Learning TensorFlow A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems.pdf 免积分下载

OReilly Learning TensorFlow A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems


作者汤姆·霍普,Yehezkel Resheff和Itay Lieder为广泛的技术受众提供了一种直接接触TensorFlow基础的方法--从数据科学家和工程师到学生和研究人员。在深入研究诸如神经网络体系结构、张量板可视化、TensorFlow库抽象和多线程输入流水线等主题之前,您将首先研究TensorFlow中的一些基本示例。如何在TensorFlow中构建和部署可生产的深度学习系统。



Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Go with the Flow: Up and running with TensorFlow
Chapter 3 Understanding TensorFlow Basics
Chapter 4 Convolutional Neural Networks
Chapter 5 Working with Text and Sequences + TensorBoard visualization
Chapter 6 TF Abstractions and Simplification
Chapter 7 Queues, Threads, and Reading Data
Chapter 8 Distributed TensorFlow
Chapter 9 Serving Models

Chapter 10 Miscellaneous


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Deep learning has emerged in the last few years as a premier technology for building intelligent systems that learn from data. Deep neural networks, originally roughly inspired by how the human brain learns, are trained with large amounts of data to solve complex tasks with unprecedented accuracy. With open source frameworks making this technology widely available, it is becoming a must-know for anybody involved with big data and machine learning. TensorFlow is currently the leading open source software for deep learning, used by a rapidly growing number of practitioners working on computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and general predictive analytics. This book is an end-to-end guide to TensorFlow designed for data scientists, engineers, students, and researchers. The book adopts a hands-on approach suitable for a broad technical audience, allowing beginners a gentle start while diving deep into advanced topics and showing how to build production- ready systems. In this book you will learn how to: 1. Get up and running with TensorFlow, rapidly and painlessly. 2. Use TensorFlow to build models from the ground up. 3. Train and understand popular deep learning models for computer vision and NLP. 4. Use extensive abstraction libraries to make development easier and faster. 5. Scale up TensorFlow with queuing and multithreading, training on clusters, and serving output in production. 6. And much more! This book is written by data scientists with extensive R&D experience in both industry and academic research. The authors take a hands-on approach, combining practical and intuitive examples, illustrations, and insights suitable for practitioners seeking to build production-ready systems, as well as readers looking to learn to understand and build flexible and powerful models.
Learning TensorFlow: A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems By 作者: Tom Hope – Yehezkel S. Resheff – Itay Lieder ISBN-10 书号: 1491978511 ISBN-13 书号: 9781491978511 Edition 版本: 1 Release 出版日期: 2017-08-28 pages 页数: (242) List Price: $49.99 Book Description Roughly inspired by the human brain, deep neural networks trained with large amounts of data can solve complex tasks with unprecedented accuracy. This practical book provides an end-to-end guide to TensorFlow, the leading open source software library that helps you build and train neural networks for computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and general predictive analytics. Authors Tom Hope, Yehezkel Resheff, and Itay Lieder provide a hands-on approach to TensorFlow fundamentals for a broad technical audience—from data scientists and engineers to students and researchers. You’ll begin by working through some basic examples in TensorFlow before diving deeper into topics such as neural network architectures, TensorBoard visualization, TensorFlow abstraction libraries, and multithreaded input pipelines. Once you finish this book, you’ll know how to build and deploy production-ready deep learning systems in TensorFlow. Get up and running with TensorFlow, rapidly and painlessly Learn how to use TensorFlow to build deep learning models from the ground up Train popular deep learning models for computer vision and NLP Use extensive abstraction libraries to make development easier and faster Learn how to scale TensorFlow, and use clusters to distribute model training Deploy TensorFlow in a production setting Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Go with the Flow: Up and running with TensorFlow Chapter 3 Understanding TensorFlow Basics Chapter 4 Convolutional Neural Networks Chapter 5 Working with Text and Sequences + TensorBoard visualization Chapter 6 TF Abstractions and Simplification Chapter 7 Queues, Threads, and Reading Data Chapter 8 Distributed TensorFlow Chapter 9 Serving Models Chapter 10 Miscellaneous




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