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转载 A resource type with the name 'ora.daemon.type' is already registered

Performing root user operation for Oracle 11gThe following environment variables are set as: ORACLE...

2017-07-20 09:05:12 352

转载 root用户执行root.sh失败怎么处理


2016-03-04 21:15:24 421

转载 SCAN , virtual IP , and public IP must all be on the same subnet

这段话 尤其是这句话 要记牢:SCAN addresses, virtual IP addresses, and public IP addresses must all be on the same subnet.Or...

2016-01-28 16:04:10 238

转载 RAC grid 运行root.sh 报错libcap.so.1找不到

环境描述: linux:rhel 6.1 suse11sp3 x86 64 数据库: rac/grid 问题描述: 运行...

2015-10-24 10:47:17 189

转载 Error IMP-32 Obtained During Import (文档 ID 846397.1)

In this Document Symptoms ...

2015-09-12 09:35:07 119

转载 How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options (文档 ID 948061.1)

In this Document Goal S...

2015-08-16 15:31:27 138

转载 Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas (文档 ID 472937.1)

本文源自于support.oracle.comIn this Document Goal ...

2015-08-16 15:05:35 246

转载 (unable to communicate with CRSD/OHASD

文本转自MetalinkASM实例的alert文件出现大量WARNING: failed to online diskgroup resource ora.DG_DATA.dg (unable to communicat...

2015-08-04 14:35:55 628

转载 Database Creation on 11.2 Grid Infrastructure with Role Separation

本文转自 metalink ID 1084186.1 Applies to:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 11.2.0....

2015-07-29 10:35:16 152

转载 metalink-Oracle Clusterware and RAC Support for RDS Over Infiniband

In this Document Purpose ...

2015-07-15 22:46:01 220

转载 Migrate database to Exadata with DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER

目前正在执行数据库迁移业务,将移动的数据库从IBM小鸡迁移到X86 Server SAN的服务器,迁移方法参考metalink的文档,值得借鉴和学习。实际迁移step-step详细步骤和中间过程待迁移完成之后再补上。...

2015-07-14 21:39:33 143

转载 DataPump Export/Import Of LOBs Are Not Executed in Parallel

本文内容转自metalink In this Document Symptoms ...

2015-07-13 21:52:51 84

转载 Summary Note Index for BasicFiles and SecureFiles

本文转自 metalink In this Document Purpose ...

2015-07-13 21:15:39 123

转载 自动生成sqlldr 控制文件的脚本(Script To Generate SQL*Loader Control File)

Script To Generate SQL*Loader Control File (文档 ID 1019523.6) APPLIES TO: OracleServer - En...

2015-07-05 11:43:18 574

转载 Listener in INTERMEDIATE status with "Not All Endpoints Registered

In this Document Symptoms ...

2015-07-05 10:00:46 172

转载 Overview of Unix Resources

In this Document ...

2015-07-05 09:57:53 121

转载 ora 15181 symbol odm_mkdir not found

Linux x86_64 两台数据库节点RAC版本。dbca创建数据库报错:ora 15181 symbol odm_mkdir not found参考文档:Can't Relink...

2015-06-08 15:48:50 124

转载 11gR2 Clusterware and Grid Home - What You Need to Know(from metalink)

In this Document Purpose ...

2015-05-31 18:06:20 107

转载 How to restore ASM based OCR after complete loss of the CRS diskgroup

转过来看看,真实的情况应该比这个要复杂How to restore ASM based OCR after complete loss of the CRS diskgroup on Linux/Unix system...

2015-05-31 17:56:57 88

转载 vlan与端口

基本概念 [ ]1.1 VLAN简介 VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)即虚拟局域网,是将一个物理的LAN在逻辑上划分成多个广播域(多个V...

2015-04-18 14:36:02 336

转载 iSCSI存储

iscsi与网络化存储 iSCSI技术是一种由IBM公司研究开发的,是一个供硬件设备使用的可以在IP协议的上层运行的SCSI指令集,这种指令集合可以实现在IP网络上运行SCSI协议,使其能够在诸如高速千兆以太网...

2015-04-18 11:20:56 264

转载 主要协议SCSI、FC、iSCSI

一、SCSISCSI是小型计算机系统接口(Small Computer System Interface)的简称,于1979首次提出,是为小型机研制的一种接口技术,现在已完全普及到了小型机,高低端服务器以及普通PC上。...

2015-04-15 22:40:43 177

转载 存储基础知识(1)--主要技术DAS、SAN、NAS

存储基础知识 主要技术DAS、SAN、NAS 一、直接附加存储(DAS)DAS(Direct Attached Storage—直接附加存储)是指将存储设备通过SCSI线缆或光纤通道直接连接...

2015-04-11 20:32:03 209

转载 RedHat Linux 本地Yum源安装

在日常工作中经常需要安装RHEL 操作系统,然后安装数据库软件,需要安装一些依赖包数据库安装检查才能通过。因此服务器一般不连接外网,因此只能配置本地 yum源。step1 : 先将操作系统IS...

2015-01-14 19:17:33 90

转载 异步IO

"Checked for relevance on 07-Feb-2007, archived"PURPOSE-------To enable asynchronous I/O for Oracle9iR2 ...

2014-12-28 11:56:21 68

转载 high wait for

在测试数据库的awr报告中发现大量的 dfs lock handle,引出这个文档作为参考25个并发,每个并发持续执行一个并行度为24的查询sql,在等待事件中 列出了等待时间最长的dfs lock handle...

2014-12-25 21:17:50 90

转载 Why Is My Query Using a High Value for Degree of Parallelism

APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document a...

2014-12-24 21:15:06 100

转载 There is Wait on Resmgr:pq Queued Permanently (文档 ID 1503339.1)

APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document ...

2014-12-24 21:11:00 180

转载 monitor PX limits from Resource Manager for active sessions (文档 ID 240877.1)

Description It shows the parallel degree limit from resource manager for all ...

2014-12-17 15:13:34 53

转载 Setup, Monitor, And Tune Parallelism In The Database (文档 ID 1549214.1)

In this Document Purpose Scope ...

2014-12-13 11:07:22 116

转载 monitor PX limits from Resource Manager for active sessions (文档 ID 240877.1)

Description It shows the parallel degree limit from resource manager for all ...

2014-12-13 10:50:25 80

转载 Automatic Degree of Parallelism in (文档 ID 1269321.1)

背景是在某项目进行POC测试的时候,将数据加载和翻倍之后,客户提供了一个大查询SQL,涉及署数据量2T左右,客户的SQL不允许修改、建立索引等调优,只能直接跑在三节点组成的RAC集群上,我们私下加上hint 开启64并发,跑...

2014-12-13 10:45:50 121

转载 Resource Manager Enhancements in Oracle Database 11g (文档 ID 884082.1)

关于IO校准的操作在自动并行查询/DML等情况下很有必要对数据库进行实际检查和校验。 APPLIES TO:Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version 11....

2014-12-07 19:38:48 80

转载 IO calibrate statistics are missing

APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this ...

2014-12-07 19:25:17 71

转载 Using Parallel Execution (文档 ID 203238.1)

APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and laterOracle Database - Enterprise Edi...

2014-12-07 19:19:48 228

转载 instantclient_11_2配置


2014-11-15 11:27:54 2809

转载 Linux手动释放缓存内存

操作系统Oracle Linux 6.2 Oracle Database,系统内存384G,20核心CPU今天在进行业务测试的时候发现DB节点的响应时间比周五降低了很多,节点内存几乎耗尽,当我们在进...

2014-11-02 13:44:41 101

转载 Linux物理网卡bonding

Linux服务器上一般有多个NIC网卡,Linux系统提供一种技术,可以将多个网卡bonding成一个逻辑bonded的网卡,统一提供服务。(Linux bonding- involves bonding ...

2014-08-29 09:06:36 74

转载 简单回顾下过去这一年的工作

大约1年前下载了Oracle Core Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers这本书的电子文档,浏览了书中内容,感觉很深奥,同时听从了一些前辈的建议,初学者不要去看...

2014-08-27 23:59:23 211

转载 What You Need to Know (文档 ID 1053147.1)

关于oracle 11g r2grid & clusterware的基础知识,关键是文中的两个图片,一目了然,将文章转载到此。 11gR2 Clusterware Key Facts 11g...

2014-08-12 20:17:15 115



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