#include<dirent.h> //format of directory entries
void printdir(char* dir, int depth)
DIR *dp; //DIR: a type representing a directory stream
struct dirent *entry;
//dirent: dirent.h
//structure dirent shall include the following members:
// ino_t d_ino |File serial number
// char d_name[] |Name of entry
struct stat statbuf;
//stat: sys/stat.h
//structure stat contains the following fields:
// dev_t st_dev |ID of device containing file
// ino_t st_ino |inode number
// mode_t st_mode |protection
// nlink_t st_nlink |number of hard links
// uid_t st_uid |user ID of owner
// gid_t st_gid |group ID of owner
// dev_t st_rdev |device ID (if special file)
// off_t st_size |total size, in bytes
// blksize_t st_blksize |blocksize for file system I/O
// blkcnt_t st_blocks |number of 512B blocks allocated
// time_t st_atime |time of last access
// time_t st_mtime |time of last modification
// time_t st_ctime |time of last status change
//opendir: dirent.h
//DIR *opendir(const char *name);
//0.The opendir() function opens a directory stream corresponding to the
// directory [name], and returns a pointer to the directory stream. The
// stream is positioned at the first entry in the directory.
if((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open directory: %s\n", dir);
//chdir: unistd.h
//int chdir(const char *path);
//0.chdir() changes the current working directory of the calling process
// to the directory specified in [path].
//readdir: dirent.h
//struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp);
//0.The readdir() function returns a pointer to a [dirent] structure
// representing the next directory entry in the directory stream pointed
// to by [dirp]. It returns NULL on reaching the end of the directory
// stream or if an error occured.
//1.The data returned by readdir() may be overwritten by subsequent calls
// to readdir() for the same directory stream.
while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
lstat(entry -> d_name, &statbuf);
//stat, fstat, lstat: unistd.h
//int stat(const char *path. struct stat *buf);
//int fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf);
//int lstat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
//0.These functions returns information about a file. No permissions are
// required on the file itself, but - in the case of stat() and lstat()
// - execute (search) permission is required on all of the directories
// in [path] that lead to the file.
//1.stat() stats the file pointed to by [path] and fills in [buf].
//2.lstat() is identical to stat(), except that if [path] is a symbolic
// link, then the link itself is stat-ed, not the file that is refers to.
//3.fstat() is identical to stat(), except that the file to be stat-ed is
// specified by the file descriptor [fd].
//4.On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.
//sys/stat.h macros
//S_ISBLK(m): Test for a block special file
//S_ISCHR(m): Test for a character special file
//S_ISDIR(m): Test for a directory
//S_ISFIFO(m): Test for a pipe or FIFO special file
//S_ISREG(m): Test for a regular file
//S_ISLNK(m): Test for a symbolic link
//S_ISSOCK(m): Test for a socket
if(strcmp(".", entry -> d_name) == 0 ||
strcmp("..", entry -> d_name) == 0)
printf("%d|%*sDir:%s/\n", depth, depth, " ", entry -> d_name);
printdir(entry -> d_name, depth + 4);
printf("%d|%*sFile:%s\n", depth, depth, " ", entry -> d_name);
//closedir: dirent.h
//int colsedir(DIR *dirp)
//0.The closedir() function closes the directory stream associated with [dirp].
// A successful call to closedir() also closes the underlying file descriptor
// associated with [dirp]. The directory stream descriptor dirp is not
// available after this call.
//1.The closedir() function returns 0 on success. On error, -1 is returned.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char *topdir = ".";
if(argc >= 2)
topdir = argv[1];
printf("Directory scan of %s:\n", topdir);
printdir(topdir, 0);
//printdir("/home/", 0);
//printdir("/home/oracle/Documents/", 0);