
select * from A where id in(select id from B)
select a.* from A a where exists(select 1 from B b where a.id=b.id)




IN Condition
An in_condition is a membership condition. It tests a value for membership in a list of values or subquery

select * from A where id in(select id from B)



List resultSet=[];

Array A=(select * from A);

Array B=(select id from B);

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)       {=""

   for(int j=0;j<b.length;j++){

      if(A[i].id==B[j].id) {


         break; }   }   }

return resultSet;

子查询有null值时,not in (子查询)的结果是null,而in (子查询)的结果不会这样
SELECT distinct emp.employee_id FROM employees emp order by 1;--107行,没有null的行
SELECT distinct mgr.manager_id FROM employees mgr order by 1;--19行,最后一行是null
SELECT emp.employee_id,emp.last_name FROM employees emp WHERE emp.employee_id not IN (SELECT mgr.manager_id FROM employees mgr);--0行结果
SELECT emp.employee_id,emp.last_name FROM employees emp WHERE emp.employee_id not IN (SELECT mgr.manager_id FROM employees mgr where mgr.manager_id is not null);--89行结果
SELECT emp.employee_id,emp.last_name FROM employees emp WHERE emp.employee_id IN (SELECT mgr.manager_id FROM employees mgr);--18行结果
SELECT emp.employee_id,emp.last_name FROM employees emp WHERE emp.employee_id IN (SELECT mgr.manager_id FROM employees mgr where mgr.manager_id is not null);--18行结果

where条件的字段如果值有null,如果where后面还有not in子查询,则会忽略外查询中null的查询结果
select * from employees where DEPARTMENT_ID not in (select DEPARTMENT_ID from departments);--没有结果
select * from employees where nvl(DEPARTMENT_ID,1) not in (select DEPARTMENT_ID from departments);--有DEPARTMENT_ID为null的那一行
select * from employees where DEPARTMENT_ID  in (select DEPARTMENT_ID from departments);--106行记录
select * from employees where nvl(DEPARTMENT_ID,1)  in (select DEPARTMENT_ID from departments)--106行记录

select department_id from departments order by 1;--27行,没有null
SELECT department_id FROM employees order by 1;--107行,最后一行是null
SELECT employee_id, last_name FROM employees e,departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id ORDER BY d.department_name;--结果为106行,employee_id=178这行的department_id字段是null值,不能用于=比较
SELECT employee_id, last_name FROM employees e ORDER BY (SELECT department_name FROM departments d WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id);--结果为107行,employee_id=178这行的department_id字段是null值,所以排最后

EXISTS Condition
An EXISTS condition tests for existence of rows in a subquery.
TRUE if a subquery returns at least one row.

If a subquery row value is found:
--The search does not continue in the inner query
--The condition is flagged TRUE

If a subquery row value is not found:
--The condition is flagged FALSE
--The search continue in the inner query

select a.* from A a where exists(select 1 from B b where a.id=b.id)



List resultSet=[];

Array A=(select * from A)

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++) {=""

   if(exists(A[i].id) {    //执行select 1 from B b where b.id=a.id是否有记录返回




return resultSet;

EXISTS用于检查子查询是否至少会返回一行数据,EXISTS(包括 NOT EXISTS )子句的返回值是一个BOOLEAN值。 
EXISTS有一个子查询语句(SELECT XX FROM YY),根据其子查询语句的结果集是否最少有一行记录,返回一个布尔值,就算结果集返回为一行但是数值为null,也算返回了数据,返回一个true,比如子查询为select null from dual的情况。







exists sql 返回结果集为真)

not exists (sql 不返回结果集为真)






create table t101 (hid number,hname varchar2(10));
insert into t101 values(1,'name1');
insert into t101 values(2,'name2');
insert into t101 values(3,'name3');

create table t102 (hid number,hname varchar2(10));
insert into t102 values(2,'name2');
insert into t102 values(3,'name3');
insert into t102 values(4,'name4');
insert into t102 values(5,'name5');
insert into t102 values(6,'name6');

SQL> select * from t101;
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3

SQL>  select * from t102;
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         2 name2
         3 name3
         4 name4
         5 name5
         6 name6


select * from t101  where exists (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);


2 name2

3 name3


SELECT * FROM t101  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =1)

---> SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =1没有值不返回所以没有数据


SELECT * FROM t101  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =2)

---> SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =2有值返回真所以有数据


SELECT * FROM t101  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =3)

---> SELECT hid FROM t102 WHERE t102.hid =3有值返回真所以有数据




select * from t101  where not exists (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);


1 name1

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         2 name2
         3 name3

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select hid from t102 where t101.hid=t102.hid);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select hid from t102);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101 where hid in (select hid from t102);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         2 name2
         3 name3

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select hid from t102);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101 where hid not in (select hid from t102);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1

SQL>  select * from t101  where exists (select hid from t102 where hid=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select hid from t102 where hid=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         2 name2

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select hid from t102 where hid=2);
no rows selected
SQL>  select * from t101  where hid not in (select hid from t102 where hid=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         3 name3
         1 name1

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select hid from t102 where hid=8);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select hid from t102 where hid=8);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select hid from t102 where hid=8);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select hid from t102 where hid=8);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         3 name3
         1 name1
         2 name2

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select 9 from dual where 1=1);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select 9 from dual where 1=1);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select 9 from dual where 1=1);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select 9 from dual where 1=1);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select 9 from dual where 1=2);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select 9 from dual where 1=2);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select 9 from dual where 1=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select 9 from dual where 1=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select null from dual);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select null from dual);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select null from dual);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select null from dual);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where exists (select null from dual where 1=2);
no rows selected
SQL> select * from t101  where hid in (select null from dual where 1=2);
no rows selected

SQL> select * from t101  where not exists (select null from dual where 1=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3
SQL> select * from t101  where hid not in (select null from dual where 1=2);
       HID HNAME
---------- ----------
         1 name1
         2 name2
         3 name3

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