FIFA 17 Career Mode Preview

Managers Are In

buy fifa coins RELIABLE For all the changes,the very first one you will see is that the new manager configuration interface,when you start career mode.In this screen you are now required to choose a full manager as your in-game avatar. As we all know,according to the previous FIFA 17 reveals,Ranieri, Wenger, Mourinho, Klopp and Co can all be wondering the sidelines of Career Mode within the Premier League.The managers offered are totally rendered in high-res glory however there are only eleven or constant presets to pick out.Their facial sculpting , skin stone,hair colour ,beard are all fixed,you have no choice.In fair,there is a good width between the various models from a silver hair appearance similar to Bobby Robson,to younger and more handsome gentleman.What’s more ,there is a manager even looks like Leo Messi.

However, it is still a big disappointment to not be able to meet the needs of customers in a full range. And if you are so unlucky to have a manager who is not the same as what you pre-set, maybe you should want to put yourself in the game. You can also choose the a suit, tie or tracksuit for your manager, but that is unification.

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Total Club Management

Another big adjustment to Career Mode comes within the kind of "Total Club Management" that covers a very wide remit of new options and information which can currently be at the disposal of your manager. The most vital of which The most vital new objectives are divided into Domestic, Continental, Brand Exposure, Youth Development and Financial success categories. Every categories consist of a mix of short and long term objectives which is designed to give different challenges to your manager to concentrate on the more of the routine business of transfers and matches. 

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 Manager Popularity Rating

On the day about the new Manager Popularity system, not too much information was offered by EA. This system is like a visible aggregate which contains your performance, factoring in on-pitch results and your progress against the new board objectives. There is an ever-present and ever-changing score in the top left of the screen which explains the rating. It goes up or down when you buy Pogba or sell it. If your management is not so good, the number will turn to be red to warn you.

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But, it appeared very little different from this build with some extremely wild peaks and troughs, but there is no feedback to illustrate why.


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