Hongxing emphasize the technique of sand maker

By entering into the 21st century, so many large hydropower stations in our country come into operation in succession, which makes the hydropower construction go into a period of great prosperity. And these engineering projects can never be finished without using artificial sand and stone as the concrete aggregate and this is no exception. With over 30 years of production practice and the obtained technical achievements as the foundation, the artificial sand technology in our country entered the era of rapid innovation and can be widely used. International advanced technology and rich practical experience are in the organic combination makes artificial sand technology in our country to reach and even create first-class level in the world in some aspects.

Since its appearance in 1965, artificial sand making technology has presented a considerable development trend, and so far, this technology has reached the international advanced level. This machine is the stone production pattern which has been used for decades in our country. Developed till now, the sand system design concept that adapts to the time development has been formed and been in wide application and dissemination because of its excellent technology and high economical benefits.

The third generation sand maker manufactured by Hongxing Machinery is an advanced and efficient machine that withstands the test of market, our sand manufacturing line equipment can process the rocks into 1 to 20 millimeters of fine sand and coarse sand according to customer needs. Especially on the most significant end such as high iron, highway construction site everywhere you can see thousands of cubic meters of the stone and sand stacks, of which the equipment used cannot lack the supply of Hongxing Machinery. As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as mobile crushing station, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service. Sand maker:http://www.hxjqchina.com/product-list_57.html
vibrating screen:http://www.hx-china.com/10.html

How it is working?

1. Center Feeding: Raw material falls down into feed hopper, and then enters impeller through central entrance hole. It is accelerated in high-speed impeller, and then is thrown out at speed of 60-75m/s. When hitting impact plate, it is crushed. Final products come downwards though outlet.

2. Ring Feeding: Raw material falls down into feed hopper, and then through ring, it is divided into two parts by material-dividing plate. One enters into impeller through the center of material-dividing plate. The other falls down from outside of material-dividing plate. Material, which is thrown out by impeller at speed of 60-75m/s hits material coming down from outside of material-dividing plate. In this way, material is crushed. Our company manufactures various kinds of sand maker and HX series impact crusher.

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