSatMapDimsSpecifies the number of input samples in each dimension of the hue/saturation/value mapping tables. The data for these tables are stored in ProfileHueSatMapData1 and ProfileHueSatMapData2 tags. Allowed values include the following: HueDivisions >= 1; SaturationDivisions >= 2; ValueDivisions >=1. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 49

Exif Private IFD

50938C6FA ProfileHueSatMapData1Contains the data for the first hue/saturation/value mapping table. Each entry of the table contains three 32-bit IEEE floating-point values. The first entry is hue shift in degrees; the second entry is saturation scale factor; and the third entry is a value scale factor. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 50

Exif Private IFD

50939C6FB ProfileHueSatMapData2Contains the data for the second hue/saturation/value mapping table. Each entry of the table contains three 32-bit IEEE floating-point values. The first entry is hue shift in degrees; the second entry is saturation scale factor; and the third entry is a value scale factor. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 50-1

Exif Private IFD

50940C6FC ProfileToneCurveContains a default tone curve that can be applied while processing the image as a starting point for user adjustments. The curve is specified as a list of 32-bit IEEE floating-point value pairs in linear gamma. Each sample has an input value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0, and an output value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. The first sample is required to be (0.0, 0.0), and the last sample is required to be (1.0, 1.0). Interpolated the curve using a cubic spline. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 51

Exif Private IFD

50941C6FD ProfileEmbedPolicyContains information about the usage rules for the associated camera profile. The valid values and meanings are: 0 = “allow copying”; 1 = “embed if used”; 2 = “embed never”; and 3 = “no restrictions”. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 52

Exif Private IFD

50942C6FE ProfileCopyrightContains information about the usage rules for the associated camera profile. The valid values and meanings are: 0 = “allow copying”; 1 = “embed if used”; 2 = “embed never”; and 3 = “no restrictions”. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 52

Exif Private IFD

50964C714 ForwardMatrix1Defines a matrix that maps white balanced camera colors to XYZ D50 colors. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 53

Exif Private IFD

50965C715 ForwardMatrix2Defines a matrix that maps white balanced camera colors to XYZ D50 colors. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 54

Exif Private IFD

50966C716 PreviewApplicationNameA UTF-8 encoded string containing the name of the application that created the preview stored in the IFD. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 54

Exif Private IFD

50967C717 PreviewApplicationVersionA UTF-8 encoded string containing the version number of the application that created the preview stored in the IFD. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 55

Exif Private IFD

50968C718 PreviewSettingsNameA UTF-8 encoded string containing the name of the conversion settings (for example, snapshot name) used for the preview stored in the IFD. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 55

Exif Private IFD

50969C719 PreviewSettingsDigestA unique ID of the conversion settings (for example, MD5 digest) used to render the preview stored in the IFD. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 56

Exif Private IFD

50970C71A PreviewColorSpaceThis tag specifies the color space in which the rendered preview in this IFD is stored. The valid values include: 0 = Unknown; 1 = Gray Gamma 2.2; 2 = sRGB; 3 = Adobe RGB; and 4 = ProPhoto RGB. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 56

Exif Private IFD

50971C71B PreviewDateTimeThis tag is an ASCII string containing the name of the date/time at which the preview stored in the IFD was rendered, encoded using ISO 8601 format. Used in Preview IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 57

Exif Private IFD

50972C71C RawImageDigestMD5 digest of the raw image data. All pixels in the image are processed in row-scan order. Each pixel is zero padded to 16 or 32 bits deep (16-bit for data less than or equal to 16 bits deep, 32-bit otherwise). The data is processed in little-endian byte order. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 57

Exif Private IFD

50973C71D OriginalRawFileDigestMD5 digest of the data stored in the OriginalRawFileData tag. Used in IFD 0 of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 58

Exif Private IFD

50974C71E SubTileBlockSizeNormally, pixels within a tile are stored in simple row-scan order. This tag specifies that the pixels within a tile should be grouped first into rectangular blocks of the specified size. These blocks are stored in row-scan order. Within each block, the pixels are stored in row-scan order. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 58

Exif Private IFD

50975C71F RowInterleaveFactorSpecifies that rows of the image are stored in interleaved order. The value of the tag specifies the number of interleaved fields. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 59

Exif Private IFD

50981C725 ProfileLookTableDimsSpecifies the number of input samples in each dimension of a default "look" table. The data for this table is stored in the ProfileLookTableData tag. Allowed values include: HueDivisions >= 1; SaturationDivisions >= 2; and ValueDivisions >= 1. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 59

Exif Private IFD

50982C726 ProfileLookTableDataDefault "look" table that can be applied while processing the image as a starting point for user adjustment. This table uses the same format as the tables stored in the ProfileHueSatMapData1 and ProfileHueSatMapData2 tags, and is applied in the same color space. However, it should be applied later in the processing pipe, after any exposure compensation and/or fill light stages, but before any tone curve stage. Each entry of the table contains three 32-bit IEEE floating-point values. The first entry is hue shift in degrees, the second entry is a saturation scale factor, and the third entry is a value scale factor. Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 60

Exif Private IFD

51008C740 OpcodeList1Specifies the list of opcodes (image processing operation codes) that should be applied to the raw image, as read directly from the file. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 61

Exif Private IFD

51009C741 OpcodeList2Specifies the list of opcodes (image processing operation codes) that should be applied to the raw image, just after it has been mapped to linear reference values. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 61

Exif Private IFD

51022C74E OpcodeList3Specifies the list of opcodes (image processing operation codes) that should be applied to the raw image, just after it has been demosaiced. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 62

Exif Private IFD

51041C761 NoiseProfileDescribes the amount of noise in a raw image; models the amount of signal-dependent photon (shot) noise and signal-independent sensor readout noise, two common sources of noise in raw images. Used in Raw IFD of DNG files.

DNG spec(1.3, 2009), p. 62-3

Exif Private IFD

51089C791 OriginalDefaultFinalSizeIf this file is a proxy for a larger original DNG file, this tag specifics the default final size of the larger original file from which this proxy was generated. The default value for thistag is default final size of the current DNG file, which is DefaultCropSize * DefaultScale.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 74 
51090C792 OriginalBestQualityFinalSizeIf this file is a proxy for a larger original DNG file, this tag specifics the best quality final size of the larger original file from which this proxy was generated. The default value for this tag is the OriginalDefaultFinalSize, if specified. Otherwise the default value for this tag is the best quality size of the current DNG file, which is DefaultCropSize * DefaultScale * BestQualityScale.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 75 
51091C793 OriginalDefaultCropSizeIf this file is a proxy for a larger original DNG file, this tag specifics the DefaultCropSize of the larger original file from which this proxy was generated. The default value for thistag is the OriginalDefaultFinalSize, if specified. Otherwise, the default value for this tag is the DefaultCropSize of the current DNG file.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 75 
51107C7A3 ProfileHueSatMapEncodingProvides a way for color profiles to specify how indexing into a 3D HueSatMap is performed during raw conversion. This tag is not applicable to 2.5D HueSatMap tables (i.e., where the Value dimension is 1). The currently defined values are: 0 = Linear encoding (method described in DNG spec); 1 = sRGB encoding (method described in DNG spec).DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 73 
51108C7A4 ProfileLookTableEncodingProvides a way for color profiles to specify how indexing into a 3D LookTable is performed during raw conversion. This tag is not applicable to a 2.5D LookTable (i.e., where the Value dimension is 1). The currently defined values are: 0 = Linear encoding (method described in DNG spec); 1 = sRGB encoding (method described in DNG spec).DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 72-3 
51109C7A5 BaselineExposureOffsetProvides a way for color profiles to increase or decrease exposure during raw conversion. BaselineExposureOffset specifies the amount (in EV units) to add to th e BaselineExposure tag during image rendering. For example, if the BaselineExposure value fo r a given camera model is +0.3, and the BaselineExposureOffset value for a given camera profile used to render an image for that camera model is -0.7, then th e actual default exposure value used during rendering will be +0.3 - 0.7 = -0.4.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 71 
51110C7A6 DefaultBlackRenderThis optional tag in a color profile provides a hint to the raw converter regarding how to handle the black point (e.g., flare subtraction) during rendering. The currently defined values are: 0 = Auto; 1 = None. If set to Auto, the raw converter should perform black subtraction during rendering. The amount and method of black subtraction may be automatically determined and may be image-dependent. If set to None, the raw converter should not perform any black subtraction during rendering. This may be desirable when using color lookup tables (e.g., LookTable) or tone curves in camera profiles to perform a fixed, consistent level of black subtraction.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 71 
51111C7A7 NewRawImageDigestThis tag is a modified MD5 digest of the raw image data. It has been updated from the algorithm used to compute the RawImageDigest tag be more multi-processor friendly, and to support lossy compression algorithms. The details of the algorithm used to compute this tag are documented in the Adobe DNG SDK source code.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 76 
51112C7A8 RawToPreviewGainThe gain (what number the sample values are multiplied by) between the main raw IFD and the preview IFD containing this tag.DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 76 
51125C7B5 DefaultUserCropSpecifies a default user crop rectangle in relative coordinates. The values must satisfy: 0.0 <= top < bottom <= 1.0; 0.0 <= left < right <= 1.0. The default values of (top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 1, right = 1) correspond exactly to the default crop rectangle (as specified by the DefaultCropOrigin and DefaultCropSize tags).DNG spec(1.4, 2012), p. 70 

1TIFF image classes are described in the 1992 TIFF 6.0 specification and may be summarized as follows:
• Class B. Baseline bilevel.
• Class G. Baseline grayscale.
• Class P. Baseline palette-color.
• Class R. Baseline RGB.
• Class Y. Extension YCbCr.

2The TIFF/IT specification (ISO 12639, 2004) defines the following image categories:
• CT. Color continuous-tone picture.
• LW. Color line art.
• HC. High-resolution continuous-tone.
• MP. Monochrome continuous-tone picture.
• BP. Binary picture.
• BL. Binary line art.
• SD. Screened data image.
• FP. Final page.





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