RAC Renewal OCR / Voting disk

My test environment: 

Master System: winXP T400 
Virtual Software: GXS vmware3.2.1 
guest system: as5u1 

oracle db: oracle10.2.1 

As the cause of the accident two days ago, my colleagues, under the new plug power supply, so that my test environment rac unexpected power outages, resulting in a vote (votingdisk) virtual disk fails, causing systems to get up. How do? I was thinking is that until the last moment, determined not to reload. Recovery process is also familiar with the process. 

As the votingdisk disk failure, the system can not start, reporting votingdisk disk is not recognized, in order to allow the system to start, I votingdisk disk in vmware in re-add it again, before the system can restart. System up, the node rac1 gnome encountered the bug, better not affect the normal work rac. 

Because my votedisk damage, and there is no backup, we can only rebuild votedisk 

votedisk damage can only be reconstructed in two ways votedisk 

1. If votedisk back up, down with the backup and recovery 

Backup votedisk: dd if = / dev/raw/raw2 f = / tmp / votedisk.bak 
Recovery votedisk: dd if = / tmp / votedisk.bak f = / dev/raw/raw2 

2. No votedisk backup, then it can only reinstall clusterware the (votedisk the information is deleted or added in the installation of clusterware node node to add the information to go in and have ocssd process maintenance) 

According to my description of the failure phenomenon, now can only reinstall clusterware to re-initialize votedisk, has achieved the purpose of restoration 

This is the fastest way 


1. Stop all node clusterware stack 

[Root @ rac2 ~] # su - oracle 
[Oracle @ rac2 ~] $ su 
[Root @ rac2 oracle] # crsctl stop crs 

2. Backup directory for each node clusterware 

[Root @ rac1 oracle] # mv / u01/crs / u01/crsbak 

3. In order to avoid the new configuration information to configure and old conflicts, the best clear the configuration information must clusterware 

Clean up the old configuration information (in each node is running) 

3.1 crs from start to delete information 

Modify / etc / inittab, remove the following three lines. 

h1: 2: respawn: / etc / init.evmd run> / dev / null 2> & 1 dev / null 
h2: 2: respawn: / etc / init.cssd fatal> / dev / null 2> & 1 dev / null 
h3: 2: respawn: / etc / init.crsd run> / dev / null 2> & 1 dev / null 


rm / etc / oracle / * 
rm-f / etc / init.d / init.cssd 
rm-f / etc / init.d / init.crs 
rm-f / etc / init.d / init.crsd 
rm-f / etc / init.d / init.evmd 
rm-f / etc/rc2.d/K96init.crs 
rm-f / etc/rc2.d/S96init.crs 
rm-f / etc/rc3.d/K96init.crs 
rm-f / etc/rc3.d/S96init.crs 
rm-f / etc/rc5.d/K96init.crs 
rm-f / etc/rc5.d/S96init.crs 
rm-Rf / etc / oracle / scls_scr 
rm-f / etc / inittab.crs 
cp / etc / inittab.orig / etc / inittab 

ps-ef | grep init.d 

/ Etc / init.d / init.crsd 
/ Etc / init.d / init.evmd 
/ Etc / init.d / init.cssd 

3.2 clean up the old configuration information 

rm-rf / etc / oracle / * (delete ocr.loc) 
rm-rf / var / tmp / .oracle or / tmp / .oracle 

3.3 Use dd clear vote disk and ocr (raw device) 

dd if = / dev / zero f = / dev / votedisk_device bs = 8192 count = 2560 
dd if = / dev / zero f = / dev / ocr_device bs = 8192 count = 12800 


Clear 10g RAC CRS method 

4. Were performed at each node $ CRS_HOME / install / rootdelete.sh 

5. In any node on the implementation of the script. $ CRS_HOME / install / rootdeinstall.sh, only one node can run 

Crs above configuration is deleted, the following is re-install crs, execute the following command to check if there is no return value, it can continue to install 

ps-e | grep-i 'ocs [s] d' 
ps-e | grep-i 'cr [s] d.bin' 
ps-e | grep-i 'ev [m] d.bin' 

6. And in step 5, a node with the script. $ CRS_HOME / root.sh 

7. In other node implementation of the $ CRS_HOME / root.sh, and then note the last node of the output and, finally, run ". / VIPCA" 

8. With netca reconfigure listener, to confirm the registration to ocr 

This time with crs_stat-t-v can see the listener, ONS, GSD, VIP registration to ocr, the also need to asm, the database also registered in ocr 

9. ASM registered to ocr 

srvctl add asm-n rac1-i + ASM1-o $ ORACLE_HOME 
srvctl add asm-n rac2-i + ASM2-o $ ORACLE_HOME 

10. Start ASM 

srvctl start asm-n rac1 
srvctl start asm-n rac2 

Usually starts when the last instance will asm error, generally because of rac can not confirm which network to use as a private interconnect 
So can two ASM instance pfile to add the following two parameters 

Add two parameters in the file / u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/init + ASM2.ora 

+ ASM1.cluster_interconnects = '192 .168.0.31 ' 
+ ASM2.cluster_interconnects = '192 .168.0.22 ' 

ip must write right, or have problems, and then restart the asm instance, the problem can be solved 

11. Manual registration database objects (database name and db_name to the same case) 

srvctl add database-d RAC-o $ ORACLE_HOME 

12. Manual registration of two instances of objects (instances of the same name to and isntance_name case) 

srvctl add instance-d RAC-i rac1-n rac1 
srvctl add instance-d RAC-i rac2-n rac2 

13. Modify instances and examples of correspondence between asm 

srvctl modify instance-d RAC-i RAC1-s + ASM1 
srvctl modify instance-d RAC-i RAC2-s + ASM2 

14. Start the database (in this process will usually error, so as to hand-asm instance of the specified private interconnect) 

sql> alter system set cluster_interconnects = '192 .168.0.31 'scope = spfile sid =' * ' 
sql> alter system set cluster_interconnects = '192 .168.0.22 'scope = spfile sid =' * ' 

Then start the database 

srvctl start database-d RAC 

15. Check ons is normal 

[Root @ rac2 oracle] # ps-ef | grep ons 
root 4008 10066 0 08:39 pts / 0 00:00:00 grep ons 
root 5660 1 0 06:42? 00:00:00 sendmail: accepting connections 
oracle 16107 1 0 07:21? 00:00:00 / u01/crs/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/opmn/bin/ons-d 
oracle 16108 16107 0 07:21? 00:00:00 / u01/crs/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/opmn/bin/ons-d 

[Root @ rac2 oracle] # onsctl ping 
Number of onsconfiguration retrieved, numcfg = 0 
ons is not running ... 
[Root @ rac2 oracle] # onsctl start 
Number of onsconfiguration retrieved, numcfg = 0 
Number of onsconfiguration retrieved, numcfg = 0 
onsctl: ons started 
[Root @ rac2 oracle] # onsctl ping 
Number of onsconfiguration retrieved, numcfg = 0 
ons is running ... 
[Root @ rac2 oracle] # 

If ons can not start, you can use the following command, you can also directly edit the file $ CRS_HOME / opmn / conf / ons.config 

racgons add_config hostname1: port hostname2: port 
racgons remove_config hostname1: port hostname2: port 

16. Check whether the network command oifcfg normal 

eg: add interface configuration 

oifcfg setif-global eth0/ public 
oifcfg setif-global eth1/ cluster_interconnect 

17. With the following two commands verify the correctness of configuration 

1. [Oracle @ rac1 ~] $ / tmp/10201_clusterware_linux32/clusterware/cluvfy/runcluvfy.sh stage-post crsinst-n rac1, rac2 

2. Crs_stat-t-v 

This votingdisk already successfully re-configured, but also encountered in the process are many problems, the following is the summary of issues, including the third issue left a lot of detours, with a small half-time, other problems are are resolved quickly. 

1. As votingdisk disk failure, so re-add the removed disk in vmware 
2. Crs start-up problems (time synchronization) 
3. Asm2 not start instance of the problem (the point written as a comma) 
4. Can not start a database problem 
5. Onsctl startup problems 
6. Change / dev / raw is the main problem 
7. Oifcfg home network problems 

Specific problems and solutions, please refer to another article: http://blog.csdn.net/wyzxg/archive/2010/05/09/5572418.aspx 

Reference document: 

Reconstruction votedisk / ocr 

------ End ------

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完整版:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27595745/89522468 【课程大纲】 1-1 什么是java 1-2 认识java语言 1-3 java平台的体系结构 1-4 java SE环境安装和配置 2-1 java程序简介 2-2 计算机中的程序 2-3 java程序 2-4 java类库组织结构和文档 2-5 java虚拟机简介 2-6 java的垃圾回收器 2-7 java上机练习 3-1 java语言基础入门 3-2 数据的分类 3-3 标识符、关键字和常量 3-4 运算符 3-5 表达式 3-6 顺序结构和选择结构 3-7 循环语句 3-8 跳转语句 3-9 MyEclipse工具介绍 3-10 java基础知识章节练习 4-1 一维数组 4-2 数组应用 4-3 多维数组 4-4 排序算法 4-5 增强for循环 4-6 数组和排序算法章节练习 5-0 抽象和封装 5-1 面向过程的设计思想 5-2 面向对象的设计思想 5-3 抽象 5-4 封装 5-5 属性 5-6 方法的定义 5-7 this关键字 5-8 javaBean 5-9 包 package 5-10 抽象和封装章节练习 6-0 继承和多态 6-1 继承 6-2 object类 6-3 多态 6-4 访问修饰符 6-5 static修饰符 6-6 final修饰符 6-7 abstract修饰符 6-8 接口 6-9 继承和多态 章节练习 7-1 面向对象的分析与设计简介 7-2 对象模型建立 7-3 类之间的关系 7-4 软件的可维护与复用设计原则 7-5 面向对象的设计与分析 章节练习 8-1 内部类与包装器 8-2 对象包装器 8-3 装箱和拆箱 8-4 练习题 9-1 常用类介绍 9-2 StringBuffer和String Builder类 9-3 Rintime类的使用 9-4 日期类简介 9-5 java程序国际化的实现 9-6 Random类和Math类 9-7 枚举 9-8 练习题 10-1 java异常处理 10-2 认识异常 10-3 使用try和catch捕获异常 10-4 使用throw和throws引发异常 10-5 finally关键字 10-6 getMessage和printStackTrace方法 10-7 异常分类 10-8 自定义异常类 10-9 练习题 11-1 Java集合框架和泛型机制 11-2 Collection接口 11-3 Set接口实现类 11-4 List接口实现类 11-5 Map接口 11-6 Collections类 11-7 泛型概述 11-8 练习题 12-1 多线程 12-2 线程的生命周期 12-3 线程的调度和优先级 12-4 线程的同步 12-5 集合类的同步问题 12-6 用Timer类调度任务 12-7 练习题 13-1 Java IO 13-2 Java IO原理 13-3 流类的结构 13-4 文件流 13-5 缓冲流 13-6 转换流 13-7 数据流 13-8 打印流 13-9 对象流 13-10 随机存取文件流 13-11 zip文件流 13-12 练习题 14-1 图形用户界面设计 14-2 事件处理机制 14-3 AWT常用组件 14-4 swing简介 14-5 可视化开发swing组件 14-6 声音的播放和处理 14-7 2D图形的绘制 14-8 练习题 15-1 反射 15-2 使用Java反射机制 15-3 反射与动态代理 15-4 练习题 16-1 Java标注 16-2 JDK内置的基本标注类型 16-3 自定义标注类型 16-4 对标注进行标注 16-5 利用反射获取标注信息 16-6 练习题 17-1 顶目实战1-单机版五子棋游戏 17-2 总体设计 17-3 代码实现 17-4 程序的运行与发布 17-5 手动生成可执行JAR文件 17-6 练习题 18-1 Java数据库编程 18-2 JDBC类和接口 18-3 JDBC操作SQL 18-4 JDBC基本示例 18-5 JDBC应用示例 18-6 练习题 19-1 。。。


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