setup steps for consigned inventory

setup steps for consigned inventory

What are the setup steps required in order to view items in the Planning tab -  Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) for the iSupplier Portal?
The following steps outline what is required to view the Vendor Managed Items in the iSupplier Portal.

Purchasing Super User
Step 1 - Navigation - Items/Master Items
  Define the item in the Item Master.

    * Enter the item name and description
    * Choose Tools/Copy From - and apply the template titled - 'Purchased Item' - hit apply, then Done.
    * Still in the same form. - move to the General Planning tab - set the Inventory Planning Method to Vendor Managed
    * In the same tab, scroll down - set the replenishment point and order quantity - save

Step 2 - Navigation: Supply Base/Suppliers
 Define the supplier/vendor that is going to be used.

    * Enter the supplier name, save
    * Choose the Sites button - enter the supplier site information
    * In the supplier sites - choose the Contacts tab
    * Enter a supplier contact name if applicable

Step 3 - Navigation: Purchase Orders/Purchase Orders
  Define the Blanket Purchase Agreement

    * Set the type of Purchase Order - Blanket Purchase Agreement
    * Enter the supplier name and supplier site
    * Enter the lines region, filling in the values for Item, unit of measure, and price.
    * Save and Approve the purchase order

Step 4 - Navigation: Supply Base/Approved Supplier List
   Define the Approved Supplier List entry for the item/supplier combination

    * Move to the field Item and enter the Item name created in step 1
    * Click to the lower half of the form. - in the Business field - set this to Direct
    * Enter the supplier and supplier site that were used on the Blanket agreement
    * Choose the record details tab - change Global to Yes - Save

    * Select the attributes button - and a new sub-form. opens
    * Move to the upper right hand corner, set the Release Method accordingly

         Release Using Auto Create - The buyer will use the Auto Create form. to create the release or workflow will engage
         Automatic Release - The Create Releases concurrent request will create the requisition into an approved release
         Automatic Release/Review - The Create Releases concurrent program will create the release - as Incomplete

    * Proceed to add a sequence of 1 under the source documents tab - giving the blanket agreement number and line
    * Choose the Inventory tab - select the VMI Enabled checkbox
    * Set the Replenishment control settings
          o 'Automatic Allowed' determines if the  VMI replenishment engine will suggest quantities in the iSupplier Portal
          o Approval -  determines the entity that is eligible to conduct the replenishment 'Release' in the iSupplier Portal
          o Method - determines as to how the replenishment quantity will be determined
          o Set the minimum and maximum quantities - if the method chosen correlates to these fields - save

System Administrator
Step 5 - Navigate:  Profile/System

    * Set or consider setting the following profiles at the site/responsibility/user level - as appropriate:
                PO: Automatic Document Sourcing - Yes or No
          o If set to No, then the Sourcing Rules and Sourcing Assignment Set will be used by requisition import when releasing         from the iSupplier Portal
          o If set to Yes, then the most recent Blanket Agreement will be located when the requisition import process runs           after releasing from the iSupplier Portal

                    MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set - Yes or No

    * If the profile PO: Automatic Document Sourcing - is set to No - then it is important that this profile is set to reflect the Assignment set that is hosting the sourcing rule for the supplier

      Note: Sourcing Rules are not considered when the PO: Automatic Document Sourcing is set to Yes

Supplier User Management
Step 6 - Navigate: Register Supplier User

    * Enter the Supplier name - and other required fields
    * Entering contact information for the supplier
    * Assign the iSupplier Portal responsibility by checking the appropriate boxes
    * The Plan to Pay Supplier View should also be selected when using VMI
    * Take note of the Username entered - as this will be used in the future
    * Use a valid email address - as the password to the login will be sent via email
    * If not able to give an email address - step 7 gives a workaround
    * Choose Register

iSupplier Portal Full Access - Responsibility used to view Purchase Orders, request changes, view VMI, submit requisitions, create Advance Shipment Notices, etc.. Necessary to use VMI

Plan to Pay Supplier View - this responsibility contains a mix of the iSupplier Portal features and the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner functionality. It was found that this responsibility is necessary for VMI as it ensures a record is existing in certain MRP views used in the VMI model

Sourcing Supplier - allows suppliers to view negotiations which they were invited to, submit bids on RFQ's, etc..

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner - gives suppliers/customers access to load planning information - such as supply/demand schedules - which can then be utilized by the ASCP module - as the information will be collected and referenced during plan runs

Procure to Pay Supplier View - this responsibility contains a mix of the iSupplier Portal features and the Sourcing functionality. It is often in used to give suppliers a single responsibility - rather than having to assign both sourcing and isupplier portal

System Administrator
Step 7 - Navigate: Security/User/Define

    * Query the iSupplier login that was just created in Step 6
    * Enter a new password - save

Advanced Supply Chain Planner
Step 8 - Navigate: Collections/Oracle Systems/Standard Collections

    * Choose the instance Parameters (take defaults and select the following):
          o Collection Method - Complete Refresh
          o User Company Association - Enable User Company Association
    * Submit

The collections process must complete with success.  The process is responsible for extracting data into the tables which are used by iSupplier views to display data in the planning tab.

Step  9 - Navigate: Other/Request - Submit a new Request

    * Choose - VMI Replenishment Engine
    * Take the default parameters - submit and ensure it completes

Submit this request only after ALL the requests have completed in Step 8.  The collections process consists of many request set stages, they must all complete.

iSupplier Portal - Full Access
Login as the actual supplier - using the login and new password from Step 6 and Step 7

Step 10 - Navigate: iSupplier Portal Full Access (or equivalent) / Home Page

    * Choose the Planning tab
    * Search on the Item which was created - and view the results

If the replenishment quantity field is not having the ability for data entry (above is seen with 5 present), then the VMI Replenishment Engine was not run in Step 9 or did not complete.  The Replenishment Engine is responsible for recommending a quantity for release.

Releasing the replenishment quantity will insert records into the po_requisitions_interface_all table and engage the requisition import process to create the requisition.  Upon completion of the Requisition Import process, the Create Releases program will engage and depending on the setups in the Approved Supplier List, will automatically create the Blanket Release.

A receipt will need to be accomplished against the Blanket Release along with a run of the Data Collections process in order for the other fields in the iSupplier Portal to be updated appropriately.  The receipt does not increment/decrement actual sub-inventories in the core application, but instead are flagged as VMI quantity available for the supplier.


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