Additional Data Tab in Sales Order

Choose the table VBAP or VBAK ( depending on header or item)

Click on button "append Structures" .

It will propose you the standard name for the table ZAVBAP or ZAVBAK

Add fields with prefix ZZ like ZZCOLOR

In transaction SE51 maintain user exit screens in program SAPMV45A

- 8459 user exit item level

- 8309 user exit header level

You can then design your own layout. and define your flow logic.

PBO modules MV45AOZZ

PAI modules MV45AIZZ

Data definitions MV45ATZZ

Subroutines in MV45AFZZ


Just to add in to the above points...

If you are planning to bring in fields that needs to be updated in table VBAK(header sales) or Vbap (item sales) then

(1) first add the required fields as an append include in se11

go to se11 -> table -> click on "Append Structure" the new pop up..create a new include by clicking on "create" or using an existing include if any..give the description and you will get a structure where you can enter the fields required

follow this for vbak/vbap

(2) Go to SAPMV45A program in Se38 and take screen

8459 for screen to add fields at (additional dataB -> item)

take the screen layout and select the fields

VBAP-ZZ fields or the newly added fields or the ones you need on additional data B -> item details,put in on this screen, save and activate

Code can be written in PBO/PAI like a normal screen..

Repeat the same procedure but with screen number 8310 of program SAPMV45A (VBAK-ZZ fields) to obtain fields on additional dataB of header

Please note that the program SAPMV45A is common for other transactions like sales contract VA41/42/ whenever we write code ..please put check for VA01/Va02/Va03

if sy-tcode = Va01..etc

endif...Also pls note that access key is required for screen modifications

Also if you are showing fields from tables VBAK/VBAP in the screen of additional data B , no separate code needs to be writtn while saving and whatever checks that needs to be done for the fields,it can be done in 2 places

(a) in PAI/PBO of the screen itself

(b) go to se38 -> MV45AFZZ -> userexit_save_document or

userexit_save_document_prepare and write the code to check the conditions and give messages accordingly

here VBAK/VBAP data are available in XVBAK/XVBAP

If you are using Ztable fields on additional data B screen then we need to write code in PBO of the corresponding screen to fetch data in case of VA02/Va03 since data comes from a Ztable and not standard table VBAK/VBAP and also do validations here itself

Adding append structures to standard table VBAK/VBAP with required fields and using those fields on screen is advisable to avoid complications

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