


MHA分管理节点和数据库节点,数据库节点由mysql主从或者主主从构成,当主库挂掉后,管理节点会自动将从节点提升为主节点;管理节点的角色类似于oracle数据库中的fast start failover中的observer,但mha上层可以通过keepalive部署VIP,程序连接数据库使用VIP,从而实现后台数据库的故障切换透明化

apply_diff_relay_logs:识别差异的relay log事件,并应用于其他salve服务器;
purge_relay_logs:清除relay log文件;




主:      node   SLAVE1.COM
从1:    node   SLAVE2.COM
从2:    node   MANAGER.COM 管理机:manager node

一:搭建mysql 主从复制,配置主机间的ssh互信(免密码登陆)



  1. [root@SLAVE2 data]# yum -y install perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Config-Tiny perl-Log-Dispatch perl-Parallel-ForkManager perl-Config-IniFiles ncftp perl-Params-Validate perl-CPAN perl-Test-Mock-LWP.noarch perl-LWP-Authen-Negotiate.noarch perl-devel
  2.  [root@SLAVE2 data]#yum install perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker 这个百度文档没有但是显然是要装的

  1. [root@MANAGER src]# tar -xf mha4mysql-node-0.56.tar.gz
  2. [root@MANAGER src]# cd mha4mysql-node-0.53
  3. [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-node-0.53]# perl Makefile.PL
  4. [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-node-0.53]# make && make install

安装manager(管理机器上要安装的,就是管理机器上同时存在node与manager )


  1. [root@MANAGER src]# tar -xf mha4mysql-manager-0.56.tar.gz
  2. [root@MANAGER src]# cd mha4mysql-manager-0.53
  3. [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]# perl Makefile.PL
  4. [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]# make && make install
  5. 根据提示输入 如果中间有卡顿现象 直接crtl+c 然后继续会出现下载的进度条,说明是正常的
  6. [root@MANAGER src]# mkdir /etc/masterha
  7. [root@MANAGER mha]# mkdir -p /master/app1
  8. [root@MANAGERmha]# mkdir -p /scripts
  9. [root@MANAGER mha]# cp samples/conf/* /etc/masterha/    --拷贝配置文件
  10. [root@MANAGERmha]# cp samples/scripts/* /scripts
  11. [root@MANAGER mha4mysql-manager-0.53]# cp samples/conf/* /etc/masterha/


  1. [root@MANAGER masterha]# vi app1.cnf
  2. 内容如下;
  3. [server default]
  4. manager_workdir=/masterha/app1
  5. manager_log=/masterha/app1/manager.log
  6. user=mha_mon            监控用户,每台机器上都要建的
  7. password=123
  8. ssh_user=root           ssh无密码的用户
  9. repl_user=slave         做主从的用户 每台都要授权的
  10. repl_password=yunwei123 做主从的密码
  11. ping_interval=1
  12. shutdown_script=""
  13. report_script=""                                                                           ###切换时发邮件
    ####master_ip_failover_script=/usr/local/bin/master_ip_failover                              ###自动切换

    ####master_ip_online_change_script=/usr/local/bin/master_ip_online_change_script           ###手工切换,了解这两个脚本可参考http://blog.csdn.net/largetalk/article/details/10006899

    ####secondary_check_script= /usr/local/bin/masterha_secondary_check -s node1 -s node2 --user=root  --master_host=node2 --master_ip= --master_port=3306 
    ####//一旦MHA到node2(主)的监控之间出现问题,MHA Manager将会尝试从node1(从,主机名)登录到node2(主,主机名),检查更详细

  15. [server1]
  16. hostname=
  17. master_binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data            ####binlog目录
  18. candidate_master=1
  20. [server2]
  21. hostname=
  22. master_binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data   ####binlog目录
  23. candidate_master=1    ---备主,当master当掉之后会自动切换这台为主机
  25. [server3]
  26. hostname=
  27. master_binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data         ####binlog目录
  28. no_master=1           -----表示永不做主
  30. 保存退出!
  31. [root@MANAGER masterha]# >masterha_default.cnf

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to mha_mon@'%' identified by '123'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.00 sec)
mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)



  1. [root@MANAGER masterha]# masterha_check_ssh --global_conf=/etc/masterha/masterha_default.cnf --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf
  2. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading default configuratoins from /etc/masterha/masterha_default.cnf..
  3. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
  4. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
  5. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
  6. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug]
  7. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
  8. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.
  9. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
  10. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.
  11. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug]
  12. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
  13. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] ok.
  14. Wed Jul 9 02:26:57 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@

  15. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.
  16. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug]
  17. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
  18. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.
  19. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
  20. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [debug] ok.
  21. Wed Jul 9 02:26:58 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.


[root@SLAVE1 ~]# ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/* /usr/bin    ---rpm安装的mysql不需要,源码安装的就这样

在每台 MYSQL  服务器上做这件事情 极度重要哦

mysql>set global read_only=1; set global relay_log_purge=0;    --read-only的意义是普通用户没有create,update,insert等修改的权限,而具有super-privs超级权限(all on *.*)的是不受这个参数约束的!


read_only=1 #这个设置待商榷,备选master设为read only之后,master转移到备选master后数据库不可写(有super权限的用户还是可写,切换到新的主库上后,会在新的主库上执行 SET GLOBAL read_only =0 ),,这个参数开放设置,根据环境来设置



为什么要跳过这个错误呢 因为啊在主里面删除用户的时候 从会报错说没有这个用户所以跳过这个错误吧

如果数据库存在空的用户 域名的用户 一定要删除否则 MHA   连接 MYSQL  会报错连不上 一般只要在从上面删除 如果直接没删除也 OK  那就 OK  吧如果报错登录不了就删除掉吧 或者跳过域名解析,或者你授权的时候记得也授权域名等等方法多种 我的方式是跳过域名解析的  skip-name-resolve

mysql> select user,host from mysql.user; +---------+---------------+ | user    | host          |
+---------+---------------+ | root    |     |
| mha_mon | 192.168.186.% |
| repl    | 192.168.186.% |
| slave   | 192.168.186.% |
| root    | ::1           |
|         | SLAVE2.COM    |
| root    | SLAVE2.COM    |
| root    | localhost     |
+---------+---------------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> drop user 'root'@SLAVE2.COM; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



  1. [root@MANAGER masterha]# masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf
  2. Wed Jul 9 04:23:16 2014 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
  3. Wed Jul 9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
  4. Wed Jul 9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
  5. Wed Jul 9 04:23:16 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.53.
  6. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:
  7. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:
  8. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info]
  9. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info]
  10. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM(
  11. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:
  12. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  13. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  14. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
  15. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  16. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  17. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)
  18. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Current Alive Master:
  19. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..
  20. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..
  21. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db=
  22. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Replication filtering check ok.
  23. Wed Jul 9 04:23:17 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
  24. Wed Jul 9 04:23:18 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
  25. Wed Jul 9 04:23:18 2014 - [info] Checking MHA Node version..
  26. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Version check ok.
  27. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication settings on the current master..
  28. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
  29. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Master MHA Node version is 0.53.
  30. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Checking recovery script configurations on the current master..
  31. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Executing command: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data --output_file=/var/tmp/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.53 --start_file=mysql-bin.000001
  32. Wed Jul 9 04:23:19 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@
  33.   Creating /var/tmp if not exists.. ok.
  34.   Checking output directory is accessible or not..
  35.    ok.
  36.   Binlog found at /data/mysql/data, up to mysql-bin.000001
  37. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Master setting check done.
  38. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication and checking recovery script configurations on all alive slave servers..
  39. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --manager_version=0.53 --relay_log_info=/data/mysql/data/relay-log.info --relay_dir=/data/mysql/data/ --slave_pass=xxx
  40. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@
  41.   Checking slave recovery environment settings..
  42.     Opening /data/mysql/data/relay-log.info ... ok.
  43.     Relay log found at /data/mysql/data, up to SLAVE1-relay-bin.000002
  44.     Temporary relay log file is /data/mysql/data/SLAVE1-relay-bin.000002
  45.     Testing mysql connection and privileges..Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
  46.  done.
  47.     Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.
  48.     Cleaning up test file(s).. done.
  49. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host=SLAVE2.COM --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --manager_version=0.53 --relay_log_info=/data/mysql/data/relay-log.info --relay_dir=/data/mysql/data/ --slave_pass=xxx
  50. Wed Jul 9 04:23:20 2014 - [info] Connecting to root@
  51.   Checking slave recovery environment settings..
  52.     Opening /data/mysql/data/relay-log.info ... ok.
  53.     Relay log found at /data/mysql/data, up to slave2-relay-bin.000002
  54.     Temporary relay log file is /data/mysql/data/slave2-relay-bin.000002
  55.     Testing mysql connection and privileges..Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
  56.  done.
  57.     Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.
  58.     Cleaning up test file(s).. done.
  59. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Slaves settings check done.
  60. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info]
  61. (current master)
  62.  +--
  63.  +--SLAVE2.COM
  65. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on
  66. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] ok.
  67. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on SLAVE2.COM..
  68. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] ok.
  69. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.
  70. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.
  71. Wed Jul 9 04:23:21 2014 - [info] Got exit code 0 (Not master dead).
  73. MySQL Replication Health is OK.
  75. 至此说明你的MHA 已经配置好了


  1. [root@dg55 ~]# nohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf > /tmp/mha_manager.log < /dev/null 2>&1 &
  2. [1] 25516
  3. [root@dg55 ~]# masterha_check_status --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf     --检查一下
  4. app1 (pid:25516) is running(0:PING_OK), master:

  5. [root@node4 app1]#masterha_stop --conf=/etc/app1.cnf   --关闭
    # 如果不能停止, 加 --abort选项


 将 MYSQL.COM 机器上的 MYSQL 服务关闭 ,注意观察  manager.log   日志会发现 切换到了 SLAVE1.COM  并且 SLAVE1.COM 变成了主  而 SLAVE2.COM  则变成了 SLAVE1.COM  的从


  1. root@MANAGER app1]# tail -f manager.log 这是启动后还没关闭主数据库的日志内容
  2. (current master)
  3.  +--
  4.  +--SLAVE2.COM
  6. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.
  7. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.
  8. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Set master ping interval 1 seconds.
  9. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [warning] secondary_check_script is not defined. It is highly recommended setting it to check master reachability from two or more routes.
  10. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Starting ping health check on
  11. Wed Jul 9 18:52:32 2014 - [info] Ping(SELECT) succeeded, waiting until MySQL doesn't respond..
  13. [root@MYSQL ~]# service mysqld stop
  14. Shutting down MySQL..... SUCCESS!
  17. [root@MANAGER app1]# tail -f manager.log 最要看最后几行 就知道有没有切换成功
  18. (current master)
  19.  +--
  20.  +--SLAVE2.COM
  21. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:
  22. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info]
  23. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:
  24. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info]
  25. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM(
  26. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:
  27. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  28. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  29. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
  30. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  31. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  32. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)
  33. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..
  34. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..
  35. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replication filtering check ok.
  36. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Master is down!
  37. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Terminating monitoring script.
  38. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Got exit code 20 (Master dead).
  39. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterFailover version 0.53.
  40. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Starting master failover.
  41. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] * Phase 2: Dead Master Shutdown Phase completed.
  42. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  43. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  44. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
  45. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  46. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  47. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)
  48. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] The oldest binary log file/position on all slaves is mysql-bin.000001:214
  49. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Oldest slaves:
  50. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  51. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  52. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
  53. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  54. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  55. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)
  56. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info]
  57. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.2: Saving Dead Master's Binlog Phase..
  58. Wed Jul 9 18:56:47 2014 - [info]
  59. Wed Jul 9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] Fetching dead master's binary logs..
  60. Wed Jul 9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] Executing command on the dead master save_binary_logs --command=save --start_file=mysql-bin.000001 --start_pos=214 --binlog_dir=/data/mysql/data --output_file=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53
  61.   Creating /var/tmp if not exists.. ok.
  62.  Concat binary/relay logs from mysql-bin.000001 pos 214 to mysql-bin.000001 EOF into /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog ..
  63.   Dumping binlog format description event, from position 0 to 120.. ok.
  64.   Dumping effective binlog data from /data/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000001 position 214 to tail(237).. ok.
  65.  Concat succeeded.
  66. Wed Jul 9 18:56:48 2014 - [info] scp from root@ to local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog succeeded.
  67. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
  68. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to SLAVE2.COM is reachable.
  69. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]
  70. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.3: Determining New Master Phase..
  71. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]
  72. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Finding the latest slave that has all relay logs for recovering other slaves..
  73. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] All slaves received relay logs to the same position. No need to resync each other.
  74. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Searching new master from slaves..
  75. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Candidate masters from the configuration file:
  76. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  77. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  78. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
  79. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Non-candidate masters:
  80. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] SLAVE2.COM( Version=5.6.10-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
  81. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Replicating from
  82. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)
  83. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Searching from candidate_master slaves which have received the latest relay log events..
  84. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] New master is
  85. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Starting master failover..
  86. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]
  87. From:
  88. (current master)
  89.  +--
  90.  +--SLAVE2.COM
  92. To:
  93. (new master)
  94.  +--SLAVE2.COM
  95. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]
  96. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.3: New Master Diff Log Generation Phase..
  97. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info]
  98. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] This server has all relay logs. No need to generate diff files from the latest slave.
  99. Wed Jul 9 18:56:49 2014 - [info] Sending binlog..
  100. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] scp from local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog to root@ succeeded.
  101. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  102. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 3.4: Master Log Apply Phase..
  103. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  104. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] *NOTICE: If any error happens from this phase, manual recovery is needed.
  105. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Starting recovery on
  106. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Generating diffs succeeded.
  107. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Waiting until all relay logs are applied.
  108. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] done.
  109. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Getting slave status..
  110. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] This slave('s Exec_Master_Log_Pos equals to Read_Master_Log_Pos(mysql-bin.000001:214). No need to recover from Exec_Master_Log_Pos.
  111. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Connecting to the target slave host, running recover script..
  112. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Executing command: apply_diff_relay_logs --command=apply --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --apply_files=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --timestamp=20140709185647 --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53 --slave_pass=xxx
  113. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  114. MySQL client version is 5.6.10. Using --binary-mode.
  115. Applying differential binary/relay log files /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog on This may take long time...
  116. Applying log files succeeded.
  117. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] All relay logs were successfully applied.
  118. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Getting new master's binlog name and position..
  119. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] mysql-bin.000007:504
  120. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] All other slaves should start replication from here. Statement should be: CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_PORT=3306, MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000007', MASTER_LOG_POS=504, MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='xxx';
  121. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not set. Skipping taking over new master ip address.
  122. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Setting read_only=0 on
  123. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] ok.
  124. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] ** Finished master recovery successfully.
  125. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 3: Master Recovery Phase completed.
  126. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  127. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4: Slaves Recovery Phase..
  128. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  129. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4.1: Starting Parallel Slave Diff Log Generation Phase..
  130. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  131. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- Slave diff file generation on host SLAVE2.COM( started, pid: 3135. Check tmp log /masterha/app1/SLAVE2.COM_3306_20140709185647.log if it takes time..
  132. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  133. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Log messages from SLAVE2.COM ...
  134. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  135. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] This server has all relay logs. No need to generate diff files from the latest slave.
  136. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] End of log messages from SLAVE2.COM.
  137. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- SLAVE2.COM( has the latest relay log events.
  138. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded.
  139. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  140. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] * Phase 4.2: Starting Parallel Slave Log Apply Phase..
  141. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info]
  142. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] -- Slave recovery on host SLAVE2.COM( started, pid: 3137. Check tmp log /masterha/app1/SLAVE2.COM_3306_20140709185647.log if it takes time..
  143. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  144. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Log messages from SLAVE2.COM ...
  145. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  146. Wed Jul 9 18:56:50 2014 - [info] Sending binlog..
  147. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] scp from local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog to root@SLAVE2.COM:/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog succeeded.
  148. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Starting recovery on SLAVE2.COM(
  149. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Generating diffs succeeded.
  150. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Waiting until all relay logs are applied.
  151. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] done.
  152. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Getting slave status..
  153. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] This slave(SLAVE2.COM)'s Exec_Master_Log_Pos equals to Read_Master_Log_Pos(mysql-bin.000001:214). No need to recover from Exec_Master_Log_Pos.
  154. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Connecting to the target slave host SLAVE2.COM, running recover script..
  155. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Executing command: apply_diff_relay_logs --command=apply --slave_user=mha_mon --slave_host=SLAVE2.COM --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --apply_files=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.6.10-log --timestamp=20140709185647 --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.53 --slave_pass=xxx
  156. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  157. MySQL client version is 5.6.10. Using --binary-mode.
  158. Applying differential binary/relay log files /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.186.141_3306_20140709185647.binlog on SLAVE2.COM:3306. This may take long time...
  159. Applying log files succeeded.
  160. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] All relay logs were successfully applied.
  161. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Resetting slave SLAVE2.COM( and starting replication from the new master
  162. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Executed CHANGE MASTER.
  163. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Slave started.
  164. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] End of log messages from SLAVE2.COM.
  165. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] -- Slave recovery on host SLAVE2.COM( succeeded.
  166. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] All new slave servers recovered successfully.
  167. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  168. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] * Phase 5: New master cleanup phease..
  169. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  170. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Resetting slave info on the new master..
  171. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Resetting slave info succeeded.
  172. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info] Master failover to completed successfully.
  173. Wed Jul 9 18:56:51 2014 - [info]
  175. ----- Failover Report -----
  177. app1: MySQL Master failover to succeeded
  179. Master is
  181. Check MHA Manager logs at MANAGER.COM:/masterha/app1/manager.log for details.
  183. Started automated(non-interactive) failover.
  184. The latest slave has all relay logs for recovery.
  185. Selected as a new master.
  186. OK: Applying all logs succeeded.
  187. SLAVE2.COM: This host has the latest relay log events.
  188. Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded.
  189. SLAVE2.COM: OK: Applying all logs succeeded. Slave started, replicating from
  190. Resetting slave info succeeded.
  191. Resetting slave info succeeded.
  192. 看到192.168.186.142: Resetting slave info succeeded.

  193. Master failover to completed successfully. 说明切换成功了

  194. [root@slave2 ~]# mysql -e "show slave status\G"
  195. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  196.           Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
  197.             Master_Host:
  198.             Master_User: repl
  199.             Master_Port: 3306
  200.            Connect_Retry: 60
  201.           Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007
  202.        Read_Master_Log_Pos: 504
  203.           Relay_Log_File: slave2-relay-bin.000002
  204.            Relay_Log_Pos: 283
  205.       Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007
  206.          Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  207.         Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
  208. 看到已经切换到和142同步了 本来是和141同步的 此时的SALVE1.COM已经变成主了 说明已然生效

master已经由192.168.17.199  3306 切到了192.168.17.200 3306  实际环境中数据是在不断的变化的,而在切换点mha没有记录当时新master的log-file和log-pos 所以要想直接启动192.168.17.199 3306 然后change master to 3306的话是不行的,只能对新主或slave2做一个全备然后再恢复再change。


重构我想就不要我做了吧,就是这时候等于你的主挂了 切换在 SLAVE1.COM  上变成了主 因此重构我提供一种方案(方案多种),拿出一台新的服务器重新加入以 142为主做成从 再 app1.conf 配置文件中加入 新机器的信息

[root@MANAGER app1]# rm -rf app1.failover.complete
删除该文件后 再次启动 manager 端即可

七.扩展 Keepalived

  1. [root@MYSQL src]# wget http://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz
  2. [root@MYSQL src]# tar -xf keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz
  3. [root@MYSQL src]# cd keepalived-1.2.12
  4. [root@MYSQL src]# yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77 ncurses-devel bison libaio-devel cmake libnl* libpopt* popt-static openssl-devel
  5. [root@MYSQL keepalived-1.2.12]# ./configure
  6. [root@MYSQL keepalived-1.2.12]# make && make install
  7. [root@MYSQL src]#mkdir /etc/keepalived/
  9. [root@MYSQL src]# cp /usr/local/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf /etc/keepalived/
  10. [root@MYSQL src]# cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/init.d/
  11. [root@MYSQL src]# cp /usr/local/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/
  12. [root@MYSQL src]#cp /usr/local/sbin/keepalived /usr/sbin/

2. 配置 keepalived

  1. [root@MYSQL keepalived]# vi keepalived.conf
  2. ! Configuration File for keepalived
  4. global_defs {
  5.    notification_email {
  6.      acassen@firewall.loc
  7.      failover@firewall.loc
  8.      sysadmin@firewall.loc
  9.    }
  10.    notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc
  11.    smtp_server
  12.    smtp_connect_timeout 30
  13.    router_id LVS_DEVEL ##配置是为了标识当前节点,两个节点的此项设置可相同,也可不相同
  14. }
  16. vrrp_instance VI_1 {
  17.     state MASTER                   #指定A节点为主节点 备用节点上设置为BACKUP即可
  18.     interface eth0
  19.     virtual_router_id 51              #VRRP组名,两个节点的设置必须一样,以指明各个节点属于同一VRRP
  20.     priority 100              #主节点的优先级(1-254之间),备用节点必须比主节点优先级低
  21.          advert_int 1
  22.     authentication {             #设置验证信息,两个节点必须一致
  23.         auth_type PASS
  24.         auth_pass 1111
  25.     }
  26. virtual_ipaddress {
  27.                   =====vip,指定一个vip
  28.     }
  29. }

3. 检测 mysql 服务脚本

  1. [root@MYSQL keepalived]# vi /root/check_mysql.sh 
  2. [root@node1 ~]# vi checkmysql.sh 
    function check_mysql_helth (){
    $MYSQL -h $MYSQL_HOST -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "show status;" >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? = 0 ] ;then
      return $MYSQL_OK
    #echo "$MYSQL_OK $CHECK_TIME"

    while [ $CHECK_TIME -ne 0 ]
      let "CHECK_TIME -= 1"
    if [ $MYSQL_OK = 1 ] ; then
      echo "#### Mysql is alive ####"
      exit 0
    if [ $MYSQL_OK -eq 0 ] && [ $CHECK_TIME -eq 0 ]
      #pkill keepalived
      echo "####    Mysql Down    ####"
      echo "####now kill keepalive#####"
      /etc/init.d/keepalived stop
    exit 1
    sleep 1

该脚本做一个计划任务每分钟做一次检查 MYSQL  服务如果挂掉了的话  VIP  就会在SALVE1.COM  上生效 这样的话  client  端连接的 VIP  就会从 MYSQL.COM  上变到了SLAVE1.COM  上  此时 SLAVE1.COM  由于 MHA 的生效 已经变为主对外提供服务了 VIP  也在 SALVE1.COM 上 所以从头到尾 客户端只需要连接 VIP  就可以了

 [root@MYSQL ~]# crontab  -l */1 * * * * bash /root/checkmysql.sh

以上步骤再在下一次切换的 SLAVE 上做一次也就是 SLAVE1.COM 上做一次 keepalived.conf 配置文件不同的地方已做注释

4. 启动测试

两边启动 keepalived

[root@MYSQL keepalived]# keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
 [root@MYSQL keepalived]# ps -ef |grep keep 
root 3230 1 0 23:27 ? 00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
root 3231 3230 0 23:27 ? 00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
root 3232 3230 0 23:27 ? 00:00:00 keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
root 3234 2538 0 23:27 pts/0 00:00:00 grep keep
[root@MYSQL keepalived]# ip a 1: lo:  mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00  inet scope host lo  inet6 ::1/128 scope host   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000  link/ether 00:0c:29:c9:85:ba brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff  inet brd scope global eth0  inet scope global eth0  inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fec9:85ba/64 scope link   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

测试关闭该主机的 MYSQL  服务看看 VIP  是否飘到配好 keepalive 的 SLAVE1.COM上  MHA 中的 MYSQL  主是不是也变成了 SLAVE1.COM

如是 至此全部完成。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

一点注意事项: MHA时基于传统的log + postion开发的,维护GTID肯定不灵光了,但是mha0.56已经开始支持gtid了,可以去作者的博客看到

原文地址: http://www.tuicool.com/articles/uaeE3y
参考文章: http://ylw6006.blog.51cto.com/470441/890360/


来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/29096438/viewspace-1818461/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


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MHA(Master High Availability)是一个用于MySQL主从复制环境下自动故障切换和主从切换的高可用性解决方案。它可以自动监控MySQL主从复制环境的运行状态,并在主库发生故障时自动将从库切换为新的主库,从而实现MySQL高可用性。MHA的安装和配置相对简单,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1.安装MHA软件包和依赖项 ```shell yum install perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Config-Tiny perl-Log-Dispatch perl-Parallel-ForkManager perl-Config-IniFiles perl-Data-Dumper -y rpm -ivh mha4mysql-node-0.58-0.el6.noarch.rpm ``` 2.创建MHA配置文件 ```shell vi /etc/mha/app1.cnf ``` 在配置文件中添加以下内容: ```shell [server default] user=root password=123456 ssh_user=root repl_user=repl repl_password=123456 ping_interval=3 ping_type=SELECT master_binlog_dir=/data/mysql/mysql3306/data remote_workdir=/usr/local/mha ssh_port=22 master_ip_failover_script=/usr/local/mha/failover master_ip_online_change_script=/usr/local/mha/online_change shutdown_script=/usr/local/mha/shutdown_script report_script=/usr/local/mha/send_report [server1] hostname= port=3306 [server2] hostname= port=3306 ``` 3.测试MHA配置文件 ```shell masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/mha/app1.cnf masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/mha/app1.cnf ``` 4.启动MHA管理节点 ```shell nohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/mha/app1.cnf & ``` 5.测试MHA自动故障切换 在MHA管理节点上执行以下命令: ```shell masterha_master_switch --master_state=alive --conf=/etc/mha/app1.cnf --orig_master_is_new_slave --new_master= ``` 该命令将会将原来的主库(切换为从库,将原来的从库(切换为新的主库。




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