


SQL> create tablespace perfsata datafile '/u01/oradata/orcl/perfstat_01.dbf' size 512m;
Tablespace created.


  1. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql
  2. Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
  3. -----------------------------------
  4. Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING
  5. Enter value for perfstat_password: password
  6. Enter value for default_tablespace: perfstat
  7. Using tablespace PERFSTAT as PERFSTAT default tablespace.
  8. Enter value for temporary_tablespace: temp
  9. Using tablespace temp as PERFSTAT temporary tablespace.
  10. ... Creating PERFSTAT user
  11. ... Installing required packages
  12. ... Creating views
  13. ... Granting privileges
  14. NOTE:
  15. SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
  16. SQL> -- Build the tables and synonyms
  17. SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
  18. Connected.
  19. SQL> @@spctab
  20. Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects
  21. ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
  22. ... Creating STATS$... tables
  23. NOTE:
  24. SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.
  25. SQL> -- Create the statistics Package
  26. SQL> @@spcpkg
  27. Creating Package STATSPACK...
  28. Package created.
  29. Creating Package Body STATSPACK...
  30. Package body created.
  31. NOTE:
  32. SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.
SQL> @spcreate

Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING

Enter value for perfstat_password: password

Enter value for default_tablespace: perfstat
Using tablespace PERFSTAT as PERFSTAT default tablespace.

Enter value for temporary_tablespace: temp
Using tablespace temp as PERFSTAT temporary tablespace.

... Creating PERFSTAT user
... Installing required packages
... Creating views
... Granting privileges

SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.

SQL> --  Build the tables and synonyms
SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
SQL> @@spctab

Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects

... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
... Creating STATS$... tables

SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.

SQL> --  Create the statistics Package
SQL> @@spcpkg

Creating Package STATSPACK...
Package created.

Creating Package Body STATSPACK...
Package body created.

SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.


Enter value for perfstat_password: oracle

Enter value for default_tablespace:PERFSATA

Enter value for temporary_tablespace: temp





PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Listing all Completed Snapshots

Instance     DB Name        Snap Id   Snap Started    Level Comment
------------ ------------ --------- ----------------- ----- --------------------
orcl         ORCL                 1 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5
                                  2 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5
                                  3 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5
                                  4 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5
                                  5 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5
                                  6 28 Jul 2012 23:24     5


Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 1
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 1

Enter value for end_snap: 6
End   Snapshot Id specified: 6


Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is sp_1_6.  To use this name,
press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.

Enter value for report_name: lzk

Parameter Name                Begin value                       (if different)
----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------
audit_file_dest               /u01/admin/orcl/adump
background_dump_dest          /u01/admin/orcl/bdump
control_files                 /u01/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl,
core_dump_dest                /u01/admin/orcl/cdump
db_block_size                 8192
db_file_multiblock_read_count 16
db_name                       orcl
db_recovery_file_dest         /u01/flash_recovery_area
db_recovery_file_dest_size    1073741824
dispatchers                   (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)
job_queue_processes           10
log_checkpoints_to_alert      TRUE
open_cursors                  300
pga_aggregate_target          147849216
processes                     50
remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
sessions                      60
sga_target                    444596224
undo_management               AUTO
undo_tablespace               UNDOTBS1
user_dump_dest                /u01/admin/orcl/udump

End of Report ( lzk.lst )


oracle@liuzhongkun-oracle ~]$ pwd

ls: lzk: No such file or directory
[oracle@liuzhongkun-oracle ~]$ pwd

l[oracle@liuzhongkun-oracle ~]$



STATSPACK report for

Database    DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Startup Time    Release     RAC
~~~~~~~~ ----------- ------------ -------- --------------- ----------- ---
          1277169587 orcl                1 28-Jul-12 09:40  NO

Host  Name:   liuzhongkun-orac Num CPUs:    2        Phys Memory (MB):        0

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:          1 28-Jul-12 23:24:28       17       3.6
  End Snap:          6 28-Jul-12 23:24:55       17       5.0
   Elapsed:                0.45 (mins)

Cache Sizes                       Begin        End
~~~~~~~~~~~                  ---------- ----------
               Buffer Cache:       260M             Std Block Size:         8K
           Shared Pool Size:       144M                 Log Buffer:     6,892K

Load Profile                            Per Second       Per Transaction
~~~~~~~~~~~~                       ---------------       ---------------
                  Redo size:            121,081.33            408,649.50
              Logical reads:                344.33              1,162.13
              Block changes:                190.70                643.63
             Physical reads:                  0.00                  0.00
            Physical writes:                  1.78                  6.00
                 User calls:                  0.78                  2.63
                     Parses:                 16.63                 56.13
                Hard parses:                  3.70                 12.50
                      Sorts:                  9.15                 30.88
                     Logons:                  0.07                  0.25
                   Executes:                 32.15                108.50
               Transactions:                  0.30

  % Blocks changed per Read:   55.38    Recursive Call %:    99.81
 Rollback per transaction %:    0.00       Rows per Sort:   116.91

Instance Efficiency Percentages
            Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
            Buffer  Hit   %:  100.00    In-memory Sort %:  100.00
            Library Hit   %:   85.77        Soft Parse %:   77.73
         Execute to Parse %:   48.27         Latch Hit %:  100.00
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:  122.22     % Non-Parse CPU:   92.14

 Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End
                               ------  ------
             Memory Usage %:   47.26   47.91
    % SQL with executions>1:   70.73   80.47
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   88.48   93.01

Top 5 Timed Events                                                    Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   wait   Call
Event                                            Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time
----------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------
CPU time                                                         3          95.7
control file parallel write                         13           0      3    1.2
log file parallel write                             11           0      3    1.1
os thread startup                                    1           0     28     .9
log file sync                                        6           0      4     .8
Host CPU  (CPUs: 2)
~~~~~~~~              Load Average
                      Begin     End      User  System    Idle     WIO     WCPU
                    ------- -------   ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
                       0.13    0.17      4.97    0.46   94.57

Instance CPU
              % of total CPU for Instance:    5.77
              % of busy  CPU for Instance:  106.33
  %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:

Memory Statistics                       Begin          End
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ------------ ------------
                  Host Mem (MB):           .0           .0
                   SGA use (MB):        424.0        424.0
                   PGA use (MB):         42.0         40.7
    % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:    1895043.4    2115783.5

Time Model System Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Ordered by % of DB time desc, Statistic name

Statistic                                       Time (s) % of DB time
----------------------------------- -------------------- ------------
sql execute elapsed time                             3.1         99.3
DB CPU                                               3.0         96.1
parse time elapsed                                   0.2          6.8
hard parse elapsed time                              0.2          6.0
PL/SQL execution elapsed time                        0.0           .6
repeated bind elapsed time                           0.0           .0
DB time                                              3.1
background elapsed time                              0.1
background cpu time                                  0.1
Wait Events  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> s - second, cs - centisecond,  ms - millisecond, us - microsecond
-> %Timeouts:  value of 0 indicates value was < .5%.  Value of null is truly 0
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)

                                                %Time Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event                                    Waits  -outs   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
--------------------------------- ------------ ------ ---------- ------ --------
control file parallel write                 13      0          0      3      1.6
log file parallel write                     11      0          0      3      1.4
os thread startup                            1      0          0     28      0.1
log file sync                                6      0          0      4      0.8
control file sequential read               911      0          0      0    113.9
virtual circuit status                       1    100         29  29293      0.1
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle             2     50         27  13673      0.3
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait              1      0         27  27345      0.1
SQL*Net message from client                 11      0         24   2152      1.4
jobq slave wait                              7    100         21   2931      0.9
Background Wait Events  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> %Timeouts:  value of 0 indicates value was < .5%.  Value of null is truly 0
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)

                                                %Time Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event                                    Waits  -outs   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
--------------------------------- ------------ ------ ---------- ------ --------
control file parallel write                 13      0          0      3      1.6
log file parallel write                     11      0          0      3      1.4
os thread startup                            1      0          0     28      0.1
rdbms ipc message                           98     89        214   2182     12.3
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle             2     50         27  13673      0.3
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait              1      0         27  27345      0.1
pmon timer                                   9    100         26   2931      1.1
Wait Event Histogram  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Total Waits - units: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
-> % of Waits - column heading: <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
-> % of Waits - value: .0 indicates value was <.05 null is truly>-> Ordered by Event (idle events last)

                           Total ----------------- % of Waits ------------------
Event                      Waits  <1ms  <2ms  <4ms  <8ms <16ms <32ms  <=1s   >1s
-------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
SQL*Net break/reset to cli    1  100.0
control file parallel writ   13         23.1  69.2   7.7
control file sequential re  911  100.0
log file parallel write      11   36.4   9.1  18.2  36.4
log file sync                 6   16.7        33.3  50.0
os thread startup             1                                100.0
SQL*Net message from clien   11   54.5                                36.4   9.1
SQL*Net message to client    11  100.0
Streams AQ: qmn coordinato    2   50.0                                      50.0
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle    1                                            100.0
jobq slave wait               7                                            100.0
pmon timer                    9                                            100.0
rdbms ipc message            98                1.0         1.0   2.0  34.7  61.2
virtual circuit status        1                                            100.0

SQL ordered by CPU  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> Total DB CPU (s):               3
-> Captured SQL accounts for   99.9% of Total DB CPU
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total DB CPU

    CPU                  CPU per             Elapsd                     Old
  Time (s)   Executions  Exec (s)  %Total   Time (s)    Buffer Gets  Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
      2.94            5       0.59   99.3       3.04          10,058 3928261773
Module: SQL*Plus

SQL ordered by Elapsed  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> Total DB Time (s):               3
-> Captured SQL accounts for   99.3% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total DB Time

  Elapsed                Elap per            CPU                        Old
  Time (s)   Executions  Exec (s)  %Total   Time (s)  Physical Reads Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
      3.04            5       0.61   98.7       2.94               2 3928261773
Module: SQL*Plus

SQL ordered by Gets  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold:     10000 Total Buffer Gets:           9,297
-> Captured SQL accounts for    2.7% of Total Buffer Gets
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total Buffer Gets

                                                     CPU      Elapsd     Old
  Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
         10,058            5        2,011.6  108.2     2.94      3.04 3928261773
Module: SQL*Plus

SQL ordered by Executions  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> End Executions Threshold:       100  Total Executions:             868
-> Captured SQL accounts for    8.8% of Total Executions
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total Executions

                                                CPU per    Elap per     Old
 Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
          14              14              1.0       0.00        0.00 1254950678
select file# from file$ where ts#=:1

          13               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 4274598960
select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, tim
estamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival,
density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#
=:1 and intcol#=:2

SQL ordered by Parse Calls  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000 Total Parse Calls:             449
-> Captured SQL accounts for    9.8% of Total Parse Calls
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total Parse Calls

                           % Total    Old
 Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
          14           14     3.12 1254950678
select file# from file$ where ts#=:1

           6            5     1.34 3928261773
Module: SQL*Plus

Instance Activity Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
CPU used by this session                         280           10.4         35.0
CPU used when call started                       298           11.0         37.3
CR blocks created                                  0            0.0          0.0
DB time                                        6,317          234.0        789.6
DBWR checkpoint buffers written                   48            1.8          6.0
DBWR checkpoints                                   0            0.0          0.0
DBWR revisited being-written buff                  0            0.0          0.0
DBWR thread checkpoint buffers wr                  0            0.0          0.0
DBWR transaction table writes                      1            0.0          0.1
DBWR undo block writes                            46            1.7          5.8
IMU CR rollbacks                                   0            0.0          0.0
IMU Flushes                                        5            0.2          0.6
IMU Redo allocation size                      80,144        2,968.3     10,018.0
IMU commits                                        3            0.1          0.4
IMU contention                                     0            0.0          0.0
IMU recursive-transaction flush                    0            0.0          0.0
IMU undo allocation size                      26,004          963.1      3,250.5
PX local messages recv'd                           0            0.0          0.0
PX local messages sent                             0            0.0          0.0
SMON posted for undo segment shri                  0            0.0          0.0
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client                 11            0.4          1.4
active txn count during cleanout                 164            6.1         20.5
application wait time                              0            0.0          0.0
background checkpoints completed                   0            0.0          0.0
background checkpoints started                     0            0.0          0.0
background timeouts                               87            3.2         10.9
buffer is not pinned count                       889           32.9        111.1
buffer is pinned count                           569           21.1         71.1
bytes received via SQL*Net from c                970           35.9        121.3
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client                 841           31.2        105.1
calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss              1,451           53.7        181.4
calls to kcmgas                                  307           11.4         38.4
calls to kcmgcs                                   77            2.9          9.6
change write time                                  3            0.1          0.4
cleanout - number of ktugct calls                190            7.0         23.8
cleanouts and rollbacks - consist                  0            0.0          0.0
cleanouts only - consistent read                   1            0.0          0.1
cluster key scan block gets                       13            0.5          1.6
cluster key scans                                  5            0.2          0.6
commit batch/immediate performed                   2            0.1          0.3
commit batch/immediate requested                   2            0.1          0.3
commit cleanout failures: callbac                 27            1.0          3.4
commit cleanouts                                 604           22.4         75.5
commit cleanouts successfully com                577           21.4         72.1
commit immediate performed                         2            0.1          0.3
commit immediate requested                         2            0.1          0.3
commit txn count during cleanout                 103            3.8         12.9
concurrency wait time                              3            0.1          0.4
consistent changes                                 0            0.0          0.0
consistent gets                                3,207          118.8        400.9
consistent gets - examination                  1,219           45.2        152.4
consistent gets from cache                     3,207          118.8        400.9
cursor authentications                            54            2.0          6.8
data blocks consistent reads - un                  0            0.0          0.0
db block changes                               5,149          190.7        643.6
db block gets                                  6,090          225.6        761.3
Instance Activity Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
db block gets direct                               0            0.0          0.0
db block gets from cache                       6,090          225.6        761.3
deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout                323           12.0         40.4
enqueue conversions                              231            8.6         28.9
enqueue releases                                 907           33.6        113.4
enqueue requests                                 907           33.6        113.4
enqueue waits                                      0            0.0          0.0
execute count                                    868           32.2        108.5
free buffer inspected                              0            0.0          0.0
free buffer requested                            481           17.8         60.1
heap block compress                                0            0.0          0.0
immediate (CR) block cleanout app                  1            0.0          0.1
immediate (CURRENT) block cleanou                176            6.5         22.0
index fast full scans (full)                       0            0.0          0.0
index fetch by key                               700           25.9         87.5
index scans kdiixs1                              514           19.0         64.3
leaf node 90-10 splits                             2            0.1          0.3
leaf node splits                                  75            2.8          9.4
lob reads                                          0            0.0          0.0
lob writes                                         0            0.0          0.0
lob writes unaligned                               0            0.0          0.0
logons cumulative                                  2            0.1          0.3
messages received                                 15            0.6          1.9
messages sent                                     15            0.6          1.9
no buffer to keep pinned count                     0            0.0          0.0
no work - consistent read gets                   925           34.3        115.6
opened cursors cumulative                        924           34.2        115.5
parse count (failures)                             0            0.0          0.0
parse count (hard)                               100            3.7         12.5
parse count (total)                              449           16.6         56.1
parse time cpu                                    22            0.8          2.8
parse time elapsed                                18            0.7          2.3
physical read IO requests                          0            0.0          0.0
physical read bytes                                0            0.0          0.0
physical read total IO requests                  911           33.7        113.9
physical read total bytes                 14,925,824      552,808.3  1,865,728.0
physical read total multi block r                  0            0.0          0.0
physical reads                                     0            0.0          0.0
physical reads cache                               0            0.0          0.0
physical reads cache prefetch                      0            0.0          0.0
physical reads direct                              0            0.0          0.0
physical reads direct temporary t                  0            0.0          0.0
physical reads prefetch warmup                     0            0.0          0.0
physical write IO requests                         4            0.2          0.5
physical write bytes                         393,216       14,563.6     49,152.0
physical write total IO requests                  54            2.0          6.8
physical write total bytes                 4,355,584      161,317.9    544,448.0
physical write total multi block                  14            0.5          1.8
physical writes                                   48            1.8          6.0
physical writes direct                             0            0.0          0.0
physical writes from cache                        48            1.8          6.0
physical writes non checkpoint                    26            1.0          3.3
process last non-idle time                         0            0.0          0.0
recovery blocks read                               0            0.0          0.0
recursive calls                               10,935          405.0      1,366.9
recursive cpu usage                              278           10.3         34.8
Instance Activity Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
redo blocks read for recovery                      0            0.0          0.0
redo blocks written                            6,491          240.4        811.4
redo entries                                   2,851          105.6        356.4
redo ordering marks                              221            8.2         27.6
redo size                                  3,269,196      121,081.3    408,649.5
redo synch time                                    2            0.1          0.3
redo synch writes                                 14            0.5          1.8
redo wastage                                   3,244          120.2        405.5
redo write time                                    2            0.1          0.3
redo writer latching time                          0            0.0          0.0
redo writes                                       11            0.4          1.4
rollback changes - undo records a                  4            0.2          0.5
rollbacks only - consistent read                   0            0.0          0.0
rows fetched via callback                         10            0.4          1.3
session connect time                               0            0.0          0.0
session cursor cache hits                        566           21.0         70.8
session logical reads                          9,297          344.3      1,162.1
session pga memory                           847,444       31,386.8    105,930.5
session pga memory max                       192,084        7,114.2     24,010.5
session uga memory                     4,295,091,032  159,077,445.6 ############
session uga memory max                       770,964       28,554.2     96,370.5
shared hash latch upgrades - no w                520           19.3         65.0
sorts (memory)                                   247            9.2         30.9
sorts (rows)                                  28,877        1,069.5      3,609.6
sql area purged                                    0            0.0          0.0
switch current to new buffer                       0            0.0          0.0
table fetch by rowid                             122            4.5         15.3
table fetch continued row                          0            0.0          0.0
table scan blocks gotten                         151            5.6         18.9
table scan rows gotten                         2,422           89.7        302.8
table scans (long tables)                          0            0.0          0.0
table scans (short tables)                        36            1.3          4.5
total number of times SMON posted                  0            0.0          0.0
transaction rollbacks                              2            0.1          0.3
undo change vector size                    1,173,640       43,468.2    146,705.0
user I/O wait time                                 0            0.0          0.0
user calls                                        21            0.8          2.6
user commits                                       8            0.3          1.0
workarea executions - optimal                    216            8.0         27.0
write clones created in backgroun                  0            0.0          0.0

Instance Activity Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Statistics with absolute values (should not be diffed)

Statistic                             Begin Value       End Value
--------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
logons current                                 17              17
opened cursors current                         62              85
session cursor cache count                 12,082          12,094

Instance Activity Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Statistics identified by '(derived)' come from sources other than SYSSTAT

Statistic                                      Total  per Hour
--------------------------------- ------------------ ---------
log switches (derived)                             0       .00

OS Statistics  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> ordered by statistic type (CPU use, Virtual Memory, Hardware Config), Name

Statistic                                  Total
------------------------- ----------------------
BUSY_TIME                                    285
IDLE_TIME                                  4,967
NICE_TIME                                      0
SYS_TIME                                      24
USER_TIME                                    261
LOAD                                           0
NUM_CPUS                                       2
Tablespace IO Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc

                 Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
         5,570     206    5.7     1.2          976       36          9   11.1
           836      31    6.3     2.1        5,012      186          1    0.0
            51       2    7.8     1.0        2,739      101          1    0.0
            63       2    3.7     6.8            7        0          0    0.0
            13       0    0.8     1.0           10        0          0    0.0
             0       0    0.0                    7        0          0    0.0
File IO Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->Mx Rd Bkt: Max bucket time for single block read
->ordered by Tablespace, File

Tablespace               Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
                        Av   Mx                                             Av
                 Av     Rd   Rd    Av                    Av        Buffer BufWt
         Reads Reads/s (ms)  Bkt Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits  (ms)
-------------- ------- ----- --- ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
EXAMPLE                  /u01/oradata/orcl/example01.dbf
            63       2   3.7         6.8            7        0          0

PERFSATA                 /u01/oradata/orcl/perfstat_01.dbf
             0       0                              7        0          0

SYSAUX                   /u01/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf
           836      31   6.3         2.1        5,012      186          1    0.0

SYSTEM                   /u01/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf
         5,570     206   5.7         1.2          976       36          9   11.1

UNDOTBS1                 /u01/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf
            51       2   7.8         1.0        2,739      101          1    0.0

USERS                    /u01/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
            13       0   0.8         1.0           10        0          0

Buffer Pool Statistics  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Standard block size Pools  D: default,  K: keep,  R: recycle
-> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k
-> Buffers: the number of buffers.  Units of K, M, G are divided by 1000

                                                            Free Writ     Buffer
            Pool         Buffer     Physical    Physical  Buffer Comp       Busy
P   Buffers Hit%           Gets        Reads      Writes   Waits Wait      Waits
--- ------- ---- -------------- ------------ ----------- ------- ---- ----------
D       32K  100          9,474            0          48       0    0          0

Instance Recovery Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> B: Begin snapshot,  E: End snapshot

  Targt Estd                                  Log File  Log Ckpt    Log Ckpt
  MTTR  MTTR   Recovery   Actual    Target      Size     Timeout    Interval
   (s)   (s)   Estd IOs  Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks  Redo Blks  Redo Blks
- ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------
B     0    20       2498     23430     25558     184320     25558
E     0    20       2930     30702     29478     184320     29478

Buffer Pool Advisory  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  End Snap: 6
-> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
-> ordered by Pool, Block Size, Buffers For Estimate

                                  Phys      Estimated                   Est
    Size for  Size      Buffers   Read     Phys Reads     Est Phys % dbtime
P    Est (M) Factr  (thousands)  Factr    (thousands)    Read Time  for Rds
--- -------- ----- ------------ ------ -------------- ------------ --------
D         24    .1            3    1.7             15           71     74.0
D         48    .2            6    1.2             11           46     47.9
D         72    .3            9    1.0              9           37     38.5
D         96    .4           12    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        120    .5           15    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        144    .5           18    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        168    .6           21    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        192    .7           24    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        216    .8           27    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        240    .9           30    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        264   1.0           33    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        288   1.1           36    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        312   1.2           39    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        336   1.3           42    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        360   1.4           45    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        384   1.5           48    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        408   1.5           51    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        432   1.6           54    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        456   1.7           57    1.0              9           36     37.5
D        480   1.8           60    0.9              8           29     30.2
PGA Aggr Target Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> B: Begin snap   E: End snap (rows identified with B or E contain data
   which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> PGA cache hit % - percentage of W/A (WorkArea) data processed only in-memory
-> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target
-> W/A PGA Used    - amount of memory used for all Workareas (manual + auto)
-> %PGA W/A Mem    - percentage of PGA memory allocated to workareas
-> %Auto W/A Mem   - percentage of workarea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt
-> %Man W/A Mem    - percentage of workarea memory under manual control

PGA Cache Hit % W/A MB Processed Extra W/A MB Read/Written
--------------- ---------------- -------------------------
          100.0               66                         0

                                             %PGA  %Auto   %Man
  PGA Aggr  Auto PGA   PGA Mem    W/A PGA    W/A    W/A    W/A   Global Mem
  Target(M) Target(M)  Alloc(M)   Used(M)    Mem    Mem    Mem    Bound(K)
- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ----------
B       141       111       42.0        0.0     .0     .0     .0     28,876
E       141       111       40.7        0.0     .0     .0     .0     28,876

PGA Aggr Target Histogram  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Optimal Executions are purely in-memory operations

    Low    High
Optimal Optimal    Total Execs Optimal Execs 1-Pass Execs M-Pass Execs
------- ------- -------------- ------------- ------------ ------------
     2K      4K            109           109            0            0
    64K    128K             15            15            0            0
   512K   1024K             90            90            0            0

PGA Memory Advisory  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  End Snap: 6
-> When using Auto Memory Mgmt, minimally choose a pga_aggregate_target value
   where Estd PGA Overalloc Count is 0

                                       Estd Extra    Estd PGA   Estd PGA
PGA Target    Size           W/A MB   W/A MB Read/      Cache  Overalloc
  Est (MB)   Factr        Processed Written to Disk     Hit %      Count
---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- ----------
        18     0.1            314.5              0.0    100.0          1
        35     0.3            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
        71     0.5            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       106     0.8            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       141     1.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       169     1.2            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       197     1.4            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       226     1.6            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       254     1.8            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       282     2.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       423     3.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       564     4.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
       846     6.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
     1,128     8.0            314.5              0.0    100.0          0
Process Memory Summary Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> B: Begin snap   E: End snap
-> All rows below contain absolute values (i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> Max Alloc is Maximum PGA Allocation size at snapshot time
   Hist Max Alloc is the Historical Max Allocation for still-connected processes
-> Num Procs or Allocs:  For Begin/End snapshot lines, it is the number of
   processes. For Category lines, it is the number of allocations
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc

                                                                  Hist   Num
                                          Avg    Std Dev   Max    Max   Procs
             Alloc     Used    Freeabl   Alloc    Alloc   Alloc  Alloc    or
  Category   (MB)      (MB)      (MB)     (MB)    (MB)    (MB)    (MB)  Allocs
- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------ ------
B --------      42.0      18.0      5.2      2.2     4.9      22     22     19
  Other         36.2                         1.9     4.9      22     22     19
  Freeable       5.2        .0                .9      .5       2             6
  SQL             .4        .2                .0      .0       0      2      7
  PL/SQL          .2        .1                .0      .0       0      6     17
E --------      40.7      17.8      4.2      2.1     4.9      22     22     19
  Other         36.0                         1.9     4.9      22     22     19
  Freeable       4.2        .0                .8      .6       2             5
  SQL             .4        .2                .0      .0       0      2      7
  PL/SQL          .2        .1                .0      .0       0      6     17

Top Process Memory (by component)  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc

                        Alloc   Used   Freeabl     Max      Hist Max
     PId Category       (MB)    (MB)     (MB)   Alloc (MB) Alloc (MB)
- ------ ------------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ----------
B      6 LGWR --------    21.8    10.3       .0       21.8       21.8
         Other            21.8                        21.8       21.8
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      17 TNS V1-V3 ---     4.2     1.1      1.7        4.2       14.4
         Other             2.3                         2.3        5.0
         Freeable          1.7      .0                 1.7
         SQL                .1      .1                  .1        2.1
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0        5.5
      11 MMON --------     3.0     1.7       .9        3.0        3.1
         Other             2.0                         2.0        2.0
         Freeable           .9      .0                  .9
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .8
      15 J000 --------     1.8      .3      1.1        1.8        1.8
         Freeable          1.1      .0                 1.1
         Other              .6                          .6         .6
         PL/SQL             .1      .0                  .1         .1
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .6
       5 DBW0 --------     1.7      .3       .0        1.7        1.7
         Other             1.7                         1.7        1.7
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
       7 CKPT --------     1.6      .3       .0        1.6        1.6
         Other             1.6                         1.6        1.6
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .0
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      10 CJQ0 --------     1.5      .5       .8        1.5        1.5
         Freeable           .8      .0                  .8
         Other              .7                          .7         .7
         SQL                .1      .0                  .1         .4
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
       8 SMON --------     1.3      .5       .6        1.3        1.3
         Other              .7                          .7         .7
         Freeable           .6      .0                  .6
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .3
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      28 q000 --------     1.1      .4       .2        1.1        1.1
         Other              .8                          .8         .8
         Freeable           .2      .0                  .2
         SQL                .1      .0                  .1         .4
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
E      6 LGWR --------    21.8    10.3       .0       21.8       21.8
         Other            21.8                        21.8       21.8
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      17 TNS V1-V3 ---     3.7     1.0      1.8        3.7       14.4
         Other             1.8                         1.8        5.0
         Freeable          1.8      .0                 1.8
         SQL                .1      .1                  .1        2.1
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0        5.5
      11 MMON --------     3.0     1.7       .9        3.0        3.1
         Other             2.0                         2.0        2.0
         Freeable           .9      .0                  .9
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .8

Top Process Memory (by component)  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc

                        Alloc   Used   Freeabl     Max      Hist Max
     PId Category       (MB)    (MB)     (MB)   Alloc (MB) Alloc (MB)
- ------ ------------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ----------
E      5 DBW0 --------     1.7      .3       .0        1.7        1.7
         Other             1.7                         1.7        1.7
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
       7 CKPT --------     1.6      .3       .0        1.6        1.6
         Other             1.6                         1.6        1.6
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .0
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      10 CJQ0 --------     1.5      .5       .8        1.5        1.5
         Freeable           .8      .0                  .8
         Other              .7                          .7         .7
         SQL                .1      .0                  .1         .4
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
       8 SMON --------     1.3      .5       .6        1.3        1.3
         Other              .7                          .7         .7
         Freeable           .6      .0                  .6
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .3
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      28 q000 --------     1.1      .4       .2        1.1        1.1
         Other              .8                          .8         .8
         Freeable           .2      .0                  .2
         SQL                .1      .0                  .1         .4
         PL/SQL             .0      .0                  .0         .0
      15 J000 --------     1.0      .2       .0        1.0        1.0
         Other             1.0                         1.0        1.0
         PL/SQL             .1      .0                  .1         .1
         SQL                .0      .0                  .0         .1

Latch Activity  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
  willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct
                              Get          Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait
Latch                       Requests      Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
Consistent RBA                       12    0.0             0            0
FOB s.o list latch                    1    0.0             0            0
In memory undo latch                 87    0.0             0           15    0.0
JS queue state obj latch            216    0.0             0            0
JS slv state obj latch                3    0.0             0            0
KMG MMAN ready and start              9    0.0             0            0
KTF sga latch                         0                    0            8    0.0
KWQP Prop Status                      5    0.0             0            0
Memory Management Latch               0                    0            9    0.0
OS process                            9    0.0             0            0
OS process allocation                15    0.0             0            0
OS process: request allo              2    0.0             0            0
PL/SQL warning settings               8    0.0             0            0
SGA IO buffer pool latch              1    0.0             0            1    0.0
SQL memory manager latch              5    0.0             0            9    0.0
SQL memory manager worka          1,230    0.0             0            0
Shared B-Tree                        16    0.0             0            0
active checkpoint queue              13    0.0             0            0
active service list                  66    0.0             0            9    0.0
cache buffer handles                144    0.0             0            0
cache buffers chains             27,576    0.0             0          479    0.0
cache buffers lru chain             623    0.0             0            0
channel handle pool latc              2    0.0             0            0
channel operations paren            131    0.0             0            0
checkpoint queue latch              241    0.0             0          533    0.0
client/application info              25    0.0             0            0
compile environment latc             27    0.0             0            0
dml lock allocation                 620    0.0             0            0
dummy allocation                      4    0.0             0            0
enqueue hash chains               2,019    0.0             0            0
enqueues                          1,012    0.0             0            0
event group latch                     1    0.0             0            0
file cache latch                     14    0.0             0            0
hash table column usage               0                    0          785    0.0
hash table modification              22    0.0             0            0
job workq parent latch                0                    0            2    0.0
job_queue_processes para              2    0.0             0            0
kks stats                            82    0.0             0            0
ksuosstats global area               12    0.0             0            0
kwqbsn:qsga                          16    0.0             0            0
lgwr LWN SCN                         17    0.0             0            0
library cache                     9,128    0.0             0          138    0.0
library cache load lock             306    0.0             0            0
library cache lock                3,230    0.0             0            0
library cache lock alloc             88    0.0             0            0
library cache pin                 3,534    0.0             0            0
library cache pin alloca             39    0.0             0            0
list of block allocation             43    0.0             0            0
messages                            218    0.0             0            0
mostly latch-free SCN                17    0.0             0            0
Latch Activity  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
  willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct
                              Get          Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait
Latch                       Requests      Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
object queue header oper          1,121    0.0             0            0
parallel query alloc buf              4    0.0             0            0
parameter table allocati              2    0.0             0            0
post/wait queue                       9    0.0             0            6    0.0
process allocation                    2    0.0             0            1    0.0
process group creation                2    0.0             0            0
qmn task queue latch                  4    0.0             0            0
redo allocation                      76    0.0             0        2,886    0.0
redo copy                             0                    0        2,886    0.0
redo writing                         73    0.0             0            0
resmgr group change latc              5    0.0             0            0
resmgr:actses active lis              9    0.0             0            0
resmgr:actses change gro              1    0.0             0            0
resmgr:free threads list              4    0.0             0            0
resmgr:schema config                  5    0.0             0            0
row cache objects                 6,819    0.0             0            0
rules engine rule set st            500    0.0             0            0
sequence cache                       15    0.0             0            0
session allocation               18,503    0.0             0            0
session idle bit                     68    0.0             0            0
session state list latch              4    0.0             0            0
session timer                         9    0.0             0            0
shared pool                       7,346    0.0             0            0
simulator hash latch                544    0.0             0            0
simulator lru latch                 462    0.0             0           28    0.0
threshold alerts latch                1    0.0             0            0
transaction allocation                2    0.0             0            0
undo global data                    940    0.0             0            0
user lock                             2    0.0             0            0
Dictionary Cache Stats  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->"Pct Misses"  should be very low (< 2% in most cases)
->"Final Usage" is the number of cache entries being used in End Snapshot

                                   Get    Pct    Scan   Pct      Mod      Final
Cache                         Requests   Miss    Reqs  Miss     Reqs      Usage
------------------------- ------------ ------ ------- ----- -------- ----------
dc_awr_control                       1    0.0       0              0          1
dc_histogram_defs                1,031   40.8       0              0      3,631
dc_object_ids                      209    0.0       0              0      1,220
dc_objects                         139    0.0       0              0      1,287
dc_profiles                          1    0.0       0              0          1
dc_segments                        160    0.0       0              0        701
dc_tablespaces                     474    0.0       0              0          8
dc_users                           494    0.0       0              0         30

Library Cache Activity  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
->"Pct Misses"  should be very low

                         Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
SQL AREA                   2  100.0          1,213   14.7         83        0
TABLE/PROCEDURE          393    0.0          1,611   14.0        175        0
BODY                      10    0.0             15    0.0          0        0
Rule Sets  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> * indicates Rule Set activity (re)started between Begin/End snaps
-> Top 25 ordered by Evaluations desc

                                                               No-SQL  SQL
Rule                                *     Eval/sec Reloads/sec Eval % Eval %
----------------------------------- - ------------ ----------- ------ ------
SYS.ALERT_QUE_R                                  0           0      0      0
Shared Pool Advisory  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  End Snap: 6
-> SP: Shared Pool     Est LC: Estimated Library Cache   Factr: Factor
-> Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object
   in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated
   with it.  Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in
   v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid

                                        Est LC Est LC  Est LC Est LC
    Shared    SP   Est LC                 Time   Time    Load   Load      Est LC
      Pool  Size     Size       Est LC   Saved  Saved    Time   Time         Mem
  Size (M) Factr      (M)      Mem Obj     (s)  Factr     (s)  Factr    Obj Hits
---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -----------
        64    .4       18        2,778   2,295    1.0      28    1.2     120,784
        80    .6       32        4,625   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,482
        96    .7       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       112    .8       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       128    .9       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       144   1.0       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       160   1.1       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       176   1.2       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       192   1.3       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       208   1.4       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       224   1.6       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       240   1.7       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       256   1.8       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       272   1.9       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
       288   2.0       46        6,676   2,300    1.0      23    1.0     121,491
SGA Target Advisory  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  End Snap: 6

SGA Target SGA Size   Est DB      Est DB   Est Physical
  Size (M)   Factor Time (s) Time Factor          Reads
---------- -------- -------- ----------- --------------
       212       .5       96         1.0          8,991
       318       .8       96         1.0          8,991
       424      1.0       96         1.0          8,991
       530      1.3       96         1.0          8,991
       636      1.5       89          .9          7,658
       742      1.8       89          .9          7,658
       848      2.0       89          .9          7,658
SGA Memory Summary  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

                                                        End Size (Bytes)
SGA regions                      Begin Size (Bytes)       (if different)
------------------------------ -------------------- --------------------
Database Buffers                        272,629,760
Fixed Size                                1,219,880
Redo Buffers                              7,168,000
Variable Size                           163,578,584
                               -------------------- --------------------
sum                                     444,596,224

SGA breakdown difference  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6
-> Top 35 rows by size, ordered by Pool, Name (note rows with null values for
   Pool column, or Names showing free memory are always shown)
-> Null value for Begin MB or End MB indicates the size of that Pool/Name was
   insignificant, or zero in that snapshot

Pool   Name                                 Begin MB         End MB  % Diff
------ ------------------------------ -------------- -------------- --------
java p free memory                               8.0            8.0     0.00
large  PX msg pool                                .6             .6     0.00
large  free memory                               3.4            3.4     0.00
shared ASH buffers                               4.0            4.0     0.00
shared CCursor                                   1.9            1.8    -2.87
shared KCB Table Scan Buffer                     3.8            3.8     0.00
shared KGLS heap                                 2.0            2.2     5.91
shared KQR M PO                                  2.8            3.1     7.08
shared KSFD SGA I/O b                            3.8            3.8     0.00
shared PCursor                                   1.4            1.4    -2.22
shared PL/SQL DIANA                              3.0            2.9    -2.23
shared free memory                              76.0           75.0    -1.25
shared kglsim hash table bkts                    2.0            2.0     0.00
shared library cache                             4.6            4.6     0.04
shared row cache                                 3.6            3.6     0.00
shared sql area                                  5.0            6.1    22.77
       buffer_cache                            260.0          260.0     0.00
       fixed_sga                                 1.2            1.2     0.00
       log_buffer                                6.8            6.8     0.00
SQL Memory Statistics  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

                                   Begin            End         % Diff
                          -------------- -------------- --------------
   Avg Cursor Size (KB):           45.06          46.50           3.09
 Cursor to Parent ratio:            1.04           1.04           -.11
          Total Cursors:             511            526           2.85
          Total Parents:             492            507           2.96
init.ora Parameters  DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl  Snaps: 1-6

                                                                  End value
Parameter Name                Begin value                       (if different)
----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------
audit_file_dest               /u01/admin/orcl/adump
background_dump_dest          /u01/admin/orcl/bdump
control_files                 /u01/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl,
core_dump_dest                /u01/admin/orcl/cdump
db_block_size                 8192
db_file_multiblock_read_count 16
db_name                       orcl
db_recovery_file_dest         /u01/flash_recovery_area
db_recovery_file_dest_size    1073741824
dispatchers                   (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)
job_queue_processes           10
log_checkpoints_to_alert      TRUE
open_cursors                  300
pga_aggregate_target          147849216
processes                     50
remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
sessions                      60
sga_target                    444596224
undo_management               AUTO
undo_tablespace               UNDOTBS1
user_dump_dest                /u01/admin/orcl/udump

End of Report ( lzk.lst )


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