yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install python-pip
pip install docker-compose
docker-compose version
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/harbor-releases/release-1.4.0/harbor-offline-installer-v1.4.0.tgz
tar -zxvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.4.0.tgz
配置文件 harbor.cfg
可以使用docker-compose来管理Harbor的生命周期。 一些有用的命令列出如下:
docker-compose ps 查看
docker-compose stop 停止
docker-compose start 启动
docker-compose down 删除,利用./install.sh可以重新安装
a. 错误提示
python库中urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) 的版本不兼容
pip uninstall urllib3
pip uninstall chardet
pip install requests
b.错误提示: “harbor failed to initialize the system: read /etc/adminserver/key: is a directory”
原因: harbor.cfg中的 secretkey_path和docker-compose.yml中的设置不一致
2.ui 界面
镜像的存储harbor使用的是官方的docker registry(v2命名是distribution)服务去完成。harbor在docker distribution的基础上增加了一些安全、访问控制、管理的功能以满足企业对于镜像仓库的需求。harbor以docker-compose的规范形式组织各个组件,并通过docker-compose工具进行启停。
docker的registry是用本地存储或者s3都是可以的,harbor的功能是在此之上提供用户权限管理、镜像复制等功能,提高使用的registry的效率。Harbor的镜像拷贝功能是通过docker registry的API去拷贝,这种做法屏蔽了繁琐的底层文件操作、不仅可以利用现有docker registry功能不必重复造轮子,而且可以解决冲突和一致性的问题。
- Proxy:对应启动组件nginx。它是一个nginx反向代理,代理Notary client(镜像认证)、Docker client(镜像上传下载等)和浏览器的访问请求(Core Service)给后端的各服务;
- UI(Core Service):对应启动组件harbor-ui。底层数据存储使用mysql数据库,主要提供了四个子功能:
- UI:一个web管理页面ui;
- API:Harbor暴露的API服务;
- Auth:用户认证服务,decode后的token中的用户信息在这里进行认证;auth后端可以接db、ldap、uaa三种认证实现;
- Token服务(上图中未体现):负责根据用户在每个project中的role来为每一个docker push/pull命令issuing一个token,如果从docker client发送给registry的请求没有带token,registry会重定向请求到token服务创建token。
- Registry:对应启动组件registry。负责存储镜像文件,和处理镜像的pull/push命令。Harbor对镜像进行强制的访问控制,Registry会将客户端的每个pull、push请求转发到token服务来获取有效的token。
- Admin Service:对应启动组件harbor-adminserver。是系统的配置管理中心附带检查存储用量,ui和jobserver启动时候需要加载adminserver的配置;
- Job Sevice:对应启动组件harbor-jobservice。负责镜像复制工作的,他和registry通信,从一个registry pull镜像然后push到另一个registry,并记录job_log;
- Log Collector:对应启动组件harbor-log。日志汇总组件,通过docker的log-driver把日志汇总到一起;
- Volnerability Scanning:对应启动组件clair。负责镜像扫描
- Notary:对应启动组件notary。负责镜像认证
- DB:对应启动组件harbor-db,负责存储project、 user、 role、replication、image_scan、access等的metadata数据。
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install python-pip
pip install docker-compose
docker-compose version
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/harbor-releases/release-1.4.0/harbor-offline-installer-v1.4.0.tgz
tar -zxvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.4.0.tgz
配置文件 harbor.cfg
- ## Configuration file of Harbor
- #The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service.
- #DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients.
- hostname =
- #The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http.
- #It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx.
- ui_url_protocol = http
- #Maximum number of job workers in job service
- max_job_workers = 3
- #Determine whether or not to generate certificate for the registry's token.
- #If the value is on, the prepare script creates new root cert and private key
- #for generating token to access the registry. If the value is off the default key/cert will be used.
- #This flag also controls the creation of the notary signer's cert.
- customize_crt = on
- #The path of cert and key files for nginx, they are applied only the protocol is set to https
- ssl_cert = /mnt/harbor/cert/server.crt
- ssl_cert_key = /mnt/harbor/cert/server.key
- #The path of secretkey storage
- secretkey_path = /mnt/harbor
- #Admiral's url, comment this attribute, or set its value to NA when Harbor is standalone
- admiral_url = NA
- #Log files are rotated log_rotate_count times before being removed. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.
- log_rotate_count = 50
- #Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger than log_rotate_size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes.
- #If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100G
- #are all valid.
- log_rotate_size = 200M
- #only take effect in the first boot, the subsequent changes of these properties
- #should be performed on web ui
- #************************BEGIN INITIAL PROPERTIES************************
- #Email account settings for sending out password resetting emails.
- #Email server uses the given username and password to authenticate on TLS connections to host and act as identity.
- #Identity left blank to act as username.
- email_identity =
- email_server = smtp.mydomain.com
- email_server_port = 25
- email_username = sample_admin@mydomain.com
- email_password = abc
- email_from = admin <sample_admin@mydomain.com>
- email_ssl = false
- email_insecure = false
- ##The initial password of Harbor admin, only works for the first time when Harbor starts.
- #It has no effect after the first launch of Harbor.
- #Change the admin password from UI after launching Harbor.
- harbor_admin_password = Weinong$2017
- ##By default the auth mode is db_auth, i.e. the credentials are stored in a local database.
- #Set it to ldap_auth if you want to verify a user's credentials against an LDAP server.
- auth_mode = db_auth
- #The url for an ldap endpoint.
- ldap_url = ldaps://ldap.mydomain.com
- #A user's DN who has the permission to search the LDAP/AD server.
- #If your LDAP/AD server does not support anonymous search, you should configure this DN and ldap_search_pwd.
- #ldap_searchdn = uid=searchuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
- #the password of the ldap_searchdn
- #ldap_search_pwd = password
- #The base DN from which to look up a user in LDAP/AD
- ldap_basedn = ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
- #Search filter for LDAP/AD, make sure the syntax of the filter is correct.
- #ldap_filter = (objectClass=person)
- # The attribute used in a search to match a user, it could be uid, cn, email, sAMAccountName or other attributes depending on your LDAP/AD
- ldap_uid = uid
- #the scope to search for users, 0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE
- ldap_scope = 2
- #Timeout (in seconds) when connecting to an LDAP Server. The default value (and most reasonable) is 5 seconds.
- ldap_timeout = 5
- #Verify certificate from LDAP server
- ldap_verify_cert = true
- #Turn on or off the self-registration feature
- self_registration = on
- #The expiration time (in minute) of token created by token service, default is 30 minutes
- token_expiration = 30
- #The flag to control what users have permission to create projects
- #The default value "everyone" allows everyone to creates a project.
- #Set to "adminonly" so that only admin user can create project.
- project_creation_restriction = everyone
- #************************END INITIAL PROPERTIES************************
- #######Harbor DB configuration section#######
- #The address of the Harbor database. Only need to change when using external db.
- db_host = mysql
- #The password for the root user of Harbor DB. Change this before any production use.
- db_password = Weinong$2017
- #The port of Harbor database host
- db_port = 3306
- #The user name of Harbor database
- db_user = root
- ##### End of Harbor DB configuration#######
- #The redis server address. Only needed in HA installation.
- redis_url =
- ##########Clair DB configuration############
- #Clair DB host address. Only change it when using an exteral DB.
- clair_db_host = postgres
- #The password of the Clair's postgres database. Only effective when Harbor is deployed with Clair.
- #Please update it before deployment. Subsequent update will cause Clair's API server and Harbor unable to access Clair's database.
- clair_db_password = password
- #Clair DB connect port
- clair_db_port = 5432
- #Clair DB username
- clair_db_username = postgres
- #Clair default database
- clair_db = postgres
- ##########End of Clair DB configuration############
- #The following attributes only need to be set when auth mode is uaa_auth
- uaa_endpoint = uaa.mydomain.org
- uaa_clientid = id
- uaa_clientsecret = secret
- uaa_verify_cert = true
- uaa_ca_cert = /path/to/ca.pem
- ### Docker Registry setting ###
- #registry_storage_provider can be: filesystem, s3, gcs, azure, etc.
- registry_storage_provider_name = filesystem
- #registry_storage_provider_config is a comma separated "key: value" pairs, e.g. "key1: value, key2: value2".
- #Refer to https://docs.docker.com/registry/configuration/#storage for all available configuration.
- registry_storage_provider_config =
- version: '2'
- services:
- log:
- image: vmware/harbor-log:v1.4.0
- container_name: harbor-log
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - /mnt/harbor/log/:/var/log/docker/:z
- - ./common/config/log/:/etc/logrotate.d/:z
- ports:
- -
- networks:
- - harbor
- registry:
- image: vmware/registry-photon:v2.6.2-v1.4.0
- container_name: registry
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - /mnt/harbor/registry:/storage:z
- - ./common/config/registry/:/etc/registry/:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- environment:
- - GODEBUG=netdns=cgo
- command:
- ["serve", "/etc/registry/config.yml"]
- depends_on:
- - log
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "registry"
- mysql:
- image: vmware/harbor-db:v1.4.0
- container_name: harbor-db
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - /mnt/harbor/database:/var/lib/mysql:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- env_file:
- - ./common/config/db/env
- depends_on:
- - log
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "mysql"
- adminserver:
- image: vmware/harbor-adminserver:v1.4.0
- container_name: harbor-adminserver
- env_file:
- - ./common/config/adminserver/env
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - /mnt/harbor/config/:/etc/adminserver/config/:z
- - /mnt/harbor/secretkey:/etc/adminserver/key:z
- - /mnt/harbor/:/data/:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- depends_on:
- - log
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "adminserver"
- ui:
- image: vmware/harbor-ui:v1.4.0
- container_name: harbor-ui
- env_file:
- - ./common/config/ui/env
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - ./common/config/ui/app.conf:/etc/ui/app.conf:z
- - ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem:/etc/ui/private_key.pem:z
- - ./common/config/ui/certificates/:/etc/ui/certificates/:z
- - /mnt/harbor/secretkey:/etc/ui/key:z
- - /mnt/harbor/ca_download/:/etc/ui/ca/:z
- - /mnt/harbor/psc/:/etc/ui/token/:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- depends_on:
- - log
- - adminserver
- - registry
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "ui"
- jobservice:
- image: vmware/harbor-jobservice:v1.4.0
- container_name: harbor-jobservice
- env_file:
- - ./common/config/jobservice/env
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - /mnt/harbor/job_logs:/var/log/jobs:z
- - ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf:/etc/jobservice/app.conf:z
- - /mnt/harbor/secretkey:/etc/jobservice/key:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- depends_on:
- - ui
- - adminserver
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "jobservice"
- proxy:
- image: vmware/nginx-photon:v1.4.0
- container_name: nginx
- restart: always
- volumes:
- - ./common/config/nginx:/etc/nginx:z
- networks:
- - harbor
- ports:
- - 80:80
- - 443:443
- - 4443:4443
- depends_on:
- - mysql
- - registry
- - ui
- - log
- logging:
- driver: "syslog"
- options:
- syslog-address: "tcp://"
- tag: "proxy"
- networks:
- harbor:
- external: false
可以使用docker-compose来管理Harbor的生命周期。 一些有用的命令列出如下:
docker-compose ps 查看
docker-compose stop 停止
docker-compose start 启动
docker-compose down 删除,利用./install.sh可以重新安装
a. 错误提示
- /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:80: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn
pip uninstall urllib3
pip uninstall chardet
pip install requests
b.错误提示: “harbor failed to initialize the system: read /etc/adminserver/key: is a directory”
原因: harbor.cfg中的 secretkey_path和docker-compose.yml中的设置不一致
2.ui 界面
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/28624388/viewspace-2153546/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。