

1. 数据库刚启动时候的sga信息(show sga可查看)或者通过show parameter sga/pga/db_cache_size/memory_target等等和内存有关的参数,并不能真正反映相对应大小。

  1. [oracle@oracle ~]$ uname -a
  2. Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Nov 10 22:19:54 EST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  3. [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsb_release -a
  4. LSB Version:    :base-4.0-amd64:base-4.0-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-4.0-amd64:graphics-4.0-noarch:printing-4.0-amd64:printing-4.0-noarch
  5. Distributor ID:    RedHatEnterpriseServer
  6. Description:    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)
  7. Release:    6.5
  8. Codename:    Santiago
  1. SYS@proc> select * from v$version where rownum=1;

  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

  1. [oracle@oracle dbs]$ cat initproc.ora
  2. *._in_memory_undo=TRUE
  3. *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/proc/adump'
  4. *.audit_trail='db'
  5. *.compatible=''
  6. *.control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/proc/control01.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/proc/control02.ctl'
  7. *.db_block_size=8192
  8. *.db_domain=''
  9. *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=128
  10. *.db_name='proc'
  11. *.processes=150
  12. *.remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE'
  13. *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'
  14. memory_target=0
  15. memory_max_target=0
  16. sga_target=0
  17. sga_max_size=0
  18. pga_aggregate_target=0
  19. db_cache_size=0
  1. SYS@proc> shutdown immediate;
  2. Database closed.
  3. Database dismounted.
  4. ORACLE instance shut down.
  5. SYS@proc> create spfile from pfile;

  6. File created.

  7. SYS@proc> startup;
  8. ORACLE instance started.

  9. Total System Global Area  175403008 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2251416 bytes
    Variable Size             163579240 bytes
    Database Buffers            4194304 bytes
    Redo Buffers                5378048 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
3.使用show parameter查看指定参数的状态数值
  1. SYS@proc> show parameter memory%target

  2. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  3. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  4. memory_max_target                    big integer 12M
  5. memory_target                        big integer 0
  6. SYS@proc> show parameter sga

  7. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  8. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  9. ...省略部分内容...
  10. sga_max_size                         big integer 168M
  11. sga_target                           big integer 0
  12. SYS@proc> show parameter pga

  13. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  14. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  15. pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 0
  16. SYS@proc> show parameter db_cache_size
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    db_cache_size                        big integer 4M

  1. SYS@proc> select component,current_size from v$sga_dynamic_components;

  2. COMPONENT                                                        CURRENT_SIZE
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
  4. shared pool                                                         159383552
  5. large pool                                                                  0
  6. java pool                                                             4194304
  7. streams pool                                                                0
  8. DEFAULT buffer cache                                                  4194304
  9. ...省略部分内容...

  10. 14 rows selected.

  11. SYS@proc> show sga

  12. Total System Global Area 175403008 bytes
  13. Fixed Size                 2251416 bytes
  14. Variable Size            163579240 bytes
  15. Database Buffers           4194304 bytes
  16. Redo Buffers               5378048 bytes
  1. SYS@proc> select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvl value,x.ksppdesc describ
  2.           from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y
  3.           where x.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  4.           and y.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  5.           and x.indx=y.indx
  6.           and (x.ksppinm like '%sga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%memory%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%pga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%db_cache_size%');

  7. NAME                                     VALUE                          DESCRIB
  8. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. sga_target                               0                              Target size of SGA
  10. __sga_target                             0                              Actual size of SGA         --该值在AMM或者ASMM下真实反映数据库刚启动时候分配的sga大小
  11. memory_target                            0                              Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
  12. memory_max_target                        12582912                       Max size for Memory Target
  13. __db_cache_size                          4194304                        Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  14. db_cache_size                            4194304                        Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  15. pga_aggregate_target                     0                              Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
  16. __pga_aggregate_target                   0                              Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed

  17. 8 rows selected.
说明:注意隐含参数的描述部分。比如“__sga_target”是Actual size of SGA


  1. SYS@proc> alter system set memory_max_target=1g scope=spfile;

  2. System altered.

  3. SYS@proc> startup force;
  4. ORACLE instance started.

  5. Total System Global Area 175403008 bytes
  6. Fixed Size                 2251416 bytes
  7. Variable Size            163579240 bytes
  8. Database Buffers           4194304 bytes
  9. Redo Buffers               5378048 bytes
  10. Database mounted.
  11. Database opened.

  12. SYS@proc> alter system set memory_target=1g;
  13. alter system set memory_target=1g
  14.                        *
  15. ERROR at line 1:
  16. ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
  17. Process ID: 4862
  18. Session ID: 16 Serial number: 3

  19. SYS@proc> select status from v$instance;
  20. ERROR:
  21. ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

  22. SYS@proc> startup;
  23. ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
  24. ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn
  1. Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proc/proc/trace/proc_mman_5032.trc (incident=218646):
  2. ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgsb_resize_memory_target_2], [43], [42], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
  3. Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proc/proc/incident/incdir_218646/proc_mman_5032_i218646.trc
  4. Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
  5. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
  6. Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proc/proc/trace/proc_mman_5032.trc:
  7. ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgsb_resize_memory_target_2], [43], [42], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
  8. MMAN (ospid: 5032): terminating the instance due to error 822
  9. Sun Dec 11 08:00:40 2016
  10. System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=5032 (MMAN)), summary=[abnormal instance termination].
  11. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proc/proc/trace/proc_diag_5026_20161211080040.trc
  12. Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20161211080040], requested by (instance=1, osid=5032 (MMAN)), summary=[abnormal instance termination].
  13. Instance terminated by MMAN, pid = 5032
说明:在mos上查找不到相关错误,百度有类似 kmgsb_resize_sga_ target_1的ora600,是一个BUG。猜测 kmgsb_resize_memory_target_2 也是一个BUG。
  1. SYS@proc> startup;
  2. ORACLE instance started.

  3. Total System Global Area 175403008 bytes
  4. Fixed Size                 2251416 bytes
  5. Variable Size            163579240 bytes
  6. Database Buffers           4194304 bytes
  7. Redo Buffers               5378048 bytes
  8. Database mounted.
  9. Database opened.
  10. SYS@proc> alter system set memory_target=1g scope=spfile;

  11. System altered.

  12. SYS@proc> startup force;
  13. ORACLE instance started.

  14. Total System Global Area 638889984 bytes       --对比下边查出来的__sga_target可知从这里看大小并不真实。有机会做个10046(验证show sga的不准确)
  15. Fixed Size 2255872 bytes
  16. Variable Size 184550400 bytes
  17. Database Buffers 448790528 bytes
  18. Redo Buffers 3293184 bytes
  19. Database mounted.
  20. Database opened.
  21. SYS@proc> show parameter memory%target

  22. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  23. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  24. memory_max_target                    big integer 1G
  25. memory_target                        big integer 1G
  26. SYS@proc>
  27. SYS@proc> col name for a40
  28. SYS@proc> col value for a30
  29. SYS@proc> col DESCRIB for a90
  30. SYS@proc> select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvl value,x.ksppdesc describ
  31.           from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y
  32.           where x.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  33.           and y.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  34.           and x.indx=y.indx
  35.           and (x.ksppinm like '%sga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%memory%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%pga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%db_cache_size%');

  36. NAME                                     VALUE                          DESCRIB
  37. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. sga_target                               0                              Target size of SGA
  39. __sga_target                             641728512                      Actual size of SGA
  40. memory_target                            1073741824                     Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
  41. memory_max_target                        1073741824                     Max size for Memory Target
  42. __db_cache_size                          448790528                      Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  43. db_cache_size                            0                              Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  44. pga_aggregate_target                     0                              Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
  45. __pga_aggregate_target                   432013312                      Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed

  46. 8 rows selected.
  1. SYS@proc> alter system set sga_max_size=500m scope=spfile;

  2. System altered.

  3. SYS@proc> alter system set sga_target=500m;

  4. System altered.

  5. SYS@proc> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=525m;        --1024-500=524,由于设置了sga_target=500m,可知pga_aggregate_target设置不能超过524
  6. alter system set pga_aggregate_target=525m     --过来假设先设置pga_aggregate_target=500,在设置sga_target超过524是可以的,不过startup报ORA-00838:"Specified value of MEMORY_TARGET is too small, needs to be at least %sM"
  7. *
  8. ERROR at line 1:
  9. ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
  10. ORA-00840: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be modified to the specified value

  11. SYS@proc> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=400m;

  12. System altered.

  13. SYS@proc> startup force;
  14. ...省略部分内容...
  15. Database opened.
  16. SYS@proc> show parameter pga

  17. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  18. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  19. pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 400M
  20. SYS@proc> show parameter sga

  21. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  22. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  23. ...省略部分内容...
  24. sga_max_size                         big integer 500M
  25. sga_target                           big integer 500M
  26. SYS@proc> col name for a40
  27. SYS@proc> col value for a30
  28. SYS@proc> col DESCRIB for a90
  29. SYS@proc> select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvl value,x.ksppdesc describ
  30.           from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y
  31.           where x.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  32.           and y.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  33.           and x.indx=y.indx
  34.           and (x.ksppinm like 'SYS@proc> SYS@proc> SYS@proc> 2 3 4 5 6 %sga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%memory%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%pga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%db_cache_size%');

  35. NAME                                     VALUE                          DESCRIB
  36. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. sga_target                               524288000                      Target size of SGA
  38. __sga_target                             524288000                      Actual size of SGA
  39. memory_target                            1073741824                     Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
  40. memory_max_target                        1073741824                     Max size for Memory Target
  41. __db_cache_size                          331350016                      Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  42. db_cache_size                            0                              Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  43. pga_aggregate_target                     419430400                      Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
  44. __pga_aggregate_target                   549453824                      Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed

  45. 8 rows selected.

  46. SYS@proc> alter system set sga_target=400m;

  47. System altered.
  48. SYS@proc> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=400m;
  49. System altered.

  50. SYS@proc> startup force;
  51. ...省略部分内容...
  52. Database opened.
  53. SYS@proc> show parameter sga

  54. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  55. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  56. sga_max_size                         big integer 500M
  57. sga_target                           big integer 400M
  58. SYS@proc> show parameter pga

  59. NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  60. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  61. pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 400M

  62. SYS@proc>select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvl value,x.ksppdesc describ
  63.          from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y
  64.          where x.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  65.          and y.inst_id=userenv('Instance')
  66.          and x.indx=y.indx
  67.          and (x.ksppinm like '%sga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%memory%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%pga%target%' or x.ksppinm like '%db_cache_size%');

  68. NAME                                     VALUE                          DESCRIB
  69. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. sga_target                               419430400                      Target size of SGA
  71. __sga_target                             524288000                      Actual size of SGA
  72. memory_target                            1073741824                     Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
  73. memory_max_target                        1073741824                     Max size for Memory Target
  74. __db_cache_size                          331350016                      Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  75. db_cache_size                            0                              Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
  76. pga_aggregate_target                     419430400                      Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
  77. __pga_aggregate_target                   549453824                      Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed

  78. 8 rows selected.
                    若更改的sga_target<__sga_target,则实际sga的大小还是为原来更改之前__sga_target (__sga_target有点像高水位线)



sga_target = memory_target*60%
pga_aggregate_target = memory_target*40%

1.如何降低“高水位线”“__sga_target”呢,经测试只能修改静态参数文件里边proc.__sga_target的值,而无法通过alter system set "__sga_target"=500m scope=spfile;的方式修改(会同时将sga_target和sga_max_size也手动设置调小),虽然可以成功执行。
        2.1 memory_target<>0也就是AMM模式下,包含ASMM
        2.2 memory_target=0也就是10G一样的情况下

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