Server processes

Server processes (or the server portion of combined user/server processes) created
on behalf of each user’s application can perform. one or more of the following:
Parse and run SQL statements issued through the application
Read necessary data blocks from datafiles on disk into the shared database
buffers of the SGA, if the blocks are not already present in the SGA
Return results in such a way that the application can process the information

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Make life at the office easier for server administrators by helping them build resilient Ubuntu server systems About This Book Tackle the issues you come across in keeping your Ubuntu server up and running Build server machines and troubleshoot cloud computing related issues using Open Stack Discover tips and best practices to be followed for minimum maintenance of Ubuntu Server 3 Who This Book Is For This book is for a vast audience of Linux system administrators who primarily work on Debian-based systems and spend long hours trying fix issues with the enterprise server. Ubuntu is already one of the most popular OSes and this book targets the most common issues that most administrators have to deal with. With the right tools and definite solutions, you will be able to keep your Ubuntu servers in the pink of health. What You Will Learn Deploy packages and their dependencies with repositories Set up your own DNS and network for Ubuntu Server Authenticate and validate users and their access to various systems and services Maintain, monitor, and optimize your server resources and avoid tremendous load Get to know about processes, assigning and changing priorities, and running processes in background Optimize your shell with tools and provide users with an improved shell experience Set up separate environments for various services and run them safely in isolation Understand, build, and deploy OpenStack on your Ubuntu Server In Detail Ubuntu is becoming one of the favorite Linux flavors for many enterprises and is being adopted to a large extent. It supports a wide variety of common network systems and the use of standard Internet services including file serving, e-mail, Web, DNS, and database management. A large scale use and implementation of Ubuntu on servers has given rise to a vast army of Linux administrators who battle it out day in and day out to make sure the systems are in the right frame of operation and pre-empt any untoward incidents that may result in catastrophes for the businesses using it. Despite all these efforts, glitches and bugs occur that affect Ubuntu server's network, memory, application, and hardware and also generate cloud computing related issues using OpenStack. This book will help you end to end. Right from setting up your new Ubuntu Server to learning the best practices to host OpenStack without any hassles. You will be able to control the priority of jobs, restrict or allow access users to certain services, deploy packages, tackle issues related to server effectively, and reduce downtime. Also, you will learn to set up OpenStack, and manage and monitor its services while tuning the machine with best practices. You will also get to know about Virtualization to make services serve users better. Chapter by chapter, you will learn to add new features and functionalities and make your Ubuntu server a full-fledged, production-ready system. Style and approach This book contains topic-by-topic discussion in an easy-to-understand language with loads of examples to help you take care of Ubuntu Server. Plenty of screenshots will guide you through a step-by-step approach. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Package Management Chapter 2. Networking and DNS Chapter 3. Network Authentication Chapter 4. Monitoring and Optimization Chapter 5. Process Management Chapter 6. Shell Management, Tools, and User Management Chapter 7. Virtualization Chapter 8. OpenStack with Ubuntu Chapter 9. OpenStack and Ubuntu Best Practices
This book shows you how to use PowerShell to quickly pinpoint, diagnose, and solve problems with your Windows Server environment, reducing the need for external tools, and ensuring you stay up-to-date with PowerShell as it quickly becomes one of the most useful tools in an administrator’s toolkit. Authors Derek Schauland and Donald Jacobs take you through a range of examples, showing you how to gather information from different computer sources. Whether you are logged into the server locally or just wanting to check the status of a server from your local computer, the right PowerShell cmdlets can give you a lot of information quickly, and allow you to troubleshoot your servers from the command line with little interaction with the server's desktop. In this book, you'll learn how PowerShell can help you: Understand PowerShell versus the GUI Gather information from Windows event logs Gather information from your server, including memory, hardware configurations, and disk space available Find out what applications are installed on a server Find out which Windows updates have been installed on your computer Check the processes running on your computer and gather information about them, or start and stop them from the command line Quickly check if services are running, and stop or start them as needed Windows Administrators, IT Professionals and support personnel needing ways to quickly find and troubleshoot issues in their environment using the included tools. Those entering IT or wishing to develop their PowerShell skills will also benefit from this book. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: Managing the Windows Event Log Chapter 3: Gathering and Reporting Detailed Information from a Computer Chapter 4: Installed Applications Chapter 5: Windows Update Chapter 6: Manage Running Processes on a Target System Chapter 7: Review and Manage Services with PowerShell Chapter 8: Continuing to Learn As PowerShell Evolves


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