
pt-find - Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find.

pt-find [OPTION...] [DATABASE...]


[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --ctime +1 --engine MyISAM -uroot -proot

mysql> select table_name,engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema='goolen';
| table_name      | engine |
| a               | InnoDB |
| b               | InnoDB |
| c               | InnoDB |
| g1              | InnoDB |
| topic_indicator | InnoDB |
[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --engine InnoDB --exec "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM" -uroot -proot goolen

mysql> select table_name,engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema='goolen';
| table_name      | engine |
| a               | MyISAM |
| b               | MyISAM |
| c               | MyISAM |
| g1              | MyISAM |
| topic_indicator | MyISAM |

mysql> use goolen;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_goolen |
| a                |
| b                |
| c                |
| g1               |
| topic_indicator  |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --empty goolen --exec-plus "DROP TABLE %s"       

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_goolen |
| g1               |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

[root@goolen goolen]# ll -h bigsize_table.*
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 9.4K Dec  2 16:52 bigsize_table.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 420M Dec  2 16:54 bigsize_table.ibd

[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --tablesize +200M -uroot -proot goolen

Find all tables and print their total data and index size, and sort largest tables first (sort is a different program, by the way).
[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --printf "%T\t%D.%N\n" -uroot -proot | sort -rn
425639936  `goolen`.`bigsize_table`
461592  `mysql`.`help_topic`
108816  `mysql`.`help_keyword`
32768   `test`.`goolen3`
32768   `test`.`goolen2`
27675   `mysql`.`help_relation`
25150   `mysql`.`help_category`
16384   `test`.`t1`
16384   `test`.`goolen`
6880    `mysql`.`db`
6506    `mysql`.`proxies_priv`

As above, but this time, insert the data back into the database for posterity:
mysql> create table tblsize(db varchar(20),tbl varchar(35) ,size int);  
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.12 sec)

[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --noquote --exec "INSERT INTO goolen.tblsize(db, tbl, size) VALUES('%D', '%N', %T)" -uroot -proot

mysql> select * from tblsize;
| db                 | tbl                                 | size      |
| goolen             | bigsize_table                       | 425639936 |
| goolen             | g1                                  |      2108 |
| goolen             | tblsize                             |     16384 |
| mysql              | columns_priv                        |      4096 |
| mysql              | db                                  |      6880 |
| mysql              | event                               |      2048 |
| mysql              | func                                |      1024 |
| mysql              | general_log                         |         0 |

Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.

[root@goolen ~]#
[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --printf "%T\t%D.%N\n" -uroot --ask-pass goolen 
Enter password: 
425639936       `goolen`.`bigsize_table`
2108    `goolen`.`g1`
16384   `goolen`.`tblsize`

Specifies that all regular expression searches are case-insensitive.

[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --engine innodb --printf "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM" -uroot -proot goolen      
[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --engine innodb --printf "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM" -uroot -proot goolen --case-insensitive
ALTER TABLE `goolen`.`bigsize_table` ENGINE=MyISAMALTER TABLE `goolen`.`tblsize` ENGINE=MyISAM

[root@goolen ~]# pt-find --engine InnoDB --printf "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM" -uroot -proot goolen        
ALTER TABLE `goolen`.`bigsize_table` ENGINE=MyISAMALTER TABLE `goolen`.`tblsize` ENGINE=MyISAM
[root@goolen ~]#

Show help and exit.

short form: -h; type: string
Connect to host.

short form: -p; type: string
Password to use when connecting.

type: string

short form: -P; type: int
Port number to use for connection.

default: yes
Quotes MySQL identifier names with MySQL’s standard backtick character.
Quoting happens after tests are run, and before actions are run.

type: string; default: wait_timeout=10000
Set these MySQL variables. Immediately after connecting to MySQL, this string will be appended to SET and executed.

short form: -S; type: string
Socket file to use for connection.

short form: -u; type: string
User for login if not current user.

Show version and exit.

type: string; group: Tests

Table create option matches pattern. This tests the Create_options column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table was created n days ago. This tests the Create_time column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table has n bytes of free space. This tests the Data_free column. The specified size can be “NULL” to test where Data_free IS NULL.

type: size; group: Tests

Table data uses n bytes of space. This tests the Data_length column. The specified size can be “NULL” to test where Data_length IS NULL.

type: string; group: Tests

Database name matches SQL LIKE pattern.

type: string; group: Tests

Database name matches this pattern.

group: Tests

Table has no rows. This tests the Rows column.

type: string; group: Tests

Table storage engine matches this pattern. This tests the Engine column, or in earlier versions of MySQL, the Type column.

type: string; group: Tests

Function definition matches pattern.

type: size; group: Tests

Table indexes use n bytes of space. This tests the Index_length column. The specified size can be “NULL” to test where Index_length IS NULL.

type: size; group: Tests

Table was checked n minutes ago. This tests the Check_time column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table was checked n days ago. This tests the Check_time column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table was last modified n minutes ago. This tests the Update_time column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table was last modified n days ago. This tests the Update_time column.

type: string; group: Tests

Procedure definition matches pattern.

type: string; group: Tests

Table row format matches pattern. This tests the Row_format column.

type: size; group: Tests

Table has n rows. This tests the Rows column. The specified size can be “NULL” to test where Rows IS NULL.

type: string; group: Tests

type: size; group: Tests

Table uses n bytes of space. This tests the sum of the Data_length and Index_length columns.

type: string; group: Tests

Table name matches SQL LIKE pattern.

type: string; group: Tests

Table name matches this pattern.

type: size; group: Tests

Table version is n. This tests the Version column.

type: string; group: Tests

Trigger action statement matches pattern.

type: string; group: Tests

--trigger is defined on table matching pattern.

type: string; group: Tests

CREATE VIEW matches this pattern.

type: string; group: Actions

Execute this SQL with each item found. The SQL can contain escapes and formatting directives (see --printf).

type: string; group: Actions

type: string; group: Actions

You might use this, for example, to drop all the tables you found:

This is sort of like GNU find’s “-exec command {} +” syntax. Only it’s not totally cryptic. And it doesn’t require me to write a command-line parser.

group: Actions

Print the database and table name, followed by a newline. This is the default action if no other action is specified.

type: string; group: Actions

Print format on the standard output, interpreting ‘’ escapes and ‘%’ directives. Escapes are backslashed characters, like n and t. 
Perl interprets these, so you can use any escapes Perl knows about. Directives are replaced by %s, and as of this writing, 
you can’t add any special formatting instructions, like field widths or alignment (though I’m musing over ways to do that).

Here is a list of the directives. Note that most of them simply come from columns of SHOW TABLE STATUS. If the column is NULL 
or doesn’t exist, you get an empty string in the output. A % character followed by any character not in the following list is discarded 
(but the other character is printed).

---- ------------------ ------------------------------------------
a    Auto_increment
A    Avg_row_length
c    Checksum
C    Create_time
D    Database           The database name in which the table lives
d    Data_length
E    Engine             In older versions of MySQL, this is Type
F    Data_free
f    Innodb_free        Parsed from the Comment field
I    Index_length
K    Check_time
L    Collation
M    Max_data_length
N    Name
O    Comment
P    Create_options
R    Row_format
S    Rows
T    Table_length       Data_length+Index_length
U    Update_time
V    Version

These DSN options are used to create a DSN. Each option is given like option=value. The options are case-sensitive, 
so P and p are not the same option. There cannot be whitespace before or after the = and if the value contains whitespace it must be quoted. 
DSN options are comma-separated. See the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.

dsn: charset; copy: yes
Default character set.

dsn: database; copy: yes
Default database.

dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes
Only read default options from the given file

dsn: host; copy: yes
Connect to host.

dsn: password; copy: yes
Password to use when connecting.

dsn: port; copy: yes
Port number to use for connection.

dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes
Socket file to use for connection.

dsn: user; copy: yes
User for login if not current user.


The environment variable PTDEBUG enables verbose debugging output to STDERR. To enable debugging and capture all output to a file, run the tool like:

PTDEBUG=1 pt-find ... > FILE 2>&1
Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate several megabytes of output.


You need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.

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