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S(a) &&! S(b)){ return  a - b} var  c = a.split( " . " ),d = b.split( " . " ),f = o.min(c[i],d[i]); for ( var  e = 0 ;e < f;e ++ ){ if ( typeof  d[e] == " undefined " ){ return   1 } if ( typeof  c[e] == " undefined " ){ return - 1 } if ( ! S(c[e]) && S(d[e]) && c[e] == parseInt(d[e], 10 )){ return   1 } if (S(c[e]) &&! S(d[e]) && parseInt(c[e], 10 ) == d[e]){ return - 1 } if (d[e] > c[e]){ return - 1 } else   if (d[e] < c[e]){ return   1 }} return   0 },ec = function (a){ return  dc(Na,a) >= 0 }; var  Ba,Ca = function (){ if ( ! Ba){Ba = new  E} return  Ba},wb = function (){ return  Ca().T()},xb = function (a){ return  Ca().U(a)},Aa = xb,yb = function (a,b,c){ return  Ca().V(a,b,c)},sa = yb,ub = function (a,b){a.appendChild(b)},Ab = function (a){ if (a[U]){a[U].removeChild(a)}},M = function (a,b){ if ( typeof  a.contains != " undefined " ){ return  a == b || a.contains(b)} if ( typeof  a.compareDocumentPosition != " undefined " ){ return  a == b || la(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16 )} while (b && a != b){b = b[U]} return  b == a},Da = function (a){ return  a[ya] == 9 ? a:a.ownerDocument || a[Oa]},vb = function (a,b,c,d){ if (a != null ){ for ( var  f = 0 ,e;e = a.childNodes[f];f ++ ){ if (b(e)){c.push(e); if (d){ return }}vb(e,b,c,d)}}},tb = {SCRIPT: 1 ,STYLE: 1 ,HEAD: 1 ,IFRAME: 1 ,OBJECT: 1 },Qa = {IMG: "   " ,BR: " " },zb = function (a,b,c){ if (a.nodeName  in  tb){} else   if (a[ya] == 3 ){ if (c){b.push(String(a.nodeValue).replace( / ( | | ) / g, "" ))} else {b.push(a.nodeValue)}} else   if (a.nodeName  in  Qa){b.push(Qa[a.nodeName])} else { var  d = a[kb]; while (d){zb(d,b,c);d = d.nextSibling}}},E = function (a){ this .p = a || I[Oa] || R};E[_P].T = function (){ return   this .p};E[_P].U = function (a){ if (wa(a)){ return   this .p.getElementById(a)} else { return  a}};E[_P].V = function (a,b,c){ var  d = a || " * " ,f = c || this .p,e = f.getElementsByTagName(d); if (b){ return  nb(e, function (h){ return  mb(h.className.split( "   " ),b)})} else { return  e}};E[_P].createElement = function (a){ return   this .p.createElement(a)};E[_P].createTextNode = function (a){ return   this .p.createTextNode(a)};E[_P].appendChild = ub;E[_P].removeNode = Ab;E[_P].contains = M; var  La,eb = function (a,b){ var  c = Da(a); if (c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle){ var  d = c.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, "" ); if (d){ return  d[b]}} if (a.currentStyle){ return  a.currentStyle[b]} else { return  a[k][b]}},Tb = function (a){ var  b; if (a){ if (a[ya] == 9 ){b = a} else {b = Da(a)}} else {b = wb()} if (ka && b.compatMode != " CSS1Compat " ){ return  b[xa]} return  b.documentElement},Ub = function (a){ var  b = Da(a); if ( ! l(La)){La = fb &&! ec( " " )} var  c = new  G( 0 , 0 ),d = Tb(b); if (a == d){ return  c} var  f = null ,e; if (a.getBoundingClientRect){e = a.getBoundingClientRect(); var  h = d.scrollTop,j = d.scrollLeft;c.x = e[aa] + j;c.y = e.top + h} else   if (b.getBoxObjectFor &&! La){e = b.getBoxObjectFor(a); var  n = b.getBoxObjectFor(d);c.x = e.screenX - n.screenX;c.y = e.screenY - n.screenY} else {c.x = a[na];c.y = a[ba];f = a.offsetParent; if (f != a){ while (f){c.x += f[na];c.y += f[ba];f = f.offsetParent}} if (Ma || gb && eb(a, " position " ) == " absolute " ){c.y -= b[xa][ba]}f = a[U]; while (f && f != d){c.x -= f.scrollLeft; if ( ! Ma || f.tagName != " TR " ){c.y -= f.scrollTop}f = f[U]}} return  c},Vb = function (a){ if (eb(a, " display " ) != " none " ){ return   new  Z(a[oa],a.offsetHeight)} var  b = a[k],c = b.visibility,d = b.position;b.visibility = " hidden " ;b.position = " absolute " ;b.display = "" ; var  f = a[oa],e = a.offsetHeight;b.display = " none " ;b.position = d;b.visibility = c; return   new  Z(f,e)},Wb = function (a,b){ var  c = a[k]; if ( " opacity " in  c){c.opacity = b} else   if ( " MozOpacity " in  c){c.MozOpacity = b} else   if ( " KhtmlOpacity " in  c){c.KhtmlOpacity = b} else   if ( " filter " in  c){c.filter = " alpha(opacity= " + b * 100 + " ) " }}; var  H = function (){};H[_P].w = false ;H[_P].A = function (){ return   this .w};H[_P].dispose = function (){ if ( ! this .w){ this .w = true }}; var  C = {},t = {},Ta = " on " ,ia = " _ " ,s = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if (O(b)){ for ( var  e = 0 ;e < b[i];e ++ ){s(a,b[e],c,d,f)} return   null } var  h = N(b),j = ha(a,h,c,d,f); if (j  in  C){ return  j} var  n = A(a); if ( ! (n  in  t)){t[n] = {};t[n].G = 0 } if ( ! (h  in  t[n])){t[n].G ++ ;t[n][h] = []}t[n][h].push(j); var  p = Db(a,j,b);C[j] = new  Ra(c,p,a,b,d,f); if (b  instanceof  ga){b.O(C[j])} else { if (a.addEventListener){ if (a == I ||! a.H){a.addEventListener(b,p,d)}} else   if (a.attachEvent){a.attachEvent(Ta + b,p)} else { throw  J( " Object { " + a + " } does not support event listeners. " );}} return  j},Ua = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if (O(b)){ for ( var  e = 0 ;e < b[i];e ++ ){Ua(a,b[e],c,d,f)} return   null } var  h = ha(a,b,c,d,f); return  Y(h)},Y = function (a){ if ( ! (a  in  C)){ return   false } var  b = C[a],c = b.src,d = b[w],f = b.proxy; if (d  instanceof  ga){d.fa(b)} else { if (c.removeEventListener){ if (c == I ||! c.H){c.removeEventListener(d,f,b.capture)}} else   if (c.detachEvent){c.detachEvent(Ta + d,f)}} delete  C[a]; var  e = N(d),h = A(c),j = t[h],n = j[e];pb(n,a); if (n[i] == 0 ){j.G -- ; delete  j[e]} if (j.G == 0 ){ delete  t[h]} return   true },Jb = function (a,b,c){ var  d = 0 ; if (a){ var  f = Cb(a,b,c); for ( var  e = 0 ;e < f[i];e ++ ){ var  h = f[e]; if (h){Y(ha(h.src,h[w],h.listener,h.capture,h.handler));d ++ }}} else { for ( var  j  in  C){Y(j);d ++ }} return  d},Cb = function (a,b,c){ var  d = A(a),f = []; if (d  in  t){ var  e = t[d]; if (b){ var  h = N(b); if (b  in  e){Sa(f,e[h],c)}} else { for ( var  j  in  e){Sa(f,e[j],c)}}} return  f},N = function (a){ return  a  instanceof  ga ? A(a):a},Sa = function (a,b,c){ var  d =! l(c); for ( var  f = 0 ;f < b[i];f ++ ){ var  e = b[f],h = C[e]; if (d || h.capture == c){a.push(h)}}},Eb = function (a,b,c){ var  d = A(a); if (d  in  t){ var  f = N(b); if (f  in  t[d]){ return  t[d][f]}} return   null },ta = " mouseout " ,Fb = function (a,b,c){ var  d = C[a]; if ( ! d){ return  m} if ( ! d.src.addEventListener &&! Hb(d)){ return  m} if ( ! c && v.event || c && Ib(c)){ var  f = new  X(c || v.event, this ); try {f.stopPropagation();f.i = false ; var  e,h = false ; if (Fa){e = []} else {e = Kb;e.length = 0 ;h = true ;Fa = true } for ( var  j = f[K];j;j = j[U]){e.push(j)} var  n = true ; for ( var  p = e[i] - 1 ; ! f.i && p >= 0 ;p -- ){V(f,e[p]);n &= ua(e[p],b, true ,f)} for ( var  p = 0 ; ! f.i && p < e[i];p ++ ){V(f,e[p]);n &= ua(e[p],b, false ,f)} if (h){Fa = false } return  n} finally {f.dispose()}} else   if (c && Gb(c)){ var  T = new  X(c, this ); try { return  Ea(d,T)} finally {T.dispose()}} else { return  Ea(d,c)}},Db = function (a,b,c){ return   function (d){ return  Fb.call(a,b,c,d)}},Kb = [],Fa = false ,Hb = function (a){ var  b = N(a[w]),c = ha(a.src,a[w],a.listener,a.capture,a.handler),d = A(a.src); return  t[d][b][ 0 ] == c},ua = function (a,b,c,d){ var  f = 1 ,e = Eb(a,b,c); for ( var  h = 0 ;e && h < e[i];h ++ ){ var  j = C[e[h]]; if (j.capture == c){f &= Ea(j,d) !== false }} return  la(f)},Ea = function (a,b){ return  a.n.call(a,b)},Bb = [],ha = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if (ka){ var  e = Bb;e[ 0 ] = A(a);e[ 1 ] = N(b);e[ 2 ] = A(c);e[ 3 ] = d ? " 1 " : " 0 " ;e[ 4 ] = f ? A(f): "" ; return  e.join(ia)} else { return  A(a) + ia + N(b) + ia + A(c) + ia + la(d) + ia + (f ? A(f): "" )}},Gb = function (a){ return  va(a) &&/ event / i.test(a)},Ib = function (a){ return  ka && va(a) && l(a.srcElement) && l(a.cancelBubble) && l(a[w])}; var  ga = function (){};ga[_P].O = function (a){ throw  J( " Not implemented " );};ga[_P].fa = function (a){ throw  J( " Not implemented " );}; var  x = function (a,b){ this .type = a; this .target = b;V( this , this [da])};x.inherits(H);x[_P].i = false ;x[_P].t = true ;x[_P].stopPropagation = function (){ this .i = true };x[_P].preventDefault = function (){ this .t = false }; var  X = function (a,b){ this .type = a[w]; this .timestamp = new  Date; this .target = a[da] || a.srcElement;V( this ,b);ra( this , null ); if (l(a[B])){ra( this ,a[B])} else   if ( this [w] == " mouseover " ){ra( this ,a.fromElement)} else   if ( this [w] == ta){ra( this ,a.toElement)} this .offsetX = l(a.layerX) ? a.layerX:a.offsetX; this .offsetY = l(a.layerY) ? a.layerY:a.offsetY; this .clientX = l(a.clientX) ? a.clientX:a.pageX; this .clientY = l(a.clientY) ? a.clientY:a.pageY; this .screenX = a.screenX || 0 ; this .screenY = a.screenY || 0 ; this .button = a.button; this .keyCode = a.keyCode || 0 ; this .charCode = a.charCode || ( this [w] == " keypress " ? a.keyCode: 0 ); this .ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey; this .altKey = a.altKey; this .shiftKey = a.shiftKey; this .metaKey = a.metaKey; this .l = a};X.inherits(x);X[_P].stopPropagation = function (){ this .i = true ; if ( this .l.stopPropagation){ this .l.stopPropagation()} else { this .l.cancelBubble = true }};X[_P].preventDefault = function (){ this .t = false ; if ( ! this .l.preventDefault){ this .l.returnValue = false } else { this .l.preventDefault()}};X[_P].dispose = function (){ if ( ! this .A()){x[_P].dispose.call( this ); this .l = null }}; var  Ra = function (a,b,c,d,f,e){ if (cb(a)){ this .$ = true } else   if (a && typeof  a.n == " function " ){ this .$ = false } else { throw  J( " Invalid listener argument " );} this .listener = a; this .proxy = b; this .src = c; this .type = d; this .capture =! ( ! f); this .handler = e};Ra[_P].n = function (a){ if ( this .$){ return   this .listener.call( this .handler || this .src,a)} return   this .listener.n.call( this .listener,a)}; var  F = function (){};F.inherits(H);F[_P].X = function (){ return   null };F[_P].addEventListener = function (a,b,c,d){s( this ,a,b,c,d)};F[_P].removeEventListener = function (a,b,c,d){Ua( this ,a,b,c,d)};F[_P].dispatchEvent = function (a){ if (wa(a)){a = new  x(a, this )} else   if ( ! (a  instanceof  x)){ var  b = a;a = new  x(a[w], this );Qb(a,b)} else {a.target = a[da] || this } var  c = []; for ( var  d = this ;d;d = d.X()){c.push(d)} var  f = 1 ; for ( var  e = c[i] - 1 ; ! a.i && e >= 0 ;e -- ){V(a,c[e]);f &= ua(c[e],a[w], true ,a) && a.t != false } for ( var  e = 0 ; ! a.i && e < c[i];e ++ ){V(a,c[e]);f &= ua(c[e],a[w], false ,a) && a.t != false } return  la(f)};F[_P].dispose = function (){ if ( ! this .A()){H[_P].dispose.call( this );Jb( this )}};F[_P].H = true ; var  Ob = function (a){ return   1 - o.pow( 1 - a, 3 )},g = function (a,b,c,d){F.call( this ); if ( ! O(a) ||! O(b)){ throw  J( " Start and end parameters must be arrays " ); return } if (a[i] != b[i]){ throw  J( " Start and end points must be the same length " ); return } this .j = a; this .K = b; this .J = c; this .N = d; this .k = []};g.inherits(F);g.EventType = {PLAY: " play " ,BEGIN: " begin " ,RESUME: " resume " ,END: " end " ,STOP: " stop " ,FINISH: " finish " ,PAUSE: " pause " ,ANIMATE: " animate " ,DESTROY: " destroy " };g.State = {STOPPED: 0 ,PAUSED: - 1 ,PLAYING: 1 };g[_P].d = g.State.STOPPED;g[_P].M = 0 ;g[_P].a = 0 ;g[_P].m = null ;g[_P].L = null ;g[_P].B = null ;g[_P].v = null ;g[_P].play = function (a){ if (a || this .d == g.State.STOPPED){ this .a = 0 ; this .k = this .j} else   if ( this .d == g.State.PLAYING){ return   false }I.clearTimeout( this .v); this .m = ( new  Date).valueOf(); if ( this .d == g.State.PAUSED){ this .m -= this .J * this .a} this .L = this .m + this .J; this .B = this .m; if ( this .a == 0 ){ this .e(g.EventType.BEGIN)} this .e(g.EventType.PLAY); if ( this .d == g.State.PAUSED){ this .e(g.EventType.RESUME)} this .d = g.State.PLAYING; this .I(); return   true };g[_P].stop = function (a){I.clearTimeout( this .v); this .d = g.State.STOPPED; if (a) this .a = 1 ; this .C( this .a); this .e(g.EventType.STOP); this .e(g.EventType.END)};g[_P].I = function (){I.clearTimeout( this .v); var  a = ( new  Date).valueOf(); this .a = (a - this .m) / ( this .L - this .m); if ( this .a >= 1 ) this .a = 1 ; this .M = 1000 / (a - this .B); this .B = a; if (cb( this .N)){ this .C( this .N( this .a))} else { this .C( this .a)} if ( this .a == 1 ){ this .d = g.State.STOPPED; this .e(g.EventType.FINISH); this .e(g.EventType.END)} else   if ( this .d == g.State.PLAYING){ this .e(g.EventType.ANIMATE); var  b = this .I.bind( this ); this .v = I.setTimeout(b, 20 )}};g[_P].C = function (a){ this .k = new  Array( this .j[i]); for ( var  b = 0 ;b < this .j[i];b ++ ){ this .k[b] = ( this .K[b] - this .j[b]) * a + this .j[b]}};g[_P].e = function (a){ this .dispatchEvent( new  Ga(a, this ))}; var  Ga = function (a,b){x.call( this ,a); this .coords = b.k; this .x = b.k[ 0 ]; this .y = b.k[ 1 ]; this .z = b.k[ 2 ]; this .duration = b.J; this .progress = b.a; this .fps = b.M; this .state = b.d; this .anim = b};Ga.inherits(x);Ga[_P].F = function (){ return  ob( this .coords,o.round)}; var  q = function (a,b,c,d,f){g.call( this ,b,c,d,f); this .element = a};q.inherits(g); var  ja = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 2 || c[i] != 2 ){ throw " [goog.fxdhtml.Slide] Start and end points must be 2D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .da, false , this )};ja.inherits(q);ja[_P].da = function (a){qa( this .element[k],o.round(a.x) + " px " ); this .element[k].top = o.round(a.y) + " px " }; var  bb = function (a,b,c,d){ var  f = [a[na],a[ba]];s( this ,g.EventType.BEGIN, this .ja, false , this );ja.call( this ,a,f,b,c,d)};bb.inherits(ja);bb[_P].ja = function (a){ this .j = [ this .element[na], this .element[ba]]}; var  Ha = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 2 || c[i] != 2 ){ throw " [goog.fxdhtml.Slide] Start and end points must be 2D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .s, false , this ); this .ba = o.max( this .K[ 0 ], this .j[ 0 ]); this .aa = o.max( this .K[ 1 ], this .j[ 1 ])};Ha.inherits(q);Ha[_P].s = function (a){ this .R(o.round(a.x),o.round(a.y), this .ba, this .aa);W( this .element[k],o.round(a.x) + " px " ); this .element[k].marginLeft = o.round(a.x) - this .ba + " px " ; this .element[k].marginTop = o.round(a.y) - this .aa + " px " };Ha[_P].R = function (a,b,c,d){ this .element[k].clip = " rect( " + (d - b) + " px  " + c + " px  " + d + " px  " + (c - a) + " px) " }; var  ab = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 2 || c[i] != 2 ){ throw " [goog.fx.dom.Scroll] Start and end points must be 2D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .ia, false , this )};ab.inherits(q);ab[_P].ia = function (a){ this .element.scrollLeft = o.round(a.x); this .element.scrollTop = o.round(a.y)}; var  Ya = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 2 || c[i] != 2 ){ throw " [goog.fx.dom.Resize] Start and end points must be 2D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .s, false , this )};Ya.inherits(q);Ya[_P].s = function (a){W( this .element[k],o.round(a.x) + " px " );pa( this .element[k],o.round(a.y) + " px " )}; var  $a = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.call( this ,a,[b],[c],d,f); var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .ha, false , this )};$a.inherits(q);$a[_P].ha = function (a){W( this .element[k],o.round(a.x) + " px " )}; var  Za = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.call( this ,a,[b],[c],d,f); var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .ga, false , this )};Za.inherits(q);Za[_P].ga = function (a){pa( this .element[k],o.round(a.x) + " px " )}; var  z = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if (db(b))b = [b]; if (db(c))c = [c];q.call( this ,a,b,c,d,f); if (b[i] != 1 || c[i] != 1 ){ throw " [goog.fx.dom.Fade] Start and end points must be 1D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .S, false , this )};z.inherits(q);z[_P].S = function (a){Wb( this .element,a.x)};z[_P].show = function (a){ this .element[k].display = "" };z[_P].hide = function (a){ this .element[k].display = " none " }; var  Mb = function (a,b,c){z.call( this ,a, 1 , 0 ,b,c)};Mb.inherits(z); var  Lb = function (a,b,c){z.call( this ,a, 0 , 1 ,b,c)};Lb.inherits(z); var  Nb = function (a,b,c){z.call( this ,a, 1 , 0 ,b,c);s( this ,g.EventType.BEGIN, this .show, false , this );s( this ,g.EventType.END, this .hide, false , this )};Nb.inherits(z); var  Xa = function (a,b,c){z.call( this ,a, 0 , 1 ,b,c);s( this ,g.EventType.BEGIN, this .show, false , this )};Xa.inherits(z); var  Va = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 3 || c[i] != 3 ){ throw " [goog.fx.dom.BgColorTransform] Start and end points must be 3D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .u, false , this )};Va.inherits(q);Va[_P].u = function (a){ var  b = " rgb( " + a.F().join( " , " ) + " ) " ; this .element[k].backgroundColor = b}; var  Wa = function (a,b,c,d,f){q.apply( this ,arguments); if (b[i] != 3 || c[i] != 3 ){ throw " [goog.fx.dom.ColorTransform] Start and end points must be 3D " ; return } var  e = [g.EventType.BEGIN,g.EventType.ANIMATE,g.EventType.END];s( this ,e, this .u, false , this )};Wa.inherits(q);Wa[_P].u = function (a){ var  b = " rgb( " + a.F().join( " , " ) + " ) " ; this .element[k].color = " rgb( " + b + " ) " }; var  y = function (a){ this .Y = a};y.inherits(H);y.c = null ;y.f = null ;y[_P].listen = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if (O(b)){ for ( var  e = 0 ;e < b[i];e ++ ){ this .listen(a,b[e],c,d,f)} return } var  h = s(a,b,c || this ,d || false ,f || this .Y || this ); if ( this .c){ this .c[h] = true } else   if ( this .f){ this .c = {}; this .c[ this .f] = true ; this .f = null ; this .c[h] = true } else { this .f = h}};y[_P].unlisten = function (a,b,c,d,f){ if ( ! this .f &&! this .c){ return } if (O(b)){ for ( var  e = 0 ;e < b[i];e ++ ){ this .unlisten(a,b[e],c,d,f)} return } var  h = ha(a,b,c || this ,d || false ,f || this .Y || this );Y(h); if ( this .c){Rb( this .c,h)} else   if ( this .f == h){ this .f = null }};y[_P].ea = function (){ if ( this .c){ for ( var  a  in   this .c){Y(a)}} else   if ( this .f){Y( this .f)}};y[_P].dispose = function (){ if ( ! this .A()){H[_P].dispose.call( this ); this .ea()}};y[_P].n = function (a){ throw  J( " EventHandler.handleEvent not impemented " );}; var  fc = [],P = function (a,b,c,d,f,e){y.call( this ); this .el = a; this .mouseTimeout = null ; this .frames = b - 1 ; this .ySpritePosition = c; this .ma = d; this .mouseTimeoutTime = f; this .D = null ; this .Z = sa( " span " , "" , this .el)[ 0 ]; this .frameWidth = Vb( this .Z)[D]; this .o = e ? new  Q( this ,e):m; this .g =- 1 ; this .h = 1 ; this .listen( this .el, " mouseover " , this .r); this .listen( this .el,ta, this .q); this .listen(R,ta, this .la);fc.push( this )};P.inherits(y);P[_P].play = function (a,b){ if (a !== m){ this .g = a; this .mouseTimeout = v.clearTimeout( this .mouseTimeout); this .D = v.clearTimeout( this .D)} if (b !== m){ this .h = b} var  c = " - " + this .frameWidth * this .h + " px  " + this .ySpritePosition; this .Z[k].backgroundPosition = c; if ( this .g == 1 && this .h >= this .frames){ this .h = this .frames - 1 ; return } else   if ( this .g ==- 1 && this .h <= 0 ){ this .h = 1 ; return } else   if ( this .o && this .g == 1 &&! this .o.isShowing){ this .o.show()} else   if ( this .o && this .g ==- 1 && this .o.isShowing){ this .o.hide()} this .D = v.setTimeout( this [ca].bind( this ,m, this .h += this .g), this .ma)};P[_P].r = function (a){ if (a[B] &&! M(a[K],a[B])){ this .mouseTimeout = v.clearTimeout( this .mouseTimeout); if ( this .g ==- 1 ){ this .mouseTimeout = v.setTimeout( this [ca].bind( this , 1 ,m), this .mouseTimeoutTime / 3 )}}};P[_P].q = function (a){ if (a[B] && M(a[K],a[da]) &&! M(a[K],a[B])){ this .mouseTimeout = v.clearTimeout( this .mouseTimeout); if ( this .g == 1 ){ this .mouseTimeout = v.setTimeout( this [ca].bind( this , - 1 ,m), this .mouseTimeoutTime)}}};P[_P].la = function (a){ if (a[B] || this .h == 1 ){ return } this .mouseTimeout = v.setTimeout( this [ca].bind( this , - 1 ,m), this .mouseTimeoutTime)}; var  Q = function (a,b){y.call( this ); this .b = a; var  c = Aa(b); this .el = c.cloneNode( true ); this .el.id = this .b.el.id + " -tt " ; this .el.className = c.className; this .el[k].display = " none " ; var  d = sa( "" ,b + " -text " , this .el)[ 0 ]; this .ka = d.appendChild(R.createElement( " span " )); this .ka.appendChild(R.createTextNode( this .b.el.getAttribute( " title " ))); this .b.el.setAttribute( " title " , "" );R[xa].appendChild( this .el); this .isShowing = false ; this .listen( this .el, " mouseover " , this .r); this .listen( this .el,ta, this .q)};Q.inherits(y);Q[_P].W = function (){ var  a = this .el[k];a.visibility = " hidden " ;a.display = " block " ; var  b = {height: this .el.offsetHeight,width: this .ka[oa]};a.display = " none " ;a.visibility = " visible " ; return  b};Q[_P].r = function (a){ if (a[B] &&! M(a[K],a[B])){v.clearTimeout( this .b.mouseTimeout)}};Q[_P].q = function (a){ if (a[B] && M(a[K],a[da]) &&! M(a[K],a[B])){v.clearTimeout( this .b.mouseTimeout); this .b.mouseTimeout = v.setTimeout( this .b[ca].bind( this .b, - 1 , this .b.frames - 2 ), this .b.mouseTimeoutTime)}};Q[_P].show = function (){ this .isShowing = true ; var  a = Ub( this .b.el),b = a.x,c = a.y,d = this .W();d.width += 14 ;W( this .el[k],d[D] + " px " );b -= (d[D] - this .b.el[oa]) / 2 ;c -= d[L] - 3 ;qa( this .el[k],b + " px " ); this .el[k].top = c + " px " ; var  f = new  ja( this .el,[b,c + 10 ],[b,c], 500 ,Ob);f.play(); var  e = new  Xa( this .el, 500 );e.play()};Q[_P].hide = function (){ this .isShowing = false ; this .el[k].display = " none " }; var  r = {};r.svcToolbarFrames = 7 ;r.svcToolbarAnimationSpeed = 75 ;r.svcToolbarMouseoutTime = 100 ;r.init = function (){ if (ka && Na < 5.5 ){ return } var  h = sa( " a " , "" ,Aa( " svc-toolbar " )); for ( var  b = 0 ,c = h[i];b < c;b ++ ){ var  d = h[b],e = d.id.replace( " -i " , "" ); new  P(d,r.svcToolbarFrames,r.svcToolbarYSpritePosition[e],r.svcToolbarAnimationSpeed,r.svcToolbarMouseoutTime, " tt " )} try {R.execCommand( " BackgroundImageCache " , false , true )} catch (j){}};
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< span > a3 </ span ></ a ></ td >
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< span > a4 </ span ></ a ></ td >
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1. BaiduDNS 网址导航是怎样的一个产品?<br><br>借助 BaiduDNS 网址导航,您可以全面地浏览和搜索中国用户经常访问的网站。这些网站将分门别类地在网页上罗列出来,您只需要轻轻一点,即可迅速地链接至热门的网站。<br><br>2. 使用 BaiduDNS 网址导航的好处是什么?<br><br>BaiduDNS 网址导航可以让您体验便捷的网上漫游服务。<br><br>如果您不确定如何搜索您想访问的网站,BaiduDNS 网址导航包含了详细的分类,向您提供热门网站列表,让您免去输入关键字及搜索的步骤。<br><br>如果您认为列表中的网站选择不够多,点一下 [相关搜索] 旁的分类名称即可直接链接至 Google 网页的搜索结果。同时,[更多网站] 的页面下也提供了 [热门网站],让您随时掌握最受欢迎的网站。<br><br>3. BaiduDNS 网址导航所列的内容是怎么来的?<br><br>BaiduDNS 网址导航列出的所有站点都是 Google 用户最常访问的网站,我们根据网站内容的不同进行合理归类,以便于用户检索。在每个类别中,网站的排序由算法自动生成。我们通过严格的整理,确保把最热门的内容合理的呈现给大家。<br><br>4. [更多网站] 下的 [热门网站] 列表是如何决定的?<br><br>我们使用与 Google 网页搜索排名一样的演算方式对 Google 用户最常访问的网站进行排序,选出排名较高的站点,以"热门网站"的形式呈现给用户,在尊重用户喜好的前提下保证客观公正性。<br>


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