设计一个LRU cache



Implement LRU Cache

How to implement LRU caching scheme? What data structures should be used?

We are given total possible page numbers that can be referred. We are also given cache (or memory) size (Number of page frames that cache can hold at a time). The LRU caching scheme is to remove the least recently used frame when the cache is full and a new page is referenced which is not there in cache. Please see the Galvin book for more details (see the LRU page replacement slidehere).

We use two data structures to implement an LRU Cache.

1. A Queue which is implemented using a doubly linked list. The maximum size of the queue will be equal to the total number of frames available (cache size).
The most recently used pages will be near front end and least recently pages will be near rear end.

2. A Hash with page number as key and address of the corresponding queue node as value.

When a page is referenced, the required page may be in the memory. If it is in the memory, we need to detach the node of the list and bring it to the front of the queue.
If the required page is not in the memory, we bring that in memory. In simple words, we add a new node to the front of the queue and update the corresponding node address in the hash. If the queue is full, i.e. all the frames are full, we remove a node from the rear of queue, and add the new node to the front of queue.

Note: Initially no page is in the memory.

Below is C implementation:

// A C program to show implementation of LRU cache
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// A Queue Node (Queue is implemented using Doubly Linked List)
typedef struct QNode
    struct QNode *prev, *next;
    unsigned pageNumber; // the page number stored in this QNode
} QNode;
// A Queue (A FIFO collection of Queue Nodes)
typedef struct Queue
    unsigned count; // Number of filled frames
    unsigned numberOfFrames;// total number of frames
    QNode *front, *rear;
} Queue;
// A hash (Collection of pointers to Queue Nodes)
typedef struct Hash
    int capacity; // how many pages can be there
    QNode* *array;// an array of queue nodes
} Hash;
// A utility function to create a new Queue Node. The queue Node
// will store the given 'pageNumber'
QNode* newQNode( unsigned pageNumber )
    // Allocate memory and assign 'pageNumber'
    QNode* temp = (QNode *)malloc(sizeof( QNode ) );
    temp->pageNumber = pageNumber;
    // Initialize prev and next as NULL
    temp->prev = temp->next = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to create an empty Queue.
// The queue can have at most 'numberOfFrames' nodes
Queue* createQueue(int numberOfFrames )
    Queue* queue = (Queue *)malloc(sizeof( Queue ) );
    // The queue is empty
    queue->count = 0;
    queue->front = queue->rear = NULL;
    // Number of frames that can be stored in memory
    queue->numberOfFrames = numberOfFrames;
    return queue;
// A utility function to create an empty Hash of given capacity
Hash* createHash(int capacity )
    // Allocate memory for hash
    Hash* hash = (Hash *)malloc( sizeof( Hash ) );
    hash->capacity = capacity;
    // Create an array of pointers for refering queue nodes
    hash->array = (QNode **)malloc( hash->capacity *sizeof( QNode* ) );
    // Initialize all hash entries as empty
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < hash->capacity; ++i )
        hash->array[i] = NULL;
    return hash;
// A function to check if there is slot available in memory
int AreAllFramesFull( Queue* queue )
    return queue->count == queue->numberOfFrames;
// A utility function to check if queue is empty
int isQueueEmpty( Queue* queue )
    return queue->rear == NULL;
// A utility function to delete a frame from queue
void deQueue( Queue* queue )
    if( isQueueEmpty( queue ) )
    // If this is the only node in list, then change front
    if(queue->front == queue->rear)
        queue->front = NULL;
    // Change rear and remove the previous rear
    QNode* temp = queue->rear;
    queue->rear = queue->rear->prev;
        queue->rear->next = NULL;
    free( temp );
    // decrement the number of full frames by 1
// A function to add a page with given 'pageNumber' to both queue
// and hash
void Enqueue( Queue* queue, Hash* hash, unsigned pageNumber )
    // If all frames are full, remove the page at the rear
    if( AreAllFramesFull ( queue ) )
        // remove page from hash
        hash->array[ queue->rear->pageNumber ] = NULL;
        deQueue( queue );
    // Create a new node with given page number,
    // And add the new node to the front of queue
    QNode* temp = newQNode( pageNumber );
    temp->next = queue->front;
    // If queue is empty, change both front and rear pointers
    if( isQueueEmpty( queue ) )
        queue->rear = queue->front = temp;
    else // Else change the front
        queue->front->prev = temp;
        queue->front = temp;
    // Add page entry to hash also
    hash->array[ pageNumber ] = temp;
    // increment number of full frames
// This function is called when a page with given 'pageNumber' is referenced
// from cache (or memory). There are two cases:
// 1. Frame is not there in memory, we bring it in memory and add to the front
//    of queue
// 2. Frame is there in memory, we move the frame to front of queue
void ReferencePage( Queue* queue, Hash* hash, unsigned pageNumber )
    QNode* reqPage = hash->array[ pageNumber ];
    // the page is not in cache, bring it
    if( reqPage == NULL )
        Enqueue( queue, hash, pageNumber );
    // page is there and not at front, change pointer
    else if (reqPage != queue->front)
        // Unlink rquested page from its current location
        // in queue.
        reqPage->prev->next = reqPage->next;
           reqPage->next->prev = reqPage->prev;
        // If the requested page is rear, then change rear
        // as this node will be moved to front
        if(reqPage == queue->rear)
           queue->rear = reqPage->prev;
           queue->rear->next = NULL;
        // Put the requested page before current front
        reqPage->next = queue->front;
        reqPage->prev = NULL;
        // Change prev of current front
        reqPage->next->prev = reqPage;
        // Change front to the requested page
        queue->front = reqPage;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    // Let cache can hold 4 pages
    Queue* q = createQueue( 4 );
    // Let 10 different pages can be requested (pages to be
    // referenced are numbered from 0 to 9
    Hash* hash = createHash( 10 );
    // Let us refer pages 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 1);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 2);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 3);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 1);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 4);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 5);
    // Let us print cache frames after the above referenced pages
    printf("%d ", q->front->pageNumber);
    printf("%d ", q->front->next->pageNumber);
    printf("%d ", q->front->next->next->pageNumber);
    printf("%d ", q->front->next->next->next->pageNumber);
    return 0;


5 4 1 3

This article is compiled by Aashish Barnwal and reviewed by GeeksforGeeks team. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.



 如何设计一个LRU Cache?




[1] Design a layer in front of a system which cache the last n requests and the responses to them from the system.

what data structure would you use to implement the cache in the later to support following operations.

[a] When a request comes look it up in the cache and if it hits then return the response from here and do not pass the request to the system
[b] If the request is not found in the cache then pass it on to the system
[c] Since cache can only store the last n requests, Insert the n+1th request in the cache and delete one of the older requests from the cache


[d]Design one cache such that all operations can be done in O(1) – lookup, delete and insert.


Cache(高速缓存), 一个在计算机中几乎随时接触的概念。CPU中Cache能极大提高存取数据和指令的时间,让整个存储器(Cache+内存)既有Cache的高速度,又能有内存的大容量;操作系统中的内存page中使用的Cache能使得频繁读取的内存磁盘文件较少的被置换出内存,从而提高访问速度;数据库中数据查询也用到Cache来提高效率;即便是Powerbuilder的DataWindow数据处理也用到了Cache的类似设计。Cache的算法设计常见的有FIFO(first in first out)和LRU(least recently used)。根据题目的要求,显然是要设计一个LRU的Cache。




  注: 对于双向链表的使用,基于两个考虑。首先是Cache中块的命中可能是随机的,和Load进来的顺序无关。其次,双向链表插入、删除很快,可以灵活的调整相互间的次序,时间复杂度为O(1)。





  • 根据键值查询hashmap,若命中,则返回节点,否则返回null。
  • 从双向链表中删除命中的节点,将其重新插入到表头。
  • 所有操作的复杂度均为O(1)。


  • 将新的节点关联到Hashmap
  • 如果Cache满了,删除双向链表的尾节点,同时删除Hashmap对应的记录
  • 将新的节点插入到双向链表中头部


  • 和查询相似


  • 从双向链表和Hashmap中同时删除对应的记录。

LRU Cache的Java 实现:

 public interface Cache<K extends Comparable, V> {

   V get(K obj);  //查询

   void put(K key, V obj); //插入和更新

   void put(K key, V obj, long validTime);

   void remove(K key); //删除

   Pair[] getAll();

   int size();


  public class Pair<K extends Comparable, V> implements Comparable<Pair> {

   public Pair(K key1, V value1) {

      this.key = key1;

      this.value = value1;


   public K key;

   public V value;

   public boolean equals(Object obj) {

      if(obj instanceof Pair) {

         Pair p = (Pair)obj;

         return key.equals(p.key)&&value.equals(p.value);


      return false;



   public int compareTo(Pair p) {

      int v = key.compareTo(p.key);

      if(v==0) {

         if(p.value instanceof Comparable) {

            return ((Comparable)value).compareTo(p.value);



      return v;



   public int hashCode() {

      return key.hashCode()^value.hashCode();



   public String toString() {

      return key+": "+value;



 public class LRUCache<K extends Comparable, V> implements Cache<K, V>,

      Serializable {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 3674312987828041877L;

   Map<K, Item> m_map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, Item>());

   Item m_start = new Item();      //表头

   Item m_end = new Item();        //表尾

   int m_maxSize;

   Object m_listLock = new Object();        //用于并发的锁

   static class Item {

      public Item(Comparable k, Object v, long e) {

         key = k;

         value = v;

         expires = e;


      public Item() {}

      public Comparable key;        //键值

      public Object value;          //对象

       public long expires;          //有效期

      public Item previous;

      public Item next;


   void removeItem(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous.next = item.next;

         item.next.previous = item.previous;



   void insertHead(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous = m_start;

         item.next = m_start.next;

         m_start.next.previous = item;

         m_start.next = item;



   void moveToHead(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous.next = item.next;

         item.next.previous = item.previous;

         item.previous = m_start;

         item.next = m_start.next;

         m_start.next.previous = item;

         m_start.next = item;



   public LRUCache(int maxObjects) {

      m_maxSize = maxObjects;

      m_start.next = m_end;

      m_end.previous = m_start;



   public Pair[] getAll() {

      Pair p[] = new Pair[m_maxSize];

      int count = 0;

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         Item cur = m_start.next;

         while(cur!=m_end) {

            p[count] = new Pair(cur.key, cur.value);


            cur = cur.next;



      Pair np[] = new Pair[count];

      System.arraycopy(p, 0, np, 0, count);

      return np;



   public V get(K key) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur==null) {

         return null;



      if(System.currentTimeMillis()>cur.expires) {



         return null;


      if(cur!=m_start.next) {



      return (V)cur.value;


   public void put(K key, V obj) {

      put(key, obj, -1);


   public void put(K key, V value, long validTime) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur!=null) {

         cur.value = value;

         if(validTime>0) {

            cur.expires = System.currentTimeMillis()+validTime;


         else {

            cur.expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;


         moveToHead(cur);  //成为最新的对象,移动到头部



      if(m_map.size()>=m_maxSize) {

         cur = m_end.previous;




      long expires=0;

      if(validTime>0) {

         expires = System.currentTimeMillis()+validTime;


      else {

         expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;


      Item item = new Item(key, value, expires);


      m_map.put(key, item);


   public void remove(K key) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur==null) {






   public int size() {

      return m_map.size();




LRU cache = 双向链表 + hashmap







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