ext3grep ext3文件系统下恢复文件

linux环境下rm -f 删除了/test/delete/data/下的文件file,一时无法找回,因为是ext3文件系统,尝试用ext3grep恢复。
[root@master ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)
cd /usr/local/src
wget https://ext3grep.googlecode.com/files/ext3grep-0.10.2.tar.gz
tar zxf ext3grep-0.10.2.tar.gz
cd ext3grep-0.10.2
make install
umount /test/
用 ext3grep /dev/sda1 --ls --inode 2扫描文件系统分区
[root@master ~]# ext3grep /dev/sda1 --ls --inode 2
Running ext3grep version 0.10.2
Number of groups: 64
Loading group metadata... done
Minimum / maximum journal block: 1033 / 34862
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1386658143 = Tue Dec 10 14:49:03 2013
Number of descriptors in journal: 281; min / max sequence numbers: 12 / 40
Inode is Allocated
Finding all blocks that might be directories.
D: block containing directory start, d: block containing more directory entries.
Each plus represents a directory start that references the same inode as a directory start that we found previously.

Searching group 0: DDDD++++++++
Searching group 1:
Searching group 2:
Searching group 62:
Searching group 63:
Writing analysis so far to 'sda1.ext3grep.stage1'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
Result of stage one:
  4 inodes are referenced by one or more directory blocks, 4 of those inodes are still allocated.
  3 inodes are referenced by more than one directory block, 3 of those inodes are still allocated.
  0 blocks contain an extended directory.
Result of stage two:
  4 of those inodes could be resolved because they are still allocated.
All directory inodes are accounted for!

Writing analysis so far to 'sda1.ext3grep.stage2'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
The first block of the directory is 1027.
Inode 2 is directory "".
Directory block 1027:
          .-- File type in dir_entry (r=regular file, d=directory, l=symlink)
          |          .-- D: Deleted ; R: Reallocated
Indx Next |  Inode   | Deletion time                        Mode        File name
   0    1 d       2                                         drwxr-xr-x  .
   1    2 d       2                                         drwxr-xr-x  ..
   2    4 d      11                                         drwx------  lost+found
   3    4 r   49153  D 1386658360 Tue Dec 10 14:52:40 2013  rrw-r--r--  delete_for_test
   4  end d  196609                                         drwxr-xr-x  delete
[root@master ~]# ext3grep /dev/sda1 --ls --inode 196609
Running ext3grep version 0.10.2
Number of groups: 64
Minimum / maximum journal block: 1033 / 34862
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1386658143 = Tue Dec 10 14:49:03 2013
Number of descriptors in journal: 281; min / max sequence numbers: 12 / 40
Inode is Allocated
Loading sda1.ext3grep.stage2... done
The first block of the directory is 397312.
Inode 196609 is directory "delete".
Directory block 397312:
          .-- File type in dir_entry (r=regular file, d=directory, l=symlink)
          |          .-- D: Deleted ; R: Reallocated
Indx Next |  Inode   | Deletion time                        Mode        File name
   0    1 d  196609                                         drwxr-xr-x  .
   1    2 d       2                                         drwxr-xr-x  ..
   2  end d  196610                                         drwxr-xr-x  data
[root@master ~]# ext3grep /dev/sda1 --ls --inode 196610
Running ext3grep version 0.10.2
Number of groups: 64
Minimum / maximum journal block: 1033 / 34862
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1386658143 = Tue Dec 10 14:49:03 2013
Number of descriptors in journal: 281; min / max sequence numbers: 12 / 40
Inode is Allocated
Loading sda1.ext3grep.stage2... done
The first block of the directory is 399360.
Inode 196610 is directory "delete/data".
Directory block 399360:
          .-- File type in dir_entry (r=regular file, d=directory, l=symlink)
          |          .-- D: Deleted ; R: Reallocated
Indx Next |  Inode   | Deletion time                        Mode        File name
   0    1 d  196610                                         drwxr-xr-x  .
   1    2 d  196609                                         drwxr-xr-x  ..
   2  end r  196611                                         rrw-r--r--  file
   3  end r  196612  D 1386658375 Tue Dec 10 14:52:55 2013  rrw-r--r--  file
[root@master ~]# ext3grep /dev/sda1 --restore-file delete/data/file
Running ext3grep version 0.10.2
Number of groups: 64
Minimum / maximum journal block: 1033 / 34862
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1386658143 = Tue Dec 10 14:49:03 2013
Number of descriptors in journal: 281; min / max sequence numbers: 12 / 40
Loading sda1.ext3grep.stage2... done
Restoring delete/data/file
提示Restoring delete/data/file,说明恢复成功。在执行命令的目录下会生成一个RESTORED_FILES目录,恢复的文件就存放在该目录下
[root@master ~]# cd RESTORED_FILES/
[root@master RESTORED_FILES]# ls
delete  lost+found
[root@master RESTORED_FILES]# tree delete/
`-- data
    `-- file

1 directory, 1 file

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