Drop Ship

Drop ship意思是直发,直运(从供应商采购直接发到客户)的业务流程。订单中的物品是你没有的或因为没有足够的货仓储存而放置在供应商,从供应商直接发至客户的过程。Drop ship含"直销"的意思,或者称为"制造商直接出货(drop shipping)"。作为供应商我们可以用无人不知的DeLL戴尔电脑作为例子,作为买价我们可以用沃尔码来做典范. 下面这篇小文章供你参考。
简单说就是:发货人直接把货物发给最终消费者,而不经过中间商;常见于网上贸易如EBAY等,以小件物品中的日用品居多. 或者drop-ship简单说就是跳过你的这个客户直接由你们把货发给他的客户。这样他可以省去存货的压力,也可以节省时间!DROP SHIP是直接运交的意思,在美国指批发商向制造商采购货物,但约定货物无须经批发商转运,而由制造商直接运交批发商所指定零售商的运送方式。

直发有两种:Internal Drop shipment和External Drop shipment. 它们之间没有太大的区别,主要就是在SO中的Source type一个为Internal,一个为External。Internal的和shipping flow很相似。

让我们来看看Drop ship (Drop shipment)直发/直运是怎么运作的,让我们来看看如何做这个生意,你所要扮演的角色是:“Drop Shipper 直运商”。

Drop Shipper通常是产品的制造商或者批发商,也就是你了。当你的客户卖出你的一件产品给某个消费者时(譬如他以80美元卖出你的一件产品给消费者),这时他会通知你这个Drop Shipper 直运商付给你他已卖出的那件产品的价格(譬如50美元),然后真正奇妙的地方开始了:你作为Drop Shipper 直运商直接将货物发给最终的消费者,而且通常货物的包装上有你客户的公司标志。想想看这种销售方式与传统的有什么区别?赫赫,客户省去了物流操作,还不怕你跳过他直接与消费者交易。

这种交易方式一般限于同区域的三方:你的客户+你Drop Shipper 直运商+最终消费者,客户一般也只做在线销售,即最终消费者在收到货物之前对货物只有感官的认识而已,对于你的客户他可以选择很多Drop Shipper 直运商来使自己的产品销售范围非常广,对于你来说单件商品的价格可以得到充分的利润,一般来说因为你作为Drop Shipper 直运商要负责发货给客户指定的最终消费者,所以你对于运费针对不同地区可以做个统一价,而非计算每笔运费的实际价格。

看到这里,你不禁会说,难道我不会直接销售给最终用户? 嘿嘿,要是没有你的客户,你就可以做很好直运销售,那么恭喜你;要是你的客户通过他的努力,帮你建立了市场,给你源源不断的订单,那么我想你还是要讲诚信,不要那么贪婪想什么利润都自己得,毕竟每个人应该为他的付出得到回报,你说是吗?

那么作为"Drop Shippper直运人",要认真地考虑以下问题:

1. 货物是否符合直运销售模式? 某些产品是不适合邮寄的方式来寄送的,如贵重物品,易碎物品,易腐物品,危险物品,对方国家禁运物品等等 。

2. 如何报价?在国外,直运销售的模式非常普通,并非新兴事物.任何人都可以从专业的"Drop Shippper直运人(包括制造商或者批发商)那里得到详细的Drop shipment的目录或者详细的产品电子数据(包括产品图片,描述,单价等等),所以任何人都可以非常方便的用印刷目录或者在线网站开展Drop Shipment直运销售工作. 但是对于,"鄱湖之女"网友的公司来讲,存在着这方面的报价和资料准备问题,如何给出适合的价格? 而且这个价格要考虑利润,运费,包装等等问题。

3.作为drop shipment (制造商)直运销售的销售方式通常只在本国发生,不太有跨境销售,即时跨境销售也通常存在与一个经济或者地区的共同体内,因为货物的出口报关和进口报关工作是一项繁琐的工作. 即使现在有强大的快递公司如DHL, FedEx,UPS等提供物流支持,但是对于,"鄱湖之女"网友的公司来讲还是存在如何控制运费成本,如何保证货物出口和进口报关顺利,如何支付货物进口税收等等一系列问题.


总之,Drop Ship是为了消灭中间商,减少流通费用。


Selling Without Inventory

You might like to look at a free drop shipping program now. Go to Shop Poland Drop Shipping

About Drop Shipping
Sell without inventory, increase the number of products that you sell in your shop without increasing your inventory, sell hundreds of products on Ebay without ever having to handle anything, sell hundreds of products from a home computer in a corner of your room. Don't get involved in shipping, don't handle goods, don't put up with breakage and theft and all the other hassles of having a hard goods business. Use drop shipping.

"Drop shipping" is simply an arrangement between you and the manufacturer or distributor of the product you sell whereby the manufacturer or distributor -- NOT YOU -- ships the product to your customers.

Here's an example: Let's say Mary wants to set up a web site that sells skin care products. Instead of filling her basement with cases and cases of stock, and then going downstairs each time an order comes in, Mary puts together a drop shipping arrangement with a manufacturer who ships the products to her customers directly.

And the best part is that the manufacturer will happily ship the products using shipping labels with Mary's company name, address, and logo instead of their own. The product arrives at the customer's house a few days later, and they never know that the product wasn't shipped directly from Mary's warehouse!

Let's say Mary has a product called the "Total Skin Care Package," priced at $97. A customer visits her site, places an order, and is billed $97 plus $11 for shipping and handling.

Mary then sends the manufacturer an e-mail with her customer's order and shipping information. The manufacturer packs up the customer's order, puts Mary's shipping label on the package, and mails it out via UPS or FedEx, usually within 48 hours.

The manufacturer then bills Mary for the WHOLESALE price of the "Total Skin Care Package" -- in this case $64 plus $11 for shipping and handling. Since Mary has passed the shipping and handling fee on to her customer, she has just netted a profit of $33. AND ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS SEND HER MANUFACTURER AN E-MAIL!

There are a few huge advantages to this model. First, it SAVES YOU THE COST of building your own inventory. If you're like most people starting a small business, you don't have a ton of extra money lying around. The last thing you want to do is tie up your cash in inventory that you may or may not be able to sell.

No inventory also means no leftovers. If the product you sell suddenly becomes outdated, obsolete, or just plain un-trendy, you aren't the one with a house full of stock that nobody will buy. Many online retailers find themselves having to offer deep discounts -- and taking huge losses -- on old products just to get them out of their homes to make room for more inventory!

You'll also be able to SKIP THE HASSLES of shipping your products. Unless you've already set up a shipping account with someone like FedEx or UPS, you'll be heading down to the post office every day to buy stamps and mail out your products.

And you'll be able to ADD NEW PRODUCTS ALMOST INSTANTLY. Since you don't have to worry about ordering inventory, you can add products to your web site within a few hours. If you find that your customers are eager to buy a certain product, you can have that item up on your site in almost no time.

Have you ever noticed that there are literally hundreds - if not thousands -- of sites selling huge mish-mash selections of inexpensive gift items... things like plastic gnomes and porcelain figurines?

That's because there are a few HUGE drop shipping companies that import these items and then recruit web sites to sell them on their behalf. These companies have massive product inventories and make it very easy for people to get started selling their products for them.

Unfortunately, this is NOT the way to go if you are getting started with drop shipping. There are already a ton of these giant gift sites out there -- and way too much competition for you to reasonably expect to be successful at it.

Instead, spend some time researching different kinds of products that you might want to sell. The products you choose should be in demand but not widely available online. As usual, I highly recommend targeting a niche market rather than trying to find a product that EVERYONE wants to buy.

Once you've found a product that you think may be the right one for your business, you'll need to do a little "competitive analysis." This simply means finding out what potential competitors are charging for the products you want to sell and calculating how much of a profit you'll be able to make.

摘自 http://hi.baidu.com/nicesunday/blog/item/b04b364e748e5331afc3abd2.html

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